Monday, April 28, 2008

Diffrence Molten Pro Touch And Super Touch

A bicycle makes trouble

Since there is hardly a bike, and it brings only trouble and expense.

equal in the first week, which in was used, one could hardly steer properly. Fortunately, on my route just a bike shop come so that I could leave it there to make immediately. New connection between the frame and handlebars are now off, but the 40 EUR price I got it place further by 35 EUR on it.

Yesterday I met with an old friend Viadrina (Eugene) met in Wuppertal. Of course I am using the bike to the Cologne train station. When I came back around 23:00, but was obviously the lock so damaged that I do not aufbekam it. When I had herumgeruckelt a little, I saw that was mounted on the handlebars a note: I should get in touch with the Federal Police in the station. There I was told by the friendly officer that someone was well observed, as he tried to break my lock (I wonder, why does the one who has the ugliest bike Olleste and within selected by 3 km). The police then nabbed him in time. As the castle was not open with the key, the policeman came with a bolt cutters out and cracked the whole thing quick. He said then that the guy I also for damage to property might indicate, but the 5 EUR, I was not then worth a further 20 minutes to spend at the station ...