Sunday, February 17, 2008

5 Minute Intraday Stock Data

Frankfurt (Oder) - A dream Lebus

After I noticed yesterday morning that I have even less motivation than usual to put me in front of the thesis, I am in the firm Write to believe a single word, went into the big wide world, and have made me the first time in several months on a long trip in the direction of Lebus. Although
started yesterday legs hurting like it was amputated to the best of it, it was nice overall.
A few impressions from the vicinity of the Oder City:

A tree as a gateway

A bridge, which may only be entered at your own risk

trees, which are reflected in the Oder

The Fährübergang between Lebus and Polish nothing. Because this is a rather narrow place on the Oder, it was probably in particular 2. World War formed a highly competitive space


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