Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Web Md Cirrhosis Of Liver

texte witch @ 2010-06-23T08: 45:00

Unfortunately, I have to upload the online version of the game a little man gemurkst. In the settings I put in my youthful folly Check the "Complete" is at, because the story is long since finished. Without knowing that I can upload in this setting, no more chapters, as "completed" is on this platform as much as "upload finished". Urgs. Unfortunately, this result could not be corrected, so I had to delete and recreate the story completely. So if anyone of you have dedicated an alert, I must ask you to do that again, so he would not be in vain. I also try
again to post a working link Distractions:

http://www.fanfiktion.de/u/textehexe Maybe yes's works this time.
Yesterday it was then also ready: I had my copy of the Star Knight in his hands. Proof:

looks great from the outside. You can tell that this time was no conflict between image and book format, which cost me the game man-days and nerves, leading to the green border up and down. This time without the edge, nice and central, congratulations BoD! - Color-authentic and completely without reddish tinge.
From the inside, however, always still - well, getting used to:

Yes, there is no outer edge. An outer edge of each book would have been more expensive by about two euros. Just as a larger font and reasonable line length or line spacing. Saw the book in such a way as we are used (and therefore would be drawn to the BoD templates), should any of you pay almost 30 € for the book. (!)
I went as expected, in this alternative you would rather skip on the edge.
Amazon has not yet listed. I look after every day and sometimes you let me know. That
Bods best customers, the authors themselves are allowed to even suggest so. To not do too much "abgeribbt" will recommend a vigilant eye wood. For example, the acquisition of one to twenty-four copies for personal use (eg, readings). This small margin of course I can order from BoD, at a price of 20.59 or so, so around 4 € to the retail price (!). BoD justified this with the extra investment because of small size, or something like that. The author is wise, however, because of Amazon (if available) and appointed as its small quantities! To Retail price, which is then passed to the buyer at readings. In this way I will, if paid directly by Amazon BoD and BoD with me, yet still credited to "profit" of 98 cents per book.
I order beyond 25 copies at BoD, I pay down only thirteen €. I guess it pays off, because most authors relate it once at least 26 copies of their work, hoping that will get rid of it. BoD and happy.
My personal problem: I even think that I could put 25 plus copies in the private circle of interested parties and readings. In the recent period of the game there were so man about seventy, who left on this road. Unfortunately, I still can not mirnichts go dirnichts a few hundred euros into submission. This escapes me gain (the difference of thirteen € something and the retail price of 16,90), but so what - 98 cents per book, I may ask, after two books sold my son was on a small ice cream (or what He preferred, on a piece of pizza from the kebab man).
conclusion: Somehow, I think that a really good idea that I am not trying to live from writing.


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