Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ice Skating Shoe Size

EPT Copenhagen 2011 - Update

Even the Day 1B European Poker Tour (EPT) Copenhagen in 2011 was from a German point of view hardly encouraging. Total paid on the second start date in the Danish capital 14 poker professionals from the German-speaking countries, the buy-in of 37 250 Danish crowns (approximately 5,000 €). But only 6 German Poker pros from Day 1B will now be on Day 2 of the EPT Copenhagen in 2011 is still one of the party. The best place in the overall chip count Kurt Fabian from Switzerland (108 025 chips) and Mohamed Sta from Germany (65,500), both at day were already successfully 1A. On Day 1B scored Stefan Schulze with 56,000 chips, the best German result. They are all located in the upper third of the EPT Copenhagen 2011th

The most promising opportunities for victory in the Danish city after World Day 1B, the Lithuanians Domantas Klimciauskas who has taken on Day 1B at 203 800 chips. Additionally, can be Michael Aron (USA/191.000) and Ramzi Jelassi (Schweden/169.200) any hope of victory and the herewith associated prize money of 3.7 million Danish kroner (330,000 euros). All in all, the two starting days, 449 poker players took the cards in the claw, so that it is a total of 15,086,400 DKK. Paid, the best 64 poker players at the EPT Copenhagen. On day 2, still 262 poker professionals will be with the poker tournament.

Various known German poker pros had the second start date in the EPT Copenhagen 2011 emphasize the sails. Thus failed, for example, Karl-Heinz Klose with Kc Qc Ah As to his opponent. In addition, adopted Dominik Nitsche, who was with Ax to Ax Jx Qx in front. But as Jx brought from the River for the Germans in Denmark. Team PokerStars also Pro Sebastian Ruthenberg on Day 1B has already kicked off the table. He moved on a board of Ks Qs 5d 9s 9d 9c Ts Tc Ts against the short straw. However, some international poker aces like Victor Blom, aka Isildur1 were eliminated on the second start date.

PokerStars EPT Copenhagen Video:

Here are the chip counts and mainly for two Swiss, it looks good. But it has to Patrick Marquez also caught one of them:
  1. Olivier Sangnialli - 150,000
  2. Kurt Fabian - 115.000
  3. Mohamed Sta - 75,000
  4. Elmar Dirnberger - 72,000
  5. Stefan Schulze - 50,000
  6. Thorsten Schäfer - 42 000
  7. Mark Herbel - 41 000
  8. Florian Langmann - 38,000
  9. Erkan Yildirim - 23,000
  10. Andrew Boehnlein - 22,500
  11. Dominik Mueller - 5,500

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Babi Italia Gina Changing Table

Much too tall, the largest monologue reading experience of the last twenty years.


cried while reading - so really, with a handkerchief, sobbing and forced reading break, as tears blind - I have 1991, when Gandalf lost against the Balrog - and later again to the big farewell scene the Grey Havens. And again recently when Dustfinger died (and once again when he returned). In between there were some damp corner of the eye, winking a little, but nothing serious.

We can already see, I'm not easily get out of the socket while reading.

No, I have not even cried when Sirius fell through the curtain - that I held until the middle of Seven Band a bad joke - and not, as Wolf was the favorite of its author abgemurkst from behind - I was too angry, and not for a second ready to accept this decision, 1,000 pages Fanfiction Wolf in the back.

What was different this time?

Well, firstly there are always the "lone wolves", which I give my heart, the quiet, mysterious figures that melancholy, yearning - was but in the case of the ink world there's more.

What should be noticed: It takes a bit more for me until I click a hype jump up. Harry Potter I came, appeared as a band four. I just do not like the feeling of following a mass movement, and, if Harry Potter was more surprised than I that it was so refreshingly original children's literature, all departed to the Sun In the case of the ink world, I did not even have the time to be surprised - I was just sucked.

The principle of magic is simple: Both Rowling and Funke access secret, well-kept children and young dreams. You feel like the doormat the world? All are rude and tell you that you are good for nothing? Zack, you are a magician, you are something better, and in the newly discovered magical world you're a star. And there's so much to discover.

You're a lonely child / a lonely teenager (and who was not, at least temporarily?) And live more in your favorite books as in the real world? You wish you friends, as described in the books, instead of Luscher, who live in your street? Zack, as they rise out of the books, you can touch them, you can smell it, talk to them (and you resent it, but that's probably it). Is there anyone who has not dreamed of? I have spent my entire childhood and youth in this state - and to write about the beloved characters, the fulfillment of that dream came closest to.

(Believe me, I invented the fanfiction, the mid-1980s that its products have not only survived, fortunately the years.)

heard But to me that I drop in a novel as possible that I shed tears rampant when you die "my" main character? I have to trust the author. I must be sure that with my feelings lightly plays that they do not expect around the next corner plot with a bucket of cold water. That she did not disappoint by leaving acting 'my' main character illogical in itself, not its potential exploits, or even push them through a curtain, if it is its gotten out of hand . I do not want demonstrations of power to "my" characters (and my feelings) to be made - do not want the author of something or someone where I hang destroyed, simply because it can it.

that matter, I was at Mrs. Funke in the best hands.

course, to spell with the almost old-fashioned storytelling at - the very best sense. Here is told . Mrs. Funke lingers in the situation, they will cost, using the opportunities. Not rushing as in modern action novel from scene to scene. Stay with her characters, and when to say something important or to feel, then they can be them of the time.

We talk a lot. The characters talk to each other, falling on the particular reading: Volume One, Inkheart, I read just before my son (who can read but very well myself, but depends on the tradition of reading aloud - and which book was better suited to maintain this tradition). Still not a word too much, no dialogue is unnecessary. The questions are based, are unavoidable, and at no time slipping away in speech babble.

The language does the rest. Even the readers are women spark the opportunity, in a "Setting" to come and look around. I'm not a great friend Descriptions (which is why I get tired too quickly, most fantasy novels), but here they fit so naturally into the progress of the plot and are purely linguistically beautiful that one, many of them framed instead of a picture would hang on the wall. Of course, there are action scenes, and are then much faster, but they serve as highlights and not as a permanent pace.

action scenes never lead to a character that readers will be close. The love comes, like in real life, in the quiet moments (what does it really?).

What is important still, the figures determine the action, not vice versa. While Ms Rowling, I often had the feeling that the characters adapt to the need for action, for example by spells is simply "forgot" to get so dramatic or potential problems remain to Mrs Funke action almost necessarily from the characteristics and the mental life of the characters.

example, Mortola. In Volume One of a marginal figure, it is first introduced as the servant of the top villain. In the course we learn that she is the mother of the top bad guy and loves him madly (also approves of his action). Stupid for them that the top bad guy at the end of Volume One dies.

Volume Two opens a new storyline that only very loosely linked with that of the first volume. Also in Volume Two of "murderer" of the top bad guy has a major role, namely as one of the top three main characters, if not the main character. He already thinks little more to the top villain, dealing with entirely different problems, it unfolds a whole new story: but there is still Mortola, the desperate, hate ate mother whose son was murdered in her eyes cold. And while JK, bet, would simply disappear into oblivion - she is not involved in the new plot, so it dissolves into thin air - it evolves with Mrs. Funke to the chaotic element, that the hero always gets in the way, drove through two thick books of the desire to avenge the death of her son. This is so logical, that is so convincing, it gives the world depth and results in their characters that seriously - as individuals acting on their own initiative, not puppets of stripping . Hang

course maybe one in every book characters, some more than others. With Mo, the bookbinder-action hero, I was mainly from volume two do not really - it's just the classic hero, and my heart is never on the side of heroes. How artful way, played with his identities - it is not Mo, a bookbinder who becomes a hero, but the jay, a kind of Robin Hood figure, whose identity he assumed, and to there was only a legend - a story that is told within a story - this was touched on only briefly here. Mo and I were definitely not a dream team, and that I had always read Brendan Fraser's back hamster teddy bear face term in mind, did not help. And the fact that Brendan Fraser has delivered in Funke's fantasy woman, the optical reference to Mo helped me - but I was also the last author, who insists that the reader shares her vision of the characters, and I 'm sure Mrs Funke's does not.

(? Honest: Who of you is blond Krona)

Another example of the intensity of the characters connect with each other, the love triangle Dustfinger - Farid - Roxane. Roxane is Dustfinger woman he has not seen due to unfortunate circumstances for ten years, after he has eaten like paper in the fire. Farid in turn is also a castaway, a teenager who joins from the first encounter dust fingers, a kind of cult hero worship and, finally, to dust builds finger apprentice. Dusty fingers, as a loner at first annoyed and unsettled by the brash boy learns to tolerate it until then to like and eventually close as a foster son to the heart. Farid's feelings towards Dustfinger are described with great intensity, a almost romantic love is born there, and I wonder really shows that there is not thousands Fanfictions - but maybe the characters are too large to "pure" than that they wanted to dabble in their biographies.

as dust finger is reunited with Roxanne, Farid responds logically jealous. This triangular relationship is only a subplot, but has a moment of motion that drives the action again and again. Roxanne takes her husband does not believed to be dead straight with open arms (even that is logical, it is their life different now established), and Farid goes in the same mood as the waves of the couple, only with reversed sign: Happy, albeit with a bad conscience when Roxane rebuffed her husband leaves, and jealous, also with poor conscience when she gets involved. The closer the couple comes back, the more dissolved Farid off - a process of growing up - until he finally solves finger of dust and goes his own way (each R & D is now , r the other one died and came back from the dead, what This unique relationship gives).

course, there are also action in the books, but the "unique position" of the trilogy is not the plot. In the first volume I even think that the act itself, that is pure plot, I was not blown away: that's a little too much back and forth tug of war and for the coveted book, here I would have more contours and accents spices encouraged. Volume two and three, related content, are of the action her complex, interwoven like a multicolored carpet, with many unpredictable elements and a smart way together, which leaves you speechless. Over here I could write three pages again, and a literary work on the role of death, not as completers, but as a transformation - and the responsibility to the writers for their worlds and creatures have & ndash , what happens if they exploit them when they are vain and do not arise entirely in the service of her characters - which I assume JK, but this is also addressed within the ink trilogy again and again - and the medieval motifs, both in language and in the setting, the woman takes up spark (although I here a little more consistency required in the naming would have, because here are Italian-inspired names such as Basta next to "talking" with fingers like dust, in addition to literary occupied name as Roxane, as well as Irish-looking Brianna ...) - and a thousand other things well. Not to mention the 2,000 pages Dustfinger fanfiction that I would come up with a snap of the fingers.

Someone has written in any commentary on the minstrel song, compared to me that Ms Funke pack. At that time I flattered taken note. Today I have to compliment (certainly meant love) to shame denied me.

I have to practice a lot more.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ohio Driver License Renewal Online

I will never sleep again.

because now I have a new coffee maker. So a of the chic, which are also well-equipped small office kitchens. What fits, because my kitchen is my office, at least temporarily. A pad machine, with no caps, because I find the waste balance irresponsible, in my regular use.

I've quarreled long whether I should make me such a little machine - at least I have not had to live without coffee, and money for to pay for something that I have already is, I always contrary. But my old Machine was developed in recent years, two drawbacks: First, blocked the huge box, originally purchased for a much larger kitchen, my little kitchen office and took in the fact like an elephant in a hamster cage. On the other, over the years, something broke in the intestines, which meant that the coffee beans were ground only roughly - a substance that was in their granularity somewhere between aquariums sand and grit. Of powder no trace. What result in a, shall we say, very heart-and stomach-friendly coffee led. And because coffee machines are the poor man's Blackberry, or a small woman, I gave in my game engine on sale and ordered me my shiny new little machine.

Yes, passing is with heart-and stomach-friendly. A cup of the brew keeps me awake for about fifty-six hours. Since I am used to but to drink four to five cups a day, there is compelling logic to the above forecast.

Also good: I have more time to write.