Sunday, May 23, 2010

Melina Velba Car Milker

Star Knight Blues.

with the world, with the nerves and to the neutral Ritter.
latter requires the former.
I'm not particularly like to finish a novel - the farewell to me suggests you down.
(I start not very happy with a novel -.. Because it is still so strange The best thing about novels is actually that between the beginning and end)
long enough I am so depressed about - surprise how slow to write, if you can not really want to be ready. But eventually even go to the most creative people from the excuses, and that was now.
So I have now that is actually typed the last paragraph, last sentence, the last word in my keyboard. 'm Sitting here now fixed on the computer printout of the complete novel (3 cm is the stack height, consisting 269 pages of paper) and have the blues.
course I am through with the chapter "Star Knight" far. As can be proof-read once more, and then waiting for the tricky process, as I turn the script into a BoD template from which produced a book that you pay as well as read.
the early minstrel song I had to try this balancing act. If you select the typeface and page layout the way you are accustomed to "traditional" books is you end up at a retail price below the 20 €. (And for a paperback!) There remains only the price to Leserlichkeitsgrenze press, by squeezing as much on one side (a total of fewer pages, shows a cleaner street price). perform
The Stern Knight has this tightrope, and the Star Knight script is 40 pages thick again! So I'll still have a lot of fun, I fear.
I have struggled a lot with the novel. The second band is again divided into frames and internal action. The inside story had a complicated timing, I plan to work several times, had to beovr it. The background story was difficult this time, very difficult, and has cost me many a sleepless night.
you I find that This time I had more opportunity to tell about the characters, their background, their soul lives, their dreams. In contrast, seems in retrospect, the first novel as a musician relatively superficial - on the other hand, this is not always the difference between a first and a second volume?
I can now also remove the many labels that hang over my desk. There, I've stretched strings, on which I pinned the papers using clothes pegs - each figure a piece of paper for each event for each question, was clarified within the guidelines yet. I need not now, I am ready - nor do I still need the big schedule, bonded from Din-A-3 leaves, sticks to the inside of my door. And the label on the cabinet, had on the clothes line is no more room. And writing memos that are flying around everywhere on my desk yet.
But I'm not ready yet. I have to let it all hang for a while yet.
Damn. I hate the blues.
What's next? A third game's novel?
Why not? There is still much to tell from tungsten life.
There is also much to tell about Krona. And of Sindri.
Who knows.
I have many ideas. My Roman world is as sophisticated and detailed, you could make a great role-playing sourcebook of it. And the first man to play role-playing adventure. Only that the "pen and paper" role-players slowly die.
One could also worry sometimes drum, if there is a way, the musician made available as an e-book. One could take the Star Knights website finally launched and fill with content.
Well, luckily, my work does not starting ...
Oh by the way, still a reference in terms of gameplay man.
Until 31 Mail runs a little tender, where you can win a signed copy of the minstrel song. leaving All you have to do is leave a comment below the blog entry. What you can do then is to look at the magnificent glass art of the blogger. It is a glass artist from Thuringia, which sells her work both on the Internet and through regional trade markets.
So, you click here: /
Good luck.
And if you've left them behind your vote, then surfs but even more on the game's page, where a new piece of star knight is ready for you.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rainbow Wrestling Singlet

16th Column topic: "'EXPO 2010 in China," Filmrezi: "Hot Fuzz" ramblings, Fanart, Fanfiction

Hello and welcome to my 16th Column output

Yeah, the 16th Actually the issue in April would have to go to the start. Unfortunately I came, as so often, the little time between them in connection with examinations for French, my Wohnungssucherei and last but not least, the season that has kept miraculously still feeding. Although I must say that it is still relatively quiet, only when alone on the phone is what you could tell there was so much together on the phone all day. So I came on a day to fewer than 106 calls!

When I went home that day I felt beyond Good and evil. This then has nothing more to do with the question of whether calls are happy or less happy, it's just plain and simple rules to accept only that and work through the calls, no more and no less.

any event, has therefore been established in me an urgent question in each case: This will be the last season I have been through. School to make up AND this stressful job? Probably also to the auditors' time? NEVER!
Where the school leaving examinations of the college / evening classes are held collectively in May / June, where our atmosphere is still high season, I could definitely happen to me my right in the run-up in the hair Lubricate.

also working there is also no longer what it was once. It is not something to condemn me, but when it starts so that employees from flimsy reasons, and they dragged away from their jobs, a letter of termination for no apparent reason pressed into his hand, I wonder in what a kind of work we still living. I know of course the background, but the interesting aspect even if no one knows the background and the bosses to comment at all about this.

those terminated in any case no one was questioning that was removed from the premises ...

And then one starts in a "relaxed" weekend.

But we're here for something completely different.

What's this time to read with you?

This time I was held back with photos, there will be but a fanart and fanfiction. And my latest passion, "pineapples" - what could have nothing to do with a specific series. Stareup * * What I was once again noticed that I already a Filmrezi have. And I read books but by the way! Somehow strange ...

column :

goes in my column today is about the EXPO in China, which started with a bombastic presentation. A Staatsinszinierung as it is never been there before and probably never again will cost as much as the gross domestic product of Cuba. This is definitely worth a record time!

review :

Since I have "Shaun of the dead" already seen on TV and wanted to get me the movie for some time, I was now a Gesamtbox with the film "Hot Fuzz" also in it. I thought nothing bad here and I got both - and not the double bereuhte purchase! have Strangely, I first did "Hot Fuzz" and me "Shaun of ..." set aside for later. Rather unusual for me. The justification to be found in the recurrence rate part.

ramblings / anecdotes

have in my Schwafelteil I discovered a new passions: " pineapples" and " Pudding with cream flavor . Why did I install something trivial in my Schwafelteil? Because I was discreet to the series "Psych" brings together Fanart and Fanfiction that I have made yet on the side. Thus is the Schwafel part this time devoted to a series. ^ ^ About the show itself, I'll report in my next issue.

Since I still really only one thing to say:

- Guys Canon, Canon! -

In this sense ...

... have fun by clicking:

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16th Column on "The EXPO in China ..."

Subtitles: "... a world power trumps"

Before I start right here even a small digression into the history of the EXPO. Who knows, scroll down and can start immediately with the main part:

The last Expo to realize that I remember was in 2000, held in Germany. More specifically, in Hanover and I was even there. I still remember long lines, a huge place with many pavilions, buildings and selbstinszinierenden concepts, each country represents an individual basis. The clearest memory I have of that day was the moment where was announced on the giant screen, which is scheduled for the next World Cup in Germany in 2006 - what happened, too.

I think it is significant, that it has made just such a detail in my Langzeitgedächnis while I was on the themes in the individual country pavilions can not remember so well. Okay, it goes back 10 years, but should not a world issue a bit more stick than forget literally only as information that actually has anything to do with it?

Well, I myself am not exactly known to me everything that I can remember so damn good, but something could still really need to stick to, right?

any case, it then went with the following international exhibitions otherwise, namely, the rustling ever completely past me - and rightly so as I found out after research for the next World Expo, which was supposed to take place in France, was canceled as a precaution even better. Then there was one in Japan in 2005 in the respective regions of Nagakute and Seto, after all, what I have noticed even at the edge somehow. In Spain - Zaragoza - there was in 2008, the next thing I remember at all anymore.

Could be because that just in 2008, the Summer Olympic Games were held, and thus the EXPO was completely pushed into the background and forgotten.

Somehow the EXPO was the way I read it straight, since the 70's like a sickly young child between the nations, was pushed even here, sometimes there sent for a cure, but it could never recover. Often EXPO dates scheduled and then canceled it, there are many new features not seen everything, the last notable is found on the Wikipedia page from 1967 and includes the atomic clock.

have of course the various EXPO exhibitions also created landmarks such as the Atomium in Brussels or the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The emblem of the first EXPO, which took place in 1851 in London, in 1936 unfortunately destroyed by fire. It was the Crystal Palace, which I already knew from stories that have played in this era to the years 1850-1930 around. The World's Fair was the time of the superiority in representing general market and should the quality of products coming under stress from the UK. The present inventions were added later and has been over the years also been replaced by a number of countries, the pavilion itself constituted during the EXPO.

Practically running an advertising of the nations ...

... which now reaches a new level.

Here we go the China-EXPO article:

ten years, the construction of the pavilions on the Expo site in China, Shanghai lasted. Many people were forced to move, no one was asked had to do what was required. China wants to represent himself, and the bombastic as possible! What you up to a few families who suddenly have a home more because the village where they lived was flattened.

If you look at the pictures of the Expo site will be a clear in any case, the "pavilion" China represents, dominates all other buildings.


loneliness and violence, he stands in a well visible place. An allegory of China's policy. We do not need anything or anyone, we are guided by nothing and no one to patronize, but you're welcome to visit us and do business with us. Give only what you do night and says when you approach, we can see everything.

It is significant that all the other pavilions no higher than 20 feet be allowed, the Chinese pavilion has an impressive 60 meters.

Other World's Fairs, rather represent the general were given, it is literally in the shadow and bow in front of this huge Selbstinzinierung. China is self-confident than ever and it shows. China will soon rise to an even greater world power than the U.S.? If one follows the motto of EXPO 2010 can be believed, then yes. This year's theme is "Better city, better life".

Bigger - Better - China!

has never been such a burden to an EXPO and will probably never be again. Which country has also "just" the entire gross domestic product of Cuba in the coffee fund them to host an EXPO.

And yet it incites the other nations, a competition erupted among the participants who has the most interesting pavilion? Who has the ugliest I could even name already, as that is, the Germans have once again stole the show and an ultra ugly concrete block brand Honecker modern lamp shop "stomped out of the ground:

Who is responsible for this ugly thing, what should be ashamed! It may be that the inside stimulates very interesting, interactive and to participate and thus with the most popular pavilions heard, but my goodness, that thing must be a hell of a shapeless, colorless, casual Bauklotzhaufen so?

After all, it is very well represent the theme, "Balan City", the balance between city and nature, work and leisure etc. Where I find this question should remain as nature. Maybe the thing is so can be composted as the uniforms of the 190 hostesses walking around in the German pavilion? Or you can use it to crumble apart easily? We do not know ...

But the other countries not to splash. Thus, the Danes ado her "Little Mermaid" flown. Good idea, in China it is probably not as fast the head can be stolen while the Spaniards, much to the delight of the Chinese technophile, a giant robot built.

EXPO goes from 1 May to 31 October 2010. So if you have time, desire and the wherewithal might give Mezedhes happy times and the whole view on the ground.

Cosmopolitan yes, but not without the necessary respect for the

And yet when have you, then you get yourself a plane ticket to China and visit the World Exposition.
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\u0026lt;/ a> Film review: "Hot Fuzz"

Cover image:

Title: "Hot Fuzz"
Director: Edgar Wright
Length: 116 minutes
Certificate: 16 years
language (if the original language): German, English
Price: € 14.95
Direct Link / Source: Hotfuzzshaun @ amazon

back text:

"Hot Fuzz": Because Angel policeman with his perfection less dutiful peers and superiors embarrassed, he is from London to the possible boring and crime-free Provinzkaff Sanford added. There, too, it shows commitment, even if with unruly and drunken minors swans settled lower level of the problem. But when a brutal killer disturbs the idyll and the bodies begin to pile up awakened in Angel and his new partner, the clumsy Danny, the hunting instinct.

Aufdröselung with positives and negatives:

perfectionists have also not easy, it can sing a song Angel. In his job absolutely top his personal life is more of a flop. From the woman left the marriage failed, no longer own apartment (he lived in the camp members) and a number of superiors want him to get rid of most - and what they manage - in that they enable him to Sanford where the crime rate is extremely low, but the accident rate is extremely high. We come to the very strange and Angel begins, as befits a proper police to investigate. Supported only by Danny, who he believes do not even really know but in the heart and zeal it is finally something more to learn about police life.

Whoever thinks that this is just slapstick but again that is on the wrong track. Here are quite profound thoughts on the work have been the shine through between the whole joke, and extreme gore scenes. Sun turns the question on when you should turn off, or how to learn it if you have never tried it. An important question, because even the superstes Supercop must switch off times.

Beautiful insziniert I also saw the gradual onset of partner relationship between Danny and Nicolas, the opposite could not be, and so wonderfully complementary.

I would like to write here more, but then I would give away too many details of the film, what I want in any case. Look at him euch an, er ist definitiv und ich sage absolut definitiv einen Blick wert!!


Bitterböser hintergründiger englischer Humor vermischt mit dem kleinkarierten Kleinstadtgetue wo nicht immer unbedingt alles so scheint wie es zunächst aussieht.

Unbedingt ansehen!!!


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\u0026lt;/ a>
anecdote / General ramblings

It's a long weekend and some creative outpourings of times I have actually brought about. While there is much which is interrupted * failed * to bottom but if you squint just a "most-enjoy-series" has, one can not help but why is this time, all under the "Psych" character and pineapples, which amounts to just about the same.

Pineapple / Pudding with Sahnegesschmack - Hüftgoldablagerungen watching TV!

That is what I need if I want to watch a series - a strange eating habit! Sounds funny? If that would write a pregnant woman, you would not be surprised you left, but if you live out eating habits in conjunction with the eyes benefit from a series, it sounds strange, or what?


Okay, okay, it sounds weird and no, I'm definitely not pregnant. If we take it easy on my "quirks" we're on the right track.

I still remember in "Blackadder" then it was dry bread with Toasties between ... do not ask how the taste, my stomach at the time was in any case always thanked me warmly. In "Dr. Who "it was cherry pie, but the there are so rare in Aldi. (Maybe I come therefore to "Dr. Who" is not really on, because my cherry pie ... missing stareup * *)

Strangely enough, this fad has not prevailed in each series. Was able, and I still can not eat when I say "Dr. House watch. Perhaps because of the many blood? No, it can not be. With "Hot Fuzz" I was at my chips and pretzels chew and watch while batting with a straight face while a guy like the one of the steeples manschte his head between his shoulders.

Maybe I've just eaten at the right time the right, who knows?

My neuerste whim in any case it is before I watch the show "Psych" me a pudding with cream taste to touch - jaaaha ... with custard, but at least I stand still on the stove and stir it with fresh life milk. Then I fill the whole mass of hot in a bowl, pick out a can of pineapples and open it.

Then I am going with the whole salad in front of the TV, make myself comfortable and turn on the DVD. And then begins the interesting part. With a fork, I now spit on one of the pineapple slices and dip them in the hot cream pudding. Due to the cold plates are also used to cool the pudding slightly and reached a comfortable Konsestenz. And now both together and have a hearty bite melt in your mouth.

goes down as the ... such as ... Lead and is also at least as hard in the stomach. To destroy the entire amount of a full box + of the whole suspension of pudding you must be at least half a day ate nothing else - at least this rule of thumb for me.

But it tastes! None! And it fits so perfectly. In the show itself is the main actor Shawn Spencer frequently around with a pineapple, spread it to people as "hand gifts, or sip pineapple-smoochies or it will be shown pictures of pineapples, or dummies stand or lie around .

the pineapple-I'll probably still indulge in madness for a while. For tomorrow I have to find me a pineapple-made tea, let's see if I will succeed. Then I might even learn to work or even go on with the spinning. ^ ^ Have you

strange eating habits and watching TV?

Fanart / Fanfiction Psych

And here's my recent effusions about "Psych". Another fan fiction is already planned and at least 2 or 3 in addition to comic fanarts. I think that is enough to keep me in suspense ^ ^

this link to my fanfiction. Because I thought that there is something beyond the scope, I link you decide to. I have uploaded them in where it is visible to everyone. If you like can click to like.

"Fisching Pineapples" Psych-Fanfiction

And here's my two fanarts, one of the two serves as a sequel to my fanfic.

Fandom: Psych
characters: Carlton Lassiter "face-Lassie," Shawn Spencer
Lineart: pencil, copic liners
Date: 13.05.2010

Description: How

already described above, which is the sequel to the fanfic. Note especially the small fish who has apparently prefer to keep a conversation with Lassies worm than to bite while Shawn probably the biggest fish on the hook you can imagine, at least whose foot size fits a pineapple. Note the addition of a small worm abzuhaun tried. ^ ^

Fandom: Psych
Warning: Slash!
characters: Carlton Lassiter "face-Lassie," Shawn Spencer
Lineart: pencil, Copic liner
Date: 05/15/2010


This picture is probably very obvious slash. Lassie was shopping Shawn and he happened to meet on the street. The results not only kiss necessarily by the sole meet, but also by the fact that Shawn registered has the Lassie, together with a lime and a pineapple it has - which is definitely worth a kiss from Lassie but just turned away and turned into a cheek-kiss is.

hope to see you soon in color here ^ ^

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There was still work to be something else ...

I did not manage even one to work off of that list, but are again things have happened. Somehow I seem to be expert in it to accumulate more and more. There is a new category, Dropped series and JA House, I dropped. I like the series, I really like it, but what it currently operates is crying just to ... I can not say, a dead horse you can no longer ride.

- My Fanfiction look twice ... "Read more correct and
> * blunt * howls Especially since anyone left a comment now * ashamed *
- My other fanfics are still writing
> * * cries more blunt
- Begin with the other urgent fanart!
> It is now only 1 Fanart
- Make Caramel Dansen-Gif, with Jeeves & Wooster, of course!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> I just got a few vorzuweisen Moods. Are not ready yet, but at least in working
- Finally start times with the Arts, 'You lazy sock> _>
The other three fanarts are still in progress ...
- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you have rotten socks> _>
> Oh this time I have actually even a bit of research!
- sometimes I worry about my SMV ... * Grin *
> I think that is still 'dragged along for a while ...
- DBZ family-style with Yamcha, and Ryoko Mizumi
> Sorry, not ready yet, but it finally found a picture
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
> Unfortunately not even started yet ..
- some-arts Harima (School Rumble)
> Sorry, not so very much .. but I've chosen a lot!
- My London travel journal start ... and end
> unfortunately not yet, but is high on my list!
- make new hair style can ...
> If I had to finally let do ...
- finally realize my ideas for: stamp, airbrush, PC ... etc.
> I even worked with stamps ...
- I could once again go looking Avas ^ ^
The 'could become a long-running molt ^ ^
- Fanfictionanthologie zuendeschreiben to Jeeves & Wooster
> Come on, it is of the 4 stories cast only 2 1 / 2!
- Very important! Continue to learn math!
> This is above all!
- Dragon for its own anthology feature
> Unfortunately, the competition is gone, but the dragon is still out.
- revise history
> Very important! Could get ideas for comics and put ^ ^
> are funny ^ ^
- -
new Dev Art ID
> At least I've already laid a concept rightly.
- Hetalia fanfiction print and correct!
> is, after all, a promised gift
- The fanart to fanfiction Hetalia make
> is indeed about time ...
- practicing with watercolors found
> Did that one can work with it quite well, I might have to next time already more to show
- Learn French
> After all, the homemade suffer ^ ^ "

New additions:

- Psych Fanart
> One thing I've already, as above Sho n recognizable. But just one or two would be additional.
- I worry about my student loan!
> Oh dear ...
- New dA ID
> I think I must think of me as something light, which is in otherwise never was ...

Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- Fortysomething - Epi. 2
- Dr. Who (10th Doctor) - Epi. 4
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 2 / 12
- Scrubs - Season 7 / 4
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2
- Six Feet Under - Season 1 / 5
- Queer as folk - not yet started
- Breaking Bad - Season 2
- Jeeves & Wooster - completed, but occasional look
- Dexter - Season 2 / 1
- Sherlock Holmes Season 1 / 4
- South Park (all mixed up ^ ^ )

Dropped Series

- House MD. - Season 2 / Season 4 and 4 / 10 (Season 1, 3 and 5 completely) dropped !
- Weeds Season 1 / 5 dropped !

Current book list

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- "A Gay History of Britain" - english -
- Oscar Wilde "A Biography"
- Hugh Laurie "bullshit" (For nearly two years ... I think I set a new record)
- drought Matt "The visit of the old lady"
- Daniel Goleman "Emotional Intelligence"
- Frank Baer "The skim milk band"
- Charles Dickens "The Old Curiosity Shop"
- Psych, "Mind Over Magic "- english -

Current anime / manga list

preview to the next time:

Within this issue I have already indicated what the next time u Cross-his main theme. A little tip, there will be pineapples, it will be not only the major one. \u0026lt;- from which emerge here are definitely a few that next time ^ ^ "

I hope you liked it and until next time

Until then, we are writing about us! way.

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Template For Cutting Hair On Back Of Head

continuation Star Knight, the fourth ...

... there are on my website to read. Here:
Otherwise, I'm just glad that my head has grown, otherwise I would not know where he is to me. The school proposes not only with their usual Areitsaufwand to book, but also be with the organization and development of something called "trial lesson", but not really a trial lesson, but an entrance exam: R & D , r Students of the 7th and 8 Principal types of school that would like the next school year at a secondary school (ie, us) to continue. At the same time we approach a hair's breadth of the final examination for middle school, where I am involved as examiner for the Oral ethics. If that everything is over, I could even keep a close eye on my non-fiction contract in which I have so far yet, in other words, have done nothing.
Yes, and I still hang in the showdown. Still further back.
My goal is now to finish the back by letter to be, before the posts from the front (see Spielmann page) have the "back" sought.
I think I can do it ...
yard with comments about you that encourages me.