Friday, December 26, 2008

Herb And Bible And Quotes

07th rejoice, rejoice!

love her!

okay, the tests we have put behind us - now we look forward to good things in life.

a christmas wish list:

a fox fur hat of fendi, even if they remain most likely very soon be after a night of drinking in any taxi.
a small suede evening bag with fringes of coach, in the just-key, credit card and lipgloss fit - aer all you need not so.
- year subscription to the red door by elizabeth arden salon: facials, hair removal and eyebrow plucking the bikini line, seaweed wraps, new hair cuts and highlights.
three pair of boots: light brown / dark brown suede / black, below the knee. all of Stephane Kelian and ten-inch-heels. girl can not have enough boots.
a sheepskin coat from Fendi.
a extra large box of Godiva dark chocolate truffles - which are a sin, not just the value. (Kevin lord, it is also not only fits the tree under.)
a white cashmere dressing gown and matching cashmere socks from TSE.
- promise of all the universities where I applied.
- a life-changing New Year's Eve party!

you know exactly what you love me


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