Saturday, June 6, 2009

Men With Feminine Hair

9th Column (theme: "Prince Charles and gray squirrels"), Buchrezenssion "The Elves" + waffle

Hello and Welcome to my ninth Column output

This issue will be the last well-deserved before my vacation, so I give me another really big trouble, even if this issue a little smaller than the previous ones. The holiday preparations had previous strict. But for the next issue will be a holiday special with lots of pictures and photos from the trip and some anecdotes. Maybe I remember even a nice Kolumenthema, but then it comes to what I experience so and have to report.

It was at first do no good to this trip but where the choices were made for this not so bad. In another issue, I think it was the 5th or 6, I told you that I had won a free voucher for two tickets, but that was around Easter time around and since had all been very very hectic. At work, at home, I could hardly get to sleep until my girlfriend and I started a week ago with the preparations and after many hurdles to overcome, there was to finally have all travel arrangements as well as Completed. Well ... I still am waiting for my pound and still have to buy the tickets to the airport, but otherwise everything is under control.

Where it goes? To United Kingdom - London. The world capital with its many attractions, many cultural assets and more museums some of which may even be visited free of charge. I'm already very excited. And my girlfriend of course. After all, we have worked long and hard for it to afford to. Of course this will not leave alá Mallorca, but we do want to see something of the metropolis. Relax, we can always come back.

As already announced, then comes the next time a holiday special. This shifts although my official Opening of the spinning portion of the column, but whatever. The banners are still not finally completed the Moods also not. Then at least I have a little time to prepare.

Now that I have exchanged some of my icons and now boasts a wonderful Charlie Chaplin-The Kid-icon, I can really get started.

What's this time to read with you?

column :

When I arrived this Friday from the store and drove home I heard it on the radio: Prince Charles has ordered the allegedly "cute" gray squirrel to eradicate in the UK and fly herumkreuchen . I thought at first it was a joke first alá April or that I would have ended up in a crazy episode of Dr. Who, but I was wrong. It has apparently even hand and foot, that the allegedly cute gray squirrels were fair game. Why? That you read in my column.


goes in my review, this time it comes to the book by Bernhard Hennen The Elves. The book is 912 pages and its really quite a tome and has much to offer. In particular, many fantasy cliches, but if one is to work, they need a reading for the breaks, but it is just right. But more of it in the review section.

ramblings / stories / pictures / Arts

let my Schwafelecke In this time I rather let the images speak and the words. Sometimes a picture says a thousand words, it says so beautiful. Only here are certainly well marked misinterpretation, because everyone has a different point of view for images ... that could almost be another column on "The different perspective of things." Hmmm ... maybe not too bad that is definitely on my notepad.


Back to this section. This time I was busy and did show some Arts to. But daring respect, one thing is already very much. Then I will sprinkle a few considerations, as I was on the artistic level could go get a piece.

would then only be noted:

- Work is work -

In this sense ...

... have fun by clicking:

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9 . Kolumenthema: "Prince Charles and gray squirrel"

Subtitles: "! Are gray squirrels ultraphöse"

As indicated above in the brief introduction, I have it on Friday on the way home too. The radio station of my distrust confidence, of course. Radio stations are, in my opinion, to two things well: on the one hand, to remark traffic jams and speed cameras and the other part to play messages and music. The stupid ramblings interested I usually very little, for these ultra high pushed up fake Pseydofröhlichkeit think about this follows from the laces. You could play quietly drool less and more sensible music, all of which have at least something.

But this column entry is dedicated not the stupid ramblings of a few radio presenters, here it goes this time to something else, so back to topic:

next week I intend a longer stay and the UK to me the gray "phösen" squirrel will certainly be on the way be run, I thought it would be nice to get information about it. At least the critters are already so numerous that they are not even that great to run around hiding but open and free - like the pigeons. And since it could be that my girlfriend and I do not stroll through a park in London knowing and lurking behind a hedge, the snipers of the Royal Guard and do hunt the gray squirrels that between our feet need to hop around on the fur. No one wants to quickly get into the firing line, although we determined Germans a few decades nice target practice disks were, but that's also another story and should not be further deepened. But you understand what I am. Prevention is better than cure since.

But first things first. What the heck is going on in the kingdom? Why is the Queen "not amused" and why Prince Charles will therefore be cute little gray squirrel kill?

the relevant facts are as follows: The squirrels are gray squirrels immigration that have made America miteingeschleppt long time ago. The same phenomenon we already know of Australia, there have to contend with a non-native toad. Without natural predators the whole thing is almost an impossibility. And if there are no predators? Then you just shot creates enemies, in this case the people.

But why must the little critters are cute fur because gunned down? Visually they fit even to the otherwise rather gray as the weather held and London would probably barely noticeable especially when they would not only increase so quickly. According to multiply the source below the beasts so furiously that they already have to chew the forests and thus the Trees and foliage decimate stock. But that's not enough. They are also responsible for a highly contagious disease to humans but can not seem to be dangerous, but it wiped out the cute red squirrel slowly but surely. Namely the stock falls down rapidly while the stock of the gray squirrel climbs up rapidly.

You notice what amounts slowly round. Rats with a cute little tail and Knuspernase, the devils of the forest. Pretty smart those critters I must say. You assume gradually so very slowly but surely the rule of the British Empire and distribute not only the red, but made it completely rotten.

Is it just me or now have other just the image of the redcoats in the head which lose to a bunch of "wild Americans"? History to natural levels, so something will probably now and then.

any case, the "redcoats" on the collar to go when the stock of the gray squirrel is not stopped. What does this tell us? Never take an animal from a foreign country and put it simply if you no longer like it, this could be the ecosystem your country on its head.

So it has hand and foot. In any event, my girlfriend and I watch them in London to run around in no case with a snub nose and a long gray fur with annex. You could accidentally shoot us because we are the gray squirrels phösen - mutated course. If you have decided that we are German, then they can still speak out that we thought would cheer warpath.

Beautiful British black humor, I love you.

to finish, a wonderful picture of the killer rabbit from Monty Python's Holy Grail. Exactly because I had to think also the whole time while I wrote the entry here:

source for Prince Charles article, unfortunately

And yet when have you, then feed it before it's too late ...

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renzesion book " Bernhard Hennen -" The Elves "

Cover image:

name of the book: " The Elves
Author: Bernhard Hennen
Number of pages: 912
Publisher: Heyne
language (if the original language): German
Price: - np € 14.00
Direct link: Source: DieElfen @ amazon

text back: fear

people because of her seeming cold-heartedness, dwarves, they avoid because of their arrogance, and trolls and orcs seen in the legendary nature of a palatable prey, which need to hunt.

But how are the elves really? And what is its purpose?

This is the adventure of the elves and Farodin Nuramon, the ones that pull equipped with magical swords into battle against a demon - and must learn that the fate of the Elven world in their hands.

This is the definitive history of a people not from the myths is indispensable treasure of humanity - essential for every "Lord of the Rings" - reader!

Aufdröselung with positives and negatives:

for the book took me about a month. If we now add in that I have read it only in each half-hour breaks during my working hours, which makes up about per day for an hour, you understand why I have such vermeindlich used "long". hear about the book I am the fantasy forum then and have I then bought the connection on Ebay. It was about a year with me around until I spontaneously one morning - I had read nothing for the breaks would have had to sit around and stupid - just used.

one hand, I have not bereuht the handle and the other yet again. Why this dichotomy? It's simple: The book is a 912-page book with cliché elves how they stereotype could not have kreeieren. Why did I continue to read it anyway? Quite simply, because of the fairy queen, Yuvilee, a little elf and Mandred, the Jarl, a simple man. This was Friendly and me from the beginning. He was also in my opinion it has gone through for the biggest change in his character. The elves were almost all quite the way they were, no matter how the centuries passed.

But first things first.

As this so-called "spine text" up there is not much price of the entire book, I describe for a quick in words what is at stake: it is about the elves and Nuramon Farodin both another elf named Noroelle the court to make - which is about even a few decades. As elves have a much longer life, is not that unusual. Now comes into play Mandred. He was chased by a Manneber in the elven kingdom albums Mark, a stone circle round that combines the fairy world with the human world. There he is rescued by an oak tree. I found interesting here that there are animated and live trees in their inner something similar to elves.

order to protect his village is Mandred a terrible pact with the Queen of albums Mark, a Emerelle: He pledged his first born. But an elf fighter is sent to kill the Manneber. Nuramon Farodin and are also chosen for this hunt, so to learn the future loyal companions . Know They make off with the aim of the Manneber kill. But the enemy is stronger than it seems and they are lured into a trap. When they were finally able to re-release it, they tend to think about it a few days have passed, in reality, there are a number of years and in those years a lot has happened. This was the lover of Nuramon Farodin and in the " ; Broken World banished "because she gave birth to a child of the devil. Nuramon Farodin free and they want and be accompanied by Mandred.

An almost endless quest takes its beginning, although I find that one of the most interesting aspects of the book, as the three always be cheated by years or decades. Every time they want to come one step closer to their loved ones, they must sometimes overcome all the centuries and this happens for example if they go through a star albums that are scattered throughout the human world. You see cities rise and flourish, they take part in the course of history, and also spread here and there a massively into the action. But as it is, is not without consequences and get to feel all three.

I also found the sheer majority interest in many kinds of beings. Since it was not all elves, animated trees and people, but also trolls, centaurs, Tschinns, dwarves, dark albums, Oracle, sea nymphs, etc.

the other hand I found it again the quest a bit too long and I often came to terms such as "impossible" , and "we never make it" or "hopeless," although it is always somehow weiterghing. Also, the above comparison with "The Lord of the Rings" lags considerably. There are certainly better books as Lord of the Rings, which is out of question, but there are much better books than this one. Here I was in the long run too much cliche stereotypical behavior there. The women protected by the men, the elves are considered All-Knowing, and some things were just too good from the hand while visibly simpler things in a very exaggerated and much constitute serious obstacles.

overall conclusion:

's a nice book in between. If you go to work looking for what the breaks then this is fine. But a second time, I would not do it to me. Because I know that there are other books from this series elves, I will avoid them but because I found the Befürchtung habe dass sie nicht viel anders als dieses sein wird. Und da ich weiss, das Menschen eher Nebenfiguren sind, wird es sie nicht so zahlreich darin geben, was ich wirklich schade finde, denn Mandred war mir wirklich ans Herz gewachsen.

Nun bleibt zu Hoffen, dass "Die Halblinge" und "Die Zwerge" besser sind. "Die Elfen" ist in Ordnung, das schlechteste dieser Reihe war bisher "Die Orks", dass ich nicht mal zuende lesen konnte, weil es einfach nur widerwärtig war.



anecdote / General ramblings / Gallery

And here again a small collection of general ramblings about general personal issues that perhaps here and there may seem worth reading. Check out the pictures and quiet, maybe you like it so one or the other?

New Ways and considerations to tread

since so I have some consideration been given to new ways of artistic Level to tread. My art teacher would certainly be thrilled, too bad they will notice it anymore because I'm so through since about 3 years.

- stamp
> A good way a good background / ornamentation kreeieren to.
- Surrealism
> open with the Copics entirely new possibilities. As seen below
- Scanning film
> For cartoonists otherwise essential, I wills testing times. If I found a shop that offers the ...
- Chibi / SD
> About this way I'd like to try me some good Chibi / SD figures to teach himself to finally have something to for quick sketches. Sometimes I get ahead faster with sketches.
- cake documents
> Hey, those are beautiful patterns for ornaments. Only do I need ...
- Airbrush
... probably still something like airbrush capability. Or I have to like what I think the best converting
- Image drawing combine
> As the title suggests

Copics Arts and

Here I have a few of my current work. They are not all ready, just geoutlinet, but I'm already impressed by the fine-liners that were manufactured for Copics. I've rarely worked with such wonderful liners. Since the outline makes even more fun ^ ^

The first two shows Outlines of School Rumble. The first shows Harima with his pig Napoleon. How sweet ^ ^ By the way, its own creation ^ ^ As soon as my blender is delivered, I will coloring it. My LL Chara way, is Harima.

And here we have also School Rumble: Yakumo Tenma's younger sister (sitting on the beast) in the Harima has a crush immortal. I hope so to a Harmia x Tenma end. Hopefully, it will amount to as much as fighting for Tenma Harima, which is almost heartbreaking. But with a Harima x Yakumo end I would give me too happy. Especially after what I've seen in Volume 17 ... I should cease to be spoilers. The picture is by the way, in Volume 7 were characterized, but I found it so beautifully detailed.

Next time perhaps come back a few Harima x Tenma and Yakumo images.

This is a small "finger exercise" for my Copics. This image is not created on Copic paper but foul on plain paper that can be purchased in any stationery store. Has a little bit confusing, right? By the way, I built a hand, let's see who finds them.

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There was still work to be something else ...

Some were executed, to come around the last time, and it is 1. Nja, so it can be stated that the whole was only a drop in the bucket. Whether I would ever create this list at least reduce by half? Oh my ...

- My Fanfiction "look twice ..." more correct and read
> * cries * Especially as dull as today leave anyone a comment now * really * ashamed
- My other continue to write fanfiction
> * * cries more blunt
- With the other two urgent Fanarts begin!
> There are now only 2 fanarts!
- Caramel Dansen-Gif, produced naturally by Jeeves & Wooster!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> The spiders I've at least begun
- The banner design for my column!
> * blub *
- Finally with start the Arts, 'You lazy sock> _>
The other three fanarts are still in progress ...
- practice piano!
> For tomorrow I am determined to practice ...
- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you lazy sock> _>
> Nja ... Recherhe that this time you can not call directly * nervously at the back of the head scratching * Rather like "The chance has played muse"
- sometimes I worry about my SMV ... * Grin *
> I think that is still along for a while ...
- Obtaining External Hard Drive
> Sorry, not yet done
- with Copics practice
> Have I done ^ ^ even more than enough

- DBZ family-style with Yamcha, Mizumi and Ryoko
> Sorry, not ready yet, but it finally found a picture
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
> Sorry, not even started ...
- Dr. Who Season 2 finally watch
> Two Epis I made ^ ^

New additions:

- some-arts Harima (School Rumble)

Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- House MD. - Season 2 / 1 and Season 4 / 10
- Fortysomething - Epi. 2
- Dr. Who (10th Doctor) - Epi. 3
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 1 / completely
- Scrubs - Season 5 / at the beginning
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2
- Six Feet Under - Season 1 / 3
- Queer as folk - will start again from scratch

Current book list

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- JK Rowling "Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone "(English)
- Oscar Wilde" A Biography "
- Hugh Laurie" bullshit "(since about over a year)

Current anime / manga list

preview to the next time:

Next week I will be on vacation, so only after 21:06:09 are something new here, but I am sure that I have so many vacation photos and can bring anecdotes. A Buchrenzesion gibts then again, probably one from an English book.

's see what it looks like, until then, or see us on the road.

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