Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wrestlers Ingrown Hairs Cream To Help Skin

11th Column topic: "Michael Jackson - The Life and Death," Filmrenzession "Secretary", 10th ramblings

Hello and welcome to my 11th Column output

This is the 11th so Edition of my column - and still no guest commentator, not a spider banner, no nothing. My moods are all still in work and so slow I actually feel that the time I like sand trickles through your fingers.

alone that I had to move the column to every two weeks speaks for itself. I'm hoping that I at least get the Moods done yet before I get out of control academy, but so sure I'm not even there. For the banner already exists at least a sketch unfortunately, still has to complete development.

But ...

maybe I am not yet so completely cut off from the Internet when I go to the control academy. I have before me a laptop to get along with Internet-stick, so I also go to stay mobile. After all, I think there is the Internet for research operating there and when I once one or two small "Einträgchen" produce in their own right that may indeed not be as bad. Only if I can also create there to draw, which will probably not be so very easily possible. But I have to have to see if I am on site. I currently have in any case hardly a pale haze of how It will be there.

Otherwise, one can say that I have to organize at the moment a lot. Among other things, a new mobile phone contract and phone and then I have to log in to the ADAC, because now I will travel longer distances and does not want to travel without adequate reinsurance.

But what I will miss most of all when I actually am in control academy that I can have dinner in a relaxed sitting in front of the TV and pull me inside my movies / series. If I were there to get along without the Internet, but my DVD and book collections will be missing me there very much. And I know now that I do not my whole shelf in the car wars - unfortunately. But I put my kettle take, or I do not get my nightly round of tea and that is important.

At the time I had to do without not in one week in London! We had a small kettle in the room, and that's saying something!

What is certain now that the car will be stuffed to the brim ^ ^ "But I'm not here to name this, but for something completely different:

What's this time to read with you ?

And even if I do just a lot of organizing and so on have, I have yet no effort and expense was spared here and pulled a column entry. zuendeführen When you start something then it should be, I think, anyway. Otherwise, you look at the decision given in this context also the same.

column :

goes in my column it again this time to a current issue, " Michael Jackson - The Life and Death . Okay, his death is back already 4 weeks and the first "hype" has therefore been set to something, yet he still dominates the media. Many claims are made and crazy rumors circulating through the Net. Just as I would like to refer again in more detail.

review : There

This time, again a film review, I just read through the Harry Potter series and you certainly do not want to have on each of the 7 books a review. In any case, I can not imagine smirkt * *. At some point it would be so boring sometimes.

My current movie review turns therefore to " Secretary . Respect, the film is over 16 and not quite mature content. That is why I am asking everyone under 16 years of hands to hold before the eyes and This time, the review's contribution to condone ... oh damn, you do what you want anyway. But says afterwards not think I would not have you gewarndt.

ramblings / stories / pictures / photos / Arts :

In this time of my ramblings - pictures, etc. It is about the Area picture that I drew for the company . The picture is actually arrived very well and has also found use immediately. But more about that in my Schwafel part. Also I would like to present this time a few small anecdotes from the life of a telephonist . Slowly, the calls less, but always suspect, at least it seems to me to be so.

Then I have a few interesting aspects about " insurance agent junior " and the benefits which you involve yourself from it. Furthermore, I have to offer another Fanart and hope that the second addition to fanfiction next time so far is that it is presentable ...

would then only be noted:

- Harry Potter in english is good! -
... but .. .
- Harry Potter reading by Stephen Fry is just AMAZING! -

In this sense ...

... have fun by clicking:

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11th Column topic: "Michael Jackson - The Life and Death"

Subtitles: "Why can not the poor guy finally rest in peace?"

Michael Jackson is on 25 Died June 2009 in Los Angeles in his villa.

His death has been almost a month ago and yet hardly a day passes where you do not stumble on the Internet through any rumors, Panta Most estates or outrageous nonsense of his death, his life, his past, his present and affect its immediate environment.

For example, the many sightings:

Many do teeth have seen, at the same time, after his death. He shall be according to various Internet rumors in Manchester, Mexico, New Zealand, Dubai, Egypt and Moscow have been sighted - at the same time! Alive!
Perfect Bullshit! He is death and just because a few crazy fans who can not cope with his death, believing him to have seen, he will not rise again. What I do believe that there could be Michael Jackson a few doubles and you are now sighted everywhere.

Then there is a very strange video that circulated on YouTube, where The body of Michael Jackson was flown in a helicopter and some people see it as the body bag "does". Here is the video
. If you want to know my opinion, to me it looks as if the body bag of someone will be added to cope and do not move by itself. But people like interpetieren when they are desperate.

And they are desperate, it was during the last few weeks no doubt. Everywhere, all over the world, people gathered at sites around to mourn him. Be it China, Africa, Europe, USA, South America, Canada, Russia ... completely indifferent. He was the King of Pop and he still had his fans in secret slumber. Although the last years have been characterized more by scandals, the fans had not forgotten him. And you have to admit, everyone had some time with his music, his scandals Contact him or anything. He was present, although he never really was there. He was far from any reality and would have used it yet so brutally honest that it almost hurts.

Then I stumbled on this entry. The father, Joe Jackson was already unsymphatisch me when I had got him in any TV report once seen. I needed since not even the information that he was a tough nut, he exudes formally. It seeps out of every pore of his and he is ambitious. So ambitious that he drags his children to the stage where he himself is gone to never. Be it due to lack of talent or maybe just antisymphatie to be seen. However, his sons and daughters are very high up controversy in the business. Michael has really caught up with the lion's share. For the price of his childhood, of course.

There is always a price to pay on the way where you're going. But I seriously wonder if Michael if he had ever had the choice to have just decided to go the way of a musician. There was no question that he has never had a choice and even if the talent was in him - and it certainly was - so I can not help but be noted that, nonetheless, everyone should have the choice to do what he for sees fit. Pant and not the unfulfilled wishes of the parents behind stage.

Anyway, it looks like the Jackson family to Patricharch Joe the children of Michael Jackson would now drag on stage. There are rumors about record deals and a variety of revenue streams with advertising. The children do to me only suffering. Now that their last shield is broken away to form her father's so bizarre it sounds too, the way is open for the "rest" of the family to do what they do not mind. Since the children are minors, they will probably not be given much say.

I grieve now already the souls of children are meaningless processed on a mincer to mince around the stage hungry crowd to be thrown to.

On strangest of all kinds of rumors I've heard so far about Michael Jackson is the most that his death is now herangewuchert to a murder case. I admit that the circumstances of how he died were a little surprising defuse but not guaranteed. Who was already a living legend who just can not "just" resign. The would not satisfy the whole. But back to the real: it has at the time of his death, only weighed just 50 kg - allegedly - and should have been full of drugs without it the hard samples for his stage show does not have to endure can.

And yet ... Michael Jackson makes a slack times. Especially if he was so heavily under pressure, the debt in the neck, the loss of its status, the money dwindled rapidly .... There were rumors that he would have been death worth more than alive. This is supported by the massive increase in CD / DVD sales in the first 24 hours after his death. And even after the current is not pulled off. I will not deny that there might have been because someone had the whole Nachgeholfen. After all, it was not difficult Michael Jackson to miss an overdose. He took care of the overdose ... it only because someone had to be the agent got him the ...

The investigation in this regard in any event are already underway, will be seen giving the drug test and then will continue to see.

the margins I would like to mention that there already are plans to film Michael Jackson's life - by no less has made as director Kenny Ortega, and now hold on tight, "High School Musical". I see it coming already ... a scary movie of Michael Jackson's life work is no piece of meet. I only have to look HSM and I find that cold horror. I do not know how to get to zuzuschustern such a person into such a contract. Money in the game? You do not know, at least I can only shake his head about it.

Here are the links:
murder case + High School director

To come again very briefly to my personal relationship with him to speak: I myself once had a Michael Jackson phase where I'm up and down his songs heard. They have supported me, not marked, the others have, preferably a writer. But these are still much music as I chiseled it will have experienced a tragic loss that the King of Pop is dead. For All those who have not heard his songs, perhaps years, for it was as if a dam broke. At once, you could listen to his songs without feeling guilty. If you could hear in his lifetime, his songs, you always had in mind, the court where Michael Jackson of sexual harassment been accused of child. I think it will probably have noticed any.

After his death, but the way to listen to his songs and remember his great achievements. Thriller, Beat It, Bad, legendary Billy Jean with the Moon Walk.

The sales figures and charts speak for themselves.

is His death, like his life: Bizarre. He, who describes himself as 50 years still known as Peter Pan who never wanted to grow up, who had to make up his childhood at the age because she was denied him in his youth. He, the King of Pop, who could all bars, and so rich and at the same time high was in debt how to imagine it as a mortal can hardly.

have been on the throne so high it must be very lonely ...

Especially when you is unable to recognize who is very kind to one and who is behind the many many many money come from. Somewhere I read that it already at times when he was still rumors that he would have been worth more death than alive.

At least that has come true. The revenue from CD sales last week may have more than redeemed his debts. Just unfortunately, he has nothing more of it. Poor, rich, age, Bizarre Peter Pan, you will be missed.

Here again the Wikipedia entry on Michael Jackson who want to know more details. And here is the entry level , for those who want to be informed a little better.

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Filmrenzesion " Secretary

Cover image:

Name of the film: " Secretary "
Director: Stephen Shainberg
Length: 106 minutes
Certificate: 16 years
Starring: James Spader, Maggie Gyllenhaal
language (if the original language): German (English)
Price : 5.95 €
Direct Link / Source: Secretary @ amazon

back text:

"Secretary" is the erotic look into the world of a secretary, who, surrounded by Tipp-Ex and phone, the pleasure of submission surrenders without letting submit. In her head she met a man who controls them, without degrading them. And for that she loves him. An "indecent" women takes her happiness beyond stereotypes and common morality. Your way there, often irritating laugh, without them and their preferences ever ridicule.

Aufdröselung with positives and negatives:

I admit, I did the first film for "James Spader" fetched. The actor already fascinated me in "Boston Legal", but until recently, when I zap at night when the movie "The Watcher" stumbled, it has "click" with me. In the film he is in fact a little younger and a bit thin - and looks good and a Pizza Place!

would actually be here a Rezi on "The Watcher" have executed, but the acting of Keanu Reeves' poor performance in the film I wanted to do to me does not. "To watch a few minutes," Even when she is in me already noticed that Mr. Reeves unmotivated and played his role so woody added that Pinocchio would have done better with stiffened limbs. So I set out to find me ... and I'm stuck in this film that came out only 2 years after "The Watcher".

I must admit at first I was skeptical, but I have not regretted the purchase!

The film is classified "love comedy" characterized, but what happened there in part one should rather in the category of "black humor" seasoned with "drama" and a dash of "love." But first things first.

issue, as already described above in the summary to the Attorney Edward Grey (J. Spader) who is looking for a new secretary, which he in Lee Holloway (Maggie Gyllenhaal) finds. She herself is shy and reserved, has a very quiet little voice, and never enjoyed training as a secretary. The only show what they can do is a broken environment, a just completed apparently successful therapy against cracks and a writing course. Because it has a high attack rating, he sets them, but of course here is the story really begins.

Initially, it expresses only a few tiny notes which Grey against Lee, including less sugar in the coffee. It increases eventually to a complete outfit changes. But then he begins to typo by Lee encircle and to put massive pressure. In order to buckle under this pressure it begins to scratch at work.
Grey noticed, however, and does not permit.
And she tries to actually adhere to it, although she is incredibly difficult ...

But Grey, the uncanny is sensitive, gets just that and finds a way to relax and Lee provide security to no fault of their scoring needs. Lee takes it further and further relief as Grey recoils from itself. He knows that he such, as he calls it "dark side", but he allowed himself to live out fully so far - and is very shocked about his own behavior.

how the story I will not reveal at this point, but as much prior knowledge is necessary so that the Elaborations that are now understood:

What fascinates me in particular about this film has is that the issue Sado Maso neither raunchy deal, yet ridiculed or mocked. Here is openly and clearly played with the cards and before the camera pretty much shown. All that is not shown, can be guessed at. The Master and Servant relationship between the two builds up in the course of history from further increases until there is no escape.

Two lonely seekers to find each other and complement each other just. A dependency could expect for an outsider a little strange, but if you Lees Unselbstständigkeit sieht und sich nach Halt und Sicherheit sehnt und auf der anderen Seite Grey, der jemanden braucht den er vollständig Beherrschen kann ohne seine Machtposition auszunutzen.


Ein wirklich sehr schöner Film, der hierzulande mal wieder ein Nischendasein fristet, wie das ja mit den meisten guten Filmen so ist.  Filme wie diesen bitte mehr, auch unter dem Aspekt der beiden Hauptdarsteller die ein hervorragendes Bild der beiden Abliefern.

Weg von schlechten Schauspielern und Drehbüchern, her mit den guten Geschichten!



anecdote / General ramblings / Gallery

This time I have again a lot of anecdotes - corner. This time, however, shows not only what to and to laugh, but also what "play" and to "continue to tell." So practically speaking like a Kinder, something for everyone.

- insurance agent junior

"Urg ... will now think some of you certainly and how I would come to such a topic in a column. Simply because I just like her "Urg" think, but if not I think of insurance agent junior but to insurance representatives. do this on muco-trimmed species disgusting to you what I know from the sky down to blabber on and move up a little to give up only a small portion of your hard-earned money to the insurance they Räpresentieren. Where is the benefit of the whole usually only finds out if a child has fallen into the well.

usually made is that even in a shop, bought there, let's say a TV, paid in cash or by debit / credit card or my account on the installment and it may take.

case of insurance runs it differently. People come to your house, you chat to things of which you have not even imagined that they exist and in the end they go and leave you only a scrap of paper where it says that they pay in the event of a real case anyway never wü and gestures you kidding anyway.

you Sound familiar? I certainly very (!). After discussions with these so-called insurance agent, I felt drawn each time before the table, even though I had actually signed anything.

And now comes the insurance agent junior into the game. He also comes to you after Home, but he räpresentiert no insurance, but he is working on your request. So to speak, is turned over the tables and you're rushing to your insurance agent junior on the neck. Since he is in your interest and order, he will not let himself cajoled, quite the opposite. He tries to figure out what is right for you the most appropriate and günstiste and makes sure that everything remains in the frame. And all too cheaply and you pay only 1 Times a year and ONLY if you are satisfied with his work. 'S What I call a top offer.

The best part of the story: If one of those times now greasy Prosimians in the suits come over, then you hold them the business card of your insurance Mark Jewellers at the nose and told them: ". Please contact my agent junior and may submit the offer"

I can only rate each, the no idea of insurance and otherwise has no ambition to have since read or empathize, which is an insurance agent junior warmly recommended.

- An image for the work and thanks for the picture

I had hardly thought possible, but I'm actually already finished this week with the image of "The Way of the seed" that I inherited from my company, so to speak as a "lasting impression".

If you someday somewhere and want to buy seed bags they give away, then put a note so pure. Or even with vouchers, if the only order and should be sent to someone else. Then you know where I once worked.

And here's the picture. Please do not copy, the copyright is now at the company Thank

need To see it all you click on it once.

By the way I get a thank you a passion flower. It blooms it yet, but when it blooms again, then it will look like this:

- impressions of a Telefonistinnenjobs

Since there is now at around 100 days talks gradually goes down to 30 to 50, which of course looks to an outsider is still much, it's time I actually managed a few impressions from this time last capture. Therefore one must say, when you make can be remember not all calls on the day, that's not easy at this high number. The customer will be less accessible quite disturbed / annoyed [enter appropriate here] / when we tell them that we just do not remember her call, but now considered again: Imagine

times before would you of all that see her as a day to keep everything. Each butterfly is fluttering by, every car, every passerby, every little detail in them, would you all at the end of the day can be nominated. So since then you either become completely crazy or Adrian Monk.

The brain filters out the waste quickly, which is also helpful, because who wants all the time to be reminded of useless junk? None I suppose.

And precisely for this reason, it is only now I also managed a few funny calls to note in passing here and play. Have fun, it may be laughed:

customer calls and is applied very:
Customer: ". I have a problem with their website, I can plant that will have I not order"
I think ( me to do stupid or what, but remained friendly): "Give me even the name of the plant, then I'll see a quick trip."
client gives me the names of plants and babbles something about it because of "red box" and "non-clickable" and I roll only internally with the eyes looking not only continue, answer thus:
"The plant is in . currently not available, so you can not click on the "
customer, applied perfectly". That would be rather nice if you would indicate somewhere "
I, blunt:" The it has been noted. Could be seen from the fact that you can not push the plant into the basket and the three red boxes on the note. "not available" "
customer grumbles something to himself, and then creates a short" Goodbye to ".
would prefer I parked at the place my forehead on the table. I mean, how much you have to get? When the plant is not to move to the basket, she was asked to "not available" (very beautiful seen from 3 red boxes) and can even see when you click on it still nice red "SOLD" ;, I know not what more can we do more. Nen make banners? A warning pop-up windows install? - ARG!

Customer: "I received your catalog a few weeks ago. He's really very beautiful. But where are my seed bag? The I had bought. A bill was also in the catalog, but no seed bags "
I". Have you ever browsed the catalog? We always pack the bags between the sides with a Lupostreifen. "
It rustles in the background, closely followed by 'Oh, there's just it. Okay, then everything is clear. "
I am firmly convinced that has thrown a single view of the catalog. How stupid are you?

Customer: "You have delivered me something wrong."
I : "as the plant that came on it wrong on the invoice?"
customer : Yes I
- rise to eyebrow - ". Give me time their customer data"
customer enters the data, I searched out. During which he babbles already happening again: "The bill is such and such a plant, but I definitely had something else entered in the online purchases."
Me: "I look times quickly. "agency to get an overview and found that he has already clicked in web orders definitely the wrong thing. Therefore I say: "Since it has been during the ordering process you have selected the wrong plant. And we can only send what was ordered "
customer - near the Wutgrenze -". Do you want me now I put a few plants would be stupid to shop "
would I like to? him the truth in the face said, but I habs then pinched me and advised him to complain ...

My conclusion from these impressions: If you're too stupid are to stay then leave it, otherwise it might happen that you blamierst up. * * Smirkt

A Fanart

This time I really wanted to present more fanarts, but somehow I am still not ready to become the coloration, which is still active for my London-Sightseeing Article That there may be seen next time.

But I've just tried in a silhouette, with the Mad Hatter and Alice. I love this couple simple. Would also like to draw even more if time permits:

Title: Alice kissing the Hatter
Uses: Fine liner, black. Copic, pencil
up on the PC.

To click to see it larger easily.

to kreeieren The really fun for me and I would imagine in the near future to produce even more such images.

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Da war doch noch was abzuarbeiten...

Dieses Mal habe ich von diesen ganzen Dingen hier unten nur meine deviantart-ID abgearbeitet, aber da es zu den "drei dringenden Fanarts" gehörte, und es lediglich auf ein dringendes Fanart reduziert wurde, merkt man davon hier leider überhaupt nichts. Und dazu gekommen sind auch noch unendlich viele Sachen... ohje...

- Meine Fanfiction "Look twice..." weiter korrigieren und einlesen
> *stumpf heult* Zumal da heute noch jemand einen Kommentar hinterlassen hat *sich jetzt richtig schämt*
- My other fanfics are still writing
> * * cries more blunt
- Begin with the other urgent fanart!
> It is now only 1 Fanart
- Make Caramel Dansen-Gif, with Jeeves & Wooster, of course!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> The spiders I've at least begun
- The banner design for my column!
> * blub *
- Finally start times with the Arts, 'You lazy sock> _>
The other three fanarts are still in progress ...
- practice piano!
> For tomorrow I am determined to practice ...
- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you lazy sock> _>
> Nja ... Recherhe that this time you can not call directly * nervously at the back of the head scratching * Rather like "The chance has played muse"
- Me to my views SMV care ... * Grin *
> I think that is still along for a while ...
- Obtaining External Hard Drive
> Sorry, have not done
- DBZ family-style with Yamcha, and Ryoko Mizumi
> Sorry, not ready yet, but it finally found a picture
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
> Sorry, not even started yet ..
- some-arts Harima (School Rumble)
> Sorry, not so very much .. but I've chosen a lot!
- My London travel journal start ... and end
> Here I would like to have at least started as ...
-> get new clothes for training
That I think is abgeharkt, although I still here and there are missing some details

- can make new hair style ...
> Could I probably do not come?
- I care about Ebay does
>, but even I have to put something in.

- start my character behalf of the company and quit

> resolved to the complete satisfaction ^ ^ and my passion flower seeds War I also ^ ^

- Finally implement my ideas for: Stamp, airbrush, PC ...
etc.> I've ever worked with postmarks after all

recent additions:

- ADAC Register
- New phone plus tariff
- laptop along with Internet Stick
- I could do with looking Avas ^ ^ go

Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- House MD. - Season 2 / 1 and Season 4 / 10
- Fortysomething - Epi. 2
- Dr. Who (10th Doctor) - Epi. 4
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 1 / completely
- Scrubs - Season 5 / at the beginning
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2
- Six Feet Under - Season 1 / 5
- Queer as folk - will start again from scratch
- Breaking Bad - Season 2 (biiiittee, let them soon appear and do not starve on the long arm)
-! Jeeves & Wooster - already over, but again here and there Epis Watch
- Dexter - (I forgot perform) - Season 2 (I WAIT)!

Current book list

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- JK Rowling "Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets"
- JK Rowling Harry Potter and the prisoner of aszkaban "
-" A Gay History Of Britain "
- Christopher L. Bennett - X-Men novel" enemy of my enemy "
- Oscar Wilde" A Biography "
- Hugh Laurie" bullshit " (been around for over a year)

Current anime / manga list

preview to the next time:

I can really say yet, that will I see then. Let surprise you is best.

's see what it looks like until then see or write to us on the way.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

American Harvest Convection Perfection

Column (subject: "London Special"), Buchrenzession "Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone" + div

Hello and welcome to my 10th Column output

Juhuuuu! I have the first Time zeroed ^ ^ Thus, it has torn its border and has grown from its infant days ^ ^

So slowly I want to miss it even more, even if I occasionally somewhat neglected ...

Oh so long I have to put off me. Today we have even been the first July! What really constitutes an indictment of my real projects to lead the column every week. I think I have to avoid it on every two weeks, so 2 times a month. I make it sometimes a week is not easy. And twice a month I'll probably cope better. Therefore, I have hereby decided to publish the column only twice a month. More at the moment not just in it. But I have to do too much and a little something different so I will not live as a hobby.

But there were other reasons why I write my entry just now. On the one hand because I was last week thrown fully back into work again and also because I had to really do much. And this was also the unbearable heat that keeps us for over two days in her hot mouth.
on the work of squatting is not a pleasure at the moment. Our shipping department is melt away even on who 'in their barracks - I will even kindly so characteristic of 40 degrees had. At our office, there were already about 30 degrees, but every time one came in from the shipping people with us, they said how cool it would be so with us ... that's saying something.

And then I caught up with the then register as a jury member in a writing contest anthology. Now yesterday, the deadline was and we got sent over 100 stories. The course, all are read and evaluated by the jury members have. After all, it's about nothing less than the publication of a book.

why I'm so busy at night to pass on stories, evaluate and bear all for the anthology book together. The competition is still two months, so a bit of time yet to read the stories. And since I have already started on Monday are already 24 stories read ^ ^ Anyway, certainly do not so bad for a start, I guess.

What's this time to read with you?

But ... I'm not here to rant about my work, but this time my 10th to present Kolumenausgabe . It is this time devoted to my are London-sightseeing-tour leave I with my girlfriend from 14th have undertaken to 22.06 . I've seen there so much, so many photos shot, so many customs and traditions can watch and have to tell a lot about my favorite country besides capital No. 1 thing I also want to present here in detail. A wonderful city with many impressions and visit to the realization that my English is not as bad as I thought. But I do not want to tell it all before, so here are the individual sub-items at a glance :

column :

reports In my column ich allgemein über London , seine überaus interessante Geschichte und werde auch schon hier die ersten Fotos meiner Reise einbringen. Es wird also ein sehr persönlicher Text werden. Beinhalten wird er auch ein paar Empfehlungen , ein paar Sitten und Gebräuche die mir so aufgefallen sind und die ich gerne weitergeben möchte.


In meiner Buchrezension wird es natürlich um ein englischsprachiges Buch gehen, nämlich um J. K. Rowlings Werk " Harry Potter and the philosopher stone ". The book I have read it twice a year in German, but the full potential get filtered out only when you read it in English. Therefore, here is a review about the book.

ramblings / stories / pictures / photos / Arts

And here is, of course, everything centered around my journey , Pictures presents a collage , I've made to a Fanart uploaded and other , which has not fit in the column. In addition, I report on my "latest" discovery Twitter and the increased purchase of English books . Then I will tell the life of a juror s and the duration of cross-read stories, and a voluntary task that I took for my job after work and even like to do! Hard to believe but true!

would then only be noted:

Brigde Tower at night ... is really beautiful!

In this sense ...

... have fun by clicking:

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10th Column subject: "England - London - Special"

Subtitles: "I think I've lost my heart ..."

I thought that this entry is quite nice could start with a collage of some of my best photos. Let it just a moment you act before you begin to read.

say Sometimes pictures just more than a thousand words. And it is true in it, the heart, the heart of London, the capital of Great Britain, the United Kingdom, where customs and traditions mingle with old buildings and a long, long history. You can almost feel it. London is not just a city that was eventually pushed out of the ground, no, it developed and evolved over a long period of time and the merger of several small towns throughout the close to one another.

Neither the Romans nor the Vikings could not sweep other occupying powers England and the city of London from the ground. Again and again she sat up and lit up every resurrection in an even more beautiful light, and each time got a little more luster. If the occupying powers retired and some of them remained on the island, which mingled with the English manners and customs, each time was again an asset to the island.

London is studded with a variety of cultures here on, I would say, but live pretty close to each other space and still agree on the same language of time and get along with each other. Everyone carries a part of this. If you have visited the city to feel at least for a few days to be part of this whole. At the end of this trip, I had all the desire to return the happy, although I had not even left. Yes, even the desire grew in me to stay right there. But of course I had to go back. But I will return and then perhaps stay there for long periods.

much I've seen in this city so much that I can hardly bring in a single column entry. Yes, it would be enough even for three or four entries, so I would like to outline here only briefly roughly what I was there all vorfand. Most attractions are so widely known and already in the collage you see above you can very nicely.

So at this point rather a rough overview and some general tips.

First of all, London is not only attractive to its buildings and monuments, but also for its many museums, which are almost all free. There are, of course, souvenir shops there and a certain, usually temporary exhibitions of the museum are subject to a fee, but the general exhibitions are freely accessible.

This is something we Germans are not used as real. Sure, there are actions here and there where times of free museum admission to a particular , or in Bremen a few years ago the "Night of the Arts", where you opened the door for free in all art exhibitions in Bremen. But apart from that we only need to pay admission. Of course, the advantage here is that one gets to see all the exhibitions inside, but since I have the free in England simply better.

Especially since they have many exhibits, find an expert or interested only single axis running along the water in the mouth. So it was at the Natural History Museum, the preparation of a since 16 to see century-extinct dodo bird. As seen here.

Or in the art galleries, where real art of Magritte, van Gogh and Picasso are suspended. My girlfriend and I have learned so even art at a technical college were almost the eyes from the heads as we stood in front of it and could see the strokes of the artists directly. Not a cheap copy or print, everything is real. Wonderfully ...

We then saw a couple of artists themselves in the huge halls that had made to the established banks or brought to court and folding stools became apparent plants or statues. Who studied art there, which is very good there at his own expense, for he does not need anything extra to pay if he goes to a gallery there for inspiration for his next project or simply looking to practice only.

The only thing you should do is that you can send a donation to the museum at the output. This is of course up to each individual, but a small fee can not hurt, especially since this building can be kept in surplus. Donations are also welcome there. Who now

English reasonably well, can go the best on rainy days into one and provides information about the city, across the country, looking exhibits itself in, galleries, or learns something.

My girlfriend and I have certainly seen this week, more museums than in all previous years together and even on the English!

London is not only for its monuments is a "must see", but there can be good shopping. For example, on Picardilly Circus, because of his billboards is worth a little detour. Even if it there, as shown in the photo, very very full. Besides that I then also have the added Cupidu that would be on this panorama to the right of the billboards. Behind it is still very nice to see the Eintang for 'Ripley's World ".

The prices are of course in pounds (sterling) and are rated slightly higher than the €. Currently you get for £ 1 € 1.17 (Stand: 04.07.09). However, the DVDs and books are there, surprisingly affordable. Of course, everything looks in English, but if you are intent on and in Germany out of print or never released DVDs, here in England is absolutely the right place. What I've done everything there, find her under my general heading below.

In any event, it can actually achieve rates of DVDs. So there will be low cost DVDs just 3 pounds. The most expensive DVD I've done has cost me just 18 pounds, which happen to be the equivalent of just 21 to 22 euros. Since the DVD will be released here in Germany anyway, never, of course it was a good investment. Or the books that cost there around 7 to 9 pounds, representing the equivalent of around 10 €. Of course the books in Germany are usually not much cheaper, but it has in England, when determined by an English Series looks much more choice.

But the whole area of bookshops in all of Wodehouse was there was impressive. Whole shelves full ... Of this we can only dream about in Germany.

I think I must be there soon down again.

A few little things but I have yet, which I would like to report.

Once it turns this is the Underground, the Tube, as they say, is so different than ours. This is not even one of the trains when you bought is not a traveler or travel card or a one way ticket added. There is a line where you tuck the cards must then go through again, coming up out back and only when you pull the card, the gate opens in front of a pass and you can. Lightning fast she goes to it again, so the following also has to go through the same procedure and not for nothing there through. Then

are always on the left and right, two security guards watch the that people stick to it. But they never had to intervene, as I've found. Londoners are very disciplined in that matter. All face relaxed into a snake, no one touches the other and push them to get by without. In Germany would be the way I see it, not possible.

It goes even further. The Underground is a vast tunnel system, to distribute the tracks at several levels and take different lines on each other circles, crosses, and their courses. Many a time my girlfriend and I had the feeling we were about to run to our terminal, so is an extensive tunnel system there. But everything is very well there, you get lost there if you are not completely stupid, not really.

The tubs go there, as well as in Germany, every minute, what they need too. Within a few minutes are the platforms Sun so full, the loan is sometimes against the wall needs to find more space. In particular, in the rush hour, so from 16 clock, the trains are so crowded that you basically standing room only gets.

One thing that struck me about the same during the first web use, namely at least 5 to 6 times announcement "Mind The Gab", which is still in the variant "Please mind the was between the train and the platform" plus a white painted reference to the tracks and in trains also serve them as a scrolling text. A little excessive caution, because the "column" of whom one must be careful, are hardly span. I do not quite know whether the railroad companies to either withdraw the responsibility and rail customers, it can topple over on this "gap", where could not even fall inside an ant ... or whether it is simply a feeling of Sicherheti has so assumed as my girlfriend. Whatever it is, if you're a quarter of an hour drove it and heard at each stop this message 5 times, you will gradually completely bonkers in the skull.

I also think the British themselves to hear this announcement any more. This is only from one ear and out the other purely out. Or do they simply brought in their newspapers, they've gotten so free during the week down in front of each entrance to the underground source. Also interesting to watch, the web can be ever so full, the newspaper reader can always find a place auszufalten their newspapers and read in the world in there and the whole thing without touching or disturbing the bystanders.

Most English / British in any case seem very afraid of touch to have meticulously to make sure no one to touch and if you do tell someone, you can hear the familiar "I'm Sorry" or the like. The same can be seen even if there snakes looks at the box office. It does not affect and not tailgating. The principle is as simple as too great. There is no 5 cash and 5 snakes, but 5 cash and a snake. How? Quite simply, they are put in and all are tuned in turn. If someone is ready, the cashier simply call "Next, please." A good principle in this country that I otherwise only know from the post offices.

But I also think this country would not prevail so quickly in the general stores. For that we are too accustomed to various funds.

I could tell, of course, much much more, but I hear at this point to better times. There are so many places and things to tell, but then the whole there are just too long and I would not do that to you. Now if you become curious but since then ride it again even after London, it's worth it!

Other famous places I will later in my column "Photo Safari "Develop further. There are more photos to be seen.

London, I've lost my heart to you ...

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Book review: " JK Rowling: Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone"

Cover image:

name of the book: "Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone"
Author: JK Rowling
Number of pages: 223
Publisher: Bloomsbury
language (if the original language): English
Price: € 8.90 (6.99 lbs) (Both products prices)
Direct Link / Source:

note before I start:

For one: I know that there are issues with much better cover art, but this specimen was just gü ; cheap and so I brought it to me. At the 2nd Part I was thinking but "spontaneously" decided to choose a somewhat pretty dark-tinged cover envelope. The so-called "adult" version. The difference is really just from the cover, in terms of content, it is exactly the same. I checked once I can keep both books had to compare against each other.

And second: I would have here may well make a comparison between the German and the English edition, which is much thinner than the German. Just because I've got both books are here too, but I do not have the German edition will read a third time and I like the English version much better to just have the feeling here, I've been dropped in favor a detailed review to the English edition. Therefore, I would like to deal here only briefly with the why. So, why the German edition is longer.

First, the English edition in paperback, making it ever much smaller. Then the script smaller and as we all know it has far fewer words in English are available. This eliminates a lot of long sentences which can shorten beautiful, so the book is again somewhat smaller. The German edition, however, is bound and has a bigger font. Sure, it's designed as a children's book.

That's it. Now back to the real of the whole:

back text:

Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy - until he is rescued by a beetle-eyed giant of a man, enroll at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns to play Quitdditch and does battle in a deadly duel. The Reason: Harry Potter is a wizard!

Aufdröselung with positives and negatives:

to content I like to spend hardly anything to write, because that is so clear. Harry, an ordinary boy who discovers on his 11th Birthday learns that he is actually a wizard and must make based on his training at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And not only that, he is still a celebrity in the wizarding world, he has been there but survived the attack by Voldemort as an infant. This encounter left him with Harry a scar on his forehead, and she begins to pain when Voldemort is near ...

why I would rather pay then the English. Linguistically, it is really easy to write and even for beginners easy to understand. Occasional words you do not know showed either from the context or can be looked up easily. What I find interesting or that the stories about Harry, Hogwarts and the wizarding world in general began more as a children's book and then ever deeper and darker features takes. Many characters will come and go in this series. Some of them you will grow fond of, others you may not at first and then evolve it and surprise with twists in their traits.

overall conclusion:

varied history, which is located in the wizarding world, but also makes the "Muggle world" is quite appreciable. A constant balancing act between them and the interested reader anxiously await the next encounter between Harry and Voldemort.

not just something für Kinder!

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anecdote / General ramblings / Gallery

London Tour

- Photo Safari

At this point I would like to pre a few of my photos workstation that I have during my London-shot stay. Some are very nice here. Add To some I still need a little something, I leave any other comments?. Have fun watch:


we start with one of the landmark London, Tower Bridge. Sorry the bridge was lifted up not once while I was there, but that happens so rarely that I was probably a couple of times would go to London to catch this opportunity to some day.
also like a photo of my favorite buildings in London, Big Ben. I love Big Ben. It is smaller than one might think, and maybe some are disappointed when they stand before him ... I do not, I think he's as nice as he is!
And the last image in this set shows the London Eye, that my girlfriend and I have used as a ride. From there you can really see far and look almost the entire city. Also good suitable to shoot photos. Only
are long waiting times there. We stood, despite pre-ordered tickets 20 to 30 minutes in line.

In this series we have all first of all, the Westminster Abbey. A very nice building, but unfortunately they charge 18 pounds Besichtiungseintritt! That was us then too expensive. Instead, we were at the Natural History Museum, where you can see here very well the entrance and next to a dinosaur skeleton that the visitors 'welcomes'.

These two photos show the domestic animals in London ... The huge blue whale belongs to the Natural History Museum and is so long that he simply did not fit on a picture. Therefore, I have photographed her head.
also a photo of one of the gray squirrels that were there in abundance. They were very "cheeky" and had no fear of humans. In most cases we encounter them in the many parks or at Buckingham Palace. Sometimes they argue with the many pigeons around the food ...

This I found also interesting that I have received in the British Museum. An artist, the images only through loose sand, that he sent in his hands was on the floor spread. Unfortunately he had just made a break, so I could photograph it, unfortunately. But quite impressive!

And the very end again my beloved Big Ben with the next Parliament, taken from the London Eye.
Wonderful ... ^ ^

- shopping trip

And very finally, a picture which I I bought everything there. The bottom line is that I have probably as about 200 pounds spent there, if not more. einberechnet food with natural. Since we no longer buy the bus and train tickets had, we had at least spared that. Since we went in only in the museums were government-and thus free of charge, we have saved a lot of money in this way.

Then I will list them here, something I've got everything as in the picture.
always from left to right, as is so common:

first Series:
fourth Dr. Who DVD Season, 2 part (they had unfortunately not the 1st part) then two books by Stephen Fry, were especially important to me. Once " MOAP is my Washpot ", his autobiography and " Paperweight . In the German edition of the second book they have just deleted several chapters because it allegedly contains too many hints to the English culture. This approach could not! That is why I bought the book again in the original. In addition, two Wodehouse books, "Jeeves in the offing " and " Very Good, Jeeves " as it should be and a tea Harrods Darjeeling , very nice ^ ^

second Series:
Blackadder Back and Forth DVD (because this DVD is not in this country there was also a particular concern to me that I needed to look here not long before the DVD was as good as anywhere.). Then QI, the 1st Season with Stephen Fry. So far I've heard a lot about it, so I will look on me once, and let me infect ^ ^ danber "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" Season 2 . Since I already the 1st Season call my own, of course it is a must have. In addition, another two Wodehouse books. Ring for Jeeves and Thank you, Jeeves .

third Series
DVD series Jeeves & Wooster (after I really had to look pretty, not all!), Dexter Season 1 (it annoys me still got to have Season 2), Dr. Who Season 3 , of course, must have an English pocket from the flea market. Herrlich ^ ^ an artist book by Jack Vettriano and another Harrods Tea: Black Tea with Strawberry also very tasty.


- I buy seems almost only English books

Not until my visit to England is to notice me, but also with my last Amazon order which arrived here three days for me. Sure, if you go to England, where it is in the bookstores, of course we expect no major corners with German-language literature, although I have looked after sometimes jokingly.
It should be noted here is that to be found mainly in the German-speaking corner of the bookstores in the original language authors held. Similar to this country. Only on a smaller scale.

Funny but I found that I have many books by Hermann Hesse and Heinrich Heine vorfand there. Both English to German than to. It was kind of funny to read it in English, but you understand it. The English in any case know what is good, that's for sure.

But it will go down in this column, I also did not detail, but the phenomenon that I myself in Germany almost buy only English books. Since I, as has already been properly recognized, "Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone" was retrieved and read, I need of course the sequel too. Since I had failed to get him to me in England, I made me abruptly ordered from amazon. Because it's stupid but only because a single book order, I have yet to set a Manga. A manga in English, which is available in this country do not and probably never will be. His name: "Fate / stay night" Volume 2 and in addition, "The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within" by none other than Stephen Fry.

The only German book in this order was a gift to a good friend of mine. That's it. And even now there are many many English language books and books here in my Whislist on.

Quite interesting how the behavior and the reading habits change when you are in a second language.

- Twitter

Shortly after I returned from England, I have the Twitter, the "chirping", for me discovered. Of course, "singing" I am now not as much as others I have seen there, but I find it amusing Gamze briefly in English to leave here and there was.

course you have to put in 140 characters arg short, but that is what I like. As I write otherwise interminable texts, like this in the column included ever happy, and in English have not yet really on it. Therefore, I find it a good exercise thing. And I can still operate the way a little bit of "stalking". Since I had anyway only once a day on it and look at most once every 3 days to post what it is anyway negligible.

There are many who even do not like Twitter, but I also do not write absurdities along the lines of "I'm sitting cheer pot" or the like. In my brief thoughts coming into it, of course meaningless, but at least they are not only of the preceding sentence. Therefore, I find it a good thing.

And here's the link: wolviespider @ twitter

If you want you register yourself, it's really quite simple and takes less than 2 to 3 minutes. Then you can start immediately. Only I have not yet figured out how to get Twitter on your mobile phone. Somehow, the instructions, a little confusing.

Who could be more white, please register. Thank you.

- fanarts ... or ... "You have indeed done what times!"

At this point I want to anyway because I have so many photos and images and have-you-not-uploaded seen only specify the links to my fanarts. should be

If only for the reason that my

[info] chibi_wolvie account responsible ... where I just noticed that a direct link to it also still missing. I would like to change again. So here's my two

derzeitgen Fanarts, click in-please-up view:

- The princess and the frog

- London-Fanart-Sightseeing (another blank)

Please click to link the two here along the dashed line go ----------------------------------------------- -------------- Fanarts

- proofreader and jury members have a hard ...

As previously reported, I was in February / March registered as a jury member in a forum. This means that I then submitted stories Rate and skim reading must. As these stories will be published later in an anthology book, it is naturally associated with a certain responsibility that I will not, of course, just take it lightly.

I think it is time once a nice experience not to be on the side of banging writer, but on the side of the sweating valued readers, every piece of work need to look critically at what then filter out suitable and which are inappropriate.

I have something never done before, it struck me in the beginning to evaluate a bit difficult, but after 10 Time, it's faster and easier. The stories may indeed have a minimum number of characters not exceed, so everything remains in a moderate frame and you lose not easily get the overview.

Already, it has been my experience that it is not easy but, I mean to rate it. In some stories it is easy to evaluate, for others it is essential difficult and one needs a little time to deal with the story until some time later to submit a review.

course I have previously already rated stories here and there and help eliminate errors in the content, but these were individual stories, no such concentrated mass. It is demanding, but I still think that at the end something will pop out for me, namely the realization that the voters have a history at least as difficult as the readers themselves

- volunteering FS r the job ... which does not do anything after work ...

Actually, I would not have to do it, but somehow I felt like it. Do not ask me why at one time, but I came as soon as I on 1 March started the "Birthday Cards" which we enclose with us in the company with the seed shipment, before always easy, dull, flat and Kreativlos. (There was only one page with squiggles saying, "This gift is from [here enter the name]).

But first things first ...

the moment the work is not quite as much to do to my colleague, the other Phone calls to me was on leave this week and I was with the Kommissioniererin alone in the office. Since the phone is very quiet now, we got a little more than usual in conversation and how this is so, we also talked about hobbies. And it came out that they also painted a little, with watercolor. Your pictures were very beautiful, she is a bold color designer who works with curved brush strokes. You can tell that she takes pleasure in making.

After I showed her pictures, I sat at my PC and it showed. She was also quite taken with it, and seemed already there to consider. But then came first for a while in between the phone and we did not talk too much time on it. But, as the sometimes it is, they had that day a seed order, which was also a birthday gift. When she one of those plain pages in his hands, she spoke to me.

"Say, you can still draw as well. Can not you make something for it? Then enjoy the customers even more. "

why I was glad that my colleague gave me the proposal but simply to make something new for it. Since I like to draw and have fun with it try new things, which later could perhaps be used here and there, I made myself ready. Will pay then in one or two plants and / or seed packets that I may choose me.

is of course no money, but at least one of the first wages I get for my work.

have to be sure, I present here yet, but I'm staying. Maybe I've even next week vorzuweisen something, who knows?

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There was still work to be something else ...

This time I have from all these things down here just processed my deviantart ID, but since the "three urgent Fanarts" belonged, and it was only reduced to an urgent fanart, you realize Unfortunately it here at all. And have come to even an infinite number of things ... sigh ...

- My Fanfiction "look twice ..." more correct and read
> * cries * Especially as dull as today leave anyone a comment now * really * ashamed
- My other fanfics are still writing
> * * cries more blunt
- Begin with the other urgent fanart!
> It is now only 1 Fanart
- Make Caramel Dansen-Gif, with Jeeves & Wooster, of course!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> The spiders I've at least begun
- The banner design for my column!
> * blub *
- Finally start times with the Arts, 'You lazy sock> _>
The other three fanarts are still in progress ...
- practice piano!
> For tomorrow I am determined to practice ...
- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you lazy sock> _>
> Nja ... Recherhe that this time you can not call directly * nervously at the back of the head scratching * Rather like "The chance has played muse"
- Me to my views SMV care ... * Grin *
> I think that is still along for a while ...
- Obtaining External Hard Drive
> Sorry, have not done
- DBZ family-style with Yamcha, and Ryoko Mizumi
> Sorry, not ready yet, but it finally found a picture
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
> Sorry, not even started yet ..
- some-arts Harima (School Rumble)
> Sorry, not so very much .. but I've chosen a lot!

New additions:

- My London travel journal start ... and end
- get new clothes for training
- can make new hair style ...
- I care about Ebay
- My signs contract start and end of the company
- finally implement my ideas for: stamp, airbrush, PC ... etc.

Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- House MD. - Season 2 / 1 and Season 4 / 10
- Fortysomething - Epi. 2
- Dr. Who (10th Doctor) - Epi. 4
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 1 / completely
- Scrubs - Season 5 / at the beginning
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2
- Six Feet Under - Season 1 / 5
- Queer as folk - will again from the very start
- Breaking Bad - Season 2 (biiiittee, let it be released soon and am not on the long arm hungry here!)

Current book list

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- Mel Odom "The Halflings"
- Christopher L. Bennett - X-Men novel "enemy of my enemy"
- Oscar Wilde "A Biography"
- Hugh Laurie "bullshit" (since about over a year)

Current anime / manga list

preview to the next time:

Next time I will probably have already announced London-Fanarts finally feritg and also the design sheet for Geburtstagsgrüß e will probably also vorzuweisen already. With a lot of luck then even the coloration of my London-Fanart ready.

's see what it looks like, until then, or see us on the way.

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