Thursday, April 22, 2010

Annealing Melting Temperature Calculator

art is beautiful, but a lot of work.

A statement, influenced by Karl Valentin and I suffered through every day in all truth.
I'm writing the longest showdown of my previous career, so the battle for the Prätorianerhaus in "Will you?" Sells the top rank. In "Will you?" Was waved with "wild magic", recall, and subsequently accidentally Library lit. Well, there are patterns that repeat themselves, especially if you have always experimenting young mage ... After all this time it's not a library that burns so deep breath all Moony please.
I'm also to blame. If my opponent not as intelligent, tough and ready for anything, they may arise even before ten pages. But no. Opponents of such a class will simply longer. Hm so I always solve anew issues that I had not even the day before ...
As a consolation, there are again reading a piece of star knights, atomic number three. As of now I do that every week, always when it comes to the weekend. The first excerpts I have to delete but again, that I have room for the current. This site does not offer unlimited space for menu items ... I also have
yesterday signed my first real contract with the author.
Yes, calm down now all again, it is a relatively mundane job for a textbook on the topic "Career Mode field. The target group are school leavers, the "something with fashion" want to do, but do not quite know what. Which aims to give a Überblickb, starting from Sales specialists, women's clothing to Schneider, design, photography, realistic options for model jobs to peripheral areas such as optics and millinery.
So do not just artistically challenging, but nonetheless a good challenge - I just want to deliver solid, well-researched, readable and useful work - and it flushed my money in small office, money that I earn a letter. and that's pretty cool.
Direct link to the new Sample:
Have fun, and a little bit of resonance I would be happy as always like a scavenger.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sailboat Solar System

New Knights of the Star ...

... Is there to read.
Direct Link:

Have fun!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Build A Motorcycle

four-day Italy, in search of a toilet.

Yes, this can happen when four girls (two of which are under the age of seven years) and only a male drive (six years) on vacation together to Bella Italia, there where the lemons (sometimes) blue used (are) Hen and about half of all residents with Emiilia Lupin, born privet, is (at least if you believe the words of a certain RJ Lupin, who, one have mercy on him, half boots married with). You will notice this in mind that we have rarely eaten so well. And so often. Above all, ice, because that it was certainly warm enough.
But perhaps from the beginning.
The outward journey was so spectacular that I do not even have photos of it. The three children in the back seat was located south of Munich angezickt not even, let alone torn, which dispersed the Anfangsbefürchtung of my favorite travel companion slowly. Ritter Rost as a radio play makes it possible: three completely submerged, peaceful in their child seats, as it rusted Children who only occasionally interrupted their Hörmarathon to biscuits to dismantle its atomic parts and scatter into the cracks between the seats (in the seats-cutting). In Austria, we bought a good vignette and noted with dismay that we did not have enough safety vests on board for the neighboring countries (Austria, two; Italy: one per occupant). The more symbolic purchase a single vest on the burner (seven euros), but then handed out to appease our karma enough: we have not been checked, no one's noticed.
After Italy we went into it with the curious feeling to do something forbidden: we had no sticker Italy, and also never seen a sale. The wow effect set in, when we moved to a toll booth a ticket: Italian highways work such as swimming pools. Man charged with going out.
Beyond the Alps, it was suddenly warm: not as spectacular as one might expect, perhaps, but a few noticeable, pleasant degree, we are happy with the first green meadows greening ßten. Only four or eight Klopausen later we approached it in order to: a small, newly established holiday site near the Lake Garda (lake was blocked by a crane, but you can not have everything.)
saw this:

felt, especially in the morning, like this:

Yes, even in the Arctic seems once the sun.
Our three day stay, we packed it full with sightseeing. Every interested something else, but we came good on a common denominator.

day one we spent in Peschiera, a nice place close to our holiday home. The noble Italians of the 14th and 15 Century had little else to do well, as to compete with each other, which means that one day in each small fishing village one can admire from today's perspective, somewhat oversized military equipment.
day two was then scheduled for a trip to Verona. Yes, as an educated man, sometimes you forget how beautiful you can be surprised, if you look pale, has no idea of anything. Verona was known to me as a city with the arena, and that something had to Romeo and Juliet, it dawned on me too dark. That's it.
First surprise: Verona is really great. As long as you can go into it without inside to come! Unbelievable.
Second surprise: Verona has parking garages that are marked so well that they are found, and above all finds!
Third surprise: Verona has a strategic location at McDonald's ("Mamaaa Klooo I have to go!"). Phew.
Fourth surprise: The arena, which I had somehow thought out, is in the middle of the city. centrally, so to speak. Children stay free admission, as so often in Italy, so the survey was so sporty and affordable pleasure.
And the acoustics are really worth listening to.

child (all below): "Mamaaa"
Mama ((top), "What"
child (full trumpet): "I have to go to KLOOOO urgently"
Yes, echoes Sho . n, Rod Stewart absolutely needed since no microphone, which would only need to urgently enough
Fifth surprise.'s hard to believe how great this rambling city as do other Stae. three cities out of it and sign a Unesco world cultural heritage depends. And hard to believe how often it can go in circles, looking for a house, a single, dilute ******, House! This is by Julia yes signposted very well, but that of Romeo ... I mean, okay, it's huge, and it is the police department (or something similar) in them, so you can still walk past it five times. Next
In Julia's house, a few streets, is now a shop apron. Pure coincidence, or statement on the Italian roles?
And, perhaps not such a big surprise: Verona is really expensive. Really, we want eggs so wide-eyed in front of the Prada, Gucchi and other shops, not because we wanted to buy something, even if we could (ah pants now in Italy! But this soon), but already astonishing that so many people actually do this and then stöckeln with their paper bags with the designer logo through the streets. For some time I had tears in their eyes then spend in front of a delicatessen, had served in the lovely display stuffed snails, along with hand-made tortellini, wild boar salami, eighty-year-old balsamic vinegar, half a ham and wine, as old that one could read the label for sheer weathering little more. An empty snail housing that we moved from the broken mouth of a decorative plastic pig is that we always Load remember.
Oh, and then the dilemma with the pants. The day before, my jeans had given up due to persistent stress with an ugly Rrratsch the mind, and at a location that is too embarrassed to give them public. In any case, and because I had packed narrow (if you go on vacation with three other women, one does well to have themselves little luggage), the question arose as to a short-term replacement, which I do not in Verona ( yes, I spin?), but to obtain in a large, rural shopping center thought.
question: What woman noted that she is in Italy?
answer: The thigh of the pants, the woman tried, (XL), is not the usual short stick over his knee, but already in the calf.
Buy Where all the voluptuous Italian contact a mom? What are the all in the Bertolli commercials, with rock and flowers apron? Somewhere in Italy, it must be a divided dealer that is fairly unique and at the women "bigger and older than 36 earn a fortune.
solution of the problem: men's pants always fit.
Day three took us to Sirmione (small town, giant dam system) and mich, davongespült im Kielwasser meiner Mitreisenden, auf den höchsten Aussichtsturm der Gegend. Ja, andere Leute buchen da für teuer Geld Erlebnisreisen, Canyoning, Bungee mit Russisch Roulette. Mir reicht es völlig, wenn mich der Gruppendruck auf einen Aussichtsturm befördert. Dort halte ich mir dann mit schweißnasser Hand die Kamera vors fahle Gesicht, kralle mich am Geländer fest und gebe gepresste Kommentare von mir. ("Ja, schön. Nein, alles in Ordnung. Wie, da geht es noch weiter rauf? Seid ihr denn alle übergeschn... ja, kein Problem. Ja, bestimmt ist die Aussicht von dort oben besonders toll. Wenn man ein verd ****** bird. How? Oh, nothing. ")

below, then it's something that the ice on terror, and the end of a very worthwhile trip after all. What
our short break was already over.
return: How do you know the worst is always behind.

Stupid decision to go beyond the Caradhras, we would sometimes prefer the Mines of Moria ...
(And of course, quite clear:
! Mamaaa "
" Yes, honey, "
" I have to go to Klooo
...") And the bottom line: Italy is not that one would have suspected it, worth seeing. Even the toilets.