Sunday, May 23, 2010

Melina Velba Car Milker

Star Knight Blues.

with the world, with the nerves and to the neutral Ritter.
latter requires the former.
I'm not particularly like to finish a novel - the farewell to me suggests you down.
(I start not very happy with a novel -.. Because it is still so strange The best thing about novels is actually that between the beginning and end)
long enough I am so depressed about - surprise how slow to write, if you can not really want to be ready. But eventually even go to the most creative people from the excuses, and that was now.
So I have now that is actually typed the last paragraph, last sentence, the last word in my keyboard. 'm Sitting here now fixed on the computer printout of the complete novel (3 cm is the stack height, consisting 269 pages of paper) and have the blues.
course I am through with the chapter "Star Knight" far. As can be proof-read once more, and then waiting for the tricky process, as I turn the script into a BoD template from which produced a book that you pay as well as read.
the early minstrel song I had to try this balancing act. If you select the typeface and page layout the way you are accustomed to "traditional" books is you end up at a retail price below the 20 €. (And for a paperback!) There remains only the price to Leserlichkeitsgrenze press, by squeezing as much on one side (a total of fewer pages, shows a cleaner street price). perform
The Stern Knight has this tightrope, and the Star Knight script is 40 pages thick again! So I'll still have a lot of fun, I fear.
I have struggled a lot with the novel. The second band is again divided into frames and internal action. The inside story had a complicated timing, I plan to work several times, had to beovr it. The background story was difficult this time, very difficult, and has cost me many a sleepless night.
you I find that This time I had more opportunity to tell about the characters, their background, their soul lives, their dreams. In contrast, seems in retrospect, the first novel as a musician relatively superficial - on the other hand, this is not always the difference between a first and a second volume?
I can now also remove the many labels that hang over my desk. There, I've stretched strings, on which I pinned the papers using clothes pegs - each figure a piece of paper for each event for each question, was clarified within the guidelines yet. I need not now, I am ready - nor do I still need the big schedule, bonded from Din-A-3 leaves, sticks to the inside of my door. And the label on the cabinet, had on the clothes line is no more room. And writing memos that are flying around everywhere on my desk yet.
But I'm not ready yet. I have to let it all hang for a while yet.
Damn. I hate the blues.
What's next? A third game's novel?
Why not? There is still much to tell from tungsten life.
There is also much to tell about Krona. And of Sindri.
Who knows.
I have many ideas. My Roman world is as sophisticated and detailed, you could make a great role-playing sourcebook of it. And the first man to play role-playing adventure. Only that the "pen and paper" role-players slowly die.
One could also worry sometimes drum, if there is a way, the musician made available as an e-book. One could take the Star Knights website finally launched and fill with content.
Well, luckily, my work does not starting ...
Oh by the way, still a reference in terms of gameplay man.
Until 31 Mail runs a little tender, where you can win a signed copy of the minstrel song. leaving All you have to do is leave a comment below the blog entry. What you can do then is to look at the magnificent glass art of the blogger. It is a glass artist from Thuringia, which sells her work both on the Internet and through regional trade markets.
So, you click here: /
Good luck.
And if you've left them behind your vote, then surfs but even more on the game's page, where a new piece of star knight is ready for you.


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