Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nightmare Before Christmas Breed Of Dog Zero

texte witch @ 2010-07-17T11: 12:00

a bell on the door of Mr / Ms X
one: "Good day, my name is One, and I would like to collected all the information about you. So ... What is your name? Born When? Married? ... Oh divorced? Interesting. Have you Children? ... Ah so, understand. Single parent. What is your occupation? Hmm, I see. Seeking employment. Heard you this apartment, and how much space has? So, so. And you are predominantly in this apartment? Yes, well, a job seeker you have so much time. Just a few questions ... because you have a new partner? Lives here? Ah, I see. Yes, we'll be done shortly. I am interested in your religion, yet. No? So, so. Well, at least you are not a Muslim, I would have to use separate, exotic with your last name. Migration background? No? Are you sure? All right. Yes, finally a few questions about your professional life ... Their last completed training? Last employer? What do you have or what we deserved on average? ... Yes, thank you, that's it. They are now fully covered. . Have a nice day "
honest: in reading can not escape the idea that Mr / Ms X was crazy but good. It is still not a total stranger any price sensitive information about yourself, right? How can you be brain-free, then?
is the joke that about ten percent of all Germans (a "statistically significant sample") are required to do just that. In May 2011, the people counted and all data are summarized on each and every citizen in a huge central database. "Anonymized", which means that each record is identified by a serial-code, from which the person can be determined by mouse click.
are also the data available to us over anyway (in resident offices, registry offices, military offices, etc.) together and stored centrally. The transparent citizen enters the country through the back stage door, and he is so unremarkable-transparent that we will hardly notice it. Any disturbed voices babbling something of privacy and informational self-determination to be stunned with repeated mantra-like incantations ("Most modern census procedures ... ... only obsolete records matching of data already collected .. . ... Germany led by Europe needs new population and housing numbers! ")
Why, one might wonder why and then want to know my religion ask, but to the democratic beast, that is, the majority supplier, so we are most in behind closed doors. Who knows, maybe it soon the record sheet and a heading "How often during the current calendar year, hard questions asked? How many times in the past? Can the mouth compared to the statistical average, how many percent more tear? And somehow we can count on the immigrant? "Honest
time, the census will not be subject in the media came very wide . I bet strategy is that ninety percent of ten percent per additional questionnaire asked citizens have no idea of the project and, overwhelmed by public authority and a advanced Obligation to respond obediently.
Since I have nothing done? Can ask but quiet, have nothing to hide?
Well fine, if you ever do any prohibited items in your bedroom, then surely we can then easily install a little camera and will stream live to the Interior Ministry. There
More information about the census can be found here:
And who wants to do to the speech of the Federal Government can do it here: cms / Sites / destatis / Internet / EN / Navigation / census / Zensus.psml
you let not lull, folks.


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