Wednesday, March 18, 2009

American Funds Smallcap

second Column (subject: "school shooting in Winnenden"), and anecdote Buchrenzesion

Hello and welcome to my second Column entry.

now been shifted to my specially created community. But still a lot of work, you see it too, or rather, you can not see it. I still miss many things, such as the various banners that I want to add a title, see similar, is who is a guest commentator and whether you would rather just be careful.

The Spider moods I miss too. But that does not matter, because the phöse spider is not yet crept behind their mountain of papers and books. All I been on my careful inquiry I was given a book that was flying in my direction and I just missed closely followed by a rumbling sound nestelnden inarticulable. Some might now think that this is a resounding "No", but since I'm already accustomed These kinds of antics, I know that there is only a "Well, we'll, we'll see whether it is really as far as I ü ; at all times there can write a comment ... So talk to me again when you're ready. "

I am therefore confident ^ ^

course, there will be other guest commentators and myself would like to yes in my own column, also a have some say in word, but one by one. I would imagine every single detail and not let me outside before promised;)

What's this time to read with you?

of recent events, and massive presence in media and print media, it goes this time in my column theme for the "massacre of Winnenden. I know there are already so many reviews, claims analysis, explanations and much more, but I do not take this as an opportunity to make suggestions, point out mistakes or even to speak to me any To obtain pre-review position. This is solely about me and how I deal with it. I just need a platform to let it out. No one is forced to read it, nobody really.

Then I looked into another book review. This time it is ... Stephen Fry in his book "Columbus was an Englishman." Some will seem terribly aware that author's name and yes, I had it last time already. But do not worry, it will turn again and still others. Apart from that he is really worth reading, otherwise I would not know Review of him;)

And last but a little Anedote last of my everyday life together Thoughts flit through me as the head.

by clicking Ok, have fun:

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second Column topic: "massacre in Winnenden"

Subtitles: ""

It has gone through all the media, a whole week it was in Germany breath. Everywhere it was always present, one did not escape him. Neither in the relevant newspapers, magazines or on TV or just in everyday life in conversation with others. The school shooting in Winnersh, which cost 14 people and the gunman himself, life.

Buy scream all politicians, psychiatrists, victims, those who are for it keep going loud and unmistakable: "More stringent gun laws," "Tighter controls FSK", "abolition of the killer games" "checks at the schools, as in the U.S.," "More support in schools' ... etc. The litany can be endless. Furthermore you have already determined as much read, heard and seen that you do not even guaranteed such a report, want to read about what I can understand very well.

As for me now, the whole thing into a kind of paralyzing Rigid fallen leaves is not so much the act itself is the in itself is so bad that it justifies any horror that one feels in the face of, but how it is handled. On the one hand, widely reported in the relevant media, as I have described above. He was not escaped, only if you turn off the TV or completely waived newspapers. But who is already out for a week completely without news?

No, what I can annoy some, this approach with such a tragedy in the journalism industry. I'd like to aptly call "Journallistik barbarism." Barbarism, because everything can take what you find, picks up every bit of the one, everything is taken in through the internet, and then fed the news that yet gepult apart and clearly still the dumbest audience explained. We seem to live in an age where the media no longer have respect for the dead, the victims, and even the perpetrators, who now gets to his death exactly what he wanted from the start well: fame. Even if she does nothing now, I would imagine that it is exactly was what he had it apart. disappear with a huge bang from the scene, enable the people for days in fear and terror ... and the media to help him even more eager grin.

course, there is now some prophets of doom among you, and rightly so. We definitely have freedom of the press and of course journalists should report on an event like this ... but for a whole week? Everywhere? At all stations? shown to "prime time" when switch Younger or right after a preview of "Alarm for Cobra 11", where everything pretty zerballert and everything is flying in the air? Is not that something pitätlos the victims of school shooting over to report on the one hand, and to mention on the other side in a single breath of her high frequenziertes violence program? I do not mind that they show it, I just think we should face such a tragedy during the coverage to such advertising simply refrain out of respect for the victims.

The only thing I wish for this rampage is that no one forced them to imitate it feels - riders play so to speak. Enough advertising for make the media so that you have to let them. I just wonder who it prohibits them?

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Buchrenzesion : Stephen Fry - "Columbus was an Englishman"

Cover image:

name of the book: Columbus was an Englishman
Author : Stephen Fry
Number of pages: 448
Publisher: building
language (if the original language): German / o English
Price: € 11.95
Direct Link / Source:

back text:

As a 7-year-old Stephen Fry was sent to the boarding school. He survived beatings, homesickness, heartache, defloration, expulsions and attempted suicide. His life seems to have failed when he and 18 for theft and check fraud in prison. - The engl movie star and cult author recounts his childhood and youth as a novel, startling, tender and ruthless honesty.

What is it and what you have to know about costs?

It is a kind of autobiography, not directly. It can be one of his Memories to share, but it is incomplete, sometimes rambling, sometimes expansive (I've sat there many times and had to think of the "myths Merz tables debauchery" - which were invented by Walter Moers;)) but always very close to the action. He is also in the book openly admits that he is wrong here and there could be more genuine and out --- who has an absolutely correct book about his life? (Maybe apart from "Monk")

Why do I need to read this book and not another? In other words, what makes it worth reading?

. As mentioned above, it is the retelling of Stephen Fry's life story - to about 1997 (came out of the book, you philistines!). What fascinates me now, it's not just the fact that I like Stephen Fry as authors, actors and reader, but his unsparing openness with which he goes to the retelling of his story. Often I had to laugh, but often I had the teeth to bite or squint your eyes, breathe deeply and nod in agreement (yes, I know it looks so stupid like it reads). Not only because I tried to recreate some things, but because I myself here and there is found again. Buried childhood memories came to light ... and they were often not very pleasant. I must say that it is the first autobiography I read that highlights, here are the absolute negative sides. (! He stole, lied and cheated when it was just added - and this time he was not yet 10 years old).

I'm not talking about the "experience" books to a pretty hard hitting picture of the person concerned to trace a hard life behind them - but that is expected there too. In this autobiography is in turn different. One can not expect all this shame, anguish, despair and Reckless Honesty, it ultimately pours. It is hoped that there almost still be a few points of light and must be there also. Stephen has always a wink to the reader in what I do not like just as good if it manifests itself derogatory about themselves. It feels like a psychological self-destruction before --- but it is probably nothing to change.

overall conclusion:

When Stephen Fry more usually associated with his "funny" rolls her know that experience here a different side of him. Unsparing and honest --- And maybe with a few things that you yourself have been kept as a reminder to spill.

my opinion, worth reading even for non-fans ... or stop to enter.

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I am beginning to notice it also, my time is running out. Not because of my time, which amounts even from 7:00 - 16:00 clock. One would therefore create the night is still too much time for anything. But unfortunately it looks mostly like this I can do only the budget and nothing else. To correct I have to partially hinprügeln to my drawings, I creep around as if they were contaminated with uranium and the piano practicing has also suffered quite lately.

I know I should really start times so that I divide my time better But a strange tiredness comes over me all the time. Yesterday, they made me even so their knees that I slept from 18:00 clock to 08:30 clock today. Without interruption! I will not say that something is wrong with me, but if this goes well but sometimes I need to consult a doctor. It is surely not that I'm such a comatose sleep. Someone told me already that I was simply exhausted ... But what? On the said date I was just a bit of shopping and the cinema, that's not hard work or the like!

talks this direction, but unfortunately only in a Weeks overdue - so long must I wait probably still. This would be the point 3 long been on my list ... which brings us to the next topic: List of writing. Initially a nice tool that I can remember that stuff, it's almost become an affinity to me to be ready for everything and every ne list. This ranges from simple shopping list over to a to-do list, then another favorite ... this and that, to a list of what I do because everything is still in the budget must, and images / stories list! The joke is, if I work off those lists would sometimes they would even a shred of sense result, but far gefehlt. Ich fertige sie an, find sie Klasse und fertige die nächste Liste an.. und so weiter... So kommt man natürlich nicht zurande. ... Gilt das eigentlich schon als ausgemachten Knacks oder hab ich einfach nur ein Spleen?

Na mal abwarten was derjenige sagt, mit dem ich mich in einer Woche unterhalten... da fällt mir ein, den muss ich ja auch noch in eine Liste eintragen...

Wenn Sie haben, so harken sie es einfach ab. Danke!


preview to the next time: have attached

Oh, my list that I made last time, has reduced not very ... no, it's even what happened. Let's see if next week I create one or two things still ...

- "Dr. Slippery "continue watching
-" Boston Legal "on broadcast
- Finally start the round book reader!
- My Fanfiction look twice ... "more correct and read
- My other fanfics are still writing
- Finally my house - Stuart Little - Crossover Fanart end!
- Begin with the other three urgent fanart!
- Make Caramel Dansen-Gif, with Jeeves & Wooster, of course!
- my own mood-arts! (Preferably, J & W)
- The banner for my column design!
- Mood-arts for spider_column produce
- Finally start with the Arts, 'You lazy sock> _>

I think the first I will keep you busy ^ ^ "

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I hope my "little" column you liked. ^ ^ ^ ^ Until next time
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