Sunday, May 11, 2008

What Does First Period Look Like

old reviews, but why? ;-)

just in my old German-credit course documentation (born 99/00), laminated and came across a very interesting discussion paper from my pen.

I can not but recall exactly what has driven me to write this final word, but I think it was mainly influenced by my former German teacher, who I "really" very appreciated, but I was their political but then to the left. I think I simply wanted to provoke a little, which is probably also succeeded because it has such things written in the margin, such as "This is surely not your real ? Opinion "or" There is need for discussion "Still funny, especially the image of the lead ball is funny. Give

But you have to Loest with his pessimistic insight from today's perspective, right:
Building to the east is actually going very slow and sluggish. If the West the "Easterners" could not have, we might now be the country with the lowest taxes, the most efficient workers and the lowest unemployment rate in Europe.
But Ossi depends on us as the lead ball on the prisoner. This destruction is not only our economy, but our political landscape. Immediately they choose the squad SED / PDS in the Bundestag. "cashing in as Honnecker, live like cabbage, "is the motto of the idle Easterners that we will still prepare a lot of trouble.