Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Can You Get Levaquin Through Your Iv

5th Column (theme: "Easter - kitsch celebration or contemplation"), Filmrenzesion + detailed anecdote

Hello and welcome to my weekly Kolumeneintrag ...

... I'm sweaty, unfortunately last week for some reason, which we now want to go but not closer.

* cough * clears throat *

But now I'm here for the next entry that will wind up in the normal way again. Much has happened in the past and also this week. So much so that they are well worth some of it on my new digital camera to capture, which is also new. Honestly, I never imagined the digicam is precisely for this Reason in the first place fetched. Jala, I'm crazy ... so I've even given as Shizo a spider ... appropriate, the fact is also crazy. ^ ^

And I finally finished one of my pictures. The link can be found among the stories on my first live journal.

What's this time to read with you?

This time I am working on my fifth Kolumenthema with Easter - kitsch celebration or contemplation of a button "Or what is the purpose of the whole at all, and why every year is carried to the artificially high.

In my Filmrenzesion geht es um "Wilde Kreaturen". Passend zum Film vom letzten Mal, denn er bildet quasi eine Art Neuauflage des ersten Films und ist natürlich auch wieder zum lachen.^^

Da in letzter Zeit eine ganze Menge passiert ist, ist die Anekdotenecke besonders ausführlich. Auch mit Bildern, einzelnen Unterteilungen und Themen. Schaut mal rein, es könnte interessant werden.

Dann viel Spass beim durchklicken:


5. Column topic: ? Easter - kitsch celebration or contemplation of a button "

Subtitles: " Why do I feel that every year a shit? "

Easter is another one of the religious holiday really only one good: A little respite from the daily drudgery of the labor market and retreat for the stressed-out working class.

But what is really intrinsically Tilch Easter, which hardly anyone knows. That is a religious holiday, yes, perhaps even. The Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, which was indeed nailed to the cross over 2000 years. What I find strange is that the whole is mixed with pagan customs.

is so lit at Easter an Easter fire and this should drive out the evil spirits of winter. That certainly is a ritual that the church has nothing on his hat and came up before the Christanisierung. Or the whole rigmarole with the Easter eggs by the Easter Bunny brought and hidden, which must then be sought and found.

eggs are for fertility, for spring, a new beginning. I could never understand just yet, but why the hare? Was therefore chosen because of the increased like mad? The critters rammeln indeed there's no tomorrow, because I have to agree. There were times a few years ago a time when you could see all around hopping around Easter time around rabbits and rabbits. As I remember just in scenes when I was in Hamburg to visit my grandma and then take the metro to center drove (she lived just outside). It was everywhere, left or right did not care to see the rabbits and the rabbits and even caves, where the subway roared along. The left does not bother them at all, it was probably used to.

Since I believe that the Critters can multiply explosively, and actually that's not a stupid award.

But it's not just this contradiction makes me suspicious that the Easter Bunny brings eggs and hides, etc., but also that the sky shouting trash each year and reappears übrall is entering. So it can have those ugly plastic eggs hanging on to bushes or trees or porcelain figures.


This is for instance a kitschy model. Ghastly as passing an equal appetite for Chocolate. In fact, viewed from this perspective, a good weight loss helpers ^ ^ "

Nevertheless, brrr ... who has come up with that of the one thrown at it.

What is more important is to know that there is a so-called Lent before Easter. There are, as far as I'm not mistaken, 40 days fasting and Easter falls exactly on the days when the fasting period should be terminated. So shall then probably a reason for the "gluttony" is found ... I just wonder then who keeps it? At this Lent I mean. Gevöllert is so still and the Christmas ham, the one just laboriously trains from the hips has, or at least tried to get the same a few pounds on it packed.

Well ... somehow probably should Easter be a kind of contemplation ... the only contemplation that I discover every year, the contemplative booze-ups are around Easter when all have drunk to unconsciousness. With God, the resurrection of Jesus or anything else the whole church has to do relatively little.

Then we should stop herumzuheulcheln least and call a spade a spade. Rename wirs but in "Völlereifröhnen Easter" or "The Fest der dicken Eier" oder sowas in der Art. Wir glorifizieren den Osterhasen zum eigentlichen Objekt des Osterfestes, legen ihm zu Pfoten die Ostereier und stellen uns noch mehr Kitschkram in die Bude. Auf dieser Schiene wären wir wenigstens Ehrlich.

Und wenn Sie die Eier noch nicht gefunden haben, dann sollten Sie weitersuchen ;)



Filmrenzesion : "Fierce Creatures" - John Cleese

Cover image:

name of the movie: Fierce Creatures
Director: John Cleese
Length: 89
minutes Certificate: 12 years
Starring: John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, Michael Palin
language (if the original language): German / O language: English
Price: € 9.95
Direct Link / Source: / Fierce Creatures

back text:

An idyllic English zoo is rehearsing the uprising, when the zoo director attempts to banish the lovely, gentle animals from the park to replace them under pressure of an unscrupulous media mogul more profitable wild creatures ...

What is it and what you have to know about costs?

It's about "Fierce Creatures" says indeed look really very title ... nee Quark. There are several plots that converge here. The son (Kevin Kline) of the media mogul is only from his father constantly exposed and veröhnt and remains in silent rage. Then, the zoo director employed by the media mogul (John Cleese), who point to the outside as a hard-hearted guy there but has a soft core. Then the eternal nonsense end Adrian Malone, one of the employees of the zoo, running around constantly with his tarantula (Michal Palin) and last but not least Willa (Jamie Lee Curtis) fall in love in the son of media mogul and the zoo director.

Why must I see absolutely no other film and THIS? In other words, what makes it worth seeing?

Actually it alone deshalb ein muss, weil hier die alten Schauspieler aus "Ein Fisch namens Wanda" wieder zusammen auftreten und das in einer ähnlichen beziehungstechnischen Konstellation. Wobei ich aber sagen muss dass der erste Film etwas besser war, und man merkte das dies eine Art "Fortsetzung" bzw. "Neuauflage" ist.


Nichts desto trotz ist der Film wirklich sehenswert und vor allem zum Wegwerfen komisch. ^^ Wer gerne mal über britisch-amerikanischen Humor lacht, der ist hier gut bedient.



e / General ramblings / Gallery

This time I really have a lot in this section. Even so much that I've got support in the form of a digital camera and pictures what was necessary, otherwise no one believes me anyway again * * stareup

So, we want to get started again:

Vö ; gel n in the mailbox

Yes, you read correctly, birds that nest in my mailbox. In our letter box but no surprise that came before before a few years ago. Sure, the mailbox is also excellent for this. He is very large, spacious, in a sheltered place, has n roof over your head can fit, so to speak, and NEN small flat, where no other critters.

That is probably a new generation of crazy birds who want to develop evolutionary reasons caused by confused boxes with nesting boxes. At least that was already going on just before Easter. When I opened the mailbox, there was a sudden everything is full of little Astfasern, lots of moss and feathers. Just enough that it covered the floor. I have not thought much about it after all that came already once before and the problem was then solved by the stuff I just threw out what I did, of course.

Then came the Easter holidays and we know that will then be sent any mail, that is, I did not look to the letterbox, the thing was so completely forgotten. I would sometimes prefer not to forget ...

On Tuesday this week I'll come home, unsuspecting of the wants and mailbox. The first thing I notice that a large envelope out looking up. I had been wondering why some of the large envelope looked out above, after all, the mailbox is large enough that A4 envelopes reach the ground. Well, I first opened the mail box and what flowed toward me? Moss again, and all sorts of other shit Astfasern garnished pretty and full of bird feathers. I was left open mouthed at so much audacity ... and my own stupidity, because I had forgotten all already perfect.

Anyway, I took it all as an opportunity to photograph me, that's really a sight worth.

Here is the letter box in the normal state:

And here with a bird's nest:

I thought it was very bold. Well, I got the whole lot then cursing thrown out and hoped the matter was done with it. Actually I had before had this little slot zuzukleben yet, but I have strayed over it somehow ... what has been called back to me but today very much in mind.

Today was again, now for the third times (!) The usual green stuff inside spiked with bird feathers, but there is still another unparalleled audacity. The birds seemed to have accepted our Post as a welcome food thing you could very well recognize the fact that one of our letters nibbled the side had so far, that the letter contained within the side could pull out.

And there was with me from the oven!

I have all the stuff one last time, pulled out, thrown away, along with snippets of the letter and I found it an egg in his hands ... Startled, I stopped and looked at it, it turned out he andh. But the egg was Ice cold and already had a clear plan. Since nothing more could be saved. I think the parents have had already left the nest, or were shocked me. Of course, I'm

the suffering, but in future this will not happen again, because I have a small gap now sealed with tape. The little egg and I've taken it once scanned.

The only thing I would still be interested, what the birds were that had taken root there. But I think I probably will not find out more ...

Spearmint, Star Flower, Roman and other plants Betram

I've already mentioned several times about it and also once reported that I worked in a garden center that has specialized in herbal and aromatic plants. Now my father and my Sis had a couple Weeks in the garden center and have actually taken times two plants. And since I wanted to try the digital camera yet again, I've just scanned the two times:

How wonderful seen on the small label, this is a Spearmint is plant. And it smells too. If you rub the leaves with your fingers and then holding the finger nails in the nose, you can smell the smell of chewing gum with mint flavor. The leaves are also perfect to make mint tea, but that I am still a little bit, until the plant has become something larger. Otherwise, I harvest all and from the plant remains nothing ...

But I think it will not be long in coming, after all, she is now twice as large as 3 weeks ago when we bought. As far as I'm aware of it, is the stuff later proliferate like weeds ... well then I'm curious. Then I would still rampant tea near to me as a Teefan absolutely awesome ^ ^

Here one can not read so well unfortunately, it's a daisy . of course, named after the shape of the flower that resembles a star. She is really beautiful to see, a properly nice ornamental plant, but unfortunately they do not smell so nice. Its leaves are said to taste like chives and seasoning to be usable. I'm rather skeptical, as the flower smells ... But maybe I'll try it out and report back if I survived;)

And this is Roman Bertram . Which I have unfortunately not photographed himself, who has "borrowed" from the Internet. * Cough * Maybe I'll clear it from later times, if I get the plant ^ ^ "

We were allowed for Office choose for our window seats one or two small plants and I have liked the roman Bertram. Why? Because he reminds me of Bertram Wilberforce Wooster, the somewhat naive but very lovable hero from the book series by PG Wodehouse "Jeeves & Wooster." Of course, was the gardener, who told us your offer still ". You've even chosen a boring plant," I find it not boring, at least I associate it with something and that is what matters to me.

So now is a window in front of my. From the outside, of course, at work. Whenever I call I can watch her grow and thanks to the occasional care of myself and the watchful eyes of the gardener, there walk by the little plantlets developed magnificently. Today I've discovered the first bud and it could be that it starts to bloom over the weekend. I hope so that they can have time until Monday until I am back.

And here are two photos from our garden at home. One shows a tree in full bloom and I found the flowers so beautiful that I scans. Too bad these flowers is so fleeting ...

And here is the center of our courtyard. Yes, we have a small lamp that also works in the dark. The bed was created by our wonderful neighbors. The tree itself is a plum tree and hopefully throw off this year a few more plums. All those years before we could always cook them plum jam, but last year he was very restrained. Perhaps it is even better this year?

manganese mining

I just do not know if I've mentioned before here, but my interest is about manga and anime lately rapidly downstream. In the past I once possessed over 1,000 manga, now is the collection shrunk to 794 manga. How so? I sold it and I want to sell a full swing.

There are simply no longer cover the manga with my interests or are simply me. Still to come are taking the whole place to the manga. Of course there are plenty of manga series that interest me (see number) but I also need space for different and new, for other areas of interest and my own creativity and triviality.

In the next Column, I'm going to put a direct link to my Ebay sales store, where you can click to bid and if you like. ^ ^

Enjoy it before.

Sun will also be priced air tickets to 2-

Hmm ... actually was for this year in the summer a trip to England - specifically London - planned, but the whole kitten to threatened, because of acute shortage of money and because my girlfriend and I could not estimate how high the cost ... to ... yes until yesterday and how it happened:

was at Easter there is an alert in our local rag (newspaper) where an e-mail should send a specific keyword, name, address and age and it would take part in a raffle. I initially thought not much about it until I then transferred the drawing for two tickets stumbled. The flight tickets are valid Eurpaweit and can be used for any purpose. Then I thought to myself. "Just do with me, you can not win more than not, apart from winning" But I never wanted to believe in a success and it saw a bit on the funny side, have I have jokingly written under it in the mail goes:

"Then would the holidays in London with my girlfriend and I might take place after all. "

I do not know if it was ultimately located at this rate, at least stand in the return mail yesterday that I had won and the tickets get sent the next day would be nice with the sentence: "Now the holiday with his girlfriend but still take place."

you are not yet arrived (or were eaten by the birds, but I do not think), but I think that will probably be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest there.

happy makes me really ^ ^ It's not every day is such a outrageous fortune to win two tickets for Lau, for any purpose.

Last but not least ... my new digital camera, my cat and my crazy ideas (as appropriate)

And here is my last ramblings for today ^ ^ Puuuh who has read it all from above and that deserves my respect. * Bows deeply *

why I do it even now short and painless.

My new digital camera I've been repeatedly demonstrated, this whole column is filled to review, so I would like at this point the camera even more imagine:

Samsung S760 7.2 Megapixel

3.0 zoom factor
2.4 "display

My personal conclusion:

makes you pretty decent photos, of course, no professional photos, but they are good, NEN make good impression and I will indeed be no professional photographer or something of that nature so if I can scan my Ebay stuff, and occasionally shoot a photo here and there, I believe that this is enough perfectly.

Apart from that, they Handy and small and will probably find their way to London. Hopefully I find good motives and the weather is. They are currently my biggest ^ ^ Make

And here I have a photo, but I just tried out the camera. A photo of my cat with the somewhat unfortunate but I think aptly named Aisha. Jala ... the name she had gotten missed before us at the shelter, I can there for nothing. Apart from that she has heard the name before her and we were able to not wean. Although I try to "Tiger Cat" but occasionally she hears it not easy. Stubborn beast ...

viewed as stubborn as she is so evil it also in the photo. All of their character accordingly. Their environment, they regarded with suspicion and distrust and therefore like I like this photo so well. It just shows unverblühmt as it is.

Nevertheless, I miss her very much and she would not. She has an absolutely unique character, is alert and solitary, a little bit so as I do The pet and owner alike sometimes and sometimes they find in this way also come together and from each other ... in one way or another.

And here, this is now really the last one for today, a small link to my first Livejournal where the fanart is scanned to House meets Mr. Little. If you click on deviantart since, you can also like to be there Click to see it and purely you.

Have fun.

meets Little House - LJ

meets Little House - deviantart

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preview to the next time:

* looks at the long list * Some were executed, some are in progress, some are still not properly addressed and to some I already Tänzel around again as if it was contaminated with uranium. Well, we hope the best for next week.

- "Dr. Slippery continue watching "
> More and more is not really ... as a result of last week
- "Boston Legal" on broadcast
> YES, * * strike an Epi done.
- My Fanfiction "look twice ..." more correct and read
> * Memo to self * I think at last turn * End * Memo
- My other fanfics are still writing
> The tale is ... work in
- Finally my house - complete crossover fanart - Stuart Little!
> is ... fertiiiiiiig ^ ^ * see chibi_wolvie entry *
- With the other three urgent Fanarts begin!
> Jupp, I have one currently under development, it is true already at 3 / 4 pre *'m proud of myself *
- Caramel Dansen-Gif Producing with Jeeves & Wooster, of course!
> Er ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> I ... work ... turn
- design the banner for my column!
> * still * ducks
- Finally start with the Arts, 'You lazy sock> _>
The other three fanarts are still in progress ...
- practice piano! (At least I'm now three weeks time to catch up!)
> Oh Goooottt ... Munch's Scream * I * habs sweaty total ... and next week is again piano lessons ...
- read the following books: "bullshit" (Waaaaaah hair up * *)
> I think this entry is still laaaaaange dragged ...* * stareup
- Mangas times read
> I n clusters manga released for auctioning, and counts the * careful * question
- operate regular search for the next column, you lazy sock> _>
> Ahahaaa .. . meine Selbstdisziplin leidet in letzter Zeit ein bisschen...

Neu hinzugekommen:

- Meine Mangas, die ich aussortierte, abfotographieren und bei Ebay reinstellen (!)
- Mich mal um mein SMV kümmern ... *grins*

Mal sehen wie das nächste Woche aussieht, bis dahin sehen oder schreiben uns über den Weg.


I hope my "little" column you liked. ^ ^ ^ ^ Until next time

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