Sunday, November 9, 2008

Home Made Boat Engine

05th with bacon catch mice - and what you guys start?

love her!

the early morning party report comes this time directly from my bedroom exquisite, where I lay in bed sky and me the ultimate post-party snack for hangover prevention leads to heart: chocolate croissants from Balthazar. mhmm. But even this pleasure comes not get to the absolutely exhilarating party starter by E . I can only say one thing - if you were not there, you do I'm really sorry. you have the party season starter party of the year - missed - if not the century. I certainly have enjoyed themselves immensely and I dance when removed determined on the seven kilo - not that I would need it. but I will not make jealous, at least not too much. there's always a next time. and as far as I can already promise - The motto of the upcoming events likely plenty of ... flighty fail. and this time are really invited all . is yes for a good cause.

family matters
I know hate is a strong word, but hey, we are in puberty. of us will really expected us to hate our parents occasionally times. the same goes for siblings - whether older or younger - especially for those who are not even related to us and which we have never wanted.

if such an unwanted brother is a rather handsome young man, however, which - as I happen to know personally - is extremely good surf und ungefähr so gut in badeshorts aussieht wie Matthew McConaughey, könnte man sich das mit dem hass noch mal überlegen. unschuldige flirts mt stiefbrüdern sind weder inzestuös noch illegal. man hat seinen spaß und wenn man dann praktischerweise auch noch zusammenwohnt ... na ja, ist nur so eine idee. allerdings sieht es nicht so aus, als würde B sie in betracht ziehen.

viele von euch haben sich gefragt was es mit dem kiffersnob auf sich hat, hier nun die erlösung.

total breit im central park
der kiffersnob - die edelausgabe des normalokiffers oder dauerbreitlings. im gegensatz zum landläufigen rauchfreund steht der kiffersnob nicht auf speed metal oder virtuelle players associations or skateboarding or vegan diet. he can tweak the hair stylists and vim has pores clear skin. he always smells delicious, with cashmere sweaters, which gives him his friend, write good notes and is nice to his mom. he sails and plays football. it can bind tie knots and handle all the standard dances. he is sexy! but the kiffersnob can never be quite a bit. to anything or anyone. he is not a daredevil, and he never says what he thinks. He shuns the risk, and that's what makes it so risky to fall in love with him.

you may have noticed that I'm the exact opposite - I always say what I think. oops! and I firmly believe that opposites attract. I admit, I am becoming langsanm to kiffersnob groupie. and since I do not seem to be the only one.

T last night when leaving the park . alone. again. How is it, girls? if it can convert one, but then one of our series, right? However E already looked charming, just as they later hour on the way home a homeless of nearby met, her black goodybag of kate spade presented. is the karma points sexkitten collect about working hardest? E that at the same time, the 10th avenue entlangtigerte probably in the hope, still a province-noodle from the depths of new jersey to be able to tear open. Wait a minute, he had been encouraged not yet seen (in all respects) chat at the bar of the park with B? interesting move by the queen bee, especially since I withdraw it proceed with a certain C . allowed to is not just the obscene trulla, that we bust advertising posters last spring to admire all the remi-brothers ? IRGs. Also spotted too late: J and J . had to stay two ago about the whole night? well for the subsequent Wednesday brunch in the park . the wise! shuffled and last but not our little English lord C , the street in the early rather indecisive on the opposite direction of the met on and off. It would not interest me, I would not know which little enthusiastic party girl filming right there in popcorn and old audrey hepburn, spent their Tuesday evening.

ye love me, I still mixes fast gray-goose-martini with a tiny splash vermouth going to plug my laptop in its black calf leather bag from Balenciaga and try until the fourth hour to create history. However, it is my right difficult to concentrate on the lesson, but when I look at my nails the whole time, that of black satin chanel - are painted (ätschebätsch I got it!). I'll see you on the school hallway, or maybe not.

keep an eye!