Friday, September 4, 2009

Target Brand Ovulation Control Line

12th Column Topic: "campaign with a difference!" Buchrenzession: "I'm out," ramblings

Hello and welcome to my 12th Column output

My 12th Issue ... and I am completely at the end. Why? Because I'm sitting right now in the control academy, in front of my laptop and my head aches. I am cut off close to the Internet - and also did well from civilization. I know that I had written in the last issue of a new laptop and an Internet-stick, but the stick had turned out a flop, and fortunately I have it right exchanged. My old laptop is just as good (or bad) for the whole. I am completely happy with it.

I would survive even without the Internet, if it would be here for at least one alternative - there's really not. The area around the Academy can only control the "Bergisch desert resort with" call, because the Staka is in a spa resort. How

is received exactly as you learn in my Schwafel part. I for one have found for me this week that is simply not my week. Somehow, everything goes wrong, lunch today is already "paw" and the unbearable heat makes it not exactly better. Then you have all the time, the word "learning" in mind, the one mistreated even more. Probably makes you look even just too much stress, but you would - and should - also do not know a night before the exam. The first exam we have just been written today. Probably is she not have been as good ...

Well, if I barricades too many exams there is always the possibility to get out. Not a nice exit, but you need not struggle through to the end. Let's see how the whole development. But for now we can see together how the first column developed.

Oh wonder, if some parts sound like something other than the beginning, but I have written at different times on different days in different environments. Therefore, sounds much more "torn apart". Of this you shall not be disturbed, so I wish you still browse a lot of fun.

What's this time to read with you?

This time there is a small but fine collection of my humble self. Of course, I have spared no expense or effort and for you an exclusive column topic researched together. But that's not all, plus I also have a new column will appear monthly, the Manganeuerscheinungsverrisse. Nice long word! Of course there are the usual: A Buchrezi and a lot of gibberish. Finally, do not suffer from my column in the seclusion of the Internet.

column :

goes in my column this time it sometimes, of course, to current events, a political issue: "campaign with a difference! "Oh, come runnin 'away! Admit it, as interesting as this year, there has never been! Attractive candidates as "Horst Schlämmer" or "The Party" and entice Merkel, Steinmeier and Westerwelle are desperate for attention, however, to compete. And then there's still the "Sex Sells" - poster, that Berlin is everywhere! Well? That sounds much better than the dry waffle, which one is used otherwise the political corner out.

bad reviews of manga releases (monthly):

I've done this elsewhere on the web would like, I add this column in the column. Of course it will only appear once a month and of course, only if the publishers have brought enough new releases to market. Attention, occasional positive comments. Who can find may take a cookie.

review :

in my review section it's time to review a book to read, and although I have decided spontaneously to the book by Hape Kerkeling : "I'm going then" . After I felt five years have sneaked around to the book, but I thought it would be bought on impulse and do not regret this purchase. I have read quite a number of biographies, adventure and experience books, but this makes me smile, smile, nod and sympathize. That's what I truly rare.

ramblings / anecdotes / Photos

This time, unfortunately, no arts, but a beautiful photo of my Passion Flower [Passiflora] that contrary to expectations even bloomed this morning! An absolute "must see".
A photo I was able to accommodate even the gibberish part, from Ariane Friedrich, the high jumper and medalist. I'll tell a bit about what shorthand on fanfiction, scribble and write speeds , not to mention my all-encompassing destructive overall impression of the tax Academy of Lower Saxony and the resulting slow-growing psychiologischen charges connected with a nice study recommendation.
would then only be noted:

- They're so lovely together!

In this sense ...

... have fun by clicking:

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12th Column Topic: "campaign, a different way"

subtitle: "I sit in American Scene,"

parodies're currently very fashionable in Germany. Just think of all the comedians that do not allow anything to take lumps from the cocoa. Since there are on one side, for example, Ralf Schmitz, who assures us all is the satisfaction that his cat 25 years old, has Alzheimer's and regularly pukes on "The small piece of carpet that you are still in the apartment have, "and we Cat lovers and owners to showing that even when dealing with cats is not gold that glitters.

Or take Mario Barth of us again and again tirelessly reminds the women and men can not be different and yet ultimately only single-celled organisms are descended from the same and we are all together crawled from the primordial soup on the beach.

Admit it that you know well enough, after all, there are a number of such comedians that make us share their weaknesses and lead us realize that laughter is still the best medicine to mention the fact that it is also about deadly serious topics may laugh.

So I'll find the time this election so interesting. Why? Well come on, but you have certainly been of "Horst Schlämmer" and his party heard of the HSP, the Horst Schlämmer party, so named for convenience. Is it true to life played by Hape Kerkeling, whose figure has somehow become independent. The funny thing is, he really is not much different than "normal" politician. He talks weird in the forest, no one understands what he really wants to say, makes dubious promises, and yet he has this fiction even larger Success than those officers who have actually learned the job again.

would Nevertheless, according to the mirror, 18 percent of the German Horst Schlämmer choose the Chancellor.

course Angela Merkel should be funny just tired, because as everyone knows, the Chancellor is not directly elected by the people. But they should still ask why an artificial character makes her so much competition. Or, she wonders, and do not even know it was already the case? Namely, the whole policy just a matter of right "to sell" in connection with the right promises, and as in chess game that promises such a well-considered use of train? Of course! Or do you all think seriously about the politicians you can trust as far as their long noses protruding from her face? Of course not! It's about power positions, retain positions, assert themselves on the world stage and take care not of any smaller states, or even larger to let in around by the nose.

Although I now do not want to suggest that would be the job of Chancellor / Chancellor of a tepid job where all day long on the Butt sits and reads newspapers any image, while a coffee approved by one and calls in between time with Obama, Putin or Sarcrozy and has a nice chat. I do think that it's a damn hard job, but I sometimes have the feeling that the politicians, as high up on top of power very easily lose sight of essential, namely those for which they have ever voted into office, the people, so say, U.S..

I even just in the somewhat dubious pleasure, the control section of the country come to learn in detail - and later also apply - I can already understand that you are in the legal jungle lost very quickly and only see numbers and laws, but not the people behind them.

We really need someone like Barack Obama, of course, also sold well, but it comes across Charismatic. Why charismatic? Because you actually buy into it, he wants to change something, what I expect from our politicians in the country not just want to say. When Angela Merkel is at the pulpit and promises to cut unemployment by half and by next year, we would all just tired Grin off and going - first, because we know that it would be complete nonsense to expect such a thing and also because the economic crisis the world has now firmly in its icy grip. If we now say Pres Obama would propose such a thing, we would at least give him another chance. He is honest and open to people, he comes from the bottom and white as it looks there. I would also buy him most, he actually thinks the people are fighting for survival at the bottom - and every day!

But what has all now with the to do fiction that I had actually already been announced and indicated above? Quite simply, those who have the power that can sell well and are most likely to sell well to those who are most likely to hide what you want them really well. Namely power. Order is what it is in the political structure. Thus, even Angela Merkel, Guido Westerwelle and as mutually self-appointed "Chancellor of all Germans" Frank Walter Steinmeier himself only art figures such as Horst Schlämmer.

But what is the difference? Why does a parody is more acceptable than the original? Quite simply, at a parody, we know that we get ripped off, the politicians try to sell their own fiction as reality - but unfortunately we are no longer willing to let us piss. We want results, experience, especially in such an economic crisis like we do at present. No power-hungry politicians who give so that you could actually say of them: "What I care about my drivel from yesterday?" But those who honestly strive from the financial crisis and us herauszulotzen not more into it happen with "scrapping" which promised a quick recovery and now that the pot is definitely empty, a collapse could mean the automotive industry.

Nevertheless, I will proceed to the election, because who does not choose who chooses indirket the wrong people. And I am 100% completely sure that no one in Germany of his right mind is, those parties like the NPD in the German Bundestag will have sit. Inside there is then at least the excuse that you can complain openly when the fiction is wiedermal sold as truth.

Just a pity that, the "HSP" or "The Party" is not eligible for election at 27.09., otherwise I would have my back to them.

And if you do not already have, then go Select kindly!

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Manga Releases in September (2009) - in the slating -:

This section will only appear once a month, and of course when I have time and inclination they moded me. But what is the point of this section? Will I just strutting only the publishers who start any individual, innovative manga series in this country, but focused only on the mainstream crap which seems to overthrow so many customers find that it is worth it to Promote and sell? Basically, be so, must be fun. Also you must also type the times of frustration when the soul one before the manga shelves of the retailer is his confidence and a rigid only "yaoi", "pseydo-teeny-love stories" and "Bleach" contrary.

Have I already written somewhere that I love me of new publications of the respective manga publisher in Germany to make fun of? No? Well, I've now doing.

The construction is really simple: always at the top of the publishing, including news, events and other series and is the very end my compact slating.

Then I hereby wish you much fun with the first Slating output:

- EMA Publisher -


Source: The

first comes from Yuu Watase "Best Selection . Among them understand I have a super selection of stories. But what we probably expected again as mainstream as you would expect from Yuu. Little boy and girl love stories ... probably intended for the 12 to 15 years ... or something ... Then speaks for itself that the "author comment" extra mention must ensure that even the editors no longer knew what to write, they should still do so. Who Yuu may, for what it maybe, but me? Never ...

Ah Cool, the manganese band Disney Fairies - Puchi no Nikki " I had over a year ago in the hand - in Japanese Comic book shop in Hamburg. When I looked in there has me already set up the neck hair. Creepy drawings in a kitsch atmosphere romp and probably only find buyers is because it says Disney. Has just about the level of ... er was called again as the Disney Princess imitation? Oh Kilala Princess. Is about as bad ...

And I noticed something while I looked for the princess's manga. Then I stumbled on another Disney-manga. YET in English, but that will probably change if it finds enough customers - go out (and the publishers yaoi manga ...). Here's the proof . Note the "Woof" by Susie * rolls away *

Oh yes ... "Kimono Boys " is once again a Shonen-Ai. This time with street prostitution environment ... MUST be? Since there are fan fiction have a better concept. > _>

Hmmm ... the last in the series, namely " Xcentric Culture" is actually not in the sense in the Manga klassisschen style, but rather a guide of Japan (Richly illustrated, such as the description announced promising) . In any case, that would explain the hefty price of 19.95 euros. As a glance at the bookstore would give information about the content. Although the description is often quite nice, but the cover image is not much to. Because it would risk a glance into the book - and of course sufficient interest to the culture of Japan.

- Carlsen Manga -



" ; Tempting "which turns out on closer inspection as a threesome. Sure, twins are always the same woman, you already know from Ouran High School Host Club. Own ideas? Initiative in history? Customizable characters? WUAHAHAHAAAA ... shot Absolut over logic and life - * drum beat arch *.

The rest in this series are new editions of manga and uninteresting ...

- Tokyopop -


'"Love Beast" turns out on closer inspection, breaks rather than a mainstream girl manga with a "beast" the woman's heart and she fucks up nothing more of them remains. Well, Congratulations ...

" Love Cotton "... slightly reminiscent of DoReMi. Much to young children / teenagers are left alone by their parents and face the harsh reality of the economy ... on manganese levels ... Yeah ... no wonder that so many young people today have a twisted view of current economic situation in relation to their own merits. :kaputtroll:

" Maid Boy " very, very bad yaoi, I would not like to see the times when he smiles against me in the store ... * Bow * drum beating

" Suspicius Facts " And the last in the series again a yaoi ... gay Detektive die in einer Schwulenbar jobben... auweia... >_>


Okay, das wars fürs erste mit den Verrissen zu den neuesten Manga-Zumutungen die von den Verlagen halbherzig auf den Markt geworfen wurden. Dann bis zum nächsten Monat, dann gehts weiter, natürlich immer mit der Hoffnung, dass noch nicht alles verloren ist und doch mal was gutes rauskommt... jaja, ich weiss, die Hoffnung stirbt halt zuletzt.

Ich hoffe euch hat die neue Rubrik gefallen.



Book review: Hape Kerkeling - I'm off times "

Cover image:

name of the book: I'm out
Author: Hape Kerkeling
Number of pages: 348
Publisher: Piper
language (if the original language): German
Price: € 9.95
Direct Link / Source : Hape @ amazon

back text:

Hape Kerkeling, Germany versatile TV Entertainers, ran on foot to the grave of St. James - more than 600 kilometers to Santiago de Compostela - and experienced the cleansing power of the pilgrimage. An extraordinary book full of wit, wisdom and warmth, an honest report on the search for God and themselves

Aufdröselung with positives and negatives:

A little narcissistic a touch of the book is already here but who are looking for objective travel information, which is here out of Place. Especially since it has the subtitle: "My journey on the Camino de Santiago" says what we getting into. Why I understand the negative reviews on for example can not.

should note too, one that Mr. Kerkeling, the book was not written with the idea of a bestseller, but that it was his personal diary in which he has scrawled around as it suited him. Who wants to have ne objective description of the pilgrim route that will take kindly to directions and then walk along the Camino itself. Can he / she a try objectively reflect a personal pilgrimage, and I shall be See!

Okay, after I first dropped it, now on the substance of the book:

Since I described how in the introduction already, by the book so chill about 5 years and am herumscharwenzelt I really schwertat it to buy myself, I have read it through with a breathtaking speed of only 4 days and did not bereuht.

why I ultimately with the purchase as schwertat I can now say no more. Maybe everything has to happen at the right time? Helped me the book, at least in the 3rd Week I had to spend in the Staka over the first difficult time. It provides a power to tread a difficult path, you stumble at first almost always falls over his own feet, to stumble, mist ache is like a carpet over the country and the legs and knees ... and it drives you always moving forward. You can not stop running, but you have to get ahead. Although it occasionally with assistance proceeded, but it's better to stretch out his hand and accept the offered hand to trudge as stubborn and only through the pampas - just as Hape Kerkeling on his pilgrimage.

learn to appreciate our own forces properly to keep up with the power house and every Day a little more confidence, that's probably what it is to convey the pilgrimage.

not the target is the way, but the journey is the destination. make a resolution on a pilgrimage to connect and then have been even with the madness before a "couch potato" to be, as Mr. Kerkeling very believable in his book asserted, and then just to make the task each day so at 15 to 20 sometimes even more, to walk miles, to have heard a good deal of (wage)-Courage! And then of course, still alone, armed only with his diary.

It was felt with the book, laughed with him, interpreted the evidence and felt lifted well in his presence. The occasional Stichelleien for other pilgrims are completely normal and human. Meet people meet other people judgments, first impressions, or otherwise. No one is forced to get along with each, and pilgrims. Many do the same and not all going the same way may suffer from this one reason the first time around. I would have worried me if Mr. Kerkeling all other co-pilgrims would have immediately fallen in love, because then it would have been hypocritical.

overall conclusion:

I liked the book incredibly well liked I would have immediately packed my things and would also go a long pilgrimage. Maybe I do that, too, one of the later goals on my list. Only I have noticed while reading that you can probably a good piece of English and Italian contain must manage to get there. This could, of course with my German and English are a bit difficult - and only a pilgrimage? As a woman?

No, first of all, I have my own way and later, if I can not know how to continue this pilgrimage. The pilgrims will refresh the body and the mind, susceptible to make another, perhaps even their own comprehension and broaden one's horizon. When I am ready and need, then I pilgrim!

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anecdote / General ramblings / Photos

Since I have at the moment have very little free time, here in this corner is not all too much what is there to report. Only a few small little things that I wanted to get rid of here and there. Through the whole is much Lernerei fall behind not only the column here, as I must sadly admit. And as I ever so something like a week will maintain a finite life, everything is currently kept on the back burner.

Let's hope that the whole dauerhin after 9 weeks and again herfahrerei einrenkt. Therefore, I wish now much fun with my little list of things:

- Passion flower is blooming!

Finally! It flourished, and even on weekends while I'm home! Too bad that there are still (!) Is no odor Internet. The scent of this plant is the spread really unparalleled. A mixture of a heavy perfume with a floral bouquet reminiscent subliminally to a white wine. Well hopefully I will not drunk it.

There is of course also a photo of said plant.

Like the flower to her somewhat unusual Name came, I would like to state here briefly:

In setting up the flower Christians indicated the Passion of Christ, his long ordeal and the last hours before his death. The ten well-trained here petals represent the apostles, but not with Judas and Peter. The crown of thorns is the tangle of vines dar. These three outstanding stamps are available for cross nails. The shoot tendrils, which can be seen in the picture very well, as along the white line should have grown, while still representing the scourge with which Jesus was scourged to his crucifixion. Therefore, it is also the Name derived: Passiflora incarnata, which is Latin for flesh.

Whoever wants something more than the passion flower and its congeners find genres, should take the Wikipedia entry for anybody. A really very detailed report of said plant with many different pictures of the different Artgattungen.

Passiflora @ wiki

- learn shorthand writing

I am not sure if I can really pull through during the time, but I try at least. After all, I've already Steno learning issue brought so hard the lessons seem not to be in it. Only I must rouse myself to for now. Too bad that one is just too tired during the week after the 6 hours of instruction and 1 to 2 hours relearning no longer can afford that much more great motivation to do something else. Where I personally feel the useful shorthand writing to master. You can quickly take notes which another can not decipher right away - if he is not the German transport Steno writing is powerful. Would be very useful

so in general everyday use some quick side notes to be able to produce without losing great time. It would also be protected from the clutches of the ideas, the more I play in a minor role. I have always felt rather me the good ideas run within seconds of it and as soon I can not just write by hand as they fly away from me ... I think on some ideas really bad ...

... what me straight to the next sub a point:

- writing, fan fiction, Drabble and a bunch of ideas that I can not implement ... + write speed

Since I started at the Staka flowing, the ideas do not matter so much, and when she handed it to come just for a few half-baked ideas that I scribbled on half a page and then the next day again by underscores.
to paper (or better word) I have in the past few weeks just launched a small 6-page short fan fiction, which I can not publish anywhere due to their brisans (One should not love the movie "Secretary" ; take as inspiration), and three to lean Drabble House, of which the last I do not like and I have uploaded yet.

I guess that it is connected to the constant running back and Herfahrerei with the general new situation in which I must find my way for now. Even if the first 5 weeks I've been around in this job, it's still not easy to adjust to the whole thing, especially since it is reconnected to a very high proportion of school and it leaves little free time left. When you're out of the public school for so long and in his spare time already operates self-study, it's hard to switch off between the whole Lernerei still correct or to focus on something else.

I also have just noticed that I needed a half hour for me to type. The little tap under This week makes, therefore, already felt in my writing speed. And since I have just out of curiosity times just searched on Google a "Speed Test", and have made him the same, I have come to the meager results of 523 strokes per minute. They were 560 times above attacks. Somehow I have lost almost 40 stops within 5 weeks and only because I'm not typing this every night ...

Maybe I should but in the dorm more typing, or type out my homework or something. If I have already on many sacrifices and many limitations, my typing speed is actually not suffer ...

- high jump 2009 Women's Ariane Friedrich and women's soccer

At this point, actually only a very brief reference to in the title of this section named athlete, which I mentioned in the last week in the news noticed. A very charismatic woman, the silver medal in the women's high jump this year has brought, showing once again that the German athletes not to be despised.

Apart from the fact that the German women's national football team for the third time is to bring the world title, while for men not something the World Cup in their own (!) something has gone country, one should not forget the female part in sports!

If only I had sometimes as sporty Währe ... the only purpose I can pull myself gymnastics once a week and my fingers typing on the keyboard. So you could say the most sporting of me, the fingers ... na class ...

Wikipedia on Ariane Friedrich

- "And he said: Get ye shall smoke until you smoke it!"

Now I'm already the fourth week in control academy and I feel already animal on the nerve. The Lernerei would still be all right, if only these damn desert would be really any drives you crazy - even me, even coming from a really proverbial "hole" and really hardcore-desert is used to. Especially those who come from larger cities or else are used to find it very hard to get around here to come. This is emphasized that the average age in place at Ü70 is what is partly due to the spa, which also middle of the village is located.

Some even believe they were drinking on a kind of "school trip" and a barbecue and there's no tomorrow. This will stop any event only until the first exams were written and distributed. With the scanty leisure that Staka still offers the best deals. Otherwise, they remain only the age-old sports equipment, two recreation rooms (must pay for it) with two TVs, a foosball table, two pinball (which are obviously also not free of charge ) and a small bowling alley, but the name not deserved - especially as one of the paths is broken. As well

has allowed one of the responsible officials for the site a little joke, so as I see it. With the foresight that we "learn" only and should not be "fun" but no one considered that we all want our way towards each other's throats. It also reminds me of a saying that was once called the Simpsons. He went as follows: only work and play makes Bart never dull "And I assure you, here's the same thing ....
You do not believe me?

Then take time, real example: Locks 107 participants from different parts of a federal state in a desert for three months at a time, where they learn and focus on the substance to (no one can do so in the long run but it was time to be seen) with the above leisure activities. The only way to escape: their car, unless you over 18 and hold a driving license - and selbstversändlich in content nor in a position to pay the high gasoline prices - you will indeed even in between to go home.

interruption: only a short weekend leave Friday afternoon and arrive on Sunday evening.

ages: 16 - 37 years

Then: Limits the recreational opportunities at a park with stinking Kurbrunnen, a few smaller bars, a spa, a savings bank and tiny drugstores. And then waits from what happened.

Could it even be a nice master's thesis in psychology. Who's Who was the first by the throat and he wound the first blunt NEM spoon the intestines from the body?

I know is that even at the "Shining" was not well, and that was only a book.

If any event bald mal von einem Amoklauf an einer Steuerakademie lest oder hört, dann wundert euch nicht. Jeder noch so friedliebende Mensch, und ich möchte mich mal als einen solchen bezeichnen, könnte sehr schnell die Geduld verlieren.

Wenn das jedenfalls so weitergeht brauche ich bald eine Kur – vielleicht schicken sie mich dann ja gleich ins Kurhotel, liegt ja gleich nebenan...

Somit wäre nur noch zu sagen:
Viel zu viel zu tun, viel zu wenig Zeit und trotzdem hat der Tag immer noch 24 Stunden...


There was still work to be something else ...

A little bit of time but yes I've been working a little, but there are again many things have been opened. One thing I had to discard entirely, because of impracticability. And another I had to cancel, sadly, too. It hurts, but right now I just do not have the time. Maybe I'll take it again later on with, we'll see. But again a couple of things have been added. Check it out if you guys interested.

- My Fanfiction look twice ... "more correct and read
> * blunt * howls Especially since anyone left a comment now * ashamed *
- My other fanfics are still writing
> * * cries more blunt
- Begin with the other urgent fanart!
> It is now only 1 Fanart
- Make Caramel Dansen-Gif, with Jeeves & Wooster, of course!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spider)
> The spiders I've at least begun
- The banner design for my column!
> * blub *
- Finally start with the Arts, 'You lazy sock> _>
The other three fanarts are still in progress ...
- practice piano!
> The piano I unfortunately had to give up due to time constraints, so of course it does not appear more flexible in my to-do list.

- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you> sock lazy> _>
can be in a interent-free zone run hardly a proper search ...
- sometimes I worry about my SMV ... * Grin *
> I think that is still 'dragged along for a while ...
- External hard drive get
> Have I at last! And it works!

- DBZ family-style with Yamcha, and Ryoko Mizumi
> Sorry, not ready yet, but it finally found a picture
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
> Unfortunately, not even started ..
- some-arts Harima (School Rumble)
> Sorry, not so very much .. but I've chosen a lot!
- My London travel journal start ... and end
> where I would love to have begun at least ...
- make new hair style can ...
> If I had to finally let do ...
- I care about Ebay
> soon if I'm more at home again ...
- Finally my Ideas for implementation: Stamp, airbrush, PC ...
etc.> I have after all worked with stamps ...
- ADAC Register
> completed successfully. Have even been booked already, insurance coverage is guaranteed.

- New phone plus tariff
> New phone, new tariff! Done!

- laptop along with Internet Stick
> Because of the ineffectiveness of current Sticks - deleted.

- I could once again go looking Avas ^ ^
> This could molt to a long-running ^ ^
- Finally a banner for the purposes of Season 1 "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" information.
> delivery but only really in "newly added" but is already working ^ ^

- get back my privacy ... a tough fight breaks out!
> ... and I've won! ^ ^
YES! Although there was no room exchange, but it added a "debate" and "Agreement"


- At last a whole book to read without constantly being interrupted ...

- Extensive research into various things operate (God, I miss wikipedia the week!)

Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- House MD. - Season 2 / 1 and Season 4 / 10
- Fortysomething - Epi. 2
- Dr. Who (10th Doctor) - Epi. 4
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 1 / completely
- Scrubs - Season 5 / at the beginning
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2
- Six Feet Under - Season 1 / 5
- Queer as folk - will start again from scratch
- Breaking - Season 2 (Biiiittee, let it be released soon and am not on the long arm hungry here!)
- Jeeves & Wooster - already over, but again here and there Epis Watch
- Dexter - (I forgot to be listed) - Season 2 (I WAIT!)

- A Bit of Fry and Laurie Season 4 / 3

Current book list

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- JK Rowling "Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire "
-" A Gay History Of Britain "
- Christopher L. Bennett - X-Men novel" enemy of my enemy "
- Oscar Wilde "A biography"
- Hugh Laurie "bullshit" (since about over a year)
- Hape Kerkeling "I'm going then"
- JK Rowling "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenicians nothing "(yes, in German ...)

Current anime / manga list

preview to the next time:

The next issue will come, only white I do not know when. Probably but I will, at least for the next 2 months at a time have to move every month, because I simply no time to get the series more than one entry per month to get added. I was sitting here alone in this as early as 2 weeks. As soon as I get longer in office at a time to work, is also in the evening time for other things - important things, as I would like to say at this point.

only one thing I would like to announce now: There will be next time a detailed Bufirezension about "Milk"! At the same time as I still want to get Harvey Milk's life story in book form, is it will be a Doppelrezi. It will be interesting. ;)

I hope you enjoyed and see you next time!

Until then, we are writing about us the way.

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