Monday, March 16, 2009

Facial Swelling After Waking In The Morning

first Column with an anecdote and review

Hello and good evening all together who were lost here in my Live Journal.

If you like, you're welcome to stay a bit, get you some coffee, tea or the like and make you comfortable. Do not worry, I do not bite, most of the time. Why do I write? Good question, next question ... perhaps because I feel like it? Because I, like an old folk saying goes: "The itch oats" has to mean always or because I am the inspirational power of Stephen Fry fully under control. One of these things will be the case. Addiction yourself-one. But I say again around the bush, so here:

This here is my first post on "column", but since I am of course a very sprawling and extensive human (body measurements are of course NOT the way), I have them in three categories divided. This means that every time three categories, or several, to summarize in a post and all you then as a "column" sell. You might want to jump to a, say, the Buchrezesion or turn to the right column theme. And if you quite curious since you can also among my "ramblings of the day" button, where a few personal anecdotes from me are given for the best. Maybe not always interesting, but amusing, and always to the amusement of the contributing Schadenfreude of the reading effort. Hach, what a nice palaver to the beginning.

Only two things would I get rid of..

inspired this column, I was Stephen Fry's book "Paper Weight" (Yes, you might lose him the letters of complaint and send mails I disavow any blame from me But do not forget that in a correct English to write;)) where he has collected all his columns, essays, radio broadcasts (of course in Schriftorm) and short stories of his time. Although the 1992, but still very relevant ... okay, I getting ahead of myself, which actually comes first in Buchrezesionsabschnitte. Class, just opened and already containing ne column, I am no longer my own rules ...

Second, this here is the "maiden voyage". Of course, it is not so with many maiden voyages. They make it to the example is not out of the harbor, no one cares or they are simply gone down just before the goal of the first maiden voyage, which is very tragic for those involved. The point I am making is that the concept could still change at any time. (Yes guessed right, I have already a few things in mind that I would work out for now). For example, there would be a banner or a "guest commentary" from one of my Shizos. Could be interesting times indeed read what is reported as a vicodinsüchtige black spider with glasses and walking stick so their everyday lives. (And I tell you, has a note on the body, because it would have long since crept the poisonous black bile from the abdomen of his ^ ^ ") If everything works

I publish it once in the week. And I've been made to me at least one column theme to look every week. Everything else varies. This can, for example, from politics, economics, current events or just something me during the work / leisure / forums around cucumber / piano / [here corresponding entry] occurred (and no, I'm NOT bored at work).

course I can always use suggestions, so just tell me if you have a suggestion.

fang And now I am best at first simple, otherwise it is never what.

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column topic: What is today under the term "time" at all?

* whisper * "What is Zeiiiiit ..."
The theme of "time" has lately become a rather unpleasant topic, at least for me. Somehow they always sit me in the neck like a fat hairy spider. It runs continuously, it tries to shake off, but it still stuck in the neck as if it had been anchored firmly with spider legs and would have additionally a rope woven from threads of their own that they would then be wrapped around the neck of her victim to crash not so.

And I always feel "I do not have time" or "I ran out of time" or "Time slips through my fingers like sand." Sometimes I run only from one appointment to another, all my creative outpourings remain as a quick side note stuck to my notebooks like gum under a shoe (where my ideas of course, not a notebook will scrape down). I would like to implement it and just constantly doing everything for it to finally catch a bit of time to me at last to devote all my ideas deferred, but when I finally have time as far as I'm either too tired, too exhausted or drop me a three things that simply are more urgent.

Since you had it before, as a small child I would say, even easier. We woke up mornings and knew that the whole day would still lie ahead as a large white sheet of paper and you just need to get up, take the pins in the hand and go crazy going to scribble as a fit. And in the evening, then had a colorful piece of paper, was happy and tired and could look forward to the next day.

Today it is different. If you wake up, you have a sheet of paper lying in front of him, but it is not white, it is already fully lubricated and not with any kind of scribbles, but presented with words, appointments, to-do lists and white vultures something else. For its own little time remains and you have to watch all the dates to work that you do there on the white sheet of paper added. Because ... if you do not, then what is left remaining at the end and that is, of course, spread over the next day. In the evening one is no longer satisfied and tired, but absolutely exhausted and broken and only just falls into bed to finally, at least in the night, not even to dream of it ...

course I tell nothing new, that no doubt everyone who is older, similar to how I feel. The time one sits in the neck, you have more tasks and appointments and the time passes quickly. Where once we were small children still happily on 1 December the first Doors have opened and we were happy NEN cookie on Christmas Eve, is now only one left Mader aftertaste. It is the same as always lyre open door ... Schokistückchen rauspulen ... Eat ... oh, today is already the 15th? Damn, I must still Christmas for and and and ... Everytime. As a kid we had these problems not because we were blessed. Now we must see that we are giving to the other - if we do not happen as Ebenezer Scrooge two enter into the era.

What happened to the time we had so overfill left as a child? Or we just have to start instead of the time constant im Nacken zu fühlen, sie uns aus dem Nacken reissen und alles laufen lassen wie es ist? Zu spät zu Verabredungen, Terminen etc. kommen? Na, wenn das jeder Machen würde würde ja unser ganzes Zeitgefüge aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten... hmm.. wäre doch mal eine Überlegung wert, oder?

Wenn ihr habt, gehabt euch wohl ^^


Buchrezesion - Stephen Fry - "Paper Weight"

Cover image:

name of the book: Paperweight
Author: Stephen Fry
Number: 551 pages
Publisher: amazon

back text: building
language (if the original language): German / o English
Price: € 9.95
Direct Link / Source :

Thoughts are fry ... Stephen Fry's radio and newspapers are notorious. He and his alter ego Donald Trefusis - all readers of the "liar" well-known - it talks about Margaret Thatcher, blasphemy, education, Wimbledon, television, boredom, aging, God and the rest of the world. They serve us literary snacks that are both sophisticated, extravagant and always delicious.

What is it and what you have to know about costs?

It's about the well-liked and in this country, unfortunately, almost entirely unknown actors, comedians and, I might sometimes say, life artist, Stephen Fry collected one of his collected works of his time and has pressed in a book. For example, there are his Colombia, which he wrote for a major British magazine, comments of his alter ego Donald Trefusis (very snappy and recommended), texts of radio shows and all sorts of anecdotes, he gives here the best. It's kind of a collected work of short, shall we say, recordings of his liberal writings.

Why do I need to read this book and not another? In other words, what makes it worth reading?

He recommends the book as appetizers to read and not in one piece, so I put it as always with him to work and read there in the breaks (and I read it still, STILL I'm not through, but beats me so so much enthusiasm , s that I just do not hold back if one could Buchrezesion).

should be disturbed by the one can not but used often as he likes to call "Colleges words" that are omnipresent in the book. But yes it has a Duden and can look at a pinch, if you're in real need. ;)

I am sure that the book in English still worth reading, since: 1 in O-Ton/Schrift and 2 the entire word jokes that there are usually in almost any English text, there better come over. When translating this, however, go largely lost.

Also, one should necessarily know a little bit here in the British culture, their personalities and scene, otherwise defined as certain evidence and texts unfortunately insufficient. It is in the book itself nor behind a glossary, where all persons who are mentioned in the book, with short name, activity, etc. presented, but there is no corresponding footnotes. And I myself have the glossary and only discovered when I was already halfway through the book. But it took many of the personalities that Fry described, not look up because I anyway as part of my British obsession anyway know.

overall conclusion:

Absolutely worth reading all the vitriolic columnist, radio plays and all that he has gathered there, take the pulse of the audience (that is me in this case). He says part of everyday life, from the life of a Briton, as one feels there so what annoys him, making him happy and always with the element of humor between the lines that I always wieder zum Grinsen brachte. (Meine Kollegen sahen mich alle schon komisch an wenn ich wieder am glucksen war).

Wer sowieso schon Britannienfan ist und Stephen Fry vielleicht mal in Blackadder, Oscar Wilde, Peters Friends oder Jeeves & Wooster gesehen hat, der sollte sich dieses Buch unbedingt zulegen. Und alle anderen werden es nach der Lektüre in jedem Fall sein.

ramblings of the day - personal (read at your own risk)

Now I work at last for just over a week. After I was unemployed for a year, there is even a blessing every morning at 6:00 clock to get up again and to know what you have now until 16:00 clock and get even more money for it. ^ ^ Do not get me wrong, work is going but no obligation, but without Moos nix Loos, as they say. Apart from that I like to have a balance between work and leisure. It is easy to get even more creative and free input ... or just stop even stuff that anecdotes are.

Take it easy the garden center where I work now. It is a huge company that adjusts for seasonal workers (I am one of these forces), for example for the garden, for shipping, packaging and telephone order taking. Besides I still work there and many others still someone I would like very special. A cat. A black cat with yellow eyes, white claws, and occasionally gray hair in the otherwise pitch-black fur. When I asked how all things, a garden center comes to a cat replied to me they would be running up to them. She feels also there really at home, their own cat flap in one of the greenhouses, feeding and drinking bowl and a high Trohn seat covers from where it makes dozing comfortably, of course, in the greenhouse.

One may now say what you will, that black cats bring bad luck, etc., but I must admit I have rarely seen such a nice cat ... and so one that wants as much attention as this one. My own cat, however, is a wild beast that wants to have liked his absolute silence, constantly scratching and biting me and hissed at wherever they can. This is very different, it comes in breakfast and lunch to me; just when I have just unpacked my apple or bread and have it just made me comfortable with my Fry book. She meows once, jumping next to me on the furniture bank, and makes himself comfortable on my lap, begins to purr and cuddle like crazy to me. Sometimes I can hardly get my book to read or eat my apple, so much tender loving care it needs ^ ^ "But today has

sies a bit exaggerated, I think. During the lunch break, everything was as usual, I habs made comfortable on the bench, got my bread Geard unpacked, opened the book and wanted to make was easy (even on a very interesting place Stephen Fry, an avowed fan of Sherlock Holmes had written a fan fiction involved, and I was absolutely thrilled and cheer on) came from the cat mewed einma, jumped on the bench and started to cuddle. ... Just as they started, I was a little violently ^ ^ "She pushed between me and my book came out, so it was down on my lap and then pushed it from my lap and out of my hand so that it slid on the bench next to me and snaps shut. She looked at me totally loyal, meowed once and began her head against my now conveniently free hand to rub then approached close to my bread.

With a strict "NO" I brought them to the task of this undertaking. Would be even better if this cat still I would begin the sausage bread ^ ^ "That made my own cat food to satisfy. Anyway, I was very surprised that they knew a cat a book from the hands of 'Buchsi. I'm am not of course be influenced by them, the cat pressed on my lap and continued reading the book + bread in peace and continue to eat and I only paid her Kraueln feritg when I was eating with. (The whole scene was, however, to general merriment during the lunch break at ... I think it will not take long and I get something like a nickname, the "black cat lady" or something of that nature Well, one more Shizo, I have only four at the moment ^ ^ ")

My conclusion: It
can even casually stroking a cat, but she is a bitter, even if it somehow had something elegant, push the book out of hand. ^ ^ "


Then something happens to me still funny. I was in my well-beloved department store at the post office branch switch and wanted to buy some stamps for use specifically. Now you have to know yet, the tobacco and Zeischriftenverkauf is next door responsible for both the seller (I mention this because it is still equally important). As I stood there and then rummaged for my Euro coins, said to me, "Just. If you have forgotten your lottery ticket last week here," I look at them, they first have to ask if they want me on the arm wanted to take, but it was really true that I was looking for my lottery ticket on Saturday as stupid. I detach from my 19th Age of each week a bill out. They cost only 2 euros and are cheaper than cigarettes packs ... and less harmful. So much for my early Gambling problem stareup * * (joke). I still have to say that I know the seller in department stores now pretty well, or could such a thing does not happen. ^ ^ "

I looked at her and replied," Oh, stayed here for the "(I remembered nothing more of a better> _>) Then she nodded and said:". He is not eingelö , st. My colleague has forgotten him in the lottery machine "
I". Could happen again. I got it after all forgotten. "(See I do only when the game is through and I know that I know the ticket is usually placed between the magazines, I have not missed him too ^ ^ ")

The conclusion was the whole, they gave me a lottery ticket with the unresolved and I would like to make it on Friday for Saturday Session. At least I need so no one spot to fill ^ ^ Hmm ... I would be interested if I had won only once was when I would have cashed lottery tickets * digs out and sometimes compares * *

just desperately crying verkneift * That would be 3 correct been. Damn ...\u0026lt;_> hey, that would have been at least 20 €. * * Cry goes

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I've done something for me today, I finally want to practice playing the piano again firmer. For two weeks I leave it to tackle more lax and I did not do well. further progress, especially not mine. Today I am only at the five fingers of each landing and can not go on. That said, I am ashamed every time to be pinched tail catch it as I sit down for two hours before my piano lesson to practice.

So you may indeed not be better! I am therefore now before me every day to practice at least half an hour! The advantage to you, dear readers, a little, but if you will live in my neighborhood zufällg their teeth are no longer in the long dull. ^ ^

Finally, I'd
only mention yet that I have not managed always "Dr. Slippery "to look, I" Boston Legal "was suffering withdrawal and me a lot on another episode of" House MD "look. How could we raise the next question for the next column or gibberish: "I Am Addicted series or do I just like that?"

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Important notes for myself, or "My current state of work / things that I would still like to do:

-" Dr . Slippery "continue watching
-" Boston Legal "on broadcast
- Finally start the round book reader!
- My Fanfiction look twice ... "more correct and read
- My other fanfics are still writing
- Finally my house - Stuart Little - Crossover Fanart beenden !!
- Mit den anderen drei dringenden Fanarts anfangen !!
- Carameldansen-Gif herstellen, selbstverständlich mit Jeeves & Wooster !!
- Eigene mood-arts! (Vorzugsweise J&W)
- Den Banner für meine Kolumne entwerfen !!

> Ich denke mal das wird mich erstmal auf trab halten ^^"


I hope my "little" column you liked. ^ ^ ^ ^ Until next time
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