Saturday, December 5, 2009

Leupold Air Rifle Scopes

13th Column theme: "Every year ...", Filmrenzession: "No Country for Old Men," ramblings

Hello and welcome to my 13th Column output

Oh, you've long not heard from me. I hope I do not dachtet seie dead or emigrated after the election result - without a PC. At least in these two points, I can assure you, I still exist, but it has done a lot. The Tax Academy is not, at least not for me. I'm off the hook, was simply not for me. Therefore, it is now called for reorientation me find my way and it stride purposefully along to my own goals.

Actually I had promised at least once a months to write an entry that are now already 2 months between this and the last entry. The reason is that I organize as much-timing had to do to me and finally recover in the free situation. Yes, free, I'm finally free from the confines of where I put up recently. I never thought it possible that it could even be a nice feeling just to look with a bold idea in the future, self-relying solely on what you yourself in your hands or produce offered by the head. This reminds me of the anime "Trigun." For all those not versed with anime Sun, it is exposed to the pacifists "Vash the Stampede" in which a bounty. And of course there was also a woman to whom he has looked up to him and said, something like: ". A ticket in our future is white, it stands on it yet," I think this metaphor very Sho , n.

course, it is with me a little bit different. With me on it but is a goal, but no date, no direct indication of the time when I would go into this train. Right now, I say hang around at the station, where I first got out via emergency brake, Consider the other people on the platform, arrange my luggage and can give me time to stow the experienced ordendlich so that it does not hinder me at the start and the next trip is designed angemehmer than the last.

So I just hope now to have taken the right way and say goodbye to my old life and welcome the new, that will soon arrive on the next train to pick me up.

course I have now a little more time, so the column held again in more detail. Now at the beginning of the month I will write at least an entry if I make it sometimes two. But of course other things as well as pending, go to the course. Of this you shall feel nothing. Just read and you feel for a cup of tea or coffee while reading this ease.

Ah yes, a little surprise waiting for you in Schwafel part. You may be curious. ;)

What's this time to read with you?

I've just flown over my last column entry and found that I have you really promised a Bufirezi to "Milk," but so that I can not serve yet. Although I have seen the film, but the book is not read, so it will come in this issue yet, unfortunately. But it's still bookmarked and will definitely appear in a future issue. Promised;)

Since I have taken so long to hear anything from me, this issue will be considered in more detail than usual, what you will of course do no harm. Maybe you like it so what you read.

column :

would once again because the familiar, every year again, booted again as a complete surprise to the next corner Christmas . Actually, you can download the year after year, everyone knows that everyone knows what is meant by that, anyone going on his nerves ... you know what I am. You read it already abound on the Internet. Therefore, the issue is addressed in my column short and painless. And if it is any consolation to you, sometimes it is indeed over. :) Hey, I thought this every year to help again.

bad reviews of manga releases:

Although I am now a bit behind with the manga releases, but I would imagine for the month of November a few, for the publishers and Carlsen Tokyopop . Let's see what Sun overrun us in November, has perhaps even something good here, maybe even can fly pigs. That's all we know not quite accurate. * Shrugs shoulders * unschuldigt with

review :

is in my corner this time it reviews the film "No Country for Old Men . As can be attributed to the film, but you will find, like me, the Coen brothers do not otherwise know? By the film "Cloverfield" looks at where it stumbles on a preview that looks almost more interesting than the actual Film on the DVD. I was just the preview for so incited me to see the movie extra. But more appropriate in the section.

ramblings / anecdotes / Photos

to ramble I have this really plays a lot. Then I had

show here and there a few minor Fanarts to and want you out of my little Jeeves & Wooster anthology tell where I am working. is particularly interesting as it has arisen, namely by the NaNoWriMo . What exactly is that you learn then clicking below.

And then there was still my most recent discovery, sponsored by my dear little Sis, who has pushed me with his nose ahead to: Hetalia . An anime and manga, created from a web comic out. I give you a hint, it has to do with the earth, each country and the phrase, click the "Draw a circle, there's earth!" But I do not give away too much, again.

the very end is still the surprise of which I have reported above already. Perhaps it pleased you, yes, I am so excited.

Because I still, so close to Christmas, really to say only one thing:

- ... only for the christmas-feeling ...

In this sense ...

... have fun by clicking:

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13th Column theme: "Every year we pick out the Kitschkram ...!"

subtitle:" Mei, since today is Christmas scho "

It puts nÄ? ago and closer to the "ultimate competitive time," the "consumerism" time, "aggressive time". No, I am not talking about a new Cold War or a new threat but by Christmas.

Let's be honest, Christmas sucks! Who knows today at all why we celebrate Christmas? And of those who know, who's so faithful and sees the birth of Christ our Redeemer? Who is that today even the Bible, good will to celebrate Christmas the birth of Christ? By the younger generation so hardly a. Where it is still often more interested as many gifts to dust off for Christmas. Since there are already the latest PC games or the latest console or equal to a new PC, laptop, mobile phone, mobile phone accessories or God knows what there is still everything.

All this still under the guise it takes " This is all important. " Strangely, our ancestors, not even a hundred years ago, came from all over without consoles, mobile phones and the like stuff, and have also survived. So you can submit to the radiation, the electrical equipment so the damn front of him along with that. Nor will a smoker needs to smoke, neither do we really need people to use. We consume consume for the sake of time without keeping a moment and ask ourselves, do we need all this? Is this really my free choice to buy me the latest PlayStation 3 console, or that the advertising I hammered for so long until I take up the tenth loan to afford the thing do?

In Zeiten in denen es der Wirtschaft global gesehen gar nicht mal so gut geht brummt, lt. aktuellem Zeitungsbericht, der weihnachtliche Verkauf von Konsumgütern nach eher schleppendem Anfang in der ersten Adventswoche wieder in gewohnter Manier. Da fragt man sich doch als normal denkender Mensch: Wo kriegen die Menschen das ganze Geld her? Ich dachte wir wären alle Pleite, würden am Hungertuch nagen oder sonstirgendwas. Nein, für ein bisschen aggressives "christmas shopping" ist wohl immer der eine oder andere Euroschein zu haben. Wenn da wenigstens alles wäre, doch das ist es nicht. Da werden nicht nur überteuerte Konsumgüter buy it, but also to heaps of overpriced Kitschkram the even more happily situated in the flat.

seems to be such an old tradition with some poorly cobbled together the kind of rubbish at Christmas and remember to stock the stuff neatly in homeopathic doses to be distributed in the apartment. The purpose and benefit of the whole should represent the most that Christmas cheer is spread. To me, at the whole business in any business, in each precinct or to be constructed only in the neighborhood, rather, the cold horror. Here I will not talk about it freely, for I myself It was this year again crawled around the attic looking for the full "Kitschkram" together and build him up - which of course has again cost me a whole afternoon. And I will be back for an afternoon cost the whole business early next year to build again.

It would be so easy to break with this tradition, which not even has a special reason to drag the stuff that is no longer produced, build it and give away or throw away instead prefer. The trouble is, you live in a rule not only in a household and if one then also has a lot of through traffic, then ever here and there just really spy whether something "Christmassy" is available. Seems like an endemic disease is under pressure to be all normal-thinking people around Christmas time around infects, turning them into near-zombies drooling all collectively making the same - the brain-dead state to stagger through the streets and add the Weihnachtskitschkram. Well, in another state, one can not stand the stuff anyway.

However, I would finally break this year with a tradition to decorate the traditional green conifer with ugly things. I'm talking about the pine trees. The meaning behind it, as far as I know, German-American faithful origin. Only the trees were like back then and not dragged into the huts, but hung outside the huts. Our ancestors had just set a more environmentally friendly than we are. The thought seems to me, thought that they could pretty fir next year so hang back so many years and some of it would.

runs at us so different, there are all the nurseries with the theme "Christmas trees at Christmas time" and cultured for the firs extra hard look. No fir forest is being cleared from the free, that's what made the "natural" with labels and all the trimmings.

Why we get, but the fir trees into the house, decorate it with terrible things, including our gifts and distribute them after the New Year with "Knut" (we remember with joy at the IKEA advertising) out the window to transport where they die an ugly Gossentot unless they are already dead before, I just do not want to mind. This tradition is so old, ready to suck and meaningless, that this year I simply want to pass up. Fortunately, I live

in an adult household where one can submit such proposals before, even though it first came across some resentment. Since I had to make arguments like "Just this year times. If this fails, then we can indeed try again next year. "

But I also think that if you get used to this luxury does not need to worry about drum that perhaps we will soon be in a new tradition, that no Christmas trees more sand into the house. And to be honest, at the end there is anyway to hang back all of a person who actually has neither the time nor the inclination to deal with the issue. Yes, I admit it, it is not only what "breaking tradition" with and like to do, I suffer the chronic lack of time and I just do not want me this year dealing with the theme "Christmas Tree".

I also have a year like this do not feel like my cat to keep the decorated tree used alternately as a game or scratching post, to sweep behind the needle, and after losing part of his responsibility alone again, that the Kitschkram is suspended and on-. Because besides me cares then no drum. Even the removal then I have to take care of himself, saw the small part and burn, because no one has time to do so again. I no longer, and therefore seems to me but not the house thing, Basta!

Other religions also come without great Christmas tree on the 24th - 26 December, why should we not succeed? Therefore, says this year "NO to the Christmas tree,"

Although I must also say this, that the reactions of my surroundings of incomprehension to have been accompanied out to pity and the "pat on the shoulder." The funniest I found there are the "misunderstanding" reactions. As some thought actually almost the Apocalypse would come upon us if we were to lay down a Christmas tree. Yeah, and 2012 will be covered by the world. Lt. the Mayan calendar, which calculated on 21 December 2012 to end, even the end of the world begun. At least the end of the world will be ushered in before Christmas, it comes on the Christmas tree eventually even more.

And if you have not, then you throw out the Weihnachtskitschkram easy!
best before 2012, otherwise there too much to clean up ... ;)

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Mangaverrisse of new publications for the month of November

And here they are again, the occasional Manganeuerscheinungsverrisse. Let's see what we diees time again for Yaoi and Yaoi and oh yes, not to mention Yaoi there ... or whether it is something useful?

- Carlsen-Verlag - News

\u0026lt;/ p> Source:

And as expected we are starting the first of this collection with a yaoi. How could there should be any different? "After A Storm " is the "romantic history" of an architect who finds himself drawn more and more to its customers. So what? I'd also move each to my body when he owe me money, but would not this way. * * Stareup

The second is from Ozamu Tezuka, the "Godfather of manga", entitled " Kirihito . Since I've been waiting a long long long time even to this manga and know what a quality behind it, I'm only positive about it. Absolutely worth buying! And certainly Yaoi-free!

The next "Soul Eater ", then waits with one, I think, Bleach imitators. One can sense is created that can be transformed into a "very cool boys" and 99 + lives a witch must kill to complete the sense champion their education. Thus, the mangaka has not much to draw, he begins the story so that only the witch soul must be incorporated - that's what I call a lazy are more efficient mangaka. Somehow it is significant that the manga up to 31 March 2010 only cost 2.95 euros should. Sounds not very reliable from the publisher.

The next " Vampire Knight - Ice blue crimes" comes as a novel and therefore have the input description of the publishing house ... "is extended to a safe Bestsellers !"... makes me cry more tears of blood. Do the spin from the about yourself? Or is it a warning to those who otherwise have never heard of this manga series - as I do? Or is the publisher of his so sure that they know now that there is already a bestseller? The do not even believe it. * * However, smirkt Carlsen here to jump to the currently moving "Twilight" train, because everything that has to do with vampires is apparently really good about it. Hach, how I miss the days when vampires were regarded as random and yet hardly anyone has dealt with it. Or when there was reasonable Vampire was like "Dracula" and "Lestat."
the content of the novels I can only say this: the whole could have run in a daily soap for teens, no one would have noticed the difference.

The last in the series, "From the nature of man Is again a little gem among the many rotten eggs. A short story collection by the conflict between adults and children is how mutual understanding or lack of understanding will be promoted and be mastered in the end, difficult challenges of everyday life. - Something like more please.

- Tokyopop publishing -



The first in the series " 14R " is short in the title briefly in the story (fortunately only a single band) and briefly in the Summary: Typical paired school love story with a very bad drawing style. Nice and short, eh?

the " Japanese Crash Course " I bought my sister recently and found it even from the structure quite well. As my sister teaches Japanese themselves, and because of their Voice talent is not so bad, the book is a good addition. Lt. Contents of the book will also help you browse the Web. But of course if one is considering seriously to learn the language, a real language course helps of course better than the book.

" Like Milk & Honey " is another one of those typical small-meets-girl-on-their-first-love-manga-single band. Not even the fact can not get over that the beloved is only found in girls falls for girls who are already in use - please? What is that an asshole? > _ \u0026lt;

" Beijing - Ten Faces of a city " I've even himself once held in his hands and leafed through with my girlfriend. Which is not at all else in manga, but finds interesting character styles worth seeing - and they are. 10 short stories written by Chinese artists is truly a feast for the eyes.

" Reload " tells the story of the rise of a music band. In various styles such as collages, oil paintings, etc. and "very authentic," according to publisher and by the mangaka, of course, the Times, is staged. They would have to take a look at the store, if one is interested, this means


Well that was it bad for this time So many mangas are not there this time, I was positively surprised how much it was random. I would very much like to see if next time it is even more random and disappear mass of "little-girl-manga" as well as the Yaois, which is God himself this time, thanks, in borders you can ask. So please continue, dear publishers, it will come off with the sale.

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Film review: "No Country for Old Men"

Cover image:

Name of Movie: No Country for old men
Director: Coen brothers
Length: 117 minutes
Certificate: 16 years
Starring: Tommy Lee Jones , Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem
language (if the original language): English, German, Turkish
Price : 9.95 €
Direct Link / Source: NoCountryforoldmen @ amazon

back text:

The award-winning filmmakers Joel and Ethan created Coen with this captivating and suspenseful action thriller you ergreifenstes up now and ambitious work. A man stumbles on a formal bloody crime scene, a pick-up truck loaded with heroin and two million dollars in irresistible cash. His decision to keep the money for themselves is a violent chain reaction in motion that can stop, not even the law of West Texas. Based on the novel by Pulitzer Prize winner Cormac McCarty and with an outstanding cast led by Tommy Lee Jones, captures this daring cat-and-mouse game - far beyond the previously known beyond - to the heart-stopping finale!

Aufdröselung with positives and negatives:

First I would like to express my disappointment, that I, before I saw this movie, never saw the Coen brothers - which I would definitely catch up soon. This film really took me on a run across Texas, through a world full of harsh and brutal types are tough and the sheriffs of a helpless helplessly next to it and can not prevent.

has particularly impressed me is the role of the "ultimate asshole" Chigurh only one thing: to stay true to his own Prinzipchen. He also has one, I think, the ultimate weapon is barely detectable with the murder by himself across Texas. The nasty to this guy is that he kills out of calculations, not from impulse or desire to kill anything else. He is systematically in how an artisan, the carefully prepared down his tools in order to use it wisely. But this we can understand only if you look closely and mitdeckt. This is one of the special features on this Film dar. This is not pre-chewed and all presented in nice appetizers. Who only to the "cool sayings" resting and forget thoughts, which is quite fast in the rain behind. What is striking, especially the almost total lack of background music that is there to listen to in every movie. To enter better in the film, the plot and in the individual scenes to music would be clearly out of place, so it is good that has been waived. If one looks at

now completely undistracted the film appear more questions and things that stand out one. For example, the question why the sheriff can prevent anything, why he was so slow in its action, reaction, action and thinking is. If you look at the track, however, then you know know. But he is not the only one who is old, there are several old warhorse there, but here's the question of how to go with age? Let it get to you? Who already have too many summer seen or have yet the necessary bite to keep them going? Because this is only one, who is ultimately quicker than the others. The survivor Moss, who is more by chance to a chunk of money and wants to keep it at any price? Chigurh, who harbors no sympathy for his fellow man, apparently quite intelligent and is a straight line towards its destination controls - that is the personification of evil? Or the aging Sheriff Bell, played very convincingly by Tommy Lee Jones, who is to represent the law, but it acts so heavy, tired and old that he can hardly avoid something? There lies a Metaphor of the old law of the United States of America inside the equally old and slow and almost impossible to have affairs? This and similar thoughts during a shoot of seeing the film through his head.

If you want to find it, and you might want to make your own thoughts on the film, then you should give it to you watch!

overall conclusion:

really significant that I found the preview on the DVD of "Cloverfield" and then wanted to see this movie rather than the actual film on the DVD. Just a pity that I do that until a few days later konnte, denn Cloverfield ist nicht mal der Rede wert.

Dieser Film hat 4 Oscars gewonnen und das zurecht, möchte ich jetzt einfach mal behaupten. Man muss bei diesem Film nur eines beachten, man muss sich dem Film öffnen, sonst kommt er nicht zu einem. Wenn man den Film nicht an sich heranlässt, dann versteht man ihn nicht, kann ihn nicht nachvollziehen, was insbesondere für das Ende wichtig ist. Aber hier ist es, wie bei vielem, besser sich selbst ein Bild zu machen. ;) Also leiht ihn euch und schaut ihn euch an.

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anecdote / General ramblings / Fanarts

And here is my "leftovers-ramp," simply means that it ends up on everything else fit in anywhere. But of course there is still much good stuff to discover. For example, what is the meaning of the term "anthology", which is "Hetalia" hot and what the abbreviation "NaNoWriMo" is not to forget that there is something here to watch and a small n. ; surprise waiting at the end.

therefore wish I'll click through a lot of fun.


Well, what is Hetalia? Hetalia first is an anime and manga, which arose out of a web comic. In him are the ghosts, either like it or you do not like. I myself have decided to like me for it, not only because of the many opportunities it offers, but also because the basic idea behind it is unquestionable.

But first things first, I am again too quickly.

The word "Hetalia" is a Japanese play on words and means something like "Hey - Useless and talia - Italy, "which means freely translated" keyless Italy ". Well, as you come to Italy as useless to call? The same it also creates the Germany of Italy in a tomato crate in the middle of the landscape is.

address how this can be? Transformed by the whole countries, states and nations to persons in their language - communicate with each other and take over the historical background to poke fun - and of course the English language world. And, of course not only Germany and Italy, but also the U.S., UK, Japan, Russia, Canada, France, Spain, Austria, Prussia and many more are.

The whole plays in the period between 1 and 2 World War II (yes I know a very risky time) but the fact you can not build such really, because there are always excursions into the past and even into the present. The main plot in any case is about the alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan who oppose the U.S., UK, France and Russia.

The only five minutes walking episodes deal with general historical background and can be frustrating when you're not interested in history so absolute. Anyone who remains seated and paying attention, who gets a lot of hidden humor, and partly serious historical information provided.

Thus, the personified nations behave pretty much typical and stereotyped for their country. For example, Germany, for example, a tall well built man, with bright blue eyes, accurate and well-combed back with a ruler measured it cut blond hair, wearing a green military uniform and a cross stählerndes around the neck. He is very Orderly, has always followed the rules and tries to bring peace and order in everything. His military training is hard to miss standing at attention, the least he can damn well. Also, he constantly surrounded by sheep dogs, likes to read to eat (especially instruction and guide books) and sausages, should allude to the Germans.

And he of Italy will, as already mentioned, in a tomato crate, the first pleading for his life and whines and immediately hoist the white flag. Finally, he is yet done by Germany and would like to make an alliance with him. Reluctantly agrees to Germany and sees himself in the very next moment to search for a new alliance partner. He would rather make an alliance with Japan, where he hopes to better support. But Germany has no idea that Italy's alliance emerged from a historical background to Packt ... but I would not tell. Anyone who paid attention in history that will always know.

Anyway here the official site of ' Hetalia with a little character-Introduction - English -

most interesting thing I find the relationship between Germany and Italy, as well as U.S. and UK to each other is shown interesting. Of course, always under the aspect of all this is clichéd, so you can match the characters better each nationality. This is not understood but is discriminatory Lustig be.

That you have to click but not so much, I would like to introduce you to the most important of all:

Top row, from left to right: China, France, USA and UK
Bottom row, from left to right: Russia North Italy, Japan and Germany

And right here to view the first episode of Hetalia, in English!

And since I'm not so, here also the same as the link to the first chapter of the manga :) on of course ... English! On the

you will also hetalisiert ^ ^


That's a pretty small time winner's certificate, is not it? And I've not just so removed from the Internet, but very nice to do for it. On 1 November started namely the annual NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and went, as the title suggests, a whole month, that is until 30 November.

What you should do during this time? Very simple. Write a text which will include a total of 50,000 words at the end of the month. The content of the text does not matter, it can all genres concern or not a given, it can be a prose, a novel, a short story collection, or even a collection of fairy tales. Depending on how you like it. The motto for the whole? Writing, just writing it.

Because that is what those say who are behind the page. The main idea was simply that everyone wants to write you a book once, but never find time for it. So they have grabbed a month (just the flat rate of November) which will then result in a story this time. It is all done under enormous time pressure, but this is supposed to be respected and not on quality but on Quanität. It's basically just the letter itself and the one that starts at all times.

the Man knows from other areas. As one might love to do many things, but never have time for it. If you look now but zusammenrottet a month with like-minded people from all over the world and writes on a piece, one is carried along automatically. On the quality you need since, as written above, not to respect. This can afterwards correct the error, remove the characters etc.

I would almost say it is a good "kick in the butt" to finally get started again or even to begin. Those who Leave yourself for quite a while, and perhaps in a creative crisis are, as I found myself, for this entry is more than helpful. It clatters down easy, writes the sake of writing. And in the end you can tap on the shoulder and say: Yes, you've made.

Helps the ego a bit, too, is not it?

The main thing is that you continue writing after the NaNoWriMo, which one has won the joy of writing. It's not even so much about winning, for that is more of a self-affirmation and proof why you are in a position - even under pressure. It's just around the community, stating course each writes his own text. But you can compare, despair, cry and get their courage in the other, in short, one is not alone.

And this is truly a good feeling.

Next year, I am determined, I'm with them. Maybe again a lot of crap will come of it, but there were also here and there in my short story collection, one or other good ideas which I subsequently would like to hone.

2010 Who would like to participate, which can sometimes click on NaNoWriMo (Warning, the page itself is in English, but there is a German-speaking community in the Forum) and may register again soon. It is really worth it;)

fanfiction anthology Jeeves & Wooster

And that's what has me the "NaNoWriMo" brought a small anthology of Jeeves & Wooster. Oh no, she's not ready yet, but it is in the works. But in order, first of all, what is actually an anthology? An anthology is according to Wikipedia is a compilation of different texts by different authors on a topic. The various text genres can come from a writer who she writes about a topic. anthology @ wiki

An anthology is interesting because sometimes an author come to write about several things he could. So that he can treat them collectively, they are combined into an anthology. Interestingly, of course, would be an anthology by various authors on a topic, but I know of, unfortunately, too few.

But if you are interested at this point even has to write an anthology with me, let him sign cordially invited to contact me.

any event, the theme of my present anthology "Jeeves & Wooster" series of the same literary book by PG Wodehouse as the already Television series in Germany has been released on DVD. (Furthermore I will describe in greater detail but one of my upcoming column).

In this small 4-part anthology it go to the main character Bertram Wilberforce Wooster, who gets to know within a year, his friends. And since there will be four friends and there are four seasons, each friend a year is allocated. I started with the summer and Augustus (Gussie) Fink-Nottle, a small pig-fond types with Coke bottle bottom thick glasses and a penchant for orange juice. Yes, it sounds just as crazy as he is.
This story has even been completed and awaits only really will not upload it to.

The second story will revolve around Hildebrand (Tuppy) Glossop, which soon into a rage and Bertie in adulthood ever like "want to break the neck" that. He can be madly jealous and greedy to go no more. As the two friends were to me, even in the book series a mystery, but I've taken his and spun a story about it, because despite all he is a very interesting character. To him I dedicate this autumn.
to this story I'm working flat out and I hope to deal with it before the first snow Fält because I am better then third on the History can concentrate.

The third story set in the winter, of course, to deal with Harold (Stinker) Pinker. In adulthood, he is a parish priest and I would imagine that he was even as a child more of a quieter type .. Since he belongs to which Bertie for once do no wrong, I like him more than ever Tuppy, which runs as fast out of the skin. His clumsy way it does in any case always in the most serious difficulties, not similarities with Bertie excluded. He is the Bertie helps to create something that will strengthen his self-confidence.

The last story will deal with Bingo Little (no, there is no nickname, the name itself sounds already like a nickname) deal, the spring and love. And I'm by Bingo Little less than enthusiastic. He falls for any girl in constant and Bertie should they help him get to know him. But he has threaded everything usually ends up with Bertie the adored of bingo while other users already has a new flame, which he runs behind. And who can then Bertie fish out of the mess? That's right, Jeeves. I mention it not in vain, for he will show up early in the last story.

The ideas for this anthology came to me at any rate during NaNoWriMo and I hope to the next challenge in the next year to finish. After all, I need room for new ideas.

As for the stories that I will in run the time on my chibi_wolvie - Upload Account, where you read it and you can make comments.

Have fun already times in advance.


And here are two of my current fanarts. One shows Haruko Haruhana, kept from the anime "Furi Kuri", in acrylic, where I Unfortunately, tipped the water over the upper half, is why the paper looks a bit bumpy. But somehow it has something. I like the chaos they spread, and two cats are together. Btw. Haruko is an alien, so they can this devastation, for which it is responsible, so cold.

And this picture shows Yotsuba and Fuuka, from the manga "Yotsuba. It is a little 5-year-old girl who discovers the everyday things of life for themselves. The drawings on the wall are all of it from the manga accepted. The image itself was pretty old, but I wanted to try just as the picture looks when I color with watercolor pencils and then andünne with water the color. I think the colors look a bit pale this, but it still somehow was homely. Fuuka but also would then again have her hair dryer;)


And here is my little surprise * * the first Tadaaaa Huh half of the Spider Moods are done! ^ ^ If yes lasted long enough and finally ... anyway they are already uploaded and in use. Once all together, I'm going to think about it they verzippen and deliver as a download, but I'm only interested if these little "spiders" to be used.

Otherwise I wish you now much fun with the "little spiders;)

So, that was about it again from my little corner Schwafel. I very much hope that you liked it. Check it again next time in again. Perhaps it is then yes, FINALLY a spider banner. ;)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

There was still work to be something else ...

A little bit of time but yes I've been working a little, but there are again many things have been opened.
Check it out if you guys interested.

- My Fanfiction "look twice ..." more correct and read
> * cries * Especially as blunt as anyone leave a comment now * ashamed *
- continue writing my other fanfictions
> * * cries more blunt
- With the start of other pressing Fanart!
> It is now only 1 Fanart
- Make Caramel Dansen-Gif, of course, Jeeves & Wooster with!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> I just got a few vorzuweisen Moods. Are not ready yet, but at least in working
- design the banner for my column!
> * blubber *, unfortunately, not very far
- Finally start with the Arts, you lazy sock> _>
> The Fanarts other three are still in progress ...
- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you> sock lazy> _>
can be in a interent-free zone run hardly a proper search ...
- sometimes I worry about my SMV ... * Grin *
> I think that is still 'dragged along for a while ...
- DBZ family-style with Yamcha, and Ryoko Mizumi
> Sorry, not ready yet, but it finally found a picture
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
> Unfortunately not even begun. .
- some-arts Harima (School Rumble)
> Sorry, not so very much .. but I've chosen a lot!
- My London travel journal start ... and end
> unfortunately not yet, but is high on my list!
- make new hair style can ...
> If I had to finally let do ...
- I care about Ebay
> before Christmas and due to the parlous state of my financial situation, does ^ ^

- finally realize my ideas for: stamp, airbrush, PC ...
etc.> I have after all worked with stamps ...
- I could once again go looking Avas ^ ^
The 'could well become a long-running ^ ^
- finally re-read a whole book without constantly being interrupted ...
> This should now be pretty much mögilch easily.

- Extensive research into various things operate
> Can I finally make ^ ^

New additions:

- Fanfictionanthologie zuendeschreiben to Jeeves & Wooster
> Come on, there are 4 stories of the cast, only 2 1 / 2!
- fanart / fanfiction to Hetalia!
> is not just for me but for Sis
- think of a few small Christmas gifts!
> As long way until Christmas, it is not more ^ ^ "
- Very important! Continue to learn math!
> This is above all!
- Draft Order!
> important because a little bit of money brings ...
- Dragon for anthology finished
> distinguished After all, I've signed up for it!
- revise history
> Very important! Could get ideas for comics and put ^ ^
> are funny ^ ^
- -
facebook, myspace update, new website design
> Once logged in, which never made it ... \u0026lt;_> They also have deleted my old site ... nja if you nix the last 2 years turn ...^^"

makes Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- House MD. - Season 2 / 1 and Season 4 / 10 (Season 1, 3 and 5 completely)
- Fortysomething - Epi. 2
- Dr. Who (10th Doctor) - Epi. 4
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 1 / completely
- Scrubs - Season 5 / at the beginning
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2
- Six Feet Under - Season 1 / 5
- Queer as folk - will start again from scratch
- Breaking Bad - Season 2 (Biiiittee, let it be released soon and am not on the long arm hungry here!)
- Jeeves & Wooster - already over, but look again here and there Epis
- Dexter - (I forgot to be listed) - Season 2 (I WAIT!)
- A bit of Fry and Laurie Season 4 / 3
- Sherlock Holmes quarter
- South Park (all mixed up ^ ^)

Current book list

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- "A Gay History Of Britain" ;
- Christopher L. Bennett - X-Men novel "enemy of my enemy"
- Oscar Wilde "A Biography"
- Hugh Laurie "bullshit" (already more than a year whether I ever finish the book. ?)
- Arthur Conan Doyle - "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"

Current Anime / Manga List

preview to the next time:

The next issue will have to wait so long for is definitely not like this one, promised! Next time I may have another spirited Spider-Moods and the idea for the banner is indeed for quite a while. Perhaps in the new year is yes then all under the sign of the spider? You will notice if the next entry is very heavy spin ^ ^

I hope you liked it and until next time!

Until then we write about way.

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