Thursday, May 28, 2009

Black And White Polka Dotted Dog Bed

8th Column (theme: "Life in Forums"), Filmrenzession "Charlie Chaplin - The Kid + Miscellaneous

Hello and Welcome to my eighth Column output

It's a lovely Friday evening (do not be surprised, I've posted the preparations on Thursday, so here is 28.05.), I sit comfortably with my second cup of cherry yogurt tea front of the PC and look forward to a long weekend of Pentecost. The work week was exhausting, and the previous one also, so I hereby apologize for delay. That's why I'm even more on the extra day.

way, I just realized that it was already the 8th Issue is the countdown, so to speak.

I can assure you that preparations for the 10th Issue with the official launch is in full swing. The spider-moods are fully in work, about a quarter are ready and some very interesting spiders issues are also collected already. If this column has the character the spider, it means the introduction of the guest commentator should also be suitable topics available - I think. Otherwise the guest commentator to comment on anything.

is so slow with me but also a general positive attitude felt to spiders. This is reflected in the fact that I collect not only plastic spiders, but now I also have a plush key ring with a stylish pink spider (I think it probably has a whole-body Hair Colouring subject) with a green ribbon in her hair and has a fat grin on his lips. Simply divine this spider that I found by chance on eBay and have just bought "just for fun".

I find absolutely cute. So I now always carry with me, I have attached to my keychain. There she is now fit and a grin on my keys.

you is left of the World Sheep Company for which this is interested. They are the sheep all very, very terrible Goofy finds.

Also I could see myself that I no longer mash other spiders when I meet them. Some, that is very very small, under which the would fit a fingernail, I manage to take even the wire out and enforce. And when I finally during the lunch break outside in the garden shed as a medium-sized spider crawled over my arm, I have the arm just very loosely adhered to the edge of the table and let them crawl on the table. Without shouting and little-girl shrieks. No frantic jumping up and wild with-the-poor-by-the-site-gefuchtel garnished with hue and Mordiogeschrei.

Whether there probably gradually wide makes a real spider-sympathy? I'll be watching in any case even further. Would not the first time that an opinion or attitude in the course of life changes. Such a thing has been through all determined before, I am sure.

Sooo, but I really do not have completely missed in the introduction, so I am now quite ungallant for the first sub-item:

What's this time to read with you?

In my eighth Column output I have this time with the theme "Life in forums. Since I regularly since 2001 in forums on the road have / had, I would like this one comment. Beware, there are unpleasant things come to light.

In my Filmrenzesion times I've ventured to a classic that has moved me almost to tears. Charlie Chaplin, the master of silent film with one of his greatest works: "The Kid . An absolutely beautiful film in the lives of his gestures, facial expressions and the acting abilities of the protagonists. Amiable the role of the "tramps" Chaplin and the heartbreaking story of a baby, the tramp of his picks and finally accepting.

is still something new added. The reason was, how could it be otherwise, Homer, who took me through a link to it. It's about Personal Top Ten Lists how they created each time happily. Some of their favorite actor, others about their favorite books, favorite movies ... or even the biggest serial killers in history. Yes, for such a topic, there are also top ten lists. To see from this link . In my list it's "only" the personal Top Ten List of male performers series. I certainly can not create such a list every week, but so in between I'll always wanted recoup.

In anecdote / ramblings / Images Gallery this time it's about my latest acquisition: Copic Ciao and my first attempt to deal with it. Two colorations of older pictures I have uploaded for viewing. Also I found out something interesting: Tim Burton is filming Alice in Wonderland , that's when Burton's style anyway a "must see", but he still has one of my favorite actors won as Syncronisator and it fits just like chalk and cheese eye - but read for yourself then I have a few things short and sweet when it comes to my newest fanfiction and a few interesting links .

would be to say is:

In this sense ...

... Have fun clicking through:

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8 . Kolumenthema: "Life in forums"

Subtitles: ? "Oh, because there were even a real life"

Everyone knows this, and has been through it before. Things and acts in daily life that are absolutely annoying. You already know in advance that it's actually a waste of time and energy is wasted, and yet you do it over and over again.

One of these things, for example, around the post in forums. I admit I used to run it with enthusiasm, although I already knew even then that it is complete nonsense actually. Hardly a appropriate response to detailed comments and the tone in this forum is sometimes just as harsh as in everyday life.

The worst part is that you have to actually show continuous present tense if you want "up to date" remain, but what if you have a decent regular job is not always possible. Unless you have a job where there is absolutely nothing to do and you "waste of time" has. The best still change constantly, the avatars, let's even hourly basis, or best of all the signatures to the current state friends what you've just seen what you just do what is just your favorite saying, and so on and so bla bla bla ... An infinite time

Eater would be avoided so simple: You register no longer in forums. But first things first, what are forums at all? Forums are platforms where you take the Internet and a community forms around there in the different areas of items, discussions which lead to so with the right people working is also great.

I think that's the principle was also once been intended from the outset, only stands now rather a tendency to "around flame / bash" (which means verbal) or "spamming" (meaningless scrap Leave - Who knows the Monty Python gag with the "spam", which is the idea). There are known groups that form within the Forums are trained each take a close look at it ventures into "their" territory to register and make it wide.

I admit, for a time I myself was subject to that constraint. I had joined a group and have regular Newbies (so called, the newly-registered) with no real apparent reason, or just simply bullied out getritzt. Why? Good question. Similarly, one could ask the bully why he bullying. He would reply: "But everything is just fun." For the victims, it is anything but fun. I know that from personal experience.

Why did our son still shit? I really do not know. Maybe it was the dynamics of the individual in the group, perhaps I have let myself be carried away easily. "The power, so I could also do it." The trouble is the threshold falls further and further down when you do such things to life. Ultimately, I owe it to my job taking up the beginning of March that I've stopped with the thin-quality shit bullshit finite. The bullying and posting in forums. And I want Forums are only logged in yet, if I can be sure there to argue and also decent and not to bully out of sheer boredom and group affiliation begin feeling other people.

Now in retrospect it does me, of course, suffering, and I know now that the shit was. I can not talk nicely wegreden it somehow, but I can just stand for what I did. And I do with this post. I admit that I built shit, and want to change in future. Otherwise I live, after all, even after the motto: "What does not want that what you do, do not do to others. "truer words I would have found impossible.

Back to the forums:

Many of the types which are to meet regularly every day in forums, as I observe that many broken lives. I also belong to the picture that is no exception. That is not surprising, who is already a wankfreie contained personality? He who is without blemish may please throw the first stone waiting ...* *... na no? I'm self thought so.

Just as types meet in the next local bar, then meet people in forums to chat over there. has only that there is something cheaper as opposed to beer drinking in the local pub and it is not such a long start-up and Abfahrtsweg. The course is completely flat. Therefore, the complete human traits fall under the table. Sure, you can see his opponent only if you happen to an uploaded photo of the place or somewhere on the web two communicating each have webcams. But who has it? So you can say, you do not have to read the Möglichkeitenin the faces, facial expressions, gestures or body language. This all falls away. To make do know that most here the smilies that are to expressing emotions.

But what if one uses these emotions too often and they do not convey the emotions present but simply not used as "decoration"? Then they have missed its purpose and it is completely dependent misszuinterpretieren the text is not the opposite. But unfortunately, every now and then occurs.

course you can sign misunderstand the upper edge of upper lip to fall too drunk types and get into a Prügellei. Since the forum is something more secure. "Only" verbal communication is, and I also must say that verbal defamation can also be painful. After a pub brawl have reassured the opponents usually sit back and at the end often together at the bar, sipping on their beer bliss. Maybe they even talk over the fight and looking forward to it finally getting rid of their excess energy.

degenerates into forums that sometimes made into a real witch hunt. There, people will publicly ridicule, it is pulled over them and made them publicly done. The same is what the common bully at school, just hold still in the zone "Internet" it is still a little escape. Most of what is posted is sacrosanct to the injured and he has no great influence to remove defamation from the net.

course, I would now advise anyone absolutely in forums to register. There are also quite good forum in which we can actually discuss nor appropriate that just come without any moralist and an equally piss on my legs just because you're a little deviated from the real issue. Discussions can not be in a totally Tight corset, because it prevents you a lot of the discussion. You can not develop properly if any attempt to come to a conclusion is nipped in the bud by saying: "If the subject of" What the sky or thunder Again we are otherwise "Stop here for talks." here? That would be the same would be to stay with the example, as the bartender would listen to the guests and get involved whenever they deviate from the topic. I think as a bartender would very quickly either his false teeth on a cash basis or would be quickly rid of his customers.

course is a well maintained on mutual consideration agreeable basis in a forum of the utmost importance, but as in real life there is always friction, which sometimes can not be avoided easily. Since then pointed out the friendly but please clarify by PM (Personal Message), so it does not lead to public defamation. But what happens when you are in the forum is running again on the way? In everyday life, you can go just as hard bit out of the way, but there I have had the experience that one is more willing to arrange with the opposite somehow, Unfortunately, what the internet is rarely the case. Usually it ends with the one must disappear and the other as "the great winner" looks, because the other apparently "been busted his tail" has. Perhaps the winner veremeidliche should anything go in and think about whether what he rightly tinkering is there in his unbounded imagination, not stems from a fallacy and the "gone away" was not the wiser.

Each must decide for himself whether he ultimately is the energy guzzlers: Forum chooses as a hobby. I'll say the same, it can be a hobby and I mean full-length almost every night. It's almost like being in a state of intoxication: Who posted? Must I answer? What are the new themes? It's like an endless loop that usually only stop when the forum is either deleted or abandoned. Or even on the funnel is that there is still a real world out there is the value that one is dealing with it and can not squeeze in front of a machine. use

The Internet and the PC as a means to an end is also in order, but everything in moderation. Everything is too much is unhealthy anyway, that's for sure.

And if you forget the password, please register Just again to new. ;)

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Filmrenzesion " Charlie Chaplin " - The Kid

Cover image:

Name of the film: , "The Kid"
Director: Charlie Chaplin
Length: 50 minutes
Certificate: for ages
Starring: Charlie Chaplin, Jackie Coogan
language (possibly original language): silent film with superimposed text panels, either English, German, English, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Turkish, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Hebrew, Polish, Finnish, Icelandic, Russian, Greek, Hungarian , French
Price: € 12.99
Direct Link / Source: theKid @ amazon

back text:

the poor, but always optimistic Tramp falls a foundling in her lap. The two soon are of one heart and soul - Unbeatable and as a team. The foster father teaches his foster son that life is indeed no picnic.

Never before has a film combined wit and sentimentality into a unit and thus defined the genre of comedy from scratch.

Aufdröselung with positives and negatives:

The film begins with one sentence: "A picture with a smile - and perhaps, a tear ..." the beginning, the true in the end. We laugh and smile all the time and you can hardly hold back the tears make their way outside.

A classic has lost nothing of its charm - despite the years and the simplicity of its equipment. A movie that completely abstained from any pomp, it was worked out carefully in detail. A film where the "special effects" consist of simple cables to the angelic man let fly.

Besides Charlie Chaplin and the unsurpassed acting skills of Jack Coogan. These gestures, facial expressions that he had it. It was wonderful to see with what passion with the young child was playing his role. As it would fall to him literally "child". As fits the story I had heard about this film, namely the Jack Coogan taleniert was so that Mr. Chaplin just what he wanted to amuse them and the little Coogan could easily imitate.

But the film does not live like this. It thrives on the Tramp, the love of detail, the gestures, Minikes and their unique faces / body language. It lived without words, accompanied only by gentle to harsh music - depending on the scene.

What impressed me above all the individual sequences have been built to support a particular feeling or scope of a scene. So at the beginning was the desperate mother showed her child in a charity hospital gives birth and has no clue what to do to feed the child decently. She is destitute, the man is interested in either for them or for the child. He is a poor scatterbrained artist who mourns not even seem to his love.

Now, to clarify the scope of the scene, was shown a picture of Jesus carrying his cross. The mother therefore has a heavy cross to bear. Everyone understands this sign. A masterpiece and managed to completely without words.

What made me suspicious now, in the beginning was that the mother after she gave away the baby with a heavy heart, in the park went there and sat on a park bench. On the Wikipedia page, I read there that they allegedly wanted to commit suicide, but I find no reference to it. (I've seen the place even twice) played as otherwise so much with images and language, facial expressions, I found there is no confirmation for this theory, so I can not share this impression. Perhaps the writer has told the line, too easy "crap", you do not know.

gets on wrong tracks the baby then the tramp, who wants the baby at first do not "keep" but the most abstruse most naive Will have to get rid of. I will of course not reveal everything, but especially a body stuck me. As the tramp is sitting with the baby at the curb edge, next to him, there is a manhole cover. He holds the child in her arms, open the manhole cover and look inside, then looks over to the child and thinks for a moment. Only then he will close the manhole cover.

he had actually tried that before us what they connote? It would fit his naivete. Many a selfish child, who still does not understand so completely that a baby would do that. I find the scene of a hand violently, on the other hand, surprising, and then in turn funny. It splits one in a very special way.

ideas and tricky, I also think he cares führsorglich and loving the child. He sees himself as the father of the child and the child feels at his absolute best. They live in abject poverty, but they have not lost their courage. The Tramp loses his will to live never stop.

But the film takes a decisive turn when the child is sick and he is told that the child could stay with him. Actually, pure caprice. She said that is only after they learned that the tramp is not the biological father of the child. So to speak, they concluded: That is not the biological father, ergo he is not able to care adequately for the child. An indictment of society. If you consider that Chaplin was given as a child from an orphanage to another, and as he himself was gerademal as old as Jack Coogan in the film, one can understand the background for the whole even better.

heartbreaking especially the passages here are the Jack Coogan plays ...

... as the entire proceeds, but I will not tell, but it actually ends just as it promises, the introductory text.

in between, then the movie again and again naively romantic love affairs of the Tramp, tramp found in almost every film. This fits the somewhat, I think, inappropriate passage where the tramp is asleep and dreaming of himself and all. But they are not normal people, but angels. Everything is lovely and happy, there is no envy, no strife to ... even to the devil creeps and all permeated. I think this passage is to summarize everything again. In my opinion the film would have worked even without, but I am thinking just that Charlie Chaplin was determined to build a romance, and found no other way in the movie more. Chaplin loves romance - and it is at least from the web I just read out the document and that I have ever seen.

overall conclusion:
have seen the classic

simply MUST! Even without sound and in black and white in 2009, still a delight in film history. See - absolutely!

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Top Ten List

- male actors Series / male actor

And here are the personal top 10 list ma ; Masculine Series Actor. It is of course just a personal preference subject and does not reflect the general lists that would otherwise circulate so in the Web. The order of the way, is random, so is that of on the avoidable "last" place to find is not necessarily the worst - although there is no "worst" There. On their way, I find them all good, otherwise they would not even show up on my list. Side note: The banner here was specially created for this column, perhaps you recognize even a few of them again. And I know that you face a few double. And some of the below mentioned in the banner to appear not at all. The banner would become too long, I had to hold back anyway already badly.

Then I wish you much fun to see through and any drawing inspiration from it:

Stephen Fry (Blackadder, Jeeves & Wooster)

> A wonderful actor, also in English a treat. It should also be mentioned that the English, he reads Harry Potter novels as audiobooks. Also a treat.

Hugh Laurie (Blackadder, Jeeves & Wooster, House MD)

> Who does not know him? Since "Dr. House "on everyone's lips, but he plays better to the Bertie Wooster - I think. His friendly voice just fits better with the naive Bertie. House in English I can not take it seriously * * stareup

Robert Sean Leonard (various films, House MD)

> The somewhat shy actor, who would prefer peace and quiet and would like to return to Broadway. Maybe he has the opportunity, if he did not even sign for 10 seasons House - the crazy man ...

Zack Breff (JD, Scrubs)

> The main character from the series "Scrubs - Scrubs". I took him for less than he actually was scattering ashes on my head * *

Tennart David (Dr. Who)

The Season> with the 10th Doctor, where Tennart makes his debut as Dr. Who. Charismatic on it and always good.

Rowan Atkinson (Blackadder)

> Most know him as "Mr. Bean, "which is a shame because in this role, he does not speak. He has a remarkably pleasant English voice. One of the reasons why I like to look at extremely Blackadder in English. Too bad he does not read audio books, the guy I could listen all day long.

Tony Shalhoub (Adrian Monk, Monk)

> He was already in the movie "Galaxy Quest" to see. There he is totally opposite to what one of Monk was used to. But one has got used to his Monk character. He should not linger too long in this role, otherwise it is still imprinted a stamp - as with Hugh Laurie, too is almost the case.

Michael C. Hall (Dexter - Dexter Morgan, Six Feet Under - David Fisher)

> I've never seen an actor who plays a character plays to the other only one life so be it " can realize real "life. Shizo a bit, as he embodies the role. Oh wonderful, he gives Dexter his name and face.

John C. McGinley (Scrubs, Dr. Cox)

> Als Dr. Cox kennen ihn die meisten, aber wusstet ihr auch, dass er in dem Film "Born to be wild" mitgespielt hat? Dort spielt er einen schwulen Polizisten, aber das kann man irgendwie nicht ernst nehmen. Er ist und bleibt Dr. Cox!

James Spader   (Boston Legal, Alan Shore)

> Sehr sympatischer Schauspieler, der anscheinend genauso kurzsichtig ist wie ich und eine Brille braucht. Mit Brille sieht er noch besser aus, finde ich. Geht auch vollkommen in seiner Rolle als Alan Shore in der Serie Boston Legal auf.


anecdote / General ramblings / Gallery

And here again a small collection of general ramblings about general personal issues that perhaps here and there may seem worth reading. Check out the pictures and quiet, maybe you like it so one or the other?

Copics + first try

Finally ... eeeendlich they were there, my Copic Ciaos! Many thanks to Kiddo at this point for their advice. A Evening I have irritated and covered with questions about Copics until I finally make up my mind what I could, then, should take. And I have a whole set of Copics worried right along with the paper.

Only Oops, my order when I actually almost forgot the most important, the brightener! They are Copics with which one goes about it over already colored bodies and brightens again. And I have forgotten mitzubestellen course.

I've done tomorrow, but place an order and they told me to get even. Some skin tones anyway I can still use and the fineliners I'm also not fully equipped. That can not hurt also.

the moment anyway, I fear that it will cost the entire first 50 sheets of paper for my current exercises. Therefore, I am also ordering a second identical block - this time in A4 format. I'm really excited about the Copic paper. One has to watch something at the Fine liners, as it smears can - as it happened to me a bit today with my Harima / Tenma image * * heul but nevertheless. Also, the pencil can be well keep it and you realize that it is absolutely high-quality paper. I would prefer to others, nothing more Colorn and outline * _ *

This is actually a Copic Ciao markers. They are such a kind of "markers" if you want to put it quite ordinary, but they do not smudge as the normal Filzliner - with the right handle. They are normally used in advertising and design, but also comic and manga artists to find them again and again. Real professionals can use it to achieve incredible results. Just google it or look on

Of course I could not let me take some of my first results upload here. The first shows my "Witch", which I had on my old kreeiert paper, so forgive the slightly greasy work. It was my very first attempt to colorn it. I've reworked the background the way with the Grafikproggy I have.

If someone can give a tip on how best to work extensively with Copics, then bring it on.

The second shows my little Yotsuba and the little turtle. Here I have some more tries with the shadows ... and I'm think something failed. Here I like the flatness a little better. Maybe it's also on the scan, because on the original, it looks a bit "worse" off.

Stephen Fry as the Chesire Cat

I have already indicated above with the small pictures and very good reason I have the Chesire-Cat up there is executed planted, for I I made a nice discovery.

Tim Burton is shooting a new film and I am a huge Tim Burton fan, I have the same course taken note. Of course, his longtime co-star Johnny Depp "again to play, which is not surprising. The two are already so well-rehearsed duo, that I would miss him more if he does not play along in a Tim Burton film.

But ... and now comes the great, it's not just something that Tim Burton is there on the legs, but he wants to ranwagen of world literature, namely " Alice in Wonderland" by Carroll. One of my favorite books that you as an adult can read quite yet. And since I know that the book is in good hands with Burton, I'm also not worried about it. In addition, Johnny Depp in the role of the mad hatter Occur which would not be surprising. But it fits like chalk and cheese. Burton Depp is like the main or Plotwichtigen roles. In this case, he knew he could, of course, the bad part of Alice give stareup * *. Alan Rickman will also meet the synchronizing Carterpillar. For those who do not know him, he plays Snape in the Harry Potter films, weglollt * *

So far I have unfortunately only found three pictures and a picture where Johnny Depp is seen as the Mad Hatter. But in the latter, I'm not 100% sure why the image under reservation only.

Here is the link to the turning photos

And as yet little gem: Stephen Fry is synchronizing the Cheshire Cat.

Here the appropriate link

fits like chalk and cheese, I think. Finally, he speaks always happy Klug, therefore, exactly the Cheshire Cat makes. To him, the role would have fit the white knight, but since I do not know whether that is provided. Or the Mad Hatters - but I would need to make me any hope. The role played by Johnny Depp was as clear as the sun rises tomorrow * * stareup

first I had understood that they should play them, but because the Wonderland part is animated, not necessary, the natural , of course. Too bad I find it anyway.

the way, it also has an Alice in Wonderland film with real actors, where Whoopi Goldberg the Cheshire Cat plays. I think they are simply divine as she played. Therefore, I had almost hoped that they would do this with Stephen Fry too - but the idea is to have to throw away so weird - in a positive sense, of course.

But Have a look at, I even found a picture of her as Cheshire Cat .

course we are all mad here * * muahahahaaaa
is (by the way with Copics gecolort)


The first time that I present here a fanfiction in my column. What do I not all abuse * * stareup

The fanfiction is a crossover, but not any, no, it consists of all possible stripes that Pixar have been published. Whether you just mentioned, or that they were devoted an entire chapter. But for things like self-cleaning.

Title: " New Horizons "
Author: Wolvie
Starting + Ends: 05/21/2009 + 05/30/2009
Fandom: Disney / Pixar characters
: too many to list here all
Genre: funny
Format: history, fan fiction, crossover
Warning: non-beta-readed, spoilers for many Pixarfilme
dedication: Homer

Disclaimer: The characters belong
act here all the Disney / Pixar, not the author. This she borrows only and their little game is driving so before they return to their rightful owners dismisses. Everything here is the imagination of the author and may contain slight variations sprung from the actual main plot of each Disney / Pixarfilms.

Author's note:
It's all about Wall-E and its mountains of garbage and to what he finds between the waste and where it leads. A crossover with many known and unknown characters in the Pixar universe.

Interesting Links:

And here I have a few interesting links. They are also "left" in my live journal on this site to find. Directly below the current month. Have fun clicking through.

- Onions

> What are Onions? Where are they? And why are these damn things constantly appear in your Live Journal?

Onion - S'omo onion - are little icons that I found on a forum where the views were very well received. They were treated as a kind of smiley-replacement, but with significantly more emotional expressiveness, in my opinion. Of course, I also found it sweet and used it. In this forum, I am no longer active, but the Onions are still dear to my heart. So I was glad the to find the link above. I use this as a source for the Onions also use here in LJ. Click once on it, you shall have as much as I do.

Here's a few:

- Ralph Ruth - directly-HP / Werbeverarschung and Wikipedia

> Who is it? Do I have to know? Why he appears in this list of links?

Ralph and Ruth stands designed for MAD Magazine comic books and several short Werbeverarschungen. Also books he has already brought out (Shit Happens and fins). Many of his works, especially the Werbeverarschungen and short comics that appear in the MAD can be viewed at the above website. The guy brings me again to smile.

Here's an example:

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There was still work to be something else ...

Some were executed, to come around the last time, and these are fourth Nja, so it can be stated that the whole was only a drop in the bucket. Whether I would ever create this list at least reduce by half? Oh my ...

- My Fanfiction "look twice ..." more correct and read
> * cries * Especially as dull as today leave anyone a comment now * really * ashamed
- My other continue to write fanfiction
> * * cries more blunt
- With the other two urgent Fanarts begin!
> Since a fanart is actually ready times (see gibberish corner), there are now only 2 fanarts!
- Caramel Dansen-Gif, produced naturally by Jeeves & Wooster!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> The spiders I've at least begun
- The banner design for my column!
> * blub *
- Finally start with the Arts, 'You lazy sock> _>
The other three fanarts are still in progress ...
- practice piano! (At least I'm now three weeks time to catch up!)
> For tomorrow I am determined to practice ...
- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you lazy sock> _>
> Nja ... Recherhe that this time you can not call directly * nervously scratched the back of the head * More like "The chance has played muse"
- sometimes I worry about my SMV ... * Grin *
> I think that is still along for a while ...
- Obtaining External Hard Drive
> Sorry, not yet done
- Completed
- Homer's birthday gift ! ^ ^

New additions:

- with Copics
practice - family-style with DBZ Yamcha, and Ryoko Mizumi
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
- Dr. Who watching Season 2 at last - Howl - (For over half a year I wait for the damn DVD. Finally she comes out, I get me and what is it? It lying around and I find no time to watch them ... I finally want to see,) damnit

Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- House MD. - Season 2 / 1 and Season 4 / 10
- Dr. Slippery Epi. 2
- Dr. Who (9th Doctor) - Epi. 12
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 1 / completely
- Scrubs - Season 5 / at the beginning
- Queer as folk - will start again from scratch
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2

Current book list

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- Günter Wallraff "work report"
- Bernhard Hennen "The Elves"
- Oscar Wilde "A Biography"
- Hugh Laurie "bullshit" (since about over a year)

Current anime / manga list

preview to the next time:

Good question ^ ^ so far I have planned anything yet - as always I guess. Let us be surprised.

's see how next week looks like, until then or see us on the road.

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Shirataki Noodles Galway

7th Column (theme: "Endless manga series"), Buchrenzession "The lime-book" + diverse stories and photo

Hello and welcome to the seventh edition of my column ^ ^

We are approaching with giant steps to the 10 and still not everything is completed as I would like to have. Quite the contrary. There are still no banner in sight, it is still the same clarified ... borrowed background, my Maskot ... I mean the spider is still not crawled out from behind the mountains of books come (never mind that he still has no name) and I have the feeling the day could still increased from 24 to 48 hours be - mitzuerhöhen course without the normal working day of 8 hours, in order to more leisure time. And of course, increase the daily hours of sleep is not.

Hui, what would you suddenly for time on a day when 48 hrs would have. Okay, we just keep spinning the thread of time. Let's take the 48 hours. Of these, one must subtract course for 8 hours for daily work. Power 40 hours, clear case. If you now to work and also deducting breaks, and those are at least 2 hours to get to 38 If one now even more generous 10 hours of sleep and the daily body care, one comes to a whopping 18 hours a day then would be available. Herrlich ^ ^ But ... how do you take these additional 24 hours and could get used to the body in it?

It would, of course, to the test, but what employer would do this activity? Apart from that it also would bring the world to set by themselves and Superman, I am unfortunately not yet. I can not even just the Earth's rotation lift out of their joints or back in time ... Viewed (Too bad ^ ^ ")

practice that would be a collective change, because all these 48 hours would have to assume day. But as is so with change, is not everyone wants them. Some would say "Yes" the other "No". The next would rather something completely different and the next is all completely irrelevant anyway.

But since you, as already mentioned, is not Superman, it will probably be nothing. The only consolation is you can know with plenty of black tea, strong coffee, stimulants, Ner daily dose of "back of the head blows" and the well-known energy drinks help also good. And that's again the fault of the individual or collective change of the world. Individualism, it is indeed finally ...

... but I 'm starting to ramble so here too. In this sense ...

... Does it continue the same.

What's this time to read with you?


goes in my column today is the subject of "endless manga series and its impact on my purchasing behavior . Inspired by my current endeavor my once (and unfortunately still are) huge manga collection back into circulation, I thought the times would be a nice topic for a column to unload at times a bit of his frustration - and I truly a lot of frustration, so viewed in retrospect.
book review

This time again a book review I read. Is also about time, I think. The last were all film reviews - and I wrote in my last issue I have really hardly watch movies / television. So much for "truth in columns" ... hmm, that would be another topic for the next column. Here today are growing like mushrooms really ideas at the feet ...

* cough * In my review today, it is thanks to a forum post by "Homer" (thank you at this point) to Oliver Kalkofes Book " Done! We are stupid! . Some are from him Kalkofes Mattscheibe 1-4 "know or Syncronisator in" Little Britain ". I did not know that he went under the authors. Jaha, until I got the book in the hand ... but more in the column.

anecdotes / ramblings / Images and Photo Gallery + previews and overviews

Here there will be again this time a whole bunch of pictures. After all, I bought some Exotic plants and wants to make well known as possible. Even those of you that otherwise does not deal with plants (including me), will be surprised what is there for all different types, varieties and plants there. And in this context, there will be a marriage between two plants - of course documented image Tech.

Then there's a nice story about a postcard, a short story specifically at the "Homer " addresses (you know what it is) for seed and a long-ü berfällige drawing, which was finally ended by me.

Now I want to stop you but no longer. ;)

by clicking Ok, have fun:

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7 . Kolumenthema "endless manga series and the impact on my purchasing behavior"

Subtitles: "must ... have ... do ... "

Many will have noticed lately, so natural to me. It is extremely expensive to become much more sinister. Some things we notice it hardly because it is more than a few cents, but where it particularly catches the eye: in the manga and anime.

anime, where we just say on a DVD 3-4 episodes on it are to be exorbitant demands for 30 euros. And then the series is not even completed, no one has to buy to have up to 10 DVDs (or more) if you want to have the entire series. That will be according to Adam Riese whopping 300 euros for a single series! Honestly, since I'm not surprised if the series looked white and / or Downloaded be ... or considered not serious.

For 30 € you get even a decent DVD series box, or if you have a good offer even wait for even much less. I know the rip-off, daylight robbery and Verarschung the customer, because not even a decent Syncronisationsarbeit wert gelegt wird - in den meisten Fällen jedenfalls. Da wird irgendetwas hingeschlurt, es ist ja schließlich "nur" ein Anime und dann den hungrigen Fans zum "Fraß" vorgeworfen.

Oder die andere Politik ist dann noch, dass Serien angefangen werden, aber niemals beendet werden, weil ihnen plötzlich die Produktionskosten zu hoch erscheinen, weils Ärger mit den Verlagen/Mangaka/UNO/der Syncrosprecher n Furunkel am Arsch hat oder sonstirgendwas was die Leute unbedingt daran hindert das was sie Anfangen auch mal zu einem Ende zu bringen.

Kein Wunder das hier kaum sonderlich "neue" Serien appear let alone that make the Japanese publishing houses here when something is herumgeschlurt their works so and they are treated like the unloved step-half-dead mother, you want to reel off the legacy to the deathbed of the ribs.

And the old series? The land where they are sometimes sold off for a mere 6 euros a piece in the Grabbe lick. Okay, here's the only positive fact, because the customer can again save some. But how long he had to wait until the DVDs were so cheap? Forever ...

In the manga, it does not look much better. As I began

time, many many years ago, began collecting, was a manga or 5.00 € value, ie about 10.00 DM (This is the currency before the euro came, her philistines!). This can be located precisely like them too. They had no color pages, but one was satisfied and happy if you at all times a scruffy comic shop was sold to the manga.

Now, almost a decade later, the volumes are getting thinner and thinner, and the prices to go higher and higher. But the Tokyopopbände already started with at least 30 pages and of a higher euro. So with 6.00 euros per band. Then last year the increase came to 6.50 to 6.90 euros, for a band! the bird shot so far but always the "Panini publishing house down, with rich EUR 9.95 per tape, which they now also increased to 11.95 €! My goodness, this one gets even a decent bound book! The trouble is, at Panini is moved one of my favorite shows that I want to finish in any case yet.

Fortunately, there is now only one band is missing, even longer I would have not kept up. I must grudgingly bow to me the exorbitant price because the volumes are limited, or are usually sold out immediately and then traded more expensive. to book

also Carlsenverlag who otherwise always beat his 5.00 € policy in their "modern indoor" series of 6.00 €. I just wonder when it caught one piece, because the series but then I will stop grinding his teeth ... if it is all finished then one day.

other hand, I must now say that the English editions I get me occasionally, usually even more expensive. (7.95 €) But I get a total of Dicker and made prettier before, which makes me all appear somewhat more justified.

fact in any case is: the price is getting higher and higher, and the newly launched series, but getting worse and worse. Far too many yaoi manga are flooding the market today. And not only a publisher but for almost everyone. Apparently has spread to all that Yaoi can sell very well. Young girls are dependent on it. The older rabbits are more like discouraged because it is the newly established order is not really new. Quite the contrary, the biggest kitsch crap associated with the most common stereotypes and Vorurteilten there is scraped and pressed together in a band with Kulleraugenformat. Even I as a warped old slasher and yaoi manga reader just disgusted face, turns around and pays tribute to the dump in paper format not look.

What is worse, there is seldom anything really new and innovative. It seems that the publishers have been following the TV, because there is always only the scrap, which has worked 30 years ago, warming up again, instead something new to produce its own. And no, it's nothing new if you shop a series of U.S. and UK, and she radiates synronisiert ...* * stareup

any case, it affected my buying patterns. If I have an endless series of already Smell far I get the overwhelming desire to turn me screaming and as soon as possible to take the flight. Why I like series ended, tamer of more than 10 to 15 length. This is of course a whole lot, but definitely something more clearly than 50 volumes and still no end in sight, as is the case with Detective Conan, where still further difficulty is that The main plot is lost somewhere in Nirvana. Apart from the cases are as difficult as scary a way that one can follow the whole can not wait. Consequently, one can not even really open Quicktime and is condemned to each Sometimes grudgingly read a whole volume / chapter until you come to the end of the case. The very frustrated ...

I praise me Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The can has created a charismatic hero, together with a sympathetic Compagion where it also as a reader is not permanently outside like a stupid idiot, but sometimes even puzzled and sometimes even right is ^ ^ And .. anyway

. There are attributes to read manga online now many many ways, in English of course. If you vieeeel has time and boredom, then you can do so. I now keep back any continuous series to create more and get better off, keep the money in good and buy me some love n decent book for the same price. Of that I'm much more than endlessly on the lookout for a serial, which is more expensive over the years.

And if you have, then you sell it yet ^ ^;)

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Buchrenzesion: "We did it! We are stupid! Kalkofes last words "

Cover image:

name of the book: " We did it! We are stupid! Kalkofes last words "
Author: Oliver Kalkofe
Number of pages: 123
Publisher: Lappan
language (if the original language): German
Price: 12 95
Direct Link / Source:
kalki @ amazon

back text:

"If the German television is a horse, they would have been shot long ago!"

Grimme Prize Oliver Kalkofe - known for "Kalkofes Mattscheibe" and the cinema-success "The WiXXer" and "Update on the WiXXer" - holds and pulls the trigger on it: in his successful TV movie column, "Kalkofes last words" he takes his favorite medium "television" from the perspective of Viewer into the satirical visor.

For fans, this selection of his lyrics a must for newcomers to the perfect start. And for television? The overdue coup de grace!

What is it and what you have to know about costs?

It's about Oliver Kalkofes columns on the television. Hah, as appropriate, is in a column about a column reported ^ ^ What a wonderful idea Shizophrenes, right? As already mentioned, we know him already from Kalkofes Mattscheibe or from the two cinema successes. Here in this book he builds more of its ground glass, because the columns are just as scathing, satirical and nasty written. Only he is not necessarily specifically omits a scene or a show, but over all the channels, get up to the program directors, the authors all the trash TV and the like. I find it interesting to mention that all the columns, probably all were printed in the TV movie, at least there is enough evidence in the book ... and on the cover as easily recognizable.

Now the question: Was the "self-destruction of the television magazine" or "We can laugh about ourselves" or "We have not done the program, we have to reprint it." But whatever you decide, I think it's still something very brave to see a program guide.

Why do I need to read this book and not another? In other words, what makes it worth reading?

What makes it worth reading? The one here, the daily broadcast of the bullshit you otherwise unprotected from the viewers towards Linster can confront finally taken in biting words. Lacher and Grinser miteingeschlossen associated with affirmative nod, because let's be honest: Television is getting worse and is no improvement in sight ...

I noticed übrigends to add that I many of the series which he recommends at the end of the book, itself already know and love. Although a few series were missing such as "Heart and Soul" that you would definitely still in the German productions can write with (with a lot Hühneraugenzukneifen, because the series has a sterling role model ... well, has Stromberg also stareup * *) or "Jeeves & Wooster" and "Monk." Where of course he could also be that the latter three not and they may not appear so. But it can be argued yes.

And something else I need to get rid of: I've read already the column written by Stephen Fry book and I was able to compare a bit, I did not fail to note that Mr. Fry and Mr. lime kiln are similar to biting, although Mr. Fry, I still find a trace nasty as Kalki. Could it be that Kalki is Fry has taken as a model? It would be a good opportunity right? At least he would know him from Blackadder, which he strongly recommends Incidentally, what I support herewith.

the only Flaw do I have to, and that's Homer struck me the book has indirectly Recommended (Thanks to this site ^ ^) that actually repeated a lot. But how can you even new letter if it is always the same separate hazardous waste is that one gets served up, just in a different dress, in a sailor suit or something.

I could well imagine the lime kiln also write general and omits columns could be about God and the world and you read it with enthusiasm. Or if he wants to stay in television necessarily maybe scrap the stamp series, in the land. Something like that would I already like to read more of him ^ ^ Hmm ... He has actually given an e-mail addy? That would be time to send in a mail ^ ^ value

overall conclusion:

Now, turn off TV and read! Is better than all of the waste sent the usually comes on TV and arbarbeiten at the end of the book series the recommendations and be happy. Furthermore you need the TV to not be able to be entertained about him, a good DVD (Kalkofes Mattscheibe) or a good book (such as "We are stupid") do it.

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anecdote / General ramblings / Images and Photo Gallery

This time there is a whole lot of pictures with me to see ^ ^ But all well in order.

Ebay Sales - Part 2 -

morning does the next batch of manga and anime series on Ebay, I have been clean this week and it looks like my account is first Far from slipping into the red. Quite the contrary. The sale of many of many manga series, my account has for years finally recovered. And I have not even before my Same account at the next opportunity to loot again.

Okay, casual shopping, there will be still clearer case. Prior to that I am not filed and would also not me. First, because it was fun doing something outside the series to another shop and I like the moment to deal with me something completely new. Maybe I've therefore only the whole manga about. I have read many only now about to be sold. So as an incentive so to speak. A few I would like to read before I finally send off. I think it has something for themselves if you look at it some time and can not do everything at reads a blow.

That said, I keep so quite a number of series including those that I want to finish yet. Although not many, as I've found.

From the series that are still "remains," I'll probably still a few for sale. But not so fast. My first account is indeed out of the woods and I will see how this developed. ^ ^ Maybe I let a few still exist until I once again put in money problems and then sell them to me once.

may release me? The marriage between Mr. "Roman Bertram and Mrs. "Jiaogulan.

Normally I'm not lugging it to work secretly and digital cameras to shoot any photos. But what has since developed outside my window, I just had to scan because that is just awesome ^ ^

photo shows on the left side of the plant "Roman Bertram," which I find really cute ^ ^ and on the right side of the plant of eternal life, sozuagen our best seller, the "Jiaogulan (pronounced: Dschiaogulan). Both are sone kind climbing plants to see what is also very nice can. And if they do not accidentally have sprung up around the bars of my window, they have grown up just each other. ^ ^

And so I can here and now give the marriage of these two exotic plants known. It gives off a beautiful picture. ^ ^

seed - a gift easy!

And something has happened down to be seen ^ ^ This picture is a gift from my colleague. 2 whole years, it has the dust and the remains of Saatgutabfüllens collected and stored - and given me now. ^ ^ Before I wanted to plant the seeds, I photographed it a try.

I can not rename them all, but others are there bitter melon seeds, Tagetes seeds and seed a heart underneath. The latter is a perennial favorite with us and completely sold out very quickly. It is in fact called so because it has the form of a light heart on its dark surface. Click on the photo, unfortunately, not easily seen, the seed is really very very small ...

I hope that at least rises of these seeds. Would be a shame drum stick it to the ground and nothing comes out.

Soon I report times of sowing success or failure;)

Nice post or Homer's "one thing"

Sometimes you come home from a stressful day at work completely and just want to have peace and quiet. No phone calls, no calls, nothing ... and yet, in spite of which the you are so exhausted and feels just so just dragged to the kitchen to get something to eat as difficult to scrape together, is a suddenly a big A4 against the envelope on the microwave refused.

Man thinks anything of it at first, perhaps rubbing the eyes because you think you already have hallucinations until the hand reaches out and grabs the envelope in disbelief. And only when the envelope does not disappear but it feels real while it lifts and twists and turns in disbelief ... and noticed that he was labeled in Switzerland.

is suddenly a clearly how the envelope come and a big smile blossomed on her face. Forget the stressful working day is waking up and the old spirits. It is lively, the handbag throwing in the corner, runs into the living room to the desk starts to pick up the drawers and looking as if possessed by a letter opener.

Finally finds one thing breaks, on the envelope. One can hardly wait, the terminal gives in, he was open. With a beating heart is stretched into the right hand and reach for something. It feels thin and familiar, and with a jerk pulls one out there ... and an even wider grin graces the face, because you are reminded.

One is reminded of the conversation with what you now hold in your hand, connects. It remembers and rejoices. The now empty envelope slowly move apart, together with the letter opener and at the same time one goes back to the kitchen, sits on a chair and starts in the comic ... read more at least until a postcard of it peeks out and takes you down the comic and read the postcard. And now the latest one looks forward, you can be happy just about the nice gift.

The postcard is by the way came to my closet door to the other postcards and the comic of which I spoke, this one is,

Thanks Homer ^ ^ ^ ^ * cuddle *

unwanted mail postcard ...

... and then you come back home and finds a letter with a postcard is the content you did not read or would have, and it looks rather as an extremely bad joke. Just as the postcard that I found earlier this week in the mailbox.

This postcard was extremely ugly, actually addressed to my former company that I want to know anything more than a year (because I have not worked for a year) and still they went to me because my former boss, the c / o addressed to me.

Why? Good question. I will certainly call and ask not there. What I did when I was not the stätische rubbish tips for ugly, unnecessary Postcards am, this postcard return mail back to sender. have included "how nice and warm laugh, but unfortunately I can start it any more": Has cost me but 55 cents, but for a reply but have always joke well since I will be labeled.

now so I hope in future to stay These kinds of "jokes" spared

BTW: This is the ugly postcard said.

fanarts or , what is'd be long wait "

This image has kept finding its way on my Deviantart account, and also in my

[info] chibi_wolvie account here on LJ, it is found.

why I just now so blatantly all rumzeige? Because it was a pattern of application and I sailed really eat very very long long time. Almost half a year. I had to move it all the time, no time or have found something else I came in between. But eventually I figured a way out - finally.

And I could deliver the job ^ ^
I can also say to the fact that the one Despite the long wait, very happy about it has and I've actually done my duty.

Fanart: Title: "Wilson's Kids"

Series: House MD
tools: pencil
Duration: about 3 / 4 year

Why is the image?

This picture has emerged as a Fanart to a story that [info] rslfan has written. It is called "It's my way . Just click, there is the related to FF.

What is me so buzzed through my head while drawing:

It was damn hard to get Wilson's expression added. For this alone, I needed only four templates! The children were relatively easy, except for the standing, this is just added later ... unfortunately, what you see. In that the face is half gone under the woolen hat, I've had a lot of trouble with his eyes. Especially a lot of fun it gave me the folds of the Sweater draw and nice to see Wilson in a "casual" clothing.

I hope you like it ^ ^

order you do not continue to torture to tension, here is the image of I speak:

plants on the balcony

And here we come to the last category, but those occupying the most space. I hope you like plants, to at least see it. You shall eat it yes, although there are a few well-processed tea, promise eternal life if you walk around nibbling on them, some just smell good or you can use them for seasoning or as a side dish.

have Anyway, I put myself in Saturday on the road and worried a few plants, potting soil and pots and put on our balcony Fordermann. Since I worried a few flowers from the garden center had in which I work, the course has been planted the same. Of course, not all out, some may not get out because the frost / cold / fresh Lut not tolerated. To some

I'll write something, to let others do not and only the images look again upon you.

Then let us begin again.

Here the first picture ^ ^ at our front door a large bouquet Magerit. Normal. I found it so beautiful because they show up such a concentration and a good impression at the entrance. Note the kitsichgen little hedgehog I've placed next to smirkt * *

the balcony stand with lots of exotic animals including. Die kleinen Mini-Rosen gehören natürlich nicht dazu, die hab ich ganz normal im Baumarkt gekauft. But in addition, at the foot of the stand, there is a " English lawn chamomile . It smells a bit and when she feels anfässt at it as though they were stroking ^ ^

In the lower left-hand ring is the " Japanese hydrangea tea . If she gets it blooms pink and purple flowers, and from its leaves can be cooked delicious tea.

Then right in the middle ring is the "Katzengamander . Actually, all cats leave it (and not, as falsely claimed always to catnip) and the Forum of my garden center, I have also read some reports that cats disengage completely when they smell this plant, the laundry is ; malting and the like. Just my cat has probably never seen this forum entries, because it ignores this plant completely ... they or their seiht somewhere in the picture? ^ ^ "

the top then denounces the" Spearmint "I've photographed before. Out here it feels more comfortable than inside, and apparently it's already grown like weeds. The stuff still smells very good ^ ^

Here I have some space left as a precaution, since to come and a lavender plant to another, for which I am still open to debate, yet. Left and right back to normal flowers and Roman in the middle of a " Bertram . But he is unfortunately not as nice as the one on the job ...

Here is the second balcony box. Left and right back to normal flowers, greenery and next to each somewhat in the middle of a "rock rose . They should smell very nice, have much to much sun but also down to -15 degrees. Well, that's time I let the plant ne liked it. ^ ^

The picture looks a bit fast, but otherwise was not all draufzubekommen. Here again the left and right and normal flowers in the middle the Arp rosemary. It has only very small florets, but there has to be from -22 degrees, and is robust to flatten not so fast! Well again a plant for me ^ ^

Since the light was still left here I have one more times "roman Bertram " pure set. Yeah, you've caught me, I like this plant really love ^ ^

And here the last picture for today, from inside. On display are, from left to right, a "strawberry mint ", a " Stevia - Sugarloaf "and a" pineapple mint . The former and the latter I find very "Shizophren" because there are mints in each case, but smell like pineapples and strawberries. They, too, one can cook delicious tea, but so far I do not trust me so well. The plant in the middle is a stevia and those who have heard this before, knows what's next decision. The Stevia is used as a sugar substitute, hence the nickname "Sugar". Tastes like sugar but has no calories and does not ruin your teeth.

legalized in other countries long ago, it's here rather marginal. Too bad, but it had all that.
Btw. I have tried it yet, but this is the plant is also a bit too small.

So that's from me and my ramblings and pictures for today ^ ^

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There was still work to be something else ...

This has changed the picture a bit. I thought sometimes it would be better to make it somewhat clearer than ever to handle everything in one huge mess. And I've NEN better idea, because for me this is after all the most important. The denunciation of my inability to create something in a week and every week like a stigma with drag here. This has yet what melodramatic, right?

- My Fanfiction look twice ... " more correct and read
> * blunt * howls Especially since today still leave someone a comment now * really * ashamed
- My other fanfics are still writing
> * cries *
more blunt - with the other two urgent Fanarts begin!
> Since a fanart is actually ready times (see gibberish corner), there are now only 2 fanarts!
- Caramel Dansen-Gif, produced naturally by Jeeves & Wooster!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> The spiders I've at least begun
- The banner design for my column!
> * blub *
- Finally start with the Arts, 'You lazy sock> _>
The other three fanarts are still in progress ...
- practice piano! (At least I'm now three weeks time to catch up!)
> For tomorrow I am determined to practice ...
- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you lazy sock> _>
> Nja ... Recherhe that this time you can not call directly * nervously at the back of the head scratching * Rather like "The chance has played muse"
- sometimes I worry about my SMV ... * Grin *
> I think that is still along for a while ...
- Obtaining External Hard Drive
> Sorry, not yet done
- contact
> Processed ^ ^

New additions:

- Homer's birthday present

Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- House MD. - Season 2 / 1 and Season 4 / 10
- Dr. Slippery Epi. 2
- Dr. Who (9th Doctor) - Epi. 12
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 1 / completely
- Scrubs - Season 5 / at the beginning

Current book list

- Oliver Kalkofe "We did it! We are stupid! "
- Bernhard Hennen" The Elves "
- Oscar Wilde" A Biography "
- Hugh Laurie" bullshit " (schon seit ca. über einem Jahr)

Derzeitige Anime/Manga Liste

Vorschau aufs nächste Mal:

Ich weiss noch nicht so recht was nächste Woche kommt. Da lassen wir uns einfach mal überraschen. Ein paar Themen habe ich mir jedoch schon notiert. ^^ Mal sehen was davon wird und wann meine nächste Ausgabe kommt.

Mal sehen wie das nächste Woche aussieht, bis dahin sehen oder schreiben uns über den Weg.


I hope my "little" column you liked. ^ ^ ^ ^ Until next time

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Menstruation Attract Sharks?

Blog Zapping

Trial For Windows Movie Maker


My speakers are working again!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Maytag Dishwasher Hookup

May Day