Thursday, June 24, 2004

Chest Broken Capillaries Treatment Cost

Guinever @ 2004-06-24T12: 09:00

okaaay. good good. as much sleep as today and yesterday I've never slept in a row.
dadadadadaaa. 20 std. o_O lol but somehow was quite clear. I was so tired after the certificate of award (half of 2.5! * happy * Finally, I had 2.9 .. :]).. especially Weil erstma elle ne long discussion for the theft and the missing photos were. Well, am out for the cause of happiness.

ok .. with the michi it looked for outside of maybe funny. but I mean .. after 4 months of not talking to each other-.. is clear that there is some promise added. and I've forgiven him. then this is easy. I must not be forgotten. what brings it to be eternal grudge?

hurricane goes well. well, well. Skip it all, but I'll get it back. Sat, Sun indicated. * Smile *

rafael was son depp, but funny. what he has told me all about moritz. hrhr. "Carrots Möhring 'loool. Grimo have heard said that what we were when we were away from what compliments. * Cough * jah. also warns.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Best Hand Held Cake Mixer

Guinever @ 2004-06-23T13: 29:00

soo has been through a MITM worked out perfectly. at 7 am this morning came back home, then to grad school and now arrived back at home. lol.
whaaahaaaaa! We have now SUMMER VACATION! yeah. and my testimony is sooo much better than I "would have expected. :]]
yesterday (+ today) wars really funny. First class fete anner Alster, then emilys birthday. the people were really nice .. hrhr.
I've spoken with michi. So very real. it was so beautiful .. I liked the whole 'you remember?' s.
Constantine thought it would back whatever is between him and me to run. how stupid. what would we have done nothing good friends do not. naja. I really love him still. or again? and he me. and I like to be near his. and he in mine. physically, but not be so in the "respect "(?).. that sounds funny. vll who figured so. it's great the way it is. I am so happy that we come along well.
by 4 clock in the morning are benni, niels, michi and konny attend benni .. and there .. naja. lol.
today was my last day of school. the class is nu torn apart. Linn was the only cry. I know net. as far as I was at the non-class.
I lay me to sleep equivalent .. must indeed be fit tonight, let's go throw namely hrhr paintball.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

How Can You Tell If You Have Cirrohsis

Guinever @ 2004-06-17T14: 34:00

\u0026lt;/ td> 're : How long have you known \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;/ td>
Basics ~ * ~ ~ * ~
What is my name? Jana Schneider
How old am I? 15
When is my birthday? 8th August 1988
as you come to Hamburg in April 2002 (the i-net at EyeBoard)
me? over 2 years:]
How did we meet? Are we friends? Jaha. much more;)
~ * ~ What is my favorite ...~*~
Animal: cat I think
Color: blue? ?
Movie: ohjeee .. near the sea, life is beautiful .. something.
video game? o_O snowboard kids;)
computer game: no idea
AIM / MSN smiley: have both non?.
Food: no idea ..
drink? red: p well, Earl Grey with milk + sugar?
~ * ~ When was the last time you ...~*~
Saw me? last month
Talked to me? just now
Imed me? ?
Hugged me? last month also
Kissed me? last month: P
Laughed with me? last month .. hach get bored
Laughed at me? looool. two weeks or so: P
Missed me? degree now.
~ * ~ Have you ever ...~*~
Seen me cry? yes
If so, how many times? oops. more so.
Had a crush on me in the Past: hrhr.
Wanted to tell me something but could not? never. however, habs but then did.
Cried because of me? yes
~ * ~ Have I ever ...~*~
seen you cry? jap
Made you day better? yes!
Or worse? no, never.
Laughed at you? hmmm .. * Thinking * maybe?
Comforted you? yes, more often already
~ * ~ ~ * ~ randomish stuff
How well do I know you? very well
How well do you know me? also
Do you currently like me? Noo .. ;)
Love me: jap: x
Would you ever kiss me (if you have not already): yes
What do you like most about me:? hmmm. I may as well talk to you and we always analyze everything to death-nothing is more important:)
If you could change anything about me, what would it be? nix
Do I talk to you on AIM / MSN: no, icq
What would you do if you knew I only had six months left to live? extend your life by 80 years
Do you have an email address? yes
If so, can I have it? You have already
Do you know my email address? jupp
Do you want it? no
What is the best memory you have of me? hmm. I think that when we danced in pajamas inside kitchen of 'Is not no mountain high enough' .. lol so are many. or as we party on tobis warning on the toilet loool.
What is the worst? as bad but I had some and thought you were mad and the whole time on heuln was
What reminds you the most about me (1 thing)? oh God .. ehm. elton john - are you ready for love.
On a scale of 1 to 10 advise me on my looks (1 being ugly, 10 being hott):: 8)
Do you want me to fill this out about you? like jap
If you could tell me anything right now, what would it be? I love you.
Say whatever you want now:: fahrn we still go together next year:]
Did you like this survey? : D: jaa

have your friends fill this out! brought to you by BZOINK!