Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Haw Cud Bild A Gas Toy Car

Coming soon ...?

"Fucking Bamberg - Confessions of a not its age academic "
Well ... or not ...
I think I'm going to resist the handiwork of the above title. Finally, I want to stay with might unknown and unpublished. Obviously decided otherwise have a number of students (real or artifact?), Which is not enough to spread her love life in blogs and student portals. More here.
http://www.spiegel.de/unispiegel/wunderbar/0, 1518,677555,00 html
is particularly concerned that these young women to celebrate themselves as pioneers of a new wave of emancipation (leave) where it simultaneously only traditional, patriarchal Serve male fantasies.
Thank you to everyone who sent me the link.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Completed Romance Comedy Manga

Mr. Frodo and run over Axolotl

Merkt's one already?
I am now well formed, if not trained. A strenuous as both exciting weekend at the Federal Academy for Cultural Education in Wolfenbüttel is behind me and given me deeper insights into the processes of professional proofreading.
The Federal College is indeed the first choice when it comes to seminars and workshops in the artistic field, and not without reason. Here we are working on a high level, in every free minute if need be, even half asleep and with his mouth full.
"Everything must go - how to proofread better "was the seminar for which I had decided spontaneously because of the provocative title. Well known it, therefore, that texts not by too few, but by too many bad words, and that good revision mainly in the shortening / tightening there. The process is reminiscent of what makes a gardener with a wild fruit tree out dead branches, Irrzweige out, small branches off, so that finally a healthy, well-structured tree remains.
Unlike many other authors I am indeed a fan of shortening. I am pleased However, when I turn something, discover that I can chuck out of my lyrics, to make them clearer and firmer.
addition to "the Olaf" from the Federal College hosted the seminar as "the Olaf from the editorial," namely, Olaf Petersen of Kiepenheuer und Witsch, the well-known colleagues such as Mr Schätzing care. Tell him to listen to was of course very interesting and very enjoyable, because you had him in a serious, completely unpretentious, friendly and extremely professional counterparts. Really Man who has impressed me with his humble, open-minded and very confident manner.
The seminar participants were thoroughly mixed at a high level is very good: artistic and entertaining prose, children's book, historical novel, fantasy short stories and I, representing the fantasy. And where else could you get enough in a weekend with thirteen complete strangers writing projects so intensely in touch?
What I have learned that with the sample text that will be sent if you register there, is actually worked. Okay, next time I will send something to a bit "more to it." There were to my own text to say not all that much, but that was not bad, for the texts of others, I could never get my deal. What I have learned about some of his side's comments tungsten may be able to laugh at himself better, because the rest of the world does not understand. He came across as a very twisty thinkers, the best. Let's see if we can there purely to bring a little clarity.
Also: that it can be tricky (as unprofessional), animals in the text too much to humanize (in the sense of: "Happy is the swallows fluttered to the wall first, while a hungry dog gnawing melancholy in his bones "). I have decided that chickens are an exception. What also struck
(not the first time) that my musician-staff speaks so strikingly modern. Or, put another way: that the language of dialogue is not to Fantasy "feel." What I
raises the question: When did dialogue language to feel at Fantasy?
Maybe it's less a question of language but rather a focus. I am relatively close and personal with my characters, they go with an example in everyday life, stay overnight and have breakfast with them, and sometimes even a person must go to the bathroom. Other fantasy novels are more distant from her characters are limited to the heroic in the encounter, and in the so-scenes told it is rare that someone pinches his knees and "Oh, I sometimes need ..." ; complain.
Say: form follows function.
we look a look at Tolkien: "Where am I and what time it is"

, he asked aloud.
"In Elrond's house, and it is ten clock in the morning," replied a voice. "It is the dawn of the twenty-fourth of October, if you want to know."
"Gandalf!" Cried Frodo and stood up. There was the old magician, he sat on a chair by the open window.
"Yes," he said. "I'm here. And you're lucky that you're here too, after all the foolish things you have done, since you are from broken home. "

(...)" What has changed in the ford happened? "asked Frodo. "It seemed to me everything somehow so unclear, and that's me."
"Yes, I believe," said Gandalf. "You began to wane. The wound has finally up overwhelmed. (...)"

The scene is both banal: Frodo wakes up, on the other hand, is of great importance: It was not always clear that he ever wakes up, and Gandalf after his first mysterious disappearance of the party again. The language is based on the significance of the moment and is "lifted" so (vocabulary, complex sentence constructions). Where I have chosen something from the "lower end" of the scale to be able to compare at all meaningful.
however, we should not forget that the original is now live to be sixty years and the translation, which is in line to the original language, has been their 40 years old. Streamlined language, which is a natural process, and of course we do not write everything today as forty or fifty years. Only my bookcase is just not a modern, well-known fantasy in her German original and translation ...
And how does a similar scene in the texts witch? Sun:

When I woke up, light shone through my eyelids closed. For a moment I went to Sindri the camp next to me, I wondered why I felt everything hurt. Then I opened my eyes.
I was lying on a bed in a large room, which contained more of such beds. Most were empty, only next to me a dark tuft peeped out from under a mountain ceiling. Sun shone through the high windows, and outside the sounds of a busy day invaded the castle.
I sat up. An energetic pain in the left side of the body warned me against going overboard with restlessness. I lupfte the covers and looked at my leg. My foot and half lower legs were wrapped in bandages, and I also felt a rail. (...)
I touched my chest. Apart from the fact that I had scratches and bruises everywhere, and felt my left side of the body itself, as I was put under a millstone.
I wondered what to do if I had time. Later I learned
that there was a solution to this problem, though not graceful. I also learned the name of the healer, Mechthild, and that there is supposedly in two hundred years history of the castle, no one had done before me, in the moat to overthrow.
I opened my mouth and closed it again immediately.
"I was thinking," I said. "I had an inspiration .... And no, this is not another word for drunk. "

Yes, okay. Gandalf is missing. For tungsten but need not be feared, to "disappear" ...
chief question still remains, and I voluntarily one more rich in your ranks: When is
feel characters and their language according to Fantasy?

What else (caution about change):
Perhaps it is sometimes not so easy to be seventeen and a cultural scene in the famous father have. Maybe you have to do more than other young people with their own mediocrity to fight, or the need for recognition of the Father, who knows. Could also perhaps be seventeen on its own yet professional, publishable writing. A question remains: Does Miss Hegeman in school never had the experience that it just blows up when you copy an article from the Internet? My students have this experience regularly, and that any Vintage, once a year.
We see ourselves (and a salute to my students who may read along here): There is nothing for a solid research and collection of material on the web. But copy and paste is not research, but theft.
(double, by the way, in this case: First, they had stolen sections of their book directly from a blog, on the other it has lyrics übesetzt a band not known to me in German and taken one to one - the passage was lauded by the literary criticism particularly high)
I still vacillate between Nae-nd-nd-nd. näää-näää "and" poor girl ".
I will probably opt for the latter. For Nae-nd-nd "I'm too old.
Background reading:
So much for today.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Camara Flash For New Born

14th Column Topic: "Baby-Boom in Lower Saxony," Filmrenzession: Top, ramblings, family, photos

Hello and welcome to my 14th Column output

It almost sounds like an excuse, if it's not really the case, for it is actually an evil rumor that you had infinite time when between two Beschäftigungsverhä ratios 3 months in the air depends (Okay, now it is only 1 month, but still). At any rate, despite all up to my ears.

is not like that I would not have anything for January, but that my plain and simple firewall on 31.01. a spanner in the works and made a really nasty virus on my PC had, against which I had to fight for 5 hours to get him back on my plate. Okay ... I admit, I actually had the record also would have to begin much earlier, for example on 30 or 29, but sometimes it is just different and, above all, as you might think.

any case, will agree with me probably as good as any that he or she, after 5 hours of fighting with the PC no longer really want to spend with it and would rather go to bed sets to get rid of the headache, which is now set have. Not to mention it then rouse themselves.

is why this record for the month of January, and February entry then I will write later this month. But since I already have issues in my sights, and by then the related materials together, it is this time not come to such a delay, I promise.

we see it simply as a slip-up ... as smooth as the roads are currently in Germany, is actually not as far-fetched. Okay, I admit, that was a tired attempt to produce a reconciliation.

What's this time to read with you?

After my last column entry flew over I noticed that I'll have two entries for one-Fi-Bu Rezi to 'Milk' promise, which I can still not able to serve. The spiders are not there yet, but I might make it to 15 Entry where the spiders have banner finally finished, that he is socially acceptable. In any case, I'm not lazy, I diligently collecting material and spinning, so my column finally earns its name.

But what is otherwise so here is yes sometimes even not quite sooooo unspinnenmäßig. Then let's see what this time in the sticky net of my spider has caught.

column :

goes in my column this time it is an issue that I ... hmm ... as I describe it without too much of the sarcasm, cynicism and endless head-shaking to different need in advance? Is the issue itself is so ridiculous that you could treat it almost two column entries plus a field study why we think Of all that Lower Saxony deserves such a shameful? Okay, I say it out probably the best reason, or I'll have the note right here and compose on the spot. It is a radio campaign, more specifically "Hit Antenna" "Baby Boom for Lower . If you want to know more, then click it out.

review :

Today Filmrezi treated the Disney / Pixar film " top " which was published just earlier this month on DVD - and I've obviously taken immediately. Since he has become my absolute favorite animated film, I dedicate to him, of course, a record.

ramblings / anecdotes / Photos

goes this time in my Schwafelteil it to my 1-wöchtiges internship in a library and of course some fanarts that I will not hide from you. And it will give some impressions of the winter , served in the form of photos and little anecdotes.

Since I still really only one thing to say:

Prussia doesn `t accept Germany with cold ears ...

In this sense ...

... have fun by clicking:

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14th Column Topic: "Baby Boom for Lower Saxony"

subtitle: "... we have to explain where the baby is making - and we are not embarrassed "

" There were too few "small Niedersachsen" Born in 2009, so have we, the radio, the everyone knows, we decided on 23 to 24 invite January 2010, a few pairs and have it pop in a small remote hotel in Walsrode (Lüneburg Heath) really so again soon at last "small Niedersachsen" There are born the "

Not quite the exact wording but something like it reads on the homepage of that radio website. baby boom

it also remembers what? Yes, exactly. What should support this thesis, the calculated Niedersachsen gebährunfreundlichste the country be in Germany? On the side of the above radio I have not found any case to do so. And why is it then that a radio campaign with a few pairs (I can not even find out the number of pairs) will be invited to a hotel just something about the statistics in 2010 can change? Or to other couples should it take an example? And who guarantees that the couples really rattle, and then without a condom? Or has run the radio for this case, a new action on? "We distribute free pregnancy tests to Lower Saxony. Who is pregnant wins a baby bed. "

somehow does not work with me on the bill.

But do we yet again why I see it at all on my January column-to-appear-in-February have made.

I drove one day, it was just the beginning of 2010, touring the area and heard no evil unsuspecting radio. Since I have 6 buttons and thus 6 stations, I would have like to know better than I got stuck at a station called "antenna". I am happy to admit it, sometimes they play good music, the news is not too bad and the storage and speed camera reports a stunner. But what I heard on this particular day I had almost let rumreissen the handlebars and let me go straight into the Staßengraben - because of sheer tears of laughter I hardly saw anything of the road.

are talking about the above title: "Baby boom Lower Saxony "and that is to be taken literally! This lurid title that is the radio station was advertising for one, in my view, completely stupid idea, the "Lower" to animate this "small Niedersachsen" produce.

You should register there for a "romantic weekend" which may then clattering to drive on the creaking bed, just so maybe also a child comes out of it. The laughter was then my thoughts of the child who had come of it caused, which then, say Let's, 9 years goes to his parents and then could play the following scene.

> Any similarity to real existing pairs is pure coincidence. This is just sprung from my imagination. \u0026lt;

The small child the first time deals with the question of its origin, and like most children, it is towards the close as most to get his growers to get there the necessary answers to the most pressing questions . He / she could start this way:

"Hi Mom, Dad ...", the child gets closer, the parents sit in front of the TV and see any output from 'Germany sucht den Superstar' or similar. The child knows that it will not ask his parents about pressing the issue, but it has no one else to whom it can turn to.

"Hello son / daughter." (Ideally, if they deal nicely with the results of his loins, and their eggs. And if they are still deeply concerned even then could this question of closer examination the 'small Niedersachsen' hochdrängeln in them. "What's going on my boy / girl?"

"Well," the child hemmed and hawed, looked furtively hanging around on the floor until his eyes on the flat screen television is where the face-lifted several times by Dieter Bohlen appears. He does not want to do that, of course, longer than necessary and moves better bring out with it. "How did I develop?"

Both parents look at scared to throw each other with glances the ball. 'You've got it but only declared recently, is it? \u0026lt;> Maybe not good enough if there are questions he must of course come, "" If he has issues he should turn to you, I want to watch American Idol, "" That's the last time I had with thee children \u0026lt;

vehicles After all, the losing parent (in this case the man) from the couch and pushes on his small child in the kitchen where it can be interrupted to explain it to him without nagging by Dieter Bohlen's voice.

"We have talked about where they come from the babies, right?" Asks the father completely desperate and squints across the gap through the kitchen door to the living room where just one more American Idol candidate will relish made by the jury to the auger.

"We have discussed this, Dad! But also not my question. "(The little one is a little too precocious to me here)" I would like to know on which occasion I issued. Lisa-Marie in my class said her parents had been on holiday and they had since made. How am I born? "

cursed inwardly Lisa-Marie's father and wonders how he comes out from this number again.

" Listen to my / s boy / daughter. This is not to tell so simple nervous ...", he begins at the hairline, sparse scratching, looking for words. Not because he had forgotten it was created on which occasion his child, but because in hindsight it may consider yet so had not been a good idea. If he lies? But the child was smart, it saw through the lies of his parents. The initial idea that the little children are brought by the stork, he took them off why not the little one already knows where notification came from the babies.

And because the father so quickly it goes back to his relaxed evening will return the child to bed, since it so the next day school and the awkward moment of silence is exceeded long ago, the father moves out with the truth (very unlikely, but the whole company itself is just surreal, I am fit only to the circumstances):

"We have participated in a radio event have to get one night free for a hotel room where we ... could be disturbed. "saved the father completely overwhelmed the sentence.

The child looked at him long, then pulls the eyebrows down (quite the mother), his arms crossed over his chest and says: "Since you make stupid to have you here at home for a nice evening? Why do you need something simple for help? "

Finally, it is about the same facial expression and goes without a word to lose to bed while a totally flabbergasted, but basically consenting father , remains in the kitchen.

> ends surreal scenario! \u0026lt;

Okay, I admit, this scenario is already very far-fetched, with a precocious child, a father who immediately moved out with the truth and so ... but you certainly know what I am. Themselves admit that one is for Popper and childbirth assistance is obtained so basically okay. But are doctors, magazines, tips and tricks ... but participate in a radio show just to stay free once in a cheap hotel, I find it a bit abstruse.

I think they had the lame reason that they have as well worked legally brought to the fore, can also save, n few weeks and wait for the 14th February (for all singles, which is Valentine's Day) can give just a couple of hotel beds to rattle. That would have been at least more honest than this.

And above all, what's the point? Have previously ne camera installed in every room to check who is behind Prevents who's ever come this far and who has fulfilled his duty then, ultimately?

please, so ... I've already noticed more intelligent actions on the radio as the Marius Müller-Westernhagen-set that will probably never be completed. "I connect with Lower Saxony ... "Well ... I had the answer: "Baby Boom".

And if you do not have, then buy yourself a manual for the baby but witnesses;)

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Film review: "Top"

Cover image:

Name of the film: top
Director: Disney / Pixar
Length: 93 minutes
Rated: 0 years
language (if the original language): English, German, Austria-German
Price: € 17.98
Direct Link / Source: Oben@amazon.de

back text:

The sky is the limit? Not for the retired Carl Fredricksen balloon seller who wants to meet at the age of 78 years of his life's dream: a trip to the Amazon area.
fixed in no time the sprightly pensioner thousands of balloons to his house and soars into the sky. Carl noticed too late that he has the eight-year boy scout Russell on board. The cranky pensioners have no other option than to take large-Liver on the journey that makes the old man and a bright boy a committed team.
Another fantastic adventure in the sky by the celebrated director Pete Docter (Monsters, Inc. ) and the 10th Stroke of genius from the House of Pixar.

Packed with exclusive bonus material - including the hilarious short film Dugs Special Operations - reached the top new new heights of pleasure movie.

Aufdröselung with positives and negatives:

Only once in front, I'm actually really excited about this movie I have chosen even to my favorite animated film. I have seen him, of course, even as he appeared in the movies, but I wanted to hold back with a good review until I had it to me once again alone at home viewing on DVD, I could take notes about the film . think

That said, I also needed the distance and the 2nd See time to see if it's only a "fleeting Flirt "or was it love at first sight". I can only say that applies to me the latter. Of course, the movie also has its shortcomings, I would deny nor swept under the carpet, because I will list just as merciless as the thing I liked absolutely positive about this film. Touched

me as the love between Charles, the main character, and Ellie. Even as children get to know them to spend much time together and complement it in a miraculous fashion. Ellie, which occurs more daring, decisive and energetic and as a counterpart Carl, who is very quiet, more cautious approach is in everything and as much as possible any trouble or risk going out of their way.

And yet they both have the same person chosen as a model: Muntz, the adventurer who with his "Spirit of Adventure" (a Zeppelin), the countries visited the earth and penetrates into unexplored areas. Something which children are at the time when Carl and Ellie are still young, can only dream of. And here is where it already. We learn later Muntz, but he is no longer the cute, lovable character, as he presented himself happy in front of the camera scene, but by intrigue, or fraud (as close you can not see out of it) was brought to his reputation. A shame that it has almost can be crazy and he has never tolerated.

It is amazing that Carl Muntz and they are similar in this respect. At a certain point in the film I regret it because Carl can fare as well as Muntz .. Not through loss of face, but triggered by the loss of his beloved wife, Ellie. It's actually a picture-book marriage, the two. They share their love of adventure, dreams of one day flying to South America and to the to travel paradise cases. But never enough money that they have just been saved. Always something in between - and yet they do not give up. They have only each other and yet it is perfectly adequate. shown

Even as the movie in a scene that is not permitted them to have children (a topic I've never seen previously at Disney and I'm really really glad that it at least once a bit has been an issue) they hold each other. Anyway it is the first time that such a deep love that was shown in a lifetime, the first time in a Disney came to language. Was it but so far so that the prince freed the princess from the clutches of the terrible dragon to end up with her on a white horse with an uncertain marriage to ride into the sunset, which was here before, in the middle and then the loneliness when a loved one dies, to be related to the topic.

And the emptiness that Ellie left was huge, so big that Carl was able to close only by that when he repeatedly with her voice while his eyes rolled to heaven. It was almost a "do not want to believe" that it was not him, that he wished still at his side and would have given anything for it to be available. He lives practical purposes in the past, as reflected by the fact that he swear on their decades-held dream to have her leave him, put into practice, namely the cases of paradise . travel Precisely at a time when a change should occur in his life.

And at this very moment occurs Russell in his life. The little boy who desperately needs a father figure and it does everything to get his last badge in the hope that his father, they infect him and he finally gets to see, is touching. Perhaps it is the key, he and the decision to take Nursing home to get better with his home in the air and to travel to the paradise of cases, not to turn into a world abandoned by the man who opposes everything and everyone with distrust, suspicion and hatred.

I also think that it acquired the knowledge that he may be old, but certainly not dead! So he takes his house just a short hand and escapes everything - a desire to have ever had any doubt in his life, just take the most loving and disappear from the scene, go its own way, no matter how hard, difficult or seemingly impossible he could be.

course, there are still protecting the needy Kevin and the talking dog, Doug, who is regarded as a failure of his pack and Muntz noted as not so good, even though this dog is really underestimated.

And this brings us to the negative aspects of the film: The talking dogs that sit later also in small aircraft and begin to shoot the house, I found it a little too much of the surrealist touches - although I am in Hayao Miyazaki's "The recalls flying palace "has, where the hijackers took off a similar maneuver. Maybe it's actually a tribute because, who knows ...

Also for me, despite which the speaking Dogs in the movie repeatedly belch sour, they in no way diminish the movie pass. One can not diminish when one bears in mind all the aspects and to provide the diversity of this film has sometimes leads to heart.

Only one comment I would like, I've seen more than any other Disney character that acted so recklessly as Muntz. Not even Cruella de Vile was awful in my opinion that, even though they wanted to make a fur coat out of puppies. After all, Muntz made it through for Russell to bind to a folding chair, to open the hatch and deliberately from a height of the Zeppelin to let fall, nobody can survive. Then he shoots more on Russell, Carl, Doug and Kevin, have a fight with Carl delivers - and I had here at two aging actors in a James Bond movie, think and ordered his dogs around him are indeed loyal, he apparently also estimates, but it nevertheless agrees that in his attempts to catch the bird, go on it can - and do it.

such a fury and hatred of the world eroded character too, I have rarely experienced in a movie and certainly not in a Disney movie. After all, the only thing he and the bird followed his success to his reputation wash clean again.

Such characters please more - I call him unaware of "bad guy" because he's just not. He is a very bitter and angry man who thinks he doing the right thing. No one is equal to stuff in a drawer, and identifying with the title "extremely evil bad guy" if he "only" pursues its own interests. It all depends on the perspective.

overall conclusion:

Oh, I've left out here at length about the film, as long and broad, hardly anything for das Gesamtfazit übrig bleibt. Das ich den Film mag habe ich ja oben bereits ausführlich diskutiert.

Eigentlich bleibt mir an dieser Stelle nur noch das hier zu sagen: "Das Abenteuer besteht darin so zu Leben wie man es gerne möchte".

In dem Sinne: Schaut euch den Film an!


anecdote / General ramblings / fanarts / Photos

And here again my little Schwafelteil. Not quite in the order listed above, but the fanart is simply too great. If I would have thought it small, you could not read the writing portion. But it is really very nice.

reason, I hope you now click through a lot of fun.

work of a librarian

Oh yes, I compose an entry, and the headline is equally wrong. It states that not "librarian" but "specialists for information services" or abbreviated as "family", but who knows? I knew before and yet, at least until I have dealt extensively with the profession. Although I find this acronym better than "Reno" (lawyer and notary's employees), where everyone thinks the same first one works as a shoe saleswoman, and is nicknamed the "Alina Bundy" raised

-.- Okay, after we left the hair-splitting behind us, we dedicate ourselves the actual Teman this entry. So entirely without a background, this entry is not fact. It is indeed already been back a few days, but I'm from 11.01. to 16.01. a one-week internship in the library can make my district. Usually they take interns for 2 weeks, but I from 1 March to work again begin regular (where I have today signed the contract ^ ^) this was my only chance to speak reinzuschnuppern in this profession.

What I learned there is jedwider respects a gain. Even if the placement lasted only one week, I could clear insight into the profession, . Win Thus, the libraries just suffering the tight budget of the individual municipalities as well as any other branch. Only perhaps even more, because it is in spite of huge and even through the economic crisis, increased demand, saving like mad. Using not only the books must be purchased, the employees are paid and the establishment must be kept in order, but also events funded by the library for all age classes equally more attractive.

Although I must also say this, that the money is definitely not thrown out the window, but are so gehaushaltet the contrary, very needs. Thus, for example, covers of audio books, DVDs, CD-ROMs or the like, not simply thrown away completely when they are broken a bit, but carefully repaired and put back into circulation. What's new? Perhaps as a donation. But who donates even audio books. What surprised me

only was that they need fewer books than I would have accepted donations there. On the contrary, they are well supplied with books. What it lacks is rather the entertainment media, which indeed sometimes are not very favorable. And if an author's reading is organized, the library must the most pay more, so the housing, food and the like, which I also did not know before. And it is said, not even if every author join in it. I think the bigger Bibliotkehen such as, for example, in Hamburg, Berlin and Bremen, have guaranteed it easier for authors to get more particular in their libraries than in the smaller towns / counties.

Even the profession of FaMI is not being backed up. While it is formed, but the later assumption can not be definitely guaranteed. Thus, many FAMIS control in an uncertain future. Of course they can hold also in other areas of the foot, for example in the publishing industry, but whether there is now just as much need there is also an open question. But what profession can claim is that he desperately needs and very many apprentices and they can also be accommodated? Certainly there will be as well as some, but not too many, this much is for sure.

further complication is that it depends not on the library or on the employees or whether it goes well, whether it is popular with the citizens ... Some libraries are still closed. If money is not enough there are first the seemingly "unimportant" areas where savings is. Here, the library is still so much more. There is a meeting place, exchange of ideas, culture and body of knowledge that one should not just give up Sun I do not think it just speaks for the community / town when she is forced to close due to its budget, a library or smaller.

As far as the work itself, she is very customer oriented, so how in the private sector say. I would rather call it even "local". A FaMI must give not only books that have resources in the view sort order for a new place to organize, manage events and keep order, but above all, always keep calm. What I have noticed, especially during my Pratikums was that none of the staff even a little bit out of the rest has come. All had a quiet, serene nature, an equally quiet voice and kept in busy times are the nerves remained calm and worked all one by one.

I do not know exactly what it was, but probably also because it was a rather small library - where the job if you have some 300 books from the library to search together because they are needed for an event she comes to you at once enormous before. But this quiet serenity also had an effect on the visitors. Everything was quiet, calm, just as you would perhaps from movies knows when to get into in a silent library - without the strict "Psssst" Gezischel.

What have particular importance was attached, was the clean up of the respective media, CDs, DVDs and CD-ROMs, which have always been rubbed with a cloth, then stored for the next time the same are sent on their way to can. Sure, that prevents the too rapid of the major surfaces of the thin slices of what this is again a saving to scratch because of the inevitable Verschleissprozess something is delaying.

is all in all it is a very interesting and quiet profession I would really like to own erlenen. Unfortunately I have to get the answer more questions that I could try, but it probably eventually it would be tantamount to an apprenticeship to enable school leavers. but as it looks into the labor market can not say for sure - For someone who already has an education is hard to get into it - maybe on relationships.

pity in which I should have made my education ...

... but the internship was still a nice insight. ;)

winter is gone ... or not?

Probably not if you look at the weather the last few days looking at Sun It is hard to miss, it's snowing constantly, constantly speaks of traffic obstructions, drifting snow, icy roads and accidents. As is high even rocked up to the great winter 1978/79. At this time many of the readers were not even born yet - including me. But from stories I know there was so much snow that only tanks came from the village to the next. The all happened at that time but in Schleswig-Holstein and it is so bad in East Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) is not - yet.

But I will not digress and come up with horror stories. This winter has also its good sides ... and after all we had for years no more real winter. Now he is there and that's not right again. Although I must admit that traffic delays annoy me also and I have black ice anyway great respect.

come any case, here from me at this point a few photos of my winter impressions right outside the front door. Have fun watching.

Oh, so it does not leads to confusion. The photos were taken all of 2010, but from a stupid habit I've written on it in the first still photos 09th Please note not easy, thanks.

A number of people milling about icicles on our eaves. I found her grow so beautifully.

Here is a photo taken directly from the property line. That's been the perfect icy road on Sunday morning. Despite this, in part, rushed, as if it was not smooth, but just a bit watery on the road. Later I learned that some of the drivers have landed in the ditch. Sorry, but I'm not a piece of suffering, if you are technically not adjust to weather conditions, then something happened stop.

Although perhaps not as looks, but it's really smooth. I myself am there up and hardly came back without me to pack on the face - which I have not managed to happiness.

I particularly like this picture because shows how cut off you are. It looks almost as if from the other side of the road out of reach ...

... which of course is not. How else would I have the photo shoot here can? Death bravely as I'm just, I go directly into the middle of the road and shot this photo. Of course I have previously waited until no cars for miles around was in sight. And yes, the road looks without snow from just lonely. ^ ^ "

This photo was taken on Sunday afternoon, as the following. In the afternoon it was time thawed, it turns out that you could trust again and take a walk. Here is a small selection of those we have made. The first is the path that was cleared although sometimes (indicated by the thick Tire tracks), but stop only once, then never again ... We truly live separated. But at least there are street lights ^ ^ "

Here the road just ahead of the curve. This is because on the side of the hand of my sister trying to catch snowflakes. You can see it here, not exactly, but it was snowing hard on our walk. Here I particularly like the thick snow, but the snow-free pines on the edge.

We were on the way to the locks, which are to protect our territory against flooding constantly. So here's the dune herb or what is the fürn stuff forever. I found the picture beautiful because they exist despite the cold and the snow is still around. Very robust plants.

And here the last photo. We are close to the lock and just want to climb back down, when my sister was staying and told me I should take up the in frozen water. Since the water flow is quite otherwise, that's the ultimate in ice has to offer in the water here.

now it's snowing already much stronger, so we will at this point quickly on the way back made.

And here are some photos from my immediate surroundings, just once listed as the Impressions collection. Then I'll also end. It would be nice indeed if so slow times of the spring would wake up, after all, this year we have already seen so much snow that for the next 7 years in advance is sufficient - in my opinion.

But at 02.02. The Groundhog was and could see the groundhog's shadow, will remain with us for the weather probably at least another 6 weeks. * Sigh *

After all, one thing is certain, the winter can not go on forever, it must soon be spring again.

In that spirit, I hope that you enjoyed the little photo tour anyway. ^ ^


Okay, here as promised a couple of fanarts ... combined on one sheet. Namely, a "meme". What's this? In a nutshell, it's a thought that is put on paper / file and published and then simply by verfielfältigt want him picking up many others to answer and answer as the questions in their own way.

This is a "APH German meme "(which stands for APH Axis Power Hetalia). The Meme therefore rotates around the anime / manga Hetalia "which is still here is specific, namely the personifzierten" Germans ". The reference was "deviantart.com" on the rough draft I'm randomly stumbled upon the images search and got spontaneous desire to fill it.

Since almost everything on deviantart for pictures / fanarts / images / creativity in general turns, it's here to answer obvious in comics / pictures and what I did.

who know something about memes Will, who can make clever here, " Meme" (English)
And who wants to try for the Meme itself, which can be the rough draft found at: Makademia @ deviantart

I hope you enjoyed the meme and you even feel like a time to get kreeieren. There are of course not only this meme, because there are all sorts of areas of interest / movies / shows / books / M usic etc. various memes. Of course, not only in images / comic form but also in writing.

tried it once, that's really fun ;)

It also helps from a creative hole to come out, it pulls himself, finally doing something and is really happy when one has done it.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

There was still work to be something else ...

This time, little has been added ... and also not entirely groundless. After all, I have so much on the list, now I'm coming barely keep up. Maybe then I work a little quicker at times things that are rotten here for some time to herself ^ ^ ".

- My Fanfiction "look twice ..." more correct and read
> * cries * Especially as blunt as anyone leave a comment now * ashamed *
- My other fanfictions keep writing
> * cries *
more blunt - Begin with the other urgent fanart!
> It is now only 1 Fanart
- Make Caramel Dansen-Gif, with Jeeves & Wooster, of course!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> I just got a few vorzuweisen Moods. Are not ready yet, but at least in working
- design the banner for my column!
> After all, even a temporary banner. Right now it seems a very good, although he still seems a little bare ... too little spiders ^ ^ "

- Finally start with the Arts, 'You lazy sock> _>
The other three fanarts are still in the works ...
- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you have rotten socks> _>
> Oh this time I have actually even a bit of research!
- sometimes I worry about my SMV ... * Grin *
> I think that is still 'Dragged along for a while ...
- DBZ family-style with Yamcha, and Ryoko Mizumi
> Sorry, not ready yet, but it finally found a picture
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
> Unfortunately not even begun. .
- some-arts Harima (School Rumble)
> Sorry, not so very much .. but I've chosen a lot!
- My London travel journal start ... and end
> unfortunately not yet, but is high on my list!
- make new hair style can ...
> If I had to finally make ... Let
- finally realize my ideas for: stamp, airbrush, PC ...
etc.> I have after all worked with stamps ...
- I could once again go looking Avas ^ ^
The 'could become a long-running molt ^ ^
- Fanfictionanthologie zuendeschreiben to Jeeves & Wooster
> Come on, it is of the 4 stories cast only 2 1 / 2!
- fanart / fanfiction to Hetalia!
> Oh, believe me, so I was really flat out!

- In some small Christmas gifts Think!
> Did I actually got to the series

- Very important! Continue to learn math!
> This is above all!
- Dragon for its own anthology feature
> Unfortunately, the competition is gone, but the dragon is still out.
- revise history
> Very important! Could get ideas for comics and put ^ ^
> are funny ^ ^

Added - :

- New Dev Art ID
> At least I've already laid a concept rightly.

(? What is more, it is not up there ... Nja is also still enough for processing> _ \u0026lt;!)

Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- House MD. - Season 2 / 1 and Season 4 / 10 (Season 1, 3 and 5 completely)
- Fortysomething - Epi. 2
- Dr. Who (10th Doctor) - Epi. 4
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 1 / completely
- Scrubs - Season 6 / early
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2
- Six Feet Under - Season 1 / 5
- Queer as folk - not yet started
- Breaking Bad - Season 2 (YEAAAAAH. .. end of February, the 2nd season!)
- Jeeves & Wooster - completed, but occasional look
- come Season 2 (finally in March, the new - Dexter follow ^ ^)
- A Bit of Fry and Laurie Season - finished
- Sherlock Holmes Season 1 / 4
- South Park (all mixed up ^ ^)
- Weeds Season 1 / 5

Current book list

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- "A Gay History Of Britain"
- Christopher L. Bennett - X-Men novel "enemy of my enemy"
- Oscar Wilde "A Biography"
- Hugh Laurie "bullshit" (For nearly two years ... I think I set a new record!)
- Stephen Fry "Columbus was an Englishman" (MOAP is my Washpot) \u0026lt;for the 2
times - drought Matt "The visit of the old lady"

Current anime / manga list

preview to the next time:

The next issue is always appear in late February, this is finally the - A lot - late January issue was. What awaits us there? Let's see, right? ^ ^

I hope you enjoyed and see you next time!

Until then, we write to us on the road.

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