Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reduce Infection In A One Month Old

Ackermann and liberalism.

Briefly, as background:
Banks around the world currently suffer from the fact that they have in the past often credit risks simply swept aside and have very quickly moved out money to anyone who wanted it. It turns out that many of these loans are lazy and can not be served. Therefore, the banks had already large depreciation (billions) make, which is not everything, but there are other credit, from which will result in depreciation, but which are difficult to assess so far. depends on the banks like a gear the whole economic system. If the banks so as massive as now come to a stuttering, it's just a matter of time before the rest of the economy as gets into it.

observed very interesting how in this context, convinced liberals, as the head of Deutsche Bank, demanding government action at a time when it comes to their own company-billion. Suddenly we hear nothing more from the absolute self-healing abilities, etc. You could call it almost brazenly, as it is self-inflicted.

"growth and jobs flourish there best where there is economic freedom, or, to put it to Ralf Dahrendorf." Freedom is the Guiding principle of all progress of human affairs "" Josef Ackermann, in a speech in 2007

. We have no time to wait until the U.S. housing market for years to dismantle the imbalance. It takes a concerted effort by banks, governments and central banks. I think here not only to the self-healing forces of the markets. "

Where are down at once the great liberal values? Probably fits somewhere well hidden Easter ...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bad Taste In Mouth After Wisdom Teeth

way to

Since Monday, 03/10/2008 I am free again.
After a night of poor sleep at exactly 8:00 I was standing in front of the copy Fritze, in his usual friendly manner within minutes of 20.'ve printed and bound, then the audit office, where I was the first point at 9:00 with Mrs. Märker submitted my thesis.

Now I am looking for a short let-rent accommodation in Cologne for my internship and then try again by regular exercise to lose some of the eroded diploma bacon. From tomorrow I will begin to apply my intensive.