Wednesday, July 21, 2010

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bad karma as a bad novel.

It seems like I'm being pursued by bad novels. I read so then this and that and blogging about it rarely, but this novel was something of bad, really. We're talking on it by "Bad Carma" the novel with the ant. Fortunately, only borrowed from the library, not buy it, even though I had him a few times in the hand. The cover is quite funny - but it is also the only one.
story: Woman is killed by basin. Because she has lived a bad life - it could be called career woman and has cared too little about her husband and child (Sic) - they will be reborn as an ant. Then she finds that her husband happy wiederhätte and has much too little to the daughter, and decides to climb on the rebirth ladder to be eventually reborn as a man and so still get a chance. Through various stations, they ended up in the body of an obese hamburger maid, won back her family and a rich family is henceforth deprived animal, any ambition, happy.
Super book. Mad Ball. My goodness was that embarrassing. And not even funny written. Honestly, the message is so hard and then brought over even the super-subtle, as if the author threw in the presence of dozens of reporters a career woman with a sink.
Then, just started, and the beginning can expect nothing good: "When women cook. New acquisitions of the library sounded quite funny, a comedy competition television cooks. Twenty pages are read, which felt between ten with how the protagonist goes through her apartment and where they all sit down with her cup of espresso (sometimes at the bar, times on the sofa, sometimes in the winter garden - honestly, the only thing I carried around in my life as much as the cup of her, my newborn son was). Here you get the whole wide hut described - for that is the only reason for the hike. The other twenty pages consist of a flashback after another, where one is told the whole previous life of the protagonist, brand "She saw the little yellow vase on the table. The table they had bought in Venice, when she and her first husband, Schwabbe-Schwabbe. The vase her daughter had given her the fortieth birthday, a souvenir of the Maldives, where she and her then friend had spent a vacation, had as a result, they are unfortunately separated from him, gush-gush-yawn-snoring. "
first Has this got around yet that such flashbacks are a killer for any tension? And even if only mild interest in the golden rule is: All flashbacks are unnecessary. Without exception. If not, action will come of it.
second What I am interested in family life, the biography and the midlife crisis of a character that I know still have no idea who said not even a word stupid in the whole book?
man should try again one to hoodwink me my novels would not be printed because they were not professional enough. Mwuahahaha.
So, end of frustration - and perhaps you read a recommendation for me, prefer the real life, that is no fantasy or historical. Amazon link is sufficient, it may not even miss any endlessly on the books of other people ...


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