Friday, October 8, 2010

Cheaper To Buy Or Build A House?

Always the same excuses.

may now be?
- disease (two months?)
work - family responsibilities
forgetfulness or simply the undisputed state that the world will stop immediately turn to when I durchatme a little bit?
Yes, or even my blog on the new status brings.
fact is, I just can not regularly, even if this upsets me even at the most. How I wish I would have a well-frequented blog with humorous stories from my everyday life and exciting news about my writing. But ... somehow ... If there is no fixed times in my weekly routine, and what happens to the things being pushed in front of it until you "have time for it has - we all know well.
And so it happens that not only the summer vacation, but even the beginning of school again fall so far back that makes the already wide fog of forgetting about it. I have this school year a lot more hours, fortunately, much more routine. Most work I do, in relation to the number of hours, again and again Ethics: the neglected subject in Bavaria. While there are textbooks, and one teacher to tape, but the textbooks do not even cover the subject from the canon of the curriculum and are sometimes so superficial that I use do not like them. To other parts of it then says the publisher could have just a few pages copied from a religious book - no, I do not take ethics in the Sermon on the Mount by! Why should I? So here is
own output is required, and it just stomps times a lesson on "humanism" from the ground. Where does everything just work.
Regarding the letter, I do it to me just quiet. I would like to have a couple of times the Star Knights aloud and must also address finally the newspaper, maybe even a little radio-like feature for the musician - to see what comes next, then another.
In any event, to announce yet that we have made a small family-upgrade. Long considered around, wondering back and forth, and then during the summer holidays just decided to "continuous".

I mean, that's at least once a whole new excuse ...


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