Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Neroburning Descargar

15th Column theme: "Spring snows come," Filmrezi: "Alice in Wonderland", anecdotes photos

Hello and welcome to my 15th Column output

Well, somehow I've done it again in time, the 15th output to bring out in late February. But it is now a March issue, as you can so easily see. In the meantime I have again started to work and therefore less time, which stems not only from the fact that I now Französisstunden per night school diploma, but to also organize a lot of other things have.

I can think straight match the following words: ". Life continues" At the moment, but I hope at last regain my quiet place, which I seem to have lost somewhere in February. Me at the moment everything is pretty hard, I have a lot to do and can hardly get myself to relax once properly - the column entry is really the relaxation.

why wid fail this column output also slightly smaller than usual

What's this time to read with you?

Quite a lot, as I discovered eventually. Although it is sometimes too late for this time has again But the wait worth it. But just read themselves

column :

In this column, it's time for something exhilarating, namely the last early spring . After the really long long long frosty cold and snowy winter, it's really even have time for a little green, mild temperatures and colorful splashes on the still pale green Meadows. Be careful, this column entry is personal in nature!

review :

This is the first time that I review a movie shortly after I saw him in the movies. I've been waiting so long to expect the movie, so I could not even about him refer to. The talk is of "Alice in Wonderland " by Tim Burton. The film has really paid off, who knows the books will notice many parallels, who does not know it is, perhaps suggested to the books to read. I like the books and I like Tim Burton's re-interpretation, which by no means as simple "narration" can be understood, but as a separate work! Who wants a retelling, which should look andernweitig. More in Rezi part.

ramblings / anecdotes

Schwafelteil In this time I have very much non, but to offer it interesting. Since early February, I am now once a week evening classes and supplies for my whole high school my 2nd Foreign language from what is French . Just want to France, the language and culture I talk a little bit. Also on the general night school I would miss me, what it offers opportunities for and what conditions you have to be taken.

Then I discuss the issue still watercolor painting
Catching the only place I have one thing to say:

- Great Britain meets France ... a couple bad at all? -

In this sense ...

... have fun by clicking:

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15th Column Topic: "The spring, he comes to feel it ..."

Subtitles: "... and the winter goodbye"

Wollenw hope that he ir also adopted real. After it was now changed to daylight saving time this weekend after all, are already the course has been set for it - even if the weather forecast, other forecasts, like sleet on Easter and much colder nights - but probably no frost more.

Where the Ice Saints until the middle of May are over and it is recommended only with the low share of the plants and the seeds begin. Also an interesting belief of the Holy on five of the 4th and 5 Century is likely attributable. Those who wish to inform you of the pure love can click here: Eisheilig @ wikipedia any case, the ideal planting time is right after the "Cold Sophie" on 15 May has arrived. Only then will the weather have to be stabilized, that the risk of ground frost is vanishingly small.

I will at least my plants and seeds get plant until mid-May and - apart from that I have no time to advance anyway.

All the prophets of doom and despite that it always rains heavily, it is during the day rather cold and biting wind keeps blowing a fierce but the arrival of spring as my sister and I decided on a walk. Even if the grass looks much more pale green or dried to yellow-gray, but the usual suspects spring sprout on dirt road and directly in the garden.

a week ago we made a foray into the rural neighborhood and photographed aware vegetable of Spring. Some are from my sister some of mine. Much fun to watch them.

As the meadows are awash with us every time it rains a few days in one form small streams like this are down there, beautiful to look at it as murmur to himself.

for this picture there is even a little story. My sister and I were walking along the dirt road in search of flowers, but somehow grew into something that severed part of the way rather sparsely, if at all. Since no grass grew, her being placed on the bog is located there. Apart from moss growing there is not much.

any case, there is also a small pile where garden waste is unloaded, presumably from the nearby big gardener. It really is so far not objected to, after all, from nature to nature. But when we passed it I was suddenly a little gray in the eye, the little cut off from the pile in the middle of mud lying around - a dented pot.

My sister came back and saw the thing and began to descend the slope. I called them back yet, but she was no stopping, went unerringly to it and took out the battered pot. "Now you finally have a pot for your own kitchen soon." Is her comment.

I accept the pot and contemplate it from all sides. "With the hole down there?" I ask dry. She smiles now, but somehow I like the pot and I decide to keep. Is the least well as a flower pot, a headstrong pot, but unique. Just as I will remove all the dead leaves from it crawls toward me a tiny little spider and scared I drop the pot.

"Just goes to show: I have I used to spiders, "came the dry comment of my sister. Somehow, they're right, after all, that is the "Spider-column" and I throw the pot along with spider for the same easy to me. Anyway, I'll take the pot to me again, this time apparently without spider. The somewhere is flown to the moor ... or so. 'm Still trying to find them, but no chance.

any case, we connect with our "treasure" the retreat and he is now. Taken in our garden. Although he lacks even a handle, but he has what I think. And the hole in the middle can only be good, after all, is there excess Water flow off when I water the plants. I like it;)

And another sign of spring! Last week I went to the parking lot after 16 clock and then noticed a small car something green. When I looked closer the tip top of a small tree sticking out of the - of course - the open sunroof of the little Twingo. This is really an image which is itself in a nursery is not necessarily every day!

Because, unfortunately, my phone's battery had given up at this time is the image of a very nice colleague of mine. Thanks again!

The walk my sister and I had already gone on before last weekend of pay. But somehow it seems lately that more and again strange things happen during our walks. So on this past Sunday.

We have a small fixed rite for our occasional walks. We will run once the road to the first curve crossing down the road there and end up at the locks that control should know that not transform the fields in lake districts, but somehow manages not remember which. The locks were built up already so heavily that everything in the left and right over it swept away.

Since something not seen every day we stayed there a little, but when we turned around and wanted to go way back, got up once a dog in the middle of our path and looked at us questioningly. Only slowly we got closer, you never know with dogs, and there was no owner nearby. But as holiday homes around it were, we thought that it is already owned by a neighbor just this, and thought nothing of it as we got closer to the really cute animals and stroked him a little. But that we would have had better have let remain because now it had happened.

When we were on our way back, fact was the dog that he could accompany us anyway for a while and came after us - sometimes it was more a piece of us. We initially thought nothing of it here in the country, it is not unusual that there are dogs that make their solo strolls through the village.

We only began to worry as he had followed us almost all the way home. He was really a nice dog and apparently he took us quite great, but I do not think he would have seen with my cat. So we stopped and grabbed my sister under the collar where a brand was. On the dog's name was engraved: Kiko, now we already knew at least how we should call him! But our good fortune, the phone number was under the same we also agreed that dog owners. The assured us they would come immediately and pick up the dog.

And then we were there ...
And waited ...
And waited ...

But nothing happened, none of the speeding cars passing stopped or slowed down. Slowly it was really uncomfortable out there and it smelled like rain. After a brief back and forth we came up with the idea simply to go back again. My father randomly among those who knew the dog. But now the dog did not really know anymore. He had already on the pavement (!) Made comfortable and was hard to move from the spot. Since my sister came on a brilliant idea. She had her keys with the band, which could be used as a makeshift leash. And Werder Bremen match yes, so we just settled their keys and turn hung the dog and you're able.

So we went all the way back and rang the corresponding door. because they were from made on the way! Somehow I felt a bit sorry Kiko, particularly worried they did not seem to have done so slowly and I could understand why he is running after us.

My conclusion from this experience: Dogs always bring back immediately!

And if you do not have, then let the spring come easy but when it rings at the door!

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Film review: "Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland"

Cover image:

Name of the film: "Alice in Wonderland
Director: Tim Burton
Length: 108 minutes
Certificate: 12 years
language (if the original language): German, English
Price: ca . € 12.00 for ein 3-D-Kinoticket
Direktlink / Quelle:   Alice@wiki

Rückentext   Wikitext (englisch):

Alice Kingsley, 19, attends a party at a Victorian estate shortly after the death of her beloved father. She learns that the formal affair is actually an engagement party to eventually wed her into the Ascot family who now own her father's trading firm. Unsure of how to properly reply to Hamish Ascot's proposal, Alice runs away and follows the White Rabbit, Nivens McTwisp. She then falls down a rabbit hole into Underland, a bizarre world she previously visited as a child, although she has no memory of it. It is explained throughout the course of the film that Iracebeth, the Red Queen, conquered Underland by stealing the ruling crown from her sister Mirana, the White Queen, but Alice will slay the Red Queen's guardian, the Jabberwocky, on the Frabjous Day using the Vorpal Sword. However, a misunderstanding of words from Absolem the Caterpillar makes everyone believe that Alice is the wrong one. The forces of the Red Queen attack and capture McTwisp, Uilleam the Dodo, and Tweedledum and Tweedledee, whilst Alice escapes. The Knave of Hearts, Ilosovic Stayne, informs the Red Queen of Alice's return; the Red Queen orders Alice's capture.

[nur ein Auszug aus dem wiki-Beitrag, der wäre etwas too long to reproduce here in full]

Aufdröselung with positives and negatives:

[I caution at this point, please only read if you've already seen the movie, thank you]
What comes before everything in this movie? A girl who steps out into an uncertain world and to marry someone they do not love, is an environment, the expectations for this girl that it can not meet and runs away, a girl who forgot added to dream ...

This is Alice, she is no longer the little girl from back then that the Wonderland entered using their dreams. You may remember their visits to the country no longer wonder, for they are these dreams just faded almost faded memories. The story continues to be engaged at a garden party with her future at a 19 year old Alice to be - and will run away when she realizes that it is not their decision, it has to cut down there with the words she had to think about it.

you discovered the white rabbit and follows him to crash into the Kaninenbau, as in the book to end up in Wonderland, which is now called the lowlands, where they already is eagerly awaited. In the story of the almost grown-up Alice is about to reawaken their dreams and stand up for what they really want ... not to go to a predetermined path that others have recorded for them.

prevail in the lowlands least horrible conditions. The Queen of Hearts is a cruel mistress that the boys together quite subdued In every country and removed out of the way, who dares to oppose it ("down with the head !!"). But what the sub-country residents to revolt is that prevents the Jabberwockey based on the Command of the Red Queen off. The only one who can defeat the Jabberwockey on a given day with a specific weapon is Alice. But for this they must first be Alice again, they must remember who she is and what she wants - to accept that dreams are as important as reality. Assistance received from numerous residents of the lowlands, such as the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat and White Queen, who was from its big sister, deposed Queen of Hearts and distributed. Only Alice can do anything to harm a living thing ... It would

of course not a real Tim Burton film, if not a bit would go darker and more cruel than in the books. Thus, the general landscape is there not more colorful, but covered with a gray veil, an allegory of the cruelties of the heart queen. Or the image of the totally desperate Mad Hatter, among the ruins of his home kneels and asks Alice to help the lowlands. The Mad Hatter takes in this film is a clear position as a major in the books. Moreover, a personal high-light of mine: The I almost eagerly awaited implied love between the Mad Hatter and Alice, I have felt while reading the books.

Even Tim Burton must have felt it, otherwise he would not have been woven into the story. But saying that Alice from their predetermined path very quickly departed and acted according to their own feeling, as if the abducted Hatter to the palace of the Queen of Hearts followed in order to free him. Finally, it is in this film about growing up to fight for his own way and not run from problems like this. They will fight not only Alice, but all the inhabitants of the lowlands for their freedom.

me personally appeared far less fun than the characters in the book, sometimes even up to a certain extent, very seriously, so they obviously had not lost part of her craziness - quite the opposite. The Hatter was the fact only crazy, but with what happened to him would be almost everyone crazy.

Whatever was fascinating even during the show were some parallels to my own interpretation of Alice in Wonderland stories. I myself have even a little story about the Alice books written with an equally old Alice. The central focus of the story was with me the love between the Mad Hatter and Alice, but also the Jabberwockey appeared in a poem by the hat shop on - only it ended up not as severe as in the movie - of course, my interpretation of the stories was clearly harmless than that of Tim Burton, but it was amazing to see that he was thinking as I like.

My sister kept telling me during the movie she felt the story had to constantly remind and I think it was a nice feeling.

overall conclusion:

I like this movie I really like him. Johnny Depp has once again done an outstanding job as the "Mad Hatter", even if occasionally appeared by Jack Sparrow. Somehow, he can hardly take this character as it seems. For the Mad Hatter does not bother me. Stephen Fry as Cheshirecat absolutely a dream. Somehow I had the sense all the time, they had even taken his face as a template for the cat. There is anyway a lot of British actors in this film, so Tweedley and Tweedledum from none other than Matt Lucas, who has worked in the Little Britain sketches can be seen. Furthermore synced Alan Rickman the Carterpillar. Of course these are more than enough arguments in the movie again to lead to heart in English, what I will, as soon as it appears on DVD.

course I also have several negative voices heard about this movie, I like him anyway. This film should not be seen as retelling of the books, but as a re-interpretation from a different time level with the elements of the stories but a much more serious undertone. Of course the plot is predictable, of course läuft alles auf ein bestimmtes Ziel hinaus, und trotzdem ist der Film gut gemacht. Das möchte ich and dieser Stelle einmal loswerden.

Wieder zu sehen war auch der typische Tim-Burton Baum, den ich in fast jedem seiner Filme sehe. Seit Sleepy Hollow, wo er eine zentrale Rolle einnahm, steht der tote Baum, der sich einmal um sich selbst zu drehen scheint, steht er sowohl in Unterland als auch in der normalenWelt. Achtet mal darauf wenn ihr den Film seht.

Seht ihn euch an, mit 3-D Brillen macht es sogar doppelt Spaß!

- And don`t forget, we`re all mad here... hrhrhr...


anecdote / General ramblings

This time I brought you a way to tell what about France, French, and the night school. Perhaps also interesting once in touch with the school aspect apart, in this country rather ekes out a niche and it offers so many possibilities.

French for beginners or fabric softener on sale "

When no prior knowledge of French language has come a the first few hours ago when they would communicate with extraterrestrials. Anyway, I had exactly this in mind and was surprised at this very melodic spoken language, so is in itself a type, and yet a Romance language. It comforts me in the beginning, get over that if I pushed it in French first put a piece more if it is easier for me to learn another Romance language, just as Italian or English. So we were even offered the prospect of a good introduction to Latin to see if it works with French first. It would be nice It so, it would help me with my Germanic studies later.

If I had had the choice, I would have opted for English, but unfortunately not possible because the was, it is now French. On the one hand, a difficult language, on the other, but also, as already mentioned above, melodic, which has strong appeal.

French is not an entirely simple languages, the grammar here is rather the smaller problem. Rather, the difficulty that exists between the spoken and written French is a world of difference. You have to first find their way through the jumble of accents, cedilla, and correct pronunciation, which is so important for understanding the right thing.

A second foreign language is important for the school anyway and I still wanted to learn a second language, it fits me quite well. It's just more difficult to engage in a language where all people have had done this with the French turn up noses and are apparently only recall agonizing hours of wasted time if they asked. Either it will admit them or not, the language was really disgusted at school, at least I think it's a pity that so there is a generally low opinion of that language.

Maybe it's the language itself, because it sounds so melodious, if one or more words are pronounced nasally, it always sounds a little snobbish. Of course this can only be a personal feeling on my part and I do the French just wrong if I just throw this statement in the room, but this theory has its roots at least back into the history. Previously, the language of the rich and better-off has always been French. Even kings of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nations have spoken French and avoided the German language when they could. A little bit of it can still be heard.

What I associate with France?

Our French teacher was brought me to this thought. To learn a language correctly and properly engage on it is helpful to deal with the country itself. In the first hours it was then also first go to the individual regions, cities, mountains, rivers and neighboring countries to read in French to pronounce and write them down. Additionally, we got a lot of background information on individual regions or cities.

also interesting to many countries other than France were still have French as an official language. So I was surprised that there was so much in Africa. But in Belgium, there is much French influence and French-speaking part of Switzerland. But Canada, which have included many French settlers, French has retained as a strong 2.Sprache in their country. Here is a map of Wikipedia. Of course we still have

listed more things that we associate with France. There is, for example, the many Wines, like the French bread, croissants, many many different words coming from the French and we have kept in the German language acquisition as Purses, prestige, dessert and a garage.

It is not even sure it is the literary products come to mind when the term "France". There are quite a French writer, but there are still less than in other countries. But I notice more of a comic, like the adventures of Asterix and Obelix "or" Billy the Cat " which was designed by a French comic book artist. Who has plagued the series does not know is a boy who prefers animals. A magician observed this and became so angry about it that he turned Billy into a small cat, so he is in the perspective of the animal that he tortured can empathize. From then Billy is busy to find the wizard and ask him to turn it back into a boy back.
This series was aired once many years ago in the ZDF and the same comics were brought out in this country. But only up Volume 5, after which the comic book series set due to low sales. Thus, I would have my first motivation to learn French, because I sure would like to know how this series goes on. As far as I've found it, there's probably still 6 other books which I will then bring me in French - and the series can finally quit after years.

Since the French language is so melodic, it does not come around it, of course, in the musical corner to bring something out. Of course there are plenty of French songs in the charts, like " Desireless - Voyage, Voyage ", which, as I found out just "Reise, Reise" means.
Or another song "Sur le pont d'Avignon " a children's song which is often sung. This we have already gone through in the classroom, the text includes the dance on the bridge of Avignon, which was only half completed. In the song, the various people gather on the bridge and dancing around in circles. While the ladies make a certain movement and the gentlemen in the next verse another. You can combine it with various occupations. A beautiful song.
a singer I only during the teaching of French met was " Edith Piaf . The song you know I'm one hundred percent sure, but it was some time ago in Advertising "abused". The song is to hear so much nicer, right?

fall in the number of French films I can think of " The wonderful world of Amélie " and "Persepolis " field. Nor can we count add " Leon, the Professional " even though it was a US-French production. Before latter in particular has me very well pleased with Jean Reno in the lead role. should not forget to take this opportunity to further the French actor there is, as Louis de Funes (unfortunately already dead) or Gérard Depardieu, who attracted attention not only because of his role as Obelix " but gained primarily in the role of "Count of Monte Cristo" fame.

It could be as it was not possible to keep at first glance, but there are more that one with France connects as you would have seen at first. But worth they are already learning the language.

night school

has of course everybody has already heard about it, but somehow ekes it more of a niche, the evening school. It allows an addition to his professional qualifications to catch up (possible high school, junior school and high school) - and completely free of charge! Even the textbooks are made! All you have to bring what is motivation in the evening, to endure the necessary enthusiasm and a bit of money for the trip.

conditions are:

- At least 5 years of activity added ( is also unemployment and education) and possibly an exemption of your state, if necessary stop, that you have to go to another state to get to the conclusion - as I need to do. In general, it is not a problem to get this declaration. For me it was after 3 weeks in the mailbox without long histories associated with the otherwise all sorts of various authorities.

-The completion of the 19 Age


- an Internet connection for the so-called e-learning, which means that individual objects are uploaded to the Internet and by the students (we Students are referred to as downloaded) to be to edit it at home. Up to a certain limit must then be processed through this task. Then the final product is either uploaded or submitted directly to the school.
a unique principle which so far the students and teachers are some toning work easier and the students must come only from 3 to 4 days per week to the school directly. The other days are provided for learning to speak or editing task.

The whole thing is not without malice. You really have to go in the evening after work and rouse. For me it is currently only once a week and only 4 hours of French. But I will not be truant or fail, both because I have one important reason that language to learn, it is my high school diploma, for which we all know that a 2nd Foreign language needs and, second, I know if I let it grind again, I'm not coming back inside.

Nevertheless, not everyone made it through. We have now three out of the French courses that are no longer appeared after the first day. Our teacher predicts that more people will end up not coming back. I find it a pity, but in adulthood one has to do of course have other concerns and things outside of school. Especially since one's learning is not necessarily so loose from the hand as it was a few years.

If you would want detailed information about evening classes in general should look at the best of google in his home county / city. Otherwise, I present here a link of my evening classes on the Internet: AbendschuleinBremen

Fanarts / Hetalia / Water / Copics

Since my scanner gradually gives up the ghost, the picture is not particularly Dolle. It scans only very pale. Once I have a new I'll replace the image, but I wanted to be happy purely because it is an interesting mix of watercolor, copic markers, white paint and crayons. A very delicate background, a contoured figure that represents the center of the picture, rounded by bright accents. Of course, this is

Russia, so as Ivan Axis Power Hetalia. The largest of the Hetalia characters with the character of an evil child at the same time conveys innocence. This image is "only" signed off (this is the reference image ) but absolutely for an exercise acceptable. Oh yes, this is the chibi version of Hetalia CD Covers adorning Ivan.

And I will end this time, the Schwafel part. I hope you had a little fun with it and / or are now a little smarter;)

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There was still work to be something else ...

This time, little has been added ... and also not entirely groundless. After all, I have so much on the list, now I'm coming barely keep up. Maybe then I work a little quicker at times things that are rotten here for some time to herself ^ ^ ".

- My Fanfiction "look twice ..." more correct and read
> * cries * Especially as blunt as anyone leave a comment now * ashamed *
- My other fanfictions keep writing
> * cries *
more blunt - Begin with the other urgent fanart!
> It is now only 1 Fanart
- Make Caramel Dansen-Gif, with Jeeves & Wooster, of course!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> I just got a few vorzuweisen Moods. Are not ready yet, but at least in working
- Finally start with the Arts, you lazy sock> _>
> The other three fanarts are still in progress ...
- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you have rotten socks> _>
> Oh this time I have actually even a bit of research!
- sometimes I worry about my SMV ... * Grin *
> I think that is still 'dragged along for a while ...
- DBZ family-style with Yamcha, and Ryoko Mizumi
> Sorry, not ready yet, but it finally found a picture
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
> Sorry, not even started ..
- some-arts Harima (School Rumble)
> Sorry, not so very much .. but I've chosen a lot!
- My London travel journal start ... and end
> unfortunately not yet, but is high on my list!
- make new hair style can ...
> If I had to finally let do ...
- finally realize my ideas for: stamp, airbrush, PC ...
etc.> I have after all worked with stamps ...
- I could once again go looking Avas ^ ^
> This could into a long-running molt ^ ^
- Fanfictionanthologie zuendeschreiben to Jeeves & Wooster
> Come on, there are 4 stories of the cast, only 2 1 / 2!
- Very important! Continue to learn math!
> This is above all!
- Dragon for its own anthology feature
> Unfortunately, the competition is gone, but the dragon is still out.
- revise history
> Very important! Could get ideas for comics and put ^ ^
> are funny ^ ^ -

- New Dev Art ID
> At least I've already laid a concept rightly.

New additions:

- Correct Hetalia fanfiction and print!
> is, after all, a promised gift
- The fanart to fanfiction Hetalia make
> is indeed about time ...
- practicing with watercolors found
> Did that one can work with it quite well, maybe I see you next time have more to show
- Learn French
> After all, Are the home made ^ ^ "

suffer Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- House MD. - Season 2 / Season 4 and 4 / 10 (Season 1, 3 and 5 completely)
- Fortysomething - Epi. 2
- Dr. Who (10th Doctor) - Epi. 4
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 1 / completely
- Scrubs - Season 6 / 7
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2
- Six Feet Under - Season 1 / 5
- Queer as folk - not yet started
- Breaking Bad - Season 2
- Jeeves & Wooster - completed, but occasional look
- Dexter - Season 2 / 2
- Sherlock Holmes Season 1 / 4
- South Park (all mixed up ^ ^)
- Weeds Season 1 / 5

Current book list

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- "A Gay History Of Britain"
- Oscar Wilde "A Biography"
- Hugh Laurie "bullshit" (For nearly two years ... I think I set a new record!)
- Drought Matt "The visit of the old lady"
- Daniel Goleman "Emotional Intelligence"
- Walter Krämer "We can do anything, even better,"
- Frank Baer "The skim milk band"
- Charles Dickens' The Old Curiosity Shop "
- JRR Tolkien" The Children of Hurin "(read up)

Current anime / manga list

Preview to the next time:

exactly say I can not, unfortunately, when the next entry is, as I'm in the midst of planning a move. Also are already open for some time various topics I would like to publish here, but so far it just yet did not make it. I hope so but as soon as possible to get added.

I hope you enjoyed and see you next time!

Until then, we write to us on the road.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hand Held Best Cake Mixer


still a little video for you, from and for the community of art-tortured:
No, not me. Is built by professionals. You know, I can not video.
And then if you are already on Youtube, you click the quiet times of the other videos of the young man. I find the awesome. One has to rhyme the first time, ...

Template For Sails For Pirate Ship

New Knights of the Star ...

... there at the game's page to read.
Yes, unfortunately, to read, because the video idea has been dashed. Why? is to learn there too. The short version would be: writer, overtaken by the reality ...
a good time there, and comments are highly appreciated in both places and liked to read!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How To Redo Endtables


I know you read me dezeit only sporadically. Now it's not as if I had packed all of a sudden the laziness, on the contrary, I just know little, I'm coming or going. The second game's novel was supposed to be already done, but it is not, and the rest of my life practicing anything but dignified reserve. It is, unfortunately, if one letter, child and earning a living must be reconciled. Writing as the least urgent falls back down as often.
However, I do what I can, and the novel is coming to completion - about the pace of growth of stalactites, but still. May or June I think of today considered to be realistic.
Who ever wants to take a look at the new cover, which can currently do on the game's page. I'm curious if the hero you like ... after all, he was desired by a majority.
Direct Link: