Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pirate Birthday Ideas

04th The morning after.

good morning upper east siders!

yesterday's sightings come right out and throw quite a few strange questions. well, but we at least now we can think about something, WHILE we meet tonight paint the nails, plucking the eyebrows and express the spotty. not that we would need only anything like this!

M to interpret a late hour at shakespeare and co on broadway bought a fat Advisor About the English culture. Who does she want to impress? A friend on the way J . I've heard that the Winston is your spa from France at that time have had redirected. whether A and J since last night probably sat in it together? a rather strange trio, consisting of brother I , C and their A was spotted on the way to the cinema. three are well known as one too many. wonders just who the three pretty not in a threesome, oops sorry, would two be involved. last but not last yesterday's tribeca star hotel gang, which was divided into quite a strange little group. first E went home, handsome and drunk. So as always. It was followed a few moments later T who made off on foot to the home. alone. I almost feel like your delicate little ears are pointed, ladies! Stay tuned to watch, who's next to him to train! sighted were also I and B that was like bringing his home. not even a little bit of making out in the lift? have their Parents watched, or what?

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now that your curiosity is satisfied, you go to you much better. you know, I try to inform you always top - that's my job. not let you be bored in school, her love. Today's evening is terrific, party atmosphere is in the air!

see you on the dance floor for the after show party in the park !


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