Thursday, December 23, 2010

Where To Buy Threelac In Ontario

19. Column on "Wetten, dass ..?`!", Buchrezi" The Little Prince ", ramblings

Hello and welcome to my 19th Column output

This time I have even made it to my two-month stay Ryhtmus. Although I am so the 20th Edition can not do more this year, but I consider that it also ultimately not at all yes.

Therefore, this 20th Issue, which I the 2nd Time zero will finally be the post that gives this column at all their names. It is hard to believe but true, I've actually managed finally some aspects and anecdotes about "spiders" to take together. I have to bring it just in a good way to put it here then pre sentier to. Let's hope the best for the remaining outstanding Spider moods, for the missing.

So now is already the 4th Advent past, the 4th Candle was lit and then there are only 5 days until Christmas Eve. All the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle is then carried to the extreme. I personally look forward to a school-free time, I will use my projects to pursue and to indulge my passion for writing. I work a little bit of the counter so even with this column, but it's just something different when you sit down and write a story. And of course, read all the books will finally I have already borrowed against a perceived eternity. Apart from creating comics, I hardly ... oh yeah and football books, I could only forget. I've always come out even down a couple of movies that I want to see at last. There is even a football movie here.

What you want to do everything in their free time, and ultimately one can only hope that you look at it on! Learning a bit I would actually also, as in French or English grammar, for example, but I guess in the end I throw everything into a corner and do nothing ultimately. Nja, at some point must be him some day ...

... and also what I am doing at the moment, creative writing, if one can call it that.

So now, enough drivelling:

What's this time to read with you?

As I am currently located in a slight tidying, I make even before the column and that I will not stop these miserable long "to-do list that I have been with for almost 1 3 / 4 years me carrying around a massive decrease and that the essential!
There's no such monster list I will never be able to work through in this form. Apart from that it includes things that have no meaning at all to me more such as House MD for example. Right now, I think
it rather unlikely that I have this many fanfictions that I've actually planned around these times series started around or ever finish. Meanwhile, there are simply more important, their own projects, I would like to achieve more, which is not me but if ever this legacy down your neck like fat, hairy spiders ...

column :

This time will be betting in my column to the format of " dass ..? "based on the accident to go. A more sensitive issue, but I want to I still say this once.

review :

This time it will be a presentation of the story "The Little Prince " by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry . About this really deep philosophical book, I've even kept about half a year before a presentation. Has touched me this book ages ago, so I was glad I once again can really deal with it extensively. Some of these comments, I've processed in the review section. Look once inside, it's worth it. The story is also not long and not difficult to understand. It is issued as a recommended age of 8 years, but I guess you really can understand it only when you again as an adult reads.

ramblings / anecdotes

In this column, I'll upload this time a little poem . Furthermore, even my intentions for next year and a few general words to read to my projects over the holidays.

Since I still really only one thing to say:

Source: [info] babbling

- "The Muses are come upon me!
- (and I hope the days of strong inspiration)

In this sense ...

... have fun by clicking:

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19th Column Topic: Betting "dass .. "

Subtitles: " ... to To start does not change? "

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This time with a video is a bit unusual, but This expresses the importance that I would not play with words. The video shows the day-journal immediately after bets "dass ..?!" mission with a clearly concerned Thomas Gottschalk of the otherwise more safely carried out the mission.

I personally have not seen this show, I watch "Wetten dass ..?!" for quite a while, not more. Simply because the bets were too crazy. Not because they were daring or dangerous, but just too absurd. Where I am even surprised that in the show before were no serious accidents. I remember many a dangerous bets that were not performed by stuntmen, but by ordinary people.

My father saw them, however, and reported the fall of here - you can not see - of course. He came straight to his head, despite what helmet of course does not protect against cervical injury and remained motionless. Tragically, the entire Thing or by the fact that the father at the wheel of the car sat the the betting candidate Samuel Koch jumped.

I do not want nor chew again what has been repeated countless times in front of me. Instead, I want to talk about something else. Could it be that betting has the format "outdated dass ..?!" gradually? I think so. Somehow there were so many crazy, dangerous and reckless bets there, absurdities and craziness that it really should not surprise, if everyone has already given twice.

The program has existed since 1981 - according to wikipedia. The first presenter was also the inventor Frank Elstner, then came back in 1987 Thomas Gottschalk, who once was only briefly interrupted by Wolfgang Lippert, Gottschalk before starting again in 1994 and remained here until today. Since last year, Michelle Hunziker co-host it, so the first time ever a woman has been instrumental in this format.

This is the show older than me and yet not once a development through. The format is still exactly the same as in 1981. Sure, it's successful in this form, why it ? Shake There are, after all, also stars and starlets and current bands / singers invited to excite the younger crowd. I have my times over the years had a listen in my circle, not a man of my age group - have at least that I do - watch this show. Maybe it does sometimes one or the other star worshipers, like the I do not doubt, occur or those whose relatives are there, but otherwise?

Has it perhaps become obsolete and this tragic accident just a call to the format but to stow away in the mothballs? actually, it always means "if's most beautiful, to stop it. "but a considerable number of Germans want the format" Wetten, dass ..?!" there remains further . I think that the days are numbered this program. They should have quit when it was at its best, now it's just a horror without end, for the accident is now hovering like a poisonous cloud over the format - whether the bets now much less vascular and will provide annually or restricted altogether.

as "Dr. Motte, the founder of the Love Parade, the time after the accident was to let the Love Parade never take place again, I took a bold first train, but ultimately it was the right one, the only correct one. How can people celebrate when so many people died?

are true at Wetten dass ..?!" no people died and now that the format is now being scaled down to a safe format, this probability is shrunk to such a low minimum, that there are probably more likely is to be struck by lightning than get killed there should still be given to settling. After all

were now after the accident, conflicting voices loud that there probably gemauschelt behind the scenes, something that the stunt was still somewhat pompous is because, with so Gottschalk says the top of the post shown otherwise. Now, when Samuel Koch himself but even as a trained stuntmen says he has abdominal pain before the stunt, I do not know what to make of it.

can end by saying I, "Betting ..?!" know that this is a discontinued model, and everyone knows it after all. But as long as there are still a few loyal viewers, it will not be discontinued ... that's my fear.

And if you do not have, then you want to simply!

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Book review: "The Little Prince" ("Le petit prince")

Cover image:

Name Book: The Little Prince
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Number of pages: 128
Publisher: smoke
language (if the original language): German, French ( original version) - and in more than 187 other languages translated
Price: € 5.90 (Paperback)
Direct Link / Source: DerkleinePrinz @ amazon

back text: Know

million and love the "Little Prince", the great French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - now this charming modern fairy tale is the first time with all the color illustrations from the original edition in paperback! The world of "Little Prince" is full of secrets Wonder and Surprise. He comes from another planet on the earth because he is looking for a friend. And he finds him. His message is simple as ebneso significant:

" It is only with the heart good,
is essential is invisible to the eye.

Here is a very nicely designed site for" little prince, "in French.

Aufdröselung with positives and negatives:

author and narrator of the story of the little prince a lot in common. Both are pilots, both crash in the desert, but only one meets the little prince. Unlike Saint-Exupéry, who struck for days through the desert and was rescued, the narrator becomes friends with the little princes and repaired during which his plane within 8-9 days.

Real and fiction are blurred in the little prince, but it offers so much philosophical metaphors and parallels to the life and the author's experience that sometimes you just sit there and just thinks he knows something and that is what he is trying to tell me. The source of perspective in the book was made possible, a easy entry, because it is the perspective of the narrator. In my opinion, there is even the author himself in certain traits, but we come now to the story itself:

The Little Prince lives on a small planet that is really very small. On top of the cover an image of the little prince is on his planet and you get while watching a rough idea. The illustrations are by the way the author himself

on the planet where anyway is already little space, are only three volcanoes, one of which is extinct. This cleans the little prince just as he makes sure that he shoots of the baobabs emigrating, as they might otherwise blow up his planet, if they could only grow. In addition to the volcanoes and the baobab tree problem, there was a rose that is very easy to get a cold and so was the little prince always kept particularly. She was sometimes not always nice to him, but he accomplished his task.

But the planet was the little prince one day, too small to accommodate his world was not made for more, which in any case was already on it. So the little prince with a heavy heart on the way and the search began for a boyfriend.

On his way, before reaching the ground, he attended just six planets, 7th Finally, the planet is Earth. On the 6 planet live 6 different characters, different as they were not able to. The little prince asks you questions on which he covered with hair, while he takes the people he met, as they are. Imagination and openness here embodied in the person of the little prince almost like a child at all will approach, but in the end a conclusion to razor sharp moves itself is. Finally, he lands on Earth where he meets the narrator and he in turn told of his journey. Close friendship without it explicitly to designate it as such.

I want do not give away too much, just enough to the top of the column "text back" given quote is from the book and will give some insight.

overall conclusion:

Although this book was excellent for younger, it can be read by older people, for sure! Read it and pull your own conclusions and I am sure that her behind is suspended in disbelief.

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anecdote / General ramblings

... briefly and recorded nearly

Again a few additional confused thoughts of my one. Have fun.


which I am currently out not only happy but also compose some. Now not in such great numbers as it did so many writers / poets before me, and probably not in quality, but I'm happy with it. They are after all by myself and that's exactly what it takes.

If I publish one time I do not know yet, because if I found one, then that poetry can sometimes be very personal. Therefore, it surprises me that so many writers / poets their poems published. Some of them are in fact highly personal, what one notices especially when dealing with the writing.

Such a poem I want to not be deprived, so here's one of Erich Fried , whose love poems are really beautiful. (Caution is a little "slippery )


And if my index finger
is already wet from you
take me more time with his crest and

your abdominal
a heart male
so your navel
in the heart of the place where supposedly is

Cupid's arrow has pierced the heart and only then

guess if you have
that it was a heart
what I drew for you

projects over Christmas

One should make themselves even in free time not so much, and I try to keep well, but I would like to try a bit to what can be revived from my old atmosphere again. I am so so in terms of the withdrawal letter that I've even made me leave out at least some Drabble and a short story.

My current comics have of course also a top priority and at least one acrylic-image would also be in there again. With everything else I am cautiously optimistic, you're allowed to do so not too much, otherwise the free days is anything but relaxing. But I guess that my big, borrowed books as mountain can see to that for relaxation, of course, related to all the DVDs I'd like to see again. I've even picked out as a small Hitlist.

What have I done for 2011?

The resolutions for the new year already now? Yes, why not, you can always write resolutions, whether it is complying is a different matter. What I've done in any event for next year is to eat regular fruit and vegetables, maybe that is surely my rapidly aging hair stop something. Of course, for that matter, my family history a major criterion, but if it helps the process at least slow down a bit, then step right up and the vitamins. At a test that matters.

The next thing I have planned is to switch a gear. Especially now the last Month before Christmas, it is bad to me noticed that I have indeed learned a lot for exams - something that is okay too - and I am accordingly improved. (In philosophy as much as 4 points!), But increased the quality of life dramatically. Either I took care units (what ever went all weekend on it because I learn in the weeks already busy for exams) was or I was exhausted and ended the evening in fact only on any nonsense or where I read through endless Quark.
to order next year's final. It must finally no 6 units (2 compulsory units, the rest voluntary) be in six months - although I still question how I've managed that in addition to the exams at all everything. For exams I will continue to learn and here and there or after preparation. Especially true of English grammar, French in its entirety and biology. Math is probably after the holidays to come, about the last exam I did not feel good, I was already pretty much at the end when we last wrote and I could no longer prepare for it as I really wanted.

To my quality of life so to increase, are urgently needed to be included breaks, do nothing as possible on the weekends for the school and think of times in between me and do not just always all for the school. Of course it's fun to acquire all the material (especially German, English, philosophy and history), which is of course no question, but can not pause to bear in mind that I'm looking for determined.

have also taken a long time I no more, would also be a difference next year. I have to go out of the house, there's no here constantly burrowing. After all, I need it so not to make permanent, only sometimes, only here and there, that's enough, too.

The last thing I decide to ask me, the things of which I've pushed me until now. I do not want to go further into details, but they are already important and represent an enormous step for me dar.

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Monsters-to-do list, or ...

... there was indeed something else to work

It's really liberating themselves from this monster list to adopt and only the essentials to keep back. I would actually know from the outset have that something is not, but what is so beautiful, yes, only hindsight is smarter.

- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column!
> The spider_column are in work and chibi_wolvie I will upload new
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
> If I finally fell into the hands, I like the idea still, and it's a nice finger exercise in combination with watercolor
- London-start my travel journal ... and end
> This is now really about time! There are after all only 4 days to describe ...
- zuendeschreiben Fanfictionanthologie to Jeeves & Wooster
> Come on, there are 4 stories of the cast, only 2 1 / 2! This is really important to me.
- Dragon for its own anthology feature
The Anthology> itself, I would also continue to write at last, to me is also the heart!
- get ideas for comics and put ^ ^
> This hopefully will be a complete success!
- New Dev Art ID
> That would be a good finger exercise ^ ^
- Psych Fanarts
> That would be a pity if the latter will become forgotten.
- Edit My Projects reinforced!
> The write I probably best to set at the flag for my "intent for next year,"

Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- Dr. Who (10th Doctor) - Epi. 4
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 3 (will be eagerly awaited!)
- Scrubs - Season 8 (must be worried)
- Queer as folk - Breaking Bad - - Season 2 / 1
- Dexter - Season 2 / 1
- not yet begun
Sherlock Holmes Season 1 / 4
- South Park (all mixed)
- Two and a half men (all mixed)

Completed series

Jeeves & Wooster - completed, but occasional look
A Bit of Fry and Laurie
one heart and one soul
The Awful Truth
Kalkofes Mattscheibe

Dropped Series

- House MD. - Season 2 / Season 4 and 4 / 10 (Season 1, 3 and 5 completely) dropped !
- Weeds Season 1 / 5 dropped !
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2 - dropped !
- Six feet under 1 / 5 - dropped !

Current book list

- American Gods "Neil Gaiman"
- Daniel Goleman "Emotional Intelligence"
- Stephen Fry "The Chronicles" - English -
- Heinrich Mann "Blue Angel"
- Robert Musil's "The Confusions of Young Torless"

Deferred Books:

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- Oscar Wilde "A Biography"
- "A gay history of Britain - English -
- Psych" A Mind is a terrible thing to read "- English -
- Hugh Laurie" bullshit "(For more than two years ... either this is now ridiculous and I actually finish it someday!)

Current Anime / Manga List

Last Words:

I hope you enjoyed and see you next time!

Until then, we are writing about us the way.

Actually, no more R & D announcements , r future columns, but next time definitely comes the Spider-issue, even if I do not necessarily converting all what could I do want to, which is a shame, but hopefully not the whole decreases.

Well anyway, that in any event for today. See you next time and hit you again!

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Can We Play Radio With Bluetooth Headset

Multi Subject backlog entry

Yes. Barely two and a half months have passed, there is already a new entry in this blog. I do not remember a new excuse, and so I raise only helpless shoulders and try it with an apologetic smile - my Moony-share that has quite a good mood.
What happened?
Oh, actually all the same. I still go to school - I now get in addition to German art and ethics also assigned as a subject. It's not like I could not paint - I have the talent just never really developed to maturity and diversity. In addition I've always been too fixed on writing.
who want to see the undeveloped talent time, I tell the following link: ~ Susanka
The "content" there is quite a lot older, but if you carefully blow the dust down, then one can still detect a little something.
Which brings me to the idea that I have never tried to draw the game man ... why not actually ... The
Krona there in the gallery, the way is the Krona. But just in a different story, much older and with another name, since married in the meantime.
taught art actually very pretty, if you once broke through the expectations of students.
students: "Can we hear music?"
Me: "In class?"
Student: "Um, well, yes, we are always on the main school. "I
:" Do I look like the main school
P. "Okay - then with headphones. But no one bothers "I
". Do I look like no one? "
students:" Huh "
I:"! No "
Student: , Oh. Okay. But you do not make notes, or "I
:" No, that brings in art is always the stork. "
P. "???"
Me:" Of course I do notes "
students:" Oh, man, that's not relaxed fully here. "
Me: "Yep. Well spotted. We will also have art history, by the way. "
class:" Aaaaah "
Since then find myself fully uncool, but I can live with.
Away from the school, it concerns us about this:

to yawn. Yes, so much fresh air makes you tired - and perhaps, it is believed the popular wisdom that healthy? I was sick at least once this winter. As compensation for
had dominated life in places I routinely in the past few weeks a very exciting reading experience: the Inkheart trilogy by Mrs Funke. Given a separate entry, I this will not clog with enthusiastic Fangirl-monologues - only so much that I really keep to myself in order not to produce 2000 pages fanfiction. To which character? Is not it crystal clear? Is there somewhere a lone wolf, I give him my heart. I
And because I not only read but also written (hear, hear in the time that I had not ...), you can follow this link:
http://www.fanfiktion .de/s/4d0c78da000030130c90138a
There is little to read a game's three-part. Chapter One is on, Kapiutel follows two before Christmas, chapter three at the turn. Numerous reviews inspire me.
, enough clicked for today, we read in two and a half months (or earlier ...) What's

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Where To Buy Harem Pants In Toronto

"3 Countries Poker Tour News

Peyman Lüth leads after Day 1 of the "3 Countries Poker Tour" (3LT) Final in Vienna Montesino!

From 8 to 12 December 2010 held in Vienna Montesino Pokertainment Center of the grand finale of Everest Poker initiated "3 Countries Poker Tour" takes place.

261 players competed yesterday at the opening day to the finals at the 3LT. € 522 000 in the prize pool are to be divided among 24 players. 24th place receives € 3540, € 132 680 to wait on the winner.

the players saw Party Poker Pro Dragan Galic, the Dutch poker pro Rolf Slotboom, Jan Peter yacht man, EPT Vienna winner Michael Eiler, English Poker Tour Champion 2010 and Titan Poker Pro Marvin Rettenmaier, Niki Kovacs, Dag Palovic, Michael No one, Leo, musician, Harry Casagrande, WPT Marrakech winner Sebastian Homann and Rino Mathis, and the team Everest with the Norwegian WSOP bracelet winner Sigurd Eskeland, Maria Maceiras, Steven van Zadelhoff, Fabrice Saoulier, Valentin Messina and Cristiano Blanco.

Michael Eiler had to leave early and already retired in the first level of the Set against Set. Jan Peter yacht man followed him short time later.

Today, the 9th December will return from 14 players to the clock 121 day 2 of the finals 3LT. As chip leader winner CAPT Peyman Lueth is a stack of 130 800 in the second round of the main event.

The further a schedule of "3 Countries Poker Tour" (3LT):

Thursday, 9 December 2010 14:00 Main Event Day 2

Thursday, 9 December 2010 17:00 PLO Freezeout € 330, 10K, 30 min

Friday 10 December 2010 14:00 Main Event Day 3

Friday 10 December 2010 17:00 € 1,100 NLH Freezeout (2 day event), 10K, 45 min

Saturday 11 December 2010 14:00 Main Event Final Day

Saturday 11 December 2010 15:00 Final days € 1100

Saturday 11 December 2010 17:00 NLH Freezeout € 550, 10K, 35 min

Sunday 12 December 2010 17:00 NLH Freezeout € 110, € 15.000 at all., 10K, 25 min