Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Completed Romance Comedy Manga

Mr. Frodo and run over Axolotl

Merkt's one already?
I am now well formed, if not trained. A strenuous as both exciting weekend at the Federal Academy for Cultural Education in Wolfenbüttel is behind me and given me deeper insights into the processes of professional proofreading.
The Federal College is indeed the first choice when it comes to seminars and workshops in the artistic field, and not without reason. Here we are working on a high level, in every free minute if need be, even half asleep and with his mouth full.
"Everything must go - how to proofread better "was the seminar for which I had decided spontaneously because of the provocative title. Well known it, therefore, that texts not by too few, but by too many bad words, and that good revision mainly in the shortening / tightening there. The process is reminiscent of what makes a gardener with a wild fruit tree out dead branches, Irrzweige out, small branches off, so that finally a healthy, well-structured tree remains.
Unlike many other authors I am indeed a fan of shortening. I am pleased However, when I turn something, discover that I can chuck out of my lyrics, to make them clearer and firmer.
addition to "the Olaf" from the Federal College hosted the seminar as "the Olaf from the editorial," namely, Olaf Petersen of Kiepenheuer und Witsch, the well-known colleagues such as Mr Schätzing care. Tell him to listen to was of course very interesting and very enjoyable, because you had him in a serious, completely unpretentious, friendly and extremely professional counterparts. Really Man who has impressed me with his humble, open-minded and very confident manner.
The seminar participants were thoroughly mixed at a high level is very good: artistic and entertaining prose, children's book, historical novel, fantasy short stories and I, representing the fantasy. And where else could you get enough in a weekend with thirteen complete strangers writing projects so intensely in touch?
What I have learned that with the sample text that will be sent if you register there, is actually worked. Okay, next time I will send something to a bit "more to it." There were to my own text to say not all that much, but that was not bad, for the texts of others, I could never get my deal. What I have learned about some of his side's comments tungsten may be able to laugh at himself better, because the rest of the world does not understand. He came across as a very twisty thinkers, the best. Let's see if we can there purely to bring a little clarity.
Also: that it can be tricky (as unprofessional), animals in the text too much to humanize (in the sense of: "Happy is the swallows fluttered to the wall first, while a hungry dog gnawing melancholy in his bones "). I have decided that chickens are an exception. What also struck
(not the first time) that my musician-staff speaks so strikingly modern. Or, put another way: that the language of dialogue is not to Fantasy "feel." What I
raises the question: When did dialogue language to feel at Fantasy?
Maybe it's less a question of language but rather a focus. I am relatively close and personal with my characters, they go with an example in everyday life, stay overnight and have breakfast with them, and sometimes even a person must go to the bathroom. Other fantasy novels are more distant from her characters are limited to the heroic in the encounter, and in the so-scenes told it is rare that someone pinches his knees and "Oh, I sometimes need ..." ; complain.
Say: form follows function.
we look a look at Tolkien: "Where am I and what time it is"

, he asked aloud.
"In Elrond's house, and it is ten clock in the morning," replied a voice. "It is the dawn of the twenty-fourth of October, if you want to know."
"Gandalf!" Cried Frodo and stood up. There was the old magician, he sat on a chair by the open window.
"Yes," he said. "I'm here. And you're lucky that you're here too, after all the foolish things you have done, since you are from broken home. "

(...)" What has changed in the ford happened? "asked Frodo. "It seemed to me everything somehow so unclear, and that's me."
"Yes, I believe," said Gandalf. "You began to wane. The wound has finally up overwhelmed. (...)"

The scene is both banal: Frodo wakes up, on the other hand, is of great importance: It was not always clear that he ever wakes up, and Gandalf after his first mysterious disappearance of the party again. The language is based on the significance of the moment and is "lifted" so (vocabulary, complex sentence constructions). Where I have chosen something from the "lower end" of the scale to be able to compare at all meaningful.
however, we should not forget that the original is now live to be sixty years and the translation, which is in line to the original language, has been their 40 years old. Streamlined language, which is a natural process, and of course we do not write everything today as forty or fifty years. Only my bookcase is just not a modern, well-known fantasy in her German original and translation ...
And how does a similar scene in the texts witch? Sun:

When I woke up, light shone through my eyelids closed. For a moment I went to Sindri the camp next to me, I wondered why I felt everything hurt. Then I opened my eyes.
I was lying on a bed in a large room, which contained more of such beds. Most were empty, only next to me a dark tuft peeped out from under a mountain ceiling. Sun shone through the high windows, and outside the sounds of a busy day invaded the castle.
I sat up. An energetic pain in the left side of the body warned me against going overboard with restlessness. I lupfte the covers and looked at my leg. My foot and half lower legs were wrapped in bandages, and I also felt a rail. (...)
I touched my chest. Apart from the fact that I had scratches and bruises everywhere, and felt my left side of the body itself, as I was put under a millstone.
I wondered what to do if I had time. Later I learned
that there was a solution to this problem, though not graceful. I also learned the name of the healer, Mechthild, and that there is supposedly in two hundred years history of the castle, no one had done before me, in the moat to overthrow.
I opened my mouth and closed it again immediately.
"I was thinking," I said. "I had an inspiration .... And no, this is not another word for drunk. "

Yes, okay. Gandalf is missing. For tungsten but need not be feared, to "disappear" ...
chief question still remains, and I voluntarily one more rich in your ranks: When is
feel characters and their language according to Fantasy?

What else (caution about change):
Perhaps it is sometimes not so easy to be seventeen and a cultural scene in the famous father have. Maybe you have to do more than other young people with their own mediocrity to fight, or the need for recognition of the Father, who knows. Could also perhaps be seventeen on its own yet professional, publishable writing. A question remains: Does Miss Hegeman in school never had the experience that it just blows up when you copy an article from the Internet? My students have this experience regularly, and that any Vintage, once a year.
We see ourselves (and a salute to my students who may read along here): There is nothing for a solid research and collection of material on the web. But copy and paste is not research, but theft.
(double, by the way, in this case: First, they had stolen sections of their book directly from a blog, on the other it has lyrics übesetzt a band not known to me in German and taken one to one - the passage was lauded by the literary criticism particularly high)
I still vacillate between Nae-nd-nd-nd. näää-näää "and" poor girl ".
I will probably opt for the latter. For Nae-nd-nd "I'm too old.
Background reading:
So much for today.


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