Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bed Wetting Store Ontario

supplement. Dear

Ehrlich now. You get even the color of linen described, where it was purchased and that it was a special offer!
My goodness, how can it? Paper has a dignity, damn that one should not trample! Perhaps I should emulate
Hermione and establish an organization TWERPS - Join us for a the Rights of paper and ink!

New Jersey Driver's License Template

bad karma as a bad novel.

It seems like I'm being pursued by bad novels. I read so then this and that and blogging about it rarely, but this novel was something of bad, really. We're talking on it by "Bad Carma" the novel with the ant. Fortunately, only borrowed from the library, not buy it, even though I had him a few times in the hand. The cover is quite funny - but it is also the only one.
story: Woman is killed by basin. Because she has lived a bad life - it could be called career woman and has cared too little about her husband and child (Sic) - they will be reborn as an ant. Then she finds that her husband happy wiederhätte and has much too little to the daughter, and decides to climb on the rebirth ladder to be eventually reborn as a man and so still get a chance. Through various stations, they ended up in the body of an obese hamburger maid, won back her family and a rich family is henceforth deprived animal, any ambition, happy.
Super book. Mad Ball. My goodness was that embarrassing. And not even funny written. Honestly, the message is so hard and then brought over even the super-subtle, as if the author threw in the presence of dozens of reporters a career woman with a sink.
Then, just started, and the beginning can expect nothing good: "When women cook. New acquisitions of the library sounded quite funny, a comedy competition television cooks. Twenty pages are read, which felt between ten with how the protagonist goes through her apartment and where they all sit down with her cup of espresso (sometimes at the bar, times on the sofa, sometimes in the winter garden - honestly, the only thing I carried around in my life as much as the cup of her, my newborn son was). Here you get the whole wide hut described - for that is the only reason for the hike. The other twenty pages consist of a flashback after another, where one is told the whole previous life of the protagonist, brand "She saw the little yellow vase on the table. The table they had bought in Venice, when she and her first husband, Schwabbe-Schwabbe. The vase her daughter had given her the fortieth birthday, a souvenir of the Maldives, where she and her then friend had spent a vacation, had as a result, they are unfortunately separated from him, gush-gush-yawn-snoring. "
first Has this got around yet that such flashbacks are a killer for any tension? And even if only mild interest in the golden rule is: All flashbacks are unnecessary. Without exception. If not, action will come of it.
second What I am interested in family life, the biography and the midlife crisis of a character that I know still have no idea who said not even a word stupid in the whole book?
man should try again one to hoodwink me my novels would not be printed because they were not professional enough. Mwuahahaha.
So, end of frustration - and perhaps you read a recommendation for me, prefer the real life, that is no fantasy or historical. Amazon link is sufficient, it may not even miss any endlessly on the books of other people ...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Sew In Hair

17th Column topic: "'World Cup 2010," Buchrezi: "The City of Dreaming Books", World Cup ramblings

Hello and welcome to my 17th Column output

really should go a month ago online, but as is so often, it does not work as you would imagine. Man is busy with research, with things that are supposed to clean, and in the end you will yet again a completely different concept. Therefore, this time the final notice, effective immediately:

This column is updated every 2 months!

So! And I stand now, really, honest! * Two fingers crossed behind his back hiding *

This delay is due not only last so that I am still strong while I go to school in 3 weeks to prepare but also that I am in the process some basic to clarify things. Somehow it seems to me as if I have mentioned that before ... whatever! Yes they still retain their urgency.

That said, I am just restructure the internet again. This will make even before the column will not suffice. No, nothing bad. I'll enter only the General Schwafelteil the last time here, because I can just as well on my private live journal and publish it then maybe smaller posts more frequently - so to speak, isolated signs of life here and there are times louder. So that you know that I am not alone in the world.

are actually in the column only columns - Ah, how fitting - and that either a film or Buchrezi. Then we could concentrate fully and completely review the kolumnieren and and would not always have as much passing-blablabla.

But that's why we're actually here!

What's this time to read with you?

light of recent Occasion, this column is not announced with "pineapples" and deal, but is crossed on the contrary, be of the recently concluded World Cup in South Africa, football in general, what around it was and how it might end it. Similarly, the current mood in Germany I will be quite appreciable. The surprising € Vision Song Contest will win by Lena I need special treatment in my private live journal. The whole would otherwise exceed the scope and until next time do not hold, because certainly another issue queue jumping again would.

column :

As announced already in the preface, we turn to the World Cup in South Africa what caused it, what happened, how it has expired and how such a young team managed to compete on the world stage. Four weeks football - a resumé.

review :

goes in my Buchrezi it this time by Walter Moers' The City of Dreaming Books . An absolute must for fantasy and literature lovers. A tribute to the writing, reading, literature and everything related to it. Since I had to read this book only a second time to grasp it in its entirety, speaks for itself, because normally I read a book twice. Makes you focus on books of life and can even kill ...

ramblings / anecdotes

the Schwafelanteil But the last time will be within, it is this time even more detail. So it will go straight back to my newly kindled love for art with an artist who, surprisingly, came from Germany and painted in the art of the Romantic era. And I always thought I would be neither melancholic nor romantic. So you can be a better informed. The artist is called " Caspar David Friedrich " and his pictures of him and I will tell you a little something.

As I already announced that this issue will be penetrated by the football, there will also be in the general area where a little World Cup I have a little chat with a British Octopus named Paul , some World Cup songs from which to choose, and generally about Schwafel whether four weeks may be enough for someone Football football fan will leave.

Since I still really only one thing to say:

- I've never imagine that a soccer player would become one of my favorites ... -

In this sense ...

... have fun by clicking:

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17th Column theme: "World Cup in South Africa - 11 June to 11 July 2010 "

Subtitles: !" The aftermath is kicks off "

respect, all that is here is written by an amateur football, the most recently developed a small passion for football . Any discrepancies
I apologize. Thank

Our national team after the 3rd Place had won.

I never think it is possible held that a round ball, the 22 adult men run in a professional intention behind it manages to captivate me four weeks to get in front of the TV to follow the games. Yes, you will have already read out, it's about this year's World Cup in South Africa. The first time, according to Wikipedia entry that took place there.

It has never interested me this game yet. Neither the school where I felt it was absolutely unreasonable demand, together with the guys that were anything but timid and have only pushed around and kicked to play football. Nor that I pay homage in any way any football club, as there are so many doing so in Germany. I picture it now except for one? So exactly can I define it, I just know that I am not even interested in 2006 at the World Cup cherished as it took place at home! Only the semi-final game I've seen at that time as Germany lost against Italy. At that time no direct spark jumped over, but something apparently stuck with him, for then I had planned for the next World Cup to give it a chance and-follow from the beginning.

Captain Lahm goes on the attack ; ; Friedrich chasing down the ball!

exactly what I've done this time! From the beginning I've seen almost every game. Apart from the times where I had to work or school I have followed every game - especially of course the games with our team.

And I must say: It was definitely not disappointed! It was an exciting World Cup, a World Cup that was traversed by surprising turns, excretions of teams that you would not have expected it to be sent home so early, scandals, which gave this World Cup and their zest not least a big portion of luck. It was
palpable, even for football lay, as I'm still really (I'm still not really clear with this paragraph rules) which was something in the air. The teams ever progressed further, the World Cup, chances were that they would have been otherwise possible. Whether that was because of South Africa? That was a completely different climate zone? The circumstances?

can say about it I do not. But I can just with your finger to show what has impressed me most.

I speak now, of course, especially our young national team under coach Jogi Löw. And I must say here frankly and honestly, I believed at the beginning of any piece of her. I would not even bet a dime that they would do it at all to compete with the Australians.
I see it still before me. Already in the list could see it, our team, all full of talented young faces, but not all so experienced, like so many others in this tournament. And on the other hand, the Australians, older, settled, experienced, rough-legged! These were the adjectives that shot through my mind when I saw them ... and I saw our victory is already so compromised that I do not even to the next round of the preliminaries believed. Finally, both teams went

with their flags on the place, waited for the national anthems, gave his hands, based up ... and began to play.

But as they started to play! At first hesitantly, we realized that they needed to import and the first warm up, but then she kicks off ... and began to play, that it just made them fun to watch. They were not as rough as other teams. They tried not by constant kicking, beating, boxing, etc. pp. to get the ball into the opponents' goal, but by finesse, tactics, and belief in himself and the team.

If one considers time that Jogi Löw only 7 (!) Weeks had time to form from these mismatched players a team that plays so well, that is, in my opinion an absolute masterpiece! I hope he continues to coach and gets the chance to mold this young team on. And perhaps even more talent to lead.

Jogi Löw and Schweinsteiger

And so it went through the entire tournament. There were also setbacks, like the 0-1 against Serbia, but also with their skill and the necessary bit of luck they managed to defeat not only their opponents but to play well in the hearts of fans and spectators. It was a joy to watch them. And every time they were safer on the court, focused and alive. You convinced me by playing it!

Mesut Özil in Action ; ; Müller unstoppable!

They defeated England, the motherland of football to 4-1 and then Argentina with Maradona arrogant acting through clever tactics with a crushing 4-0.

Where in the England game probably has a gate that was one was not counted, the retort was the tournament of '74, where a similar gate of the Germans was not evaluated. Thus, similar to but again it all. And Maradona, I know, has evil about the German team just pulled it down and vowed his own players into the sky. So natural arrogance can fall on fertile ground and the respect is no longer at play. If one is not serious about his adversaries and then turned up full, it looks as if one could end up wanting nothing that touches the humiliation of the crown once again.

who had been watching up here, who knew one: "The ball is round and addiction is as "

had our young, likeable team establishes itself at that same time and with the Agentinien win another placed on it. Through their exemplary manner during the World Cup and the fair play they were great representatives for Germany. Because, as a World Cup is - in my opinion - not only world football, but also representation of the various countries and nations. And as for our team has very well presented.

I must now confess, I like the cuddly group pictures! So here's three impressions on this subject! Pure emotion!

not least the fact that we showed our team that the multi-culti arrived in football. Of the 23 players 11 with an immigrant background. My personal favorite from this team, for example, the German-Turk "Mesut Özil," which kicks outside the national team for Werder Bremen.

Although Mueller is for kicking the most goals, but Mesut was responsible for many of the subsequent gates as a passer.

It worked, the team has kicked Sovera through to the semifinals ... and failed in the end not to arrogance, megalomania, but suddenly coming on to something completely different: An at large Respect for the Spaniards.

The first team that took seriously the Germans and they really made the game to hell. It was an exciting game with many scoring chances, but in the end it could only be one winner, the Spaniard. Of course, the disappointment was great, but in the end the German team was not in this one game to reach its highest form as in the other games ... they simply stumbled on their respect for the Spaniards.

the end, it was an exciting game between the Dutch and Spaniards. I personally had hoped for the Netherlands, because I already throughout the tournament, in addition to the German team shot dead a positive eye. They were a little rougher here, that's true, but they hammer out their thing just fine.

Our 3rd Place was then also fought hard, but unfortunately not as nice as earned in the other games. You could see they had resigned, it was "only" around 3 Place, as has been 4 years ago and earlier, in 2002, it was 2 Place. But there are, after all, still a next time and our team is young. You can set up again, all together in four years to try again.

are probably just the pretty naive and imaginative ideas, but it is still a bit of spin allowed.

In any event, the World Cup now over, the flags are gone from most of the cars and leaving a gaping void, and the certainty that no longer run every day 3 Fuballspiele. With great difficulty, you find yourself back in his old life, but you should always realize: There is life after football!

THANK You were a great team!

And if you do not have to buy, Get a ball and kicking it into the next window.

note the images here romp around so originate from the DFB website.
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Book review: "Walter Moers - The City of Dreaming Books"

Cover image:

name of the book: The city of Dreaming Books
Author: Walter Moers
Number of pages: 455
Publisher: Piper
language (if the original language): German
Price: € 24.90 here ( )
retail price: 10,00 € (TB)
Direct Link / Source: Moers @ amazon

back text:

books can do anything - even kill!

The young poet Hilde favor of myths Metz Markellos inherits a manuscript, he would discover his secret. The track has referred to Haim, the City of Dreaming Books ... Walter Moers transports us to the magic realm of literature, where books are not just interesting or funny, but also drive you crazy, or can even kill.

Aufdröselung with positive and negative:

Have you ever been the fictional translation of a fictional book, read from a fictitious language? No? Then you should you buy this book. Walter Moers is in fact officially not the author of the book of myths is Hidegunst Metz, Lizard and symbol of one of the greatest writers of contemporary literature Zamonischen. Including some translation problems and tricks - Where said here is that the idea behind it is its own trick already. Walter Moers loves writing and literature and it shows him to. The whole book is like a tribute single, a love letter to them.

rare, really rare that I have read the fantasy book by an author that I was so captivated. He combines a love of reading, literature and everything related to it in a colorful world of its own people, creatures, characters, characters and an infinitely large world Zamonien. But to enumerate all the characters in this universe just would already be beyond the scope and far too much away. Therefore only two figures presented here.

Living Books

books can be many things, they can frighten you, kindle worry, love, you sadden or bring just to laugh. You take them into the hand, she suggests, begins to read and the words flow from his eyes directly into the brain where they develop into images, faces, landscapes, stories and become alive. So to speak, in our mind's eye. When you're done it folds the book and put it aside. There you can not attack, hurt or anything. It is a book that, although there may frighten you, but only with words, not deeds.
Living Books are different. If such a book in his hand "and it hits, it can happen that the book zurückstarrt out of the center, comes out and maybe even growls in surprise. Startled, you throw it out of hand, it might end up with the eye down - can a good thing, so it's no longer stare. But what is it? Four legs sprout out each left and right and the book begins to crawl across the floor, coming closer. A pair of eyes was formed at the cover, staring at you is coming closer.
You are frozen with fear, perhaps, feel a draft. There is another living book, that the flight to the falls wanted you but missed. Like a bat, it hovers over you and disappears into the darkness while the other living book about soil creep, bares his teeth and his tongue licks in your direction to ever vorzukosten like you could taste because ...

This is a Living Book:

book Linge

I'm sure after you have you read this, you want to be an all hacks - or since it might.

book pieces come in Zamonien only underground because they better tolerate the air down there. They are easily recognized by its one eye, which is attached flexibly to the round body. A huge mouth to recite, two arms to hold the book, two legs to get more books to obtain. More does not need a book Ling.

diet book Linge not like you and me, eat books. No, not in the sense as you might now think. They pick any page from the books and then eat them on, they read the books. And that is their food. The better the book is written more nahhafter they are.

feed course book not just random pieces of all kinds of books to himself, but everyone has a writer whom he reveres, whose books he learns by heart and recited at every opportunity. The book pieces take this course for the most Part of the personality of the author, which also is not surprising if one so intensely involved with them. Thus each book Modeling the name of the author whose books he learns by heart.

They are like the prominent form of a book fans.

And this is a book Ling, with his workload:

overall conclusion:

After I wrote so much now, without too much to tell I do not want to start at this point with it. So, you obtained the book, it's worth it. Everyone loves the writing and reading, the past can not come to this book simply can.

I could not;)

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anecdote / General ramblings

This is very nice this time around ... no, not only because the World Cup and the associated football. Now that is so long pause between the last and this column, a crowd has gathered. So much that I even had to outsource a few things again, and yet not a lot has become quite ready. I will then present it in my own Live Journal - I promise!

The little World Cup special can be found under the stage, I am presenting it here. Have fun look through.

- An artist of Romanticism: "Caspar David Friedrich"

'm on this artist, I became aware of a wallpaper. Since I have a slightly wider 16 to 9 inch flat screen, it was a challenge to find an image that fits on the desktop.

And somehow I came across this picture, with the splendid name of "Cloister Cemetery in the Snow". A stunning masterpiece by the artist Caspar David Friedrich, "which I found out after a little research. Meanwhile, I've seen many of his masterpieces, the melancholy and radiate romance - a direction affect me recently and I so much appreciate it.

why I have two art books I bought from the artist and a completely read while the other is a picture book. Just as sometimes happens, you see a picture and you know right away, it's your favorite picture. So it goes with me down to seeing the picture. Ironically, this is it which was destroyed in 1945 and probably about the only artist this is that no longer exists. This is the picture again a nice touch on top. can

About the artist himself say that he lived from 1774 to 1840 and probably never came out from Germany. He has traveled around the Baltic Sea, was also in Prussia, and otherwise very local. For his images were also no long trips necessary, he painted it with the heart and soul. He did not just reflect what he saw, but contribute his own thoughts and feelings. So it was little distraction in his sparsely furnished studio, just the bare minimum was present. Nevertheless he has encrypted politically explosive issues in some of his images can be incorporated, which was directed primarily against the Napoleonic regime, which at that time was not easy. After all He had to sell his paintings and temporary difficulties as a professor at the Academy in Dresden became vacant, she was given the post someone else, although he had been granted Friedrich. He received in return a professorship without teaching.

His pictures included, of course, not only political but also Brisans many religious motives. In particular, the crucified Jesus made of stone or wood, it had done to him. Nature and religion in harmony, that was his maxim. People came in the first years not only after he married in 1818, the people were increasing in his paintings. They reached, however, almost never the focus of the works, but rather stayed on the fringes without elaborate faces or entirely in the rear view. It also ships as symbols or metaphors of life stages were too often overlooked. One of his most famous was "The Stages of Life". Different sized vessels featured the individual life stages and sizes of the people shown dar.

As seen here:

There were signs that he was very sensitive to what in his way of painting was expressed. He was very suicidal, which stemmed not only by its in-the-introversion, of closeness to nature and all, a fear of people, but also that his older brother at a young age he moved from the ice, where he had fallen and drowned in that undertaking.

a dramatic experience which must have affected him early. He is considered one of the founders of early romanticism.

Here you will find a little World Cup Special

Who can not see now, the same can also scroll down a bit to my "short and Knapp-listed "corner:

- World Cup songs, which were yours?

Here I've thought about a little poll. Each World Cup has its songs and songs remain stuck in one ear, you want to sing along and disappear seemingly never again. As it was, of course, many songs alone on this World Cup, I've picked out times "only" four and in a random order listed here. For each I write a little something, you shall not affect. I just want you to know that your song or perhaps even more of the goods which you have up and down this World Cup too.

order you make the decision a little easier, I also like youtube links installed so that you can give to you again a picture of it. My personal favorite? You experience the very end erst.

Timbaland ft. One Republic - Marching On

The first song is not really a World Cup song. Why did I included it here anyway? Because he always at the ARD and ZDF in the flashbacks as a background song was and I stayed so stuck in the ear. And it fit! "Marching on" means yes in German translates "we go marching," which of course want is not on any marching to point in the war, but the way targeted to march along, to have something in mind to reach for it and to do everything and give everything.

A very powerful song, absolutely worth hearing. This may not be the official music video for the song, but just about ran the flashbacks at the games as well, one has the right feel the same. It's the emotions that come to a Rüber spilled when you look at it.

K'naan - Wavin 'Flag

This is the official Coca-Cola World Cup song, but this is not to say straight away that he is not good. I think he's very good, it does not equal to a particular country, but on all nations to participate. Each country has its flag it in the wind and keeps fighting for his goal to win the World Cup and the older you get the stronger one.

A really nice song deserves it made it into the charts.

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Shakira - waka, waka

my opinion, the most highly pushed up song of this World Cup with desperately attempted significance. Although one can in the music video of a pretty Shakira watch the Hüftwackeln and there are many people and nations to see it, but somehow to me seems to insziniert to put to frantically trimmed to the World Cup as I can get something ready. "Waka Waka" is probably in German "come on" mean what gives the whole an even more desperate strength touch. Of course, it will probably be a niche African language (why do not you take it Afrikaans? Probably sound too German, eh? Stareup * *) but somehow ... I like the Song not and I also like the whole gekrampfe around it ... not

FLV MP4 3GP \u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;/ div>

Sportfreunde Stiller - '54, '74, '90, 2010

The song of every World Cup , can be reused. Song is called the recycling then probably stareup * *. Sorry for the initial set of nasty, but I do not like the song especially. Yes, of course, he shows the spirit of German football, it shows that we have created something that we were already 3-time world champion and we have the desire to be there again. Only ... at the World Cup it's not just about Germany, it is about many nations around the football and not about constantly reminded of the successes of a single nation to be.

such a good song and good, but please only if we actually 4th Times have become world champion, then it fits and then I say anything more.

FLV MP4 3GP \u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;/ div>

And now she has it. What is your World Cup Song? One of the four or another name altogether? Share it with me.

Oh yes, my World Cup song was and is " Timbaland ft. One Republic - Marching On "because he was not simply designed as a World Cup song and has done it asoziieren to do it yourself, without any spasm or ever wanted! Must this be and not otherwise.

- Octopus oracle Paul - let's you predict the future

There is a British Octopus, who lives in the SeaLife Oberhausen and is named Paul. In itself not unusual, apparently a normal octopus ... if one disregards them that he is an animal oracle is with 100% hit rate, which brings all probability scientists almost crazy.

because according to the probability theory may not be such a thing possible.

But first things first. What is an animal oracle? The animal is oracle it since Euro 2008 and has since been maintained in Germany, because of that at this World Cup. And yet it was always Paul, the Octopus, who met these predictions.
2008 he was still with 2 of his 6 predictions wrong. And this year, he was right all the time.

The predictions run as well as the bottom of the video clearly visible, as follows: Paul gets on it two small containers with the respective flags of the two teams play against each other. The delicacy, probably a small marine animal that he is first herausangelt from one of the two containers will win the game.

Of course it may be that Paul can be influenced by other things and then only by chance always right "typed". Others blame it on his 9 brains are in his iinneren. It is interesting to all. After all, no other soothsayers who I know has or of which I had heard such a hit rate. And the media coverage was great of course!

However, Paul is out no more predictions, he sits down to rest.

Who else wants to know more about Paul, who was on the wiki article click.

But here again Paul's decision concerning the Germany vs. Argentina - game.

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And here briefly and recorded nearly

- House hunting is running, but unfortunately not yet achieved what is not necessarily to me ... -.-

- The school is in 2 weeks going back and I absolutely must learn more French.

- Fanarts be seen in work and maybe soon.

- A new hairdo holds true miracle.

- The realization that I get now with the smallest bit of stress with headaches, not just to feel better about myself.

- I ... will gradually become the football ...

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There was still work to be something else ...

It has not done much, just a little bit, but it is enough to make me hope that it might still someday again uphill - and down with the list.

- My Fanfiction "look twice ..." more correct and read
> * cries * Especially as blunt as anyone leave a comment now * ashamed *
- My other continue to write fanfiction
> * cries *
more blunt - with the other urgent Fanart begin!
> It is now only 1 Fanart
- Make Caramel Dansen-Gif, with Jeeves & Wooster, of course!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably spiders)
> The missing Moods are in the works ... as always ...
- Finally start with the Arts!
> Fanarts The other three are still in progress ...
- ordinary conduct research for the next column, you lazy sock> _>
> This time I really and truly researched quite well

- sometimes I worry about my SMV ... * Grin *
> I think that is still 'dragged along for a while ...
- DBZ family-style with Yamcha, and Ryoko Mizumi
> Sorry, not ready yet, but it finally found a picture
- Charlie Chaplin - The Kid - art
> Unfortunately not even begun. .
- some-arts Harima (School Rumble)
> Sorry, not so very much .. but I've chosen a lot!
- My London travel journal start ... and end
> is actually finally in the works ... After more than a year ...
- make new hair style can ...
> If I had to finally let do ...
- finally realize my ideas for: stamp, airbrush, PC ...
etc.> I have after all worked with stamps ...
- I could once again go looking Avas ^ ^
The 'could become a long-running molt ^ ^
- Fanfictionanthologie zuendeschreiben to Jeeves & Wooster
> Come on, it is of the cast 4 stories only 2 1 / 2!
- Very important! Continue to learn math!
> This is above all!
- Dragon for its own anthology feature
> Unfortunately, the competition is gone, but the dragon is still out.
- revise history
> Very important! Could get ideas for comics and put ^ ^
> are funny ^ ^
- -
new Dev Art ID
> At least I've already laid a concept rightly.
- Hetalia fanfiction print and correct!
> Is, after all, a promised gift
- The fanart to fanfiction Hetalia make
> is indeed about time ...
- practicing with watercolors found
> Did that one can work with it quite well, maybe I see you next time have more to show
- Learn French
> After all, are the homemade suffer ^ ^ "

New additions:

- Psych Fanarts
- More
deal with art and artists - a main direction in the history
start - "The Little Prince" Rezenssion

Current Series List

- Boston Legal - Season 1 / 8
- Fortysomething - Epi. 2
- Dr. Who (10th Doctor) - Epi. 4
- Monk - Season 3 / 5 (approx.)
- Psych - Season 2 / 12
- Scrubs - Season 7 / 5
- Six Feet Under - Season 1 / 5
- Queer as folk - not yet started
- Breaking Bad - Season 2 / 1
- Jeeves & Wooster - completed, but occasional look
- Dexter - Season 2 / 1
- Sherlock Holmes Season 1 / 4
- Futurama fifth
- South Park (all mixed up ^ ^ )

Dropped Series

- House MD. - Season 2 / Season 4 and 4 / 10 (Season 1, 3 and 5 completely) dropped !
- Weeds Season 1 / 5 dropped !
- Dr. Psycho - Season 2

Current book list

- Charlie Chaplin "biography"
- "A Gay History of Britain" - english -
- Oscar Wilde "A Biography"
- Hugh Laurie "bullshit" (For more than two years ... either this is now ridiculous and I actually finish it someday!)
- Daniel Goleman "Emotional Intelligence"
- Frank Baer "The skim milk band"
- Charles Dickens' The Old Curiosity Shop "

Current anime / manga list

preview again nÄ Next time:

Frankly, because it is quite spontaneous as I usually decide what in the column comes in, I can now present only a pretty bad preview - what a pity, but unfortunately not to ä . Change I'm just too erratic and spontaneous and me at short notice if appeals to something, I cannot occasionally my plans to the winds in favor of the new idea. Basically, that's not bad, but it could be frustrating for some who might have been expected with one or the other topic and it comes and does not come easy.

Therefore songwriter today also the last time at this point, there will be no more previews!

stay in there but of course the last two sentences:

I hope you enjoyed and see you next time

Until then, we are writing about us the way!. ;

And then there is hopefully not so hot ...

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nightmare Before Christmas Breed Of Dog Zero

texte witch @ 2010-07-17T11: 12:00

a bell on the door of Mr / Ms X
one: "Good day, my name is One, and I would like to collected all the information about you. So ... What is your name? Born When? Married? ... Oh divorced? Interesting. Have you Children? ... Ah so, understand. Single parent. What is your occupation? Hmm, I see. Seeking employment. Heard you this apartment, and how much space has? So, so. And you are predominantly in this apartment? Yes, well, a job seeker you have so much time. Just a few questions ... because you have a new partner? Lives here? Ah, I see. Yes, we'll be done shortly. I am interested in your religion, yet. No? So, so. Well, at least you are not a Muslim, I would have to use separate, exotic with your last name. Migration background? No? Are you sure? All right. Yes, finally a few questions about your professional life ... Their last completed training? Last employer? What do you have or what we deserved on average? ... Yes, thank you, that's it. They are now fully covered. . Have a nice day "
honest: in reading can not escape the idea that Mr / Ms X was crazy but good. It is still not a total stranger any price sensitive information about yourself, right? How can you be brain-free, then?
is the joke that about ten percent of all Germans (a "statistically significant sample") are required to do just that. In May 2011, the people counted and all data are summarized on each and every citizen in a huge central database. "Anonymized", which means that each record is identified by a serial-code, from which the person can be determined by mouse click.
are also the data available to us over anyway (in resident offices, registry offices, military offices, etc.) together and stored centrally. The transparent citizen enters the country through the back stage door, and he is so unremarkable-transparent that we will hardly notice it. Any disturbed voices babbling something of privacy and informational self-determination to be stunned with repeated mantra-like incantations ("Most modern census procedures ... ... only obsolete records matching of data already collected .. . ... Germany led by Europe needs new population and housing numbers! ")
Why, one might wonder why and then want to know my religion ask, but to the democratic beast, that is, the majority supplier, so we are most in behind closed doors. Who knows, maybe it soon the record sheet and a heading "How often during the current calendar year, hard questions asked? How many times in the past? Can the mouth compared to the statistical average, how many percent more tear? And somehow we can count on the immigrant? "Honest
time, the census will not be subject in the media came very wide . I bet strategy is that ninety percent of ten percent per additional questionnaire asked citizens have no idea of the project and, overwhelmed by public authority and a advanced Obligation to respond obediently.
Since I have nothing done? Can ask but quiet, have nothing to hide?
Well fine, if you ever do any prohibited items in your bedroom, then surely we can then easily install a little camera and will stream live to the Interior Ministry. There
More information about the census can be found here:
And who wants to do to the speech of the Federal Government can do it here: cms / Sites / destatis / Internet / EN / Navigation / census / Zensus.psml
you let not lull, folks.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Drivers License Maryland Template

Binnisch glücklisch ... State of the Nation was

straight possessions on Amazon the first assessment found the star knight. A Desdemona who can not identify me, is there full of praise, and I realize now how happy it makes me to get a positive response. Prior
have only a few people read the Star Knight, complete even to the end no one, I think. This is not to test reluctant readers, but by my own inability to "creative process" to organize somehow. I was already happy if I could tune with myself and my characters somehow ... Anyway, I have long and much effort in the "vacuum" done and only now slowly realizing that the star knights out there now is on the way and finally find its audience.
I'm so anxious to see if there are further reader votes. Besides, I already have
once, twice heard that the cover has a nasty shade of pink. If it is not really - the parchment-colored background should be light brown sand-actually yellow. Is probably not all specimens of the case - for example, my copy is completely colorfast.
I do not know why. I had some copies of the game man, and therefore also written to BoD - unsuccessful, the ironed me with the statement from a mistake in turn was excluded, it must lie on my master image - which I do not think so, because otherwise it would contain all pictures have a pink cast, not just some, right? Because you can talk to BoS as authors but not reasonable (anything that is interested, the bank account), my efforts were so far into the void. So that when you are dealing with actually more important than fuss around with people who do not do their job properly.
(Some copies of the game man were also in the back 20 or so pages twice. Fortunately, nothing missing ... but I mean, who earn only thirteen € indeed anything at any . Spielmann, for the pittance one can not ask reasonable work)
You hear it, perhaps out between the lines: A potential Spielmann 3 rather not at BoD.
So - who wants to make me happy, I wrote a few lines to the reading experience, and forgive me if necessary, a pink cast.
Life through rose-colored glasses you have schließliclh not happen every day.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Good Moral Character Affidavit Example

Team Everest Poker at the WSOP 2010 Winner's Choice

Event of the 41st World Series of Poker is in full running, because we want to take a look at the Everest Poker Team look and how to throw the girls and boys shall pass.

's convenient Satellites and generous Everest Poker Bonus could be a number of players for the 2010 WSOP Main Event qualify.

how it looks currently in the French camp of the Everest team of:
  • Léonard Truche: 30k (Team LTD)
  • Valentin Messina: 26k (Team France) Claude Julien Pierre
  • : 12k (Team LTD)
  • Fabrice Soulier: 29,5k. (Team Pro EVP)
  • Fabien Perrot: 31k (Team LTD)
Ziemlich mau die Leistung, wenn man bedenkt, dass der Starting Stack 30K betragen hat und nun sind wir schon im Level 2.

Cristiano Blanco vom Team Everest Poker hat seine 30K Chips gleich innerhalb von nur 10 Minuten verspielt. Die ersten 16K gingen den Bach runter als er mit Set gegen Over Set verliert. In seiner zweiten Hand verlor er 9.5K mit Top Two Pair gegen ein Set. Seine dritte und letzte Hand war dann Top Pair gegen Overpair (4.5K) - damit hat er $10.000 die Kloschüssel hinuntergespült und darf sich die nächsten Wochen als vollkommener Loser fühlen!

also Wooka Kim of Team Everest Poker has a bad run. After the lovely Kim with AK vs. TT had lost about 10K chips, and immediately went merrily on with JJ vs. AT had an A on the river the next chip away. Then we went a few times does the wrong famous No Limit Texas Hold'em poker tournament in the world and Kim now more luck than skill to bust not to soon - it has left whole 7.8K chips.

Well, right now it does not look as if one of the Everest Poker online qualifier to emulate last year's sensation-Antoine Saout and up to third place World Series of Poker storm.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Skin Gets Hot What Does That Mean

I should like to see Germany would be world champion?
I do not know.
If the Germany-wide euphoria, the nationwide party, the black-red-gold frenzy ever stop to? Even if today we fly out this afternoon, the team has played football refreshing, motivated, able, likeable.
Why should someone have so interested in stopping the party summer? Are we not merely in the newly opened summer fairy tale?
we look back time after 2006.
Germany in a frenzy. The invention of public viewing, was party to any marketplace well into the night, completely dressed and you only if you wore the colors of Germany on the cheek. Then the final, vice, the party sounds slowly. It gets to sleep, has settled into normality, the makeup wiped from her cheek and looks around.
And, wonder of wonders, my horrified Wonder:
Someone (could have been the then government) has quietly increased the value added tax commuters and the child benefit cut painfully and painted various tax breaks for workers. While the electorate breathless at the public viewing was sedated before the big screen, and still unpopular reforms were hastily waved by the Bundestag.
And now we can do that once these two concepts into a meaningful context:
"The big savings package" and "World Cup 2010".
Just a coincidence? Of course. Who please be addressed because of the austerity package, if Germany might already feeding the semi-finals.
saving package, only time to remember: deletion of the parental allowance for Hartz-4 receiver, special tax on energy producers (and rising electricity prices for all of us), profit sharing of the state in the DB (and thus increasing fares for all of us), savings on services to assign the employment offices, have no state-funded pension contributions for the unemployed, no more fuel allowance for Hartz four receivers more. If
This time we are also rubbing their eyes when we wake up from the World Cup frenzy?
Maybe we can stay this time most of the attention. That may succeed, because this time many of us no longer the two € for entry at the public viewing have. Who is poor can not afford to euphoria.
And while we're about to banish the reality-distorting football fog from our brains, then we do not hesitate to wake up in the eye, what was in the election for President in front of you. Because that is really more important than twenty-two guys chasing the one ball.