Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Best Hand Held Cake Mixer

Guinever @ 2004-06-23T13: 29:00

soo has been through a MITM worked out perfectly. at 7 am this morning came back home, then to grad school and now arrived back at home. lol.
whaaahaaaaa! We have now SUMMER VACATION! yeah. and my testimony is sooo much better than I "would have expected. :]]
yesterday (+ today) wars really funny. First class fete anner Alster, then emilys birthday. the people were really nice .. hrhr.
I've spoken with michi. So very real. it was so beautiful .. I liked the whole 'you remember?' s.
Constantine thought it would back whatever is between him and me to run. how stupid. what would we have done nothing good friends do not. naja. I really love him still. or again? and he me. and I like to be near his. and he in mine. physically, but not be so in the "respect "(?).. that sounds funny. vll who figured so. it's great the way it is. I am so happy that we come along well.
by 4 clock in the morning are benni, niels, michi and konny attend benni .. and there .. naja. lol.
today was my last day of school. the class is nu torn apart. Linn was the only cry. I know net. as far as I was at the non-class.
I lay me to sleep equivalent .. must indeed be fit tonight, let's go throw namely hrhr paintball.


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