Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pokemon Rom Hacking On Mac

18th Column theme: "Stuttgart 21", Buchrezi: "The Book Thief," ramblings

Hello and welcome to my 18th Column output

Unfortunately, this time very very late. It is already mid / late October, while I had actually provided you update the column every two months at least. Nja, a move does not go as all its mark on one, here it is tomorrow even a whole month in my apartment where I feel absolutely comfortable.

And what I do on such a nice free Saturday? Right, I'm sitting at home, spend the last but one holiday that I view the free market move Bremen on TV and write the way here in the column rather than times to kindly edit my remaining homework. Moving ... ha, how appropriate! * cough * And I could leave the house and would walk quickly right in the city. Only I would like to somehow not do without these strange comments. Also, I can thus realize what floats from which region, area or environment. Discover

I could, that Bremer their club Werder Bremen have to love it. So many cars motto with Werder Bremen and so many clubs on I've rarely seen a bunch. I was particularly impressed by the English double-decker, which has a fan club bought on ebay, it umlakierte in green and white and now serves Werder to accompany them on their away games. (although at the moment is anything but "super" play * cough *) Yet there are many themed car to the football includes general information. Really impressive.

My conclusion: Bremer are not nearly as cool as they present themselves. You can take the fun and love their football club. It is not for nothing that "A life long green and white". speak

But I'm not just here to pick up the free market. I would prefer to complete this link. All impressions of the Free Market for assessment here. And you may even make you a picture of. Have fun! Isha Freimaak

What's this time to read with you?

One of the reasons why this issue is only now is that I did pretty hard for me to finally decide on a column subject. Especially when your head for a half a football balances and the other half of homework, learning, and the constant panic before exams. A very small percentage is still so occupied me here in my new neighborhood to find your way. But as I said in my last issue in detail philosophize about football and have learning, homework and exams panic over not just a suitable column topic, I first had to get his head free to even a nice topic to . see How Loriot once said: "With the intellectual work that is such a thing." And I have to agree with him. talked about

But enough about the bush, Here's my issue.

column :

is in my current issue is about the "tiresome" theme Stuttgart 21 what the politicians have failed, what they could do better, why the people no longer understand the policy and why politicians feel the people that represent them are actually under threat. And why it all begins to slowly get out of hand.

review :

My review this time suggests something of the kind around this book, I am, like so many books before this Book, herumscharwenzelt like a duck on the lake ... okay, these are the effects of the Loriot-DVDs I've rented in the local library. Back to the topic. It's about the book "The Book Thief" Markus Zusak of . First, I've pretty much resisted, but it went back to the 2nd World War II in Germany, but I could not escape the first few pages of easy, as the narrator of this story is not the main character or a completely omniscient, but death. That in itself is an artifice of his unparalleled! For me, all I can take one of the reasons the book in his hand. Next below is there to complete the review. You will not bereuhen it, I swear to you.

ramblings / anecdotes

the Schwafel / share anecdotes I wanted to shorten so, as already announced in the last issue, strong. What I plan too. The only thing that will be found here, will be a few small impressions of my everyday life and some notes on my [info] writing_spider account, where I am on fanarts, fanfiction, foot ball, series, people / authors, poems and art / artists will miss. Of course there is also "memes" type, which I composed stealing here and there. Who wants to read along can be intense need for disconnection. Thank you.

is otherwise as I said put it here, only minor things that are supposed to be hardly worth mentioning

Since I still really only one thing to say.

- Laughter is not without serious understand -
(Quote Loriot)

In this sense ...

... have fun by clicking:

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18th Column theme: "Stuttgart 21"

Subtitles: "people against the government and vice versa"

It's much has been written about it, probably way too much and probably I'm pretty much the very last to the still should give their two cents, but I can not just leave, so here are exclusive and in to your wretched creature the issue once a new infusion.

For my post today I get a little further, but write from memory, to propose nothing and rely on what I have heard and read - and I have lately a lot about this theme heard and read. Supporters (from the star), opponents (someone in my immediate circle), the shocking images from television, the violence against the demonstrators ... and for what? Because they are demonstrating against the demolition of a railway station.

The Basic Law already has the freedom to demonstrate any citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany has been given and that they use. However, no troublemakers who are there among the demonstrators. There are housewives, mothers, children, teenagers, retirees ... they are peaceful (as I have also confirmed). There is perhaps only one of which is frightening, there are many, there are very many ... and the police are facing, those that make for days / weeks nothing but the demonstrators observed. I can understand that the protesters want to demonstrate, but I can also understand the police, who are drawn from all parts of the country and there endure. If you are tired, they are irritable, perhaps even etaws overwrought and then joins some dubious "command" (I can think of a better word for it) where still not entirely clear to seems to be where the end came, water cannons leave with full force on the demonstrators, "firing" at passers-by. Not only that, it is not only water but also with a solution passes through the eyes of the attacks.

For some this is no longer necessary. If such a jet of water hits someone directly in the eye, it remains nothing more.

sure you know which picture I allude to all straight. Since there also is no need for links.

Why only these excessive force? And yes, I call it by name, why this unjustified force against the demonstrators? Is it because the "upper", those, who speak out for Stuttgart 21 are slow and tired of waiting to continue the construction at any cost want to continue?

is hard, it's about money, a lot of money. Investments to a million project The odd can not. First the Stuttgart main station, which should have been held for the world cultural heritage. But the city of Stuttgart would not. And for good reason? Seemingly. If the station had become a cultural heritage that they can not tear him and the whole development would have failed before it had seen the first sod. Here, the officials have been working so long out. For 10 years, if I remember the article in the star. Only I do not quite understand how it should be "efficient," a 16-track station to screw down to 8 tracks?

I give it like to, in math I was never the great light, but even I realize that if one half of the tracks from that it can never come out a double efficiency. This argument is lagging so hard as the "limping Lotta" (a chicken in Lönneberga). But in return, it lays any golden eggs, because the promise of the "superiors". You want to invest in the future based, fixed on a scale not seen by the people. By any standard, too? Efficiency due to fewer tracks? An underground railway station Upper ugly? Building is thus established, but have none of the because no one wants to afford these expensive apartments on the site of the former is to be built then?

The politicians, you name it Angela Merkel, are afraid that it paralyzes the policy if Stuttgart is realized not 21st As they come to it I wonder? The only thing to do in Stuttgart is to keep its main station and has no ugly Underground Futuristic overpriced thing is neither charm nor taste. It's not about building them in some way take away or in any way directed against the future, they do not have just plain and simple these harsh new station - which I understand perfectly can!

If I would imagine something would someone try to Bremen or Hamburg's main railway station. I would do me right on track and mitdemonstrieren!

But the politicians do not see it, they have lost sight of the people for a long time now and are now anxiously asking whether they even still be able at all to enforce any decisions are whether or not they regierungsfä ; hig if all (the people) go every time in protest when they introduce something new "innovative". When I look at France, however, where actually is all nose long protest against something and demonstrated (And not nearly as peaceful as here), Sarkozy is not just on me the impression of a frightened man. But

will be spoken, it tries to mediate, served by an arbitrator of the so-about the age of Methuselah and whom we have turned around from the beginning of the word in the mouth. There one would have given too little communication with the people, the next time we would do it different ways, but the upper millimeter soft but not on their projects, quite the opposite. It should not even occur during construction Topps the negotiations.

The Stuttgart each have enough of the third, so that signatures are already beginning to take along to the state government to sell. as far as I know they have to get 10,000 signatures together. That should not be difficult in the present situation.

Mir is now only the question what happens if the station is actually no longer torn. There are parts that have already been torn down and oblivion. If the set up again? If the restored train station? Restoration instead of an ugly new building will have no - that would be! Or so it made with the Bremen Central Station too.

Let's hope the best!

And if you do not already have, then kindly do not tear the beautiful train station in Stuttgart!

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Book review: "Markus Zusak - The Book Thief"

Cover image:

name of the book:
The Book Thief Author: Markus Zusak
Number of pages: 586
Publisher: Del Rey
language (if the original language): German, (English)
Price: € 9.95
Direct Link / Source: Book Thief @ amazon

back text:

has the age of nine, Liesel already lost much. Her father, a Communist. Her mother, who was sick. Her brother Werner - on the way to pig Ingen to the foster parents. When the brother dies, she is the first time entering the field of death. And she steals her first book - a small but momentous compensation for the losses suffered. Then she steals more books, apples and potatoes. The heart of Rudy. By Hans and Rosa Huberman. The Max And by the death. For even death has a heart.

Aufdröselung with positive and negative:

How do you start on a book on such a recitation of the upsets that other people are on the "last" 300 pages could hardly put it down and it almost in one go, then just read through the Internet finds for the remaining, slowly fading to cool hot rays, which has burned the story into the core, even remotely able to play? betrayed

Especially since I will take good care too much from the book. From personal experience I know that impartiality of reading a Book the best way is to read at all. Why then the recitation? Good question, I could give it to me, I could simply say: ". Do not do it," but then I would take the risk to reproach myself that I am the history of the book does not meet wü ; rde. In short, the novel is simply too good to make it easy on the shelf and hope that there are other out - by themselves, of course.

why the recitation.

This shows you how I'm upset, I put even basics in question. Do it the book, too? Not directly. The story itself is their choice of words, the many carefully chosen words. Words, as the word activist bulk of the tree may not have been better picking by then so to write. Words in written, read, spoken form, little more with the supplement. Words that are carried through the room, another fall at the feet, are coughed up and unspoken words. Words that pervade the book. And colors. The colors may be forgotten under any circumstances.

Death always see the color first, then the people.

It is gray in Germany in 1939 when the girl Liesel in the sky road comes to their foster parents. Death is already at that time, her constant companion. No, she is not terminally ill, the world around them there. The words are ill, the thoughts they produce paralyze and poison gradually the human soul. The battle for sanity begins ...

And in between, the Book Thief. She steals books, only one. Tried to a little color to the gray to get into the gray-gray seeds everyday. It is not a heroine, she is not anti-heroine. It is simply there, she is. Why is their story? Because of the death, she told, because he followed her story, and read the words repeated so often and he never forgot. The busy is that time of death, interest in a single girl. Why? Because she kicked him on his heart.

overall conclusion:

As noted above, I love this book. Even though I read it took almost three weeks. Not because the beginning was bad or slow. I did not think it will come to an end as quickly. I wanted to enjoy the words soak into me, the words that are so important to the story.

I also love the first-person narrative perspective of death. Who is already on death tell a story to have?

I hope I could inspire you a little for the book. Read it, please!

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anecdote / General ramblings

have in the last issue I had announced it already, and also announced up already in the announcement can be. The stories share is reduced dissolved strong. Here it will only give a short list of things that arise just in passing. The rest will be published in [info] writing_spider . (Apart from the poems and the general will many posts, however, be activated for other readers. Please understand, thank you.

The idea behind this step was in the first place there is something to balance figures. This is primarily a column and a diary or something like that, what course should never be. That said, I had the feeling lately that the Schwafel share was almost twice as long as the actual columns / Review-share and will work that way at all.

I also much more "leg room" if I miss me elsewhere on different days away can. So you get off and a sign of life from me and me alone I can to the main topic of this column, take care.

Maybe it's worth it for you so reinzuklicken times. What it all there is to read / will, I've written above.

And now for a lot of fun ...

... here in brief notes

Fanarts (Hetalia)

I've actually managed once again to kreeieren a fanart ... and even one that I like! Who wants to look at the picture I had to split into two parts, unfortunately, who may contact up click here: Germany as Mad Hatter and Gilbert as Grinsekatze


In an issue but once I had reported my 1-wöchtigen internship as a family. Now it looks more like I'm first again only a consumer. The Central Library in Bremen is just wonderful, especially if you are a student free access to all media, books, DVDs (including series), books, other languages, cultures (and even a manga corner it) and the like has. Just a month I live here now, and there was at least 7 times! If If it were I would pitch my tent there! This is the homepage of the Central Library which holds even online deals and offers films for download. Central Library The building is übrigends over several floors.


With the Internet it's a cross. So really, I still have no connection. Telekom has screwed up. Well, let's hope that there will be times next week then soon brought to the series.


Last year I participated, this year I'll probably from No time to create. The NaNoWriMo . Then well probably not until next year, after all, starts for me the time of application for a place and it is just before the final examinations. Let's hope for the best.

football ...

Ahaaaa ... what was that in the last issue? I was asking myself the question whether one mutated suddenly after 4 weeks may sound football (WM) for a football fan? I do not even pointed at other looks, but for me this seems to have worked out perfectly ... With my national team and Löw still predict the most, I'm also, apparently, done by a local association that has built here in my area its stadium. Kinda funny on ... against some things you just can not defend yourself, it's you before you notice it or take even trying it can be prevented.

Maybe I simply give myself to my fate and make the best out of it. And let's be honest, it is soooooo bad I do not think ...^^ "It has always a nice change to other sources of stress is the man. You have to tell you this is always something. Here's what always somehow and somewhere there is always some football game to see or track the life Ticker (around clock in the evening at 18:00 on ARD to view the abstract). Said ... so really I need really no ticker Life, I always hear the cheers in the neighborhood when Werder have scored a goal ^ ^


Last but not least, my new / old discovery Poems! Who have done me, if only because we have almost 2 months, otherwise made by the German LK to be read as poems and interpret. But here it is my very opinionated that I found to access. If you want to share later with the University of Germanic apart Is that the correct assumption.

I shall at regular intervals, as already begun to upload poems, together with works of art. Or sometimes simply a poem, without art. Let's see how far it goes then.

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There was still work to be something else ...

It has not done much, just a little bit, but it is enough to make me hope that it might still someday again uphill - and down with the list.

- My Fanfiction "look twice ..." more correct and read
> I do not know if I'll ever take it again at hand. House has become my rather indifferent lately
- My other fanfics are still writing
> Fanfictions are not even an option when writing.
- With the start of other pressing Fanart!
> It is now only 1 Fanart
- Make Caramel Dansen-Gif, with Jeeves & Wooster, of course!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- My mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably spiders)
> The missing Moods are in the works ... as always ...
- Finally start with the Arts!
> Fanarts The other three are still in progress ...
- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you lazy sock> _>
> This time I really and truly researched quite well

- sometimes I worry about my SMV. .. * Grin *
> I think that is still 'dragged along for a while ...
- DBZ family-style with Yamcha, and Ryoko Mizumi
> Sorry, not ready yet, but it finally found a picture
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
> Sorry, not even started yet ..
- some-arts Harima (School Rumble)
> Sorry, not so very much .. but I've chosen a lot!
- My London travel journal start ... and end
> is actually finally in the works ... After more than a year ...
- make new hair style can ...
> Ha, made even before I moved

- Finally my ideas for implementing: Stamp, airbrush, PC ...
etc.> I have after all worked with stamps ...
- I could once again go looking Avas ^ ^
The 'could become a long-running molt ^ ^
- Fanfictionanthologie zuendeschreiben to Jeeves & Wooster
> Come on, it is of the 4 stories cast only 2 1 / 2!
- Very important! Continue to learn math!
> This is above all!
- Dragon for its own anthology feature
> Unfortunately, the competition is gone, but the dragon is still out.
- revise history
> Very important! Could get ideas for comics and put ^ ^
> are funny ^ ^
- -
new Dev Art ID
> At least I've already laid a concept rightly.
- Hetalia fanfiction print and correct!
> is, after all, a promised gift
- The fanart to fanfiction Hetalia make
> is indeed about time ...
- with watercolors practice
> I found that you can work with it quite well, maybe I see you next time have more to show
- Learning French
> After all, suffer the self-made ^ ^ "

New additions:

- Psych Fanarts
- A major direction in the story begin
- "The Little Prince" Rezenssion (which comes in the 19th edition column)
- Edit My Projects reinforced!

Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- Dr. Who (10th Doctor) - Epi. 4
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 3 (will be eagerly awaited!)
- Scrubs - Season 8 (must still be concerned)
- Queer as folk - not yet started
- Breaking Bad - Season 2 / 1
- Dexter - Season 2 / 1
- Sherlock Holmes Season 1 / 4
- South Park (all mixed up ^ ^)

Completed series

Jeeves & Wooster - ended, but occasional look
A Bit of Fry and Laurie
one heart and one soul
The Awful Truth
Kalkofes Mattscheibe

Dropped Series

- House MD. - Season 2 / Season 4 and 4 / 10 (Season 1, 3 and 5 completely) dropped !
- Weeds Season 1 / 5 dropped !
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2 - dropped !
- Six feet under 1 / 5 - dropped !

Current book list

- American Gods "Neil Gaiman"
- Daniel Goleman "Emotional Intelligence"
- Psych "A Mind is a terrible thing to read"
- Stephen Fry "The Chronicles" (eeendlich, I have to wait infinitely long ^ ^)

Deferred Books:

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- Oscar Wilde "A Biography"
- "A gay history of Britain - English -
- Hugh Laurie" bullshit "(Even for over two years ... either this is ridiculous now or I quit at some point)

Current anime / manga list

Last words:

I hope you enjoyed and see you soon Times!

Until then, we are writing about us the way.

I hope so much that the next edition of something I used to get to the series and the 19 . at least before Christmas concluded get. Ha, mid-October and already there are many in the Christmas stress. I do not get how in mid October with the stuff already can deal with. I have other worries ...

Well anyway, that in any event for today. See you next time and hit you again!

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Period Spotting Sticky Mucus

Everest Poker Pro and student Tobias" Tobe star "Wagner

In January of this year, won Tobias Wagner in Vienna, the "Live the Dream" finale of Everest Poker . Thus, his life changes abruptly. From then on he traveled the world, the largest poker tournaments played around the Globe.

now returns to Wagner in the city where everything began - the difference from a year ago: No more than poker fan, but as a poker pro.

He is from 8am-11. December, the Grand Finale of the 3-Länder-Poker-Tour (3LT) in the world famous Monte Sino play in Vienna: 2.200 EUR use, 500.000 EUR prize pool. Notable: Do not be a sponsor Everest Poker pays for the ticket, but he won it online in a number of revenge 3LT Satellites.

betfair poker - Everest Poker

equal after the Grand Final of the English Poker Tour had completed was "raging star" again at the online poker and won so the coveted $ 4,000 package for Vienna. He is thus of 08-11. December 2010 to play in Montesino its share of the 500,000 EUR heavy price pool.

course, Martin shows by Sturc Everest Poker Austria enthusiastic: "We are proud to have Tobi in our team. He is not only a good poker player, he also brings passion and commitment. Even if the poker in the first line of each man for himself, so in our Live the Dream Team but to feel a great team spirit that makes special about this team. We are pleased by the players Grand finale of the 3-country poker tour get back to Vienna. The city certainly has a special meaning. "

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cheaper To Buy Or Build A House?

Always the same excuses.

may now be?
- disease (two months?)
work - family responsibilities
forgetfulness or simply the undisputed state that the world will stop immediately turn to when I durchatme a little bit?
Yes, or even my blog on the new status brings.
fact is, I just can not regularly, even if this upsets me even at the most. How I wish I would have a well-frequented blog with humorous stories from my everyday life and exciting news about my writing. But ... somehow ... If there is no fixed times in my weekly routine, and what happens to the things being pushed in front of it until you "have time for it has - we all know well.
And so it happens that not only the summer vacation, but even the beginning of school again fall so far back that makes the already wide fog of forgetting about it. I have this school year a lot more hours, fortunately, much more routine. Most work I do, in relation to the number of hours, again and again Ethics: the neglected subject in Bavaria. While there are textbooks, and one teacher to tape, but the textbooks do not even cover the subject from the canon of the curriculum and are sometimes so superficial that I use do not like them. To other parts of it then says the publisher could have just a few pages copied from a religious book - no, I do not take ethics in the Sermon on the Mount by! Why should I? So here is
own output is required, and it just stomps times a lesson on "humanism" from the ground. Where does everything just work.
Regarding the letter, I do it to me just quiet. I would like to have a couple of times the Star Knights aloud and must also address finally the newspaper, maybe even a little radio-like feature for the musician - to see what comes next, then another.
In any event, to announce yet that we have made a small family-upgrade. Long considered around, wondering back and forth, and then during the summer holidays just decided to "continuous".

I mean, that's at least once a whole new excuse ...