Monday, April 27, 2009

Ways To Get Rid Of Impetigo

6. Column (theme: "Filmsüchti ..."), film and Buchrenzession + various anecdote

Hello and welcome to the 6th Edition of my column ... ^ ^

Although probably as good as any unauthorized person is reading, it makes me still fun anyway here are my thoughts and Schwafelthemen to be launched. ^ ^ Today, walk me very well. Why? Uhm, good question. You always need a good reason? Yes? Well then, I've really no ^ ^ At the moment everything is running, in spite of stressful work, despite the botched weekend ^ ^ I'm just a good mood and ready. It does not have to push around NEN Depri cry just because all the "We are in a crisis," "We are in a depression" "We have economic crisis" ...

I can not hear real.

As you can see, however, has done regarding the banners yet and my Gastkommentatorin, the spider, the whole column is in the first place her name could not appear yet. Somehow I have to go out once disciplined, but as with my piano practicing, if you manage a piece of half an hour and taught himself to play error-free and get away with it, then scurries to the whole time through Sun

And so it is currently with my stories with my fanart ... even with some contacts that I otherwise always treated very pfeglich, has not panned out. Although I have already reported because the Easter (!) With a welcome and speedy Register. But it depends now on the Fanart on which I am working. As long as this is not ready yet, jerks and did not move ...

The column will suffer, but I can at least say that I'm not too lazy today to dig out only with the contribution that would have actually been on the weekend are to be processed, but a nasty crash web browser on the Internet was not . Finally found I figured out that it was the Norton virus program, these stupid Windoze programs ...

But we come now to the reason of the whole here:

What's this time to read with you?

goes in my column it this time around the theme "I Am Film and / or television addict? Or even been? ". A short panoramic view of film and television. How do I get it? Quite simply, I live in a very good friend
Journal [info] didip where I made a small (large) list of all the kinds of films Anime / Disney / Other vorfand listed. And in this list should give you what you have seen it and if so, which was then found good / bad / neutral. Just this list I've made and had to find it surprising that I still knew I had a lot of it - not everything but pretty much. And that brought me to ponder and think about and back and forth and finally I thought to myself, "Do it Kolumenthema n" and voila.

In my Renzesion I once started a try. Since I've seen the movie and read a book into a film, the book (it never goes on it that is both the same * * smirkt) I This time, ventured to a confrontation. So it's a Fiburenzession ... no, that sounds too much like financial accounting ... oh God, I sound all right as a financial officer. I call it just Bufirenzession . Check it out ^ ^

And under my collection of anecdotes, there are also read back a little. Among other things, what my piano learning as it goes on ebay and what I have to say about manga / anime. ^ ^

by clicking Ok, have fun:

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6th Kolumenthema: "Am I addicted to film and television, and if so, how does this manifest itself?"

Subtitles: "I ... am ... one ... Fernsehsüchti ... "

very first of all, before I start really, this is the list I have made. You can find it here: TV Addict list so you know what I am referring to.

As I went through this list of old childhood memories came creeping up again - and the scary thing was that I saw as a child really much TV have. Sometimes I was really addicted to it. Always at a certain time I have a video taken inside after another (for those who do not know anymore, these are the thick black bands, this was before DVDs stareup * *). Why are specific to a Zeitpunkg (in my memory was the best evening) is also a mystery to me. Maybe some kind of ritual? Why do I have now, stone circles and think Blair Witch Project? O_o

Today i hardly see a film to look at a stretch, because I always am afraid the time to waste. In the time I could even draw and write, Playing the piano, read, or continue to work on the column ...

* cough *

As I have done it even the day romping around outside and play is a mystery to me sometimes, because when I put back on so there are some great memories me where I am staying out there all day and then there are memories of where I sit either in front of the TV or the Amiga. (For an explanation, one is an old Amiga computer games that were so in the 1984 years in circulation. In a second time once I report detail)

Maybe I have it only to be expected to resist, actually managed to bring the whole into a pleasant relationship. But I can remember that I had seen earlier TV movies with pleasure and every "good" TV movie entgegenjiffelte like a dog is drooling from his master and waits for that to come off at last with the bone.

Today sees the whole different. Sometimes I find it really difficult sometimes to turn on the TV. Even my favorite shows I like to see, sometimes not and I have to force myself to do so. These include the Viva Retro Charts (every Sunday from 12-14 Clock, Star TV, and Dr. House. And when at last times would also run again Dexter. Of films and "entgegenjiffeln" or something which resembles that may be no more talk. Although I take regularly before the movies run on television to see me sometimes, but usually I end up either on the PC, the next piano lesson, playing sports or in bed. It is hard FÜ r me, as I said, my favorite series (I stress Lie-blings se rien) to keep in mind.

It could be because of course now that I end up permanently on the PC and have so tired of a TV movie. TV Addict bin ich also, jetzt, nicht mehr. Aber woher kommen dann meine ganzen Kreuze in der Riesenliste? Ich denke da ist die Antwort in der Kindheit zu suchen wo ich wirklich noch gerne geschaut habe.  Aber damals war es auch noch irgendwie etwas anderes. Als Kind empfindet man die Dinge anders. Man könnte auch sagen: Je älter man wird desto schwerer wird es jemanden zu beeindrucken oder zu fesseln. So geht es mir zumindest. Und deshalb muss ich wohl auch keine Angst haben Fernsehsüchtig zu werden - bei dem miesen Programm schaltet man sowieso  lieber ab als an.

Und wenn Sie noch nicht haben, Abschalten nicht vergessen ;)


Bufirenzession, a comparison : Timeline

Today I am working times with two things at once, a book and a movie. Both with the name "Time Line" and really it is supposed to be the film to the book ... both are just somehow not the same ... but read for yourself:

Cover Image (DVD) (The book cover looks just as hair):

name of the movie / book: Timeline
Director: Richard Donner
Author: Michael Crichton
Length: 89
minutes Certificate: 12 years
Starring: John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, Michael Palin
language (if original language): German / O language: English
Award Film: 9.95 €
Price Book: from 0.01 cents
Direct Link / Source:

back text (book):

A research team of historians, architects, and physicists working in France in excavations of the castle of La Roque. It is sponsored their activities from the American high-tech company ITC. The team gets into a frenzy, no more than their professor from a visit to ITC returns. However, there is a strange message in the documents of the monastery: "Help me", dated 07/04/1357 in the handwriting of the professor.

investigations lead to an interesting discovery at ITC: ITC has succeeded as the 14th man century to transport. The director opens up to this unexpected new markets opportunities in the tourism business. Go away Finally, anyone who has ever been but in the past and indeed authentic? Only by returning to the present, there are still difficulties. Primary task is to retrieve the missing professor. But how? A few intrepid researchers are on their way - dressed in stylish outfits.

Text (DVD):

Soon you will be history! The technology company ITC has encountered a wormhole that allows time travel to the year 1357th In the last experiment, however, an inexplicable error happened. The archeology professor Edward Johnston Billy Connolly is not returned as planned to the present. When his students get Chris and Kate in excavations in France call for help of their professor in a dusty fingers, and they travel to the 14th Century - into the midst of the turmoil of the Hundred Years War. There they must rescue Johnston, without affecting the war effort, or even ending up on the battlefield ...

What is it and what you have to know about costs?

On Time Line I am more tuned come by chance. Even a few years ago I have found me in a book for 1,99 € and lick Grabbe It was not read all the time on my shelf until now. At work, I need the breaks to always read something and the book was thick, unread, and was exactly my idea of pulp fiction - literature that is in between. Fast food literature, so to speak.

At first I thought exactly that, because the story was not at all in progress. It had looked all the time composed only about their technique and boring Gesülze Pseydospannung with a guy whose body is "wrong." So everything inside had shifted and was no longer in its original place. Since

I have to give the film NEN plus, which has stayed far from it ... but unfortunately it is also equal to a minus point, he's not at all so that the audience stayed to explain even the smallest scraps. If I had not read the book before, I would not know what it is about and why the ersetn through the 200 pages are rushed.

went in the book but then the real thing as it was called the professor is stuck in 1357 and had to be rescued by them all. I found interesting because as these special ear plugs that could translate like Babel Fish and connected to the markers were. They were trying to ease his ear and the things were one, on or off. In particular, as an explanation for the Kommunikationssschwierigkeiten ...

... in the film, unfortunately, totally bananas. There they were given a translator for French on the occasion of the first killed. Clear case, attempts to time in the Hundred Years War against France, England NEN French-speaking people in a camp full of English - remembers hers, too?

Man Tried To work constantly in the film things that could represent poor, or too long Statement would have just pulled behind him. But that is missing from the film will ultimately because it was these details that gave the whole, stupid.

What is more readable / watchable?
The ultimate comparison between book and film - Overall Conclusion:

speaks to me very clearly the book for themselves. It has a long lead time and you have to muddle through the first 150 pages, more or less, or by torture, but you will be rewarded. It is thrilling and exciting and at the end there is even, a nice turn of history.

was only at the end I expected more or less.

The film is still worth seeing because of the action scenes. Although the pace is rapid and we should not expect that the book was given (because it was not at all) but they have made their case quite nice.

one hand, it is clear that you may require any film, that it reflects exactly the book page by page, but this was during the movie too much invested in the action and for the plot, the logic and peace sacrificed. The entire film rushes through the area only so that we may look a little.

And since the book with 0.01 cents currently proposes to book directly with, you can not really Notification. Or just have a look at the next Grabbe leaks, maybe it's already around there somewhere.

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Ebay sales and Manga / Anime Collection:

ran, sales on Ebay from this Saturday and I say to write and sell 20 of 34 products Kö ; can! To all who have placed bids, thank you ^ ^

are still not all the things away, quite the opposite. As a whole series of things that I offer is still for sale. And beyond that I'm rushing through the weekend once again through my room and I have sorted out various mangas. My figure collection is also already become much less.

For now stands with me probably from a gross shift of interest ... okay, which has previously also been looming. Less and less manga / anime and drawing more and more books / movies, playing piano, music, writing, reading in general. Before, I would not be in a separate column got beyond Anime / Manga corner. Now I can absolutely do without it.

course, I remain Anime and Mangafan, but the mass, which I always dabbled else that I no longer Irritating. I want to see them no more, no longer have to me, away, from me ... There really are few series that I want to keep it real. Even with One Piece is at the tipping point if I want to keep it. I have accumulated is 46 volumes, but I find neither the time nor the drive dadurchzuwühlen me. I would have to completely start over and then the series is not even complete.

That's what most annoys me at the moment, this unfinished continuous series, the smell just after Geldscheffelei (!). They stink so much after that I have an aversion to me continue to buy or Reborn is also the reason why I've already auctioned Detective Conan in the last Ebay auctions. I'm so sick of constantly up to 2 months on a totally overpriced Manga only to wait for half an hour ago after reading in the corner next to pepper and frustrated for the next band to wait because I do not know again how to go and a great "cliffhanger" built was ... or which it holds ...

course, could the prophecies of doom are now screaming loud. "Les but online manga" Jajajajaa ... My English skills have improved rapidly and I could if I had the time. But I have neither the time nor the desire me clock up 17, I hardly come from work, equal to throw the PC read on just a couple of dimwitted manga series. No, because overall I prefer a good book / audio book (Reader: Stephen Fry, I can only recommend a real feast for the ears ^ ^). There's nothing like the experience, the crackling pages to feel between the fingers, sometimes to sniff the paper to taste the ink in the mouth through the nose through ... something you can not offer a PC is easy.

Well, that's almost material for a separate column entry, that's for sure. ^ ^

Anyway, I want to get rid of only short that I was now that I will auction, and finally to "Sakura Wars" Band 1 to 5 and "Angel Sanctuary" band 1 to 20 (am only at volume 16) to read), I probably would have them by now not started if I had not made purely on ebay. Wobe I must say the Sakura Wars good mediocrity and achieve Angel Sanctuary is actually quite exciting at times, even if the main plot is now riddled with side stories that it is a wonder if the mangaka is there not even come through today.

My favorite charas from Angel Santuary are Katan, Kurai, Tiara, Kira, Kato and Michael.

I Inu Yasha have not sold well, me in this respect is even a "grace period" preserved. Perhaps this is so the next series that I "read through" to strap 24th .. * * Stareup


I was very surprised today to play the piano incredibly well worked ^ ^ But still, I am ashamed. After all, I have only half an hour (!) And previously practiced otherwise moved in front of me. That I only had half an hour to learn the song and play, I have it but hammer out so well that even my teacher liked it - just as I should name the notes, I did not cope.

This is the only As for me, fed up with this note learning. Except for the C I can always identify a single, but I know how to play, but that's enough. If I type I call can not cover every single letter, I know where he is simply out of habit.

Nevertheless, the songs gradually become more interesting and rhythmic. (Never to despise The more rhythm in a song in it, the better I can learn it and at the end of play). And to learn this also makes it more fun.

But what is difficult when you have to use three or four fingers simultaneously ... or the black keys next time to come. It is difficult, but it also finally interesting ^ ^ I'm looking forward to the next hour.

Garden Images:

The weekend was really nice ^ ^ Even a first impression of the coming summer. After a hard winter, I'm really looking forward to welcoming back evenings on the balcony on my deck and around me, only the rustle of the trees, the chirping of birds and of course, the hum of the bees.

Letztzere are even now already busy at work again. In this flowers but no wonder I think.

The first photo shows our apple tree in his best Flowering plant. An intoxicating scent emanates from him, and everywhere one hears the buzz and hum between the flowers. Occasionally, even a butterfly flits by. I have but with this camera and this distance can not capture.

(Thanks to this point again to übrigends didip that helped me with setting the camera and gave me a good tip now see the images no longer on heat;.))

This image (right to left ) shows our old "chicken tail" (This is so called, but I do not know if that only one in North German Schnack is. Perhaps you say even "chicken haven" to, but it does not matter)

Before, my grandma always kept three chickens ... until they were taken from the chicken hawk and the fox, one after another, until no longer there. What remains from this period only this shed is still there, where now our fire wood stored there.
addition to the first green door that leads to the actual chicken coop, there is a second, resulting in a large kettle, where it was made before the bath water hot, and then were the bucket the hot water hauled to the house and into the tub. Dadrin was then bathed. Jaha ... Thats has not previously luxury and as far as I know are my grandparents were connected until very late to the water supply network. Yes, we live here really fast in the woods ...

The large wooden hut is our shed, which is considerably newer, perhaps eight years encouraging hump. Half still visible on the image of our old game lodge. The image of Lady from "Lady and the Tramp" is from me. I do not remember how old I was when I sat on the ladder and have painted around times two days on it. Maybe 13/14 or something ...

very beautiful I think it is still the center of the image with the plants in a square border. It used to be a small greenhouse soil - our own design of my grandfather. Oh, who could build carpenters, joiners and stuff ... wonderful ^ ^

And here the last picture for today. We are still behind the house and that's just my view from the window when I sit at the PC. I only need to get up and have such a panorama. ^ ^ On cloudy days there is always something creepy, in such 'warm, clear, blue sky days it is just wonderful. ^ ^ This looks

we also once again the old play house where I also "Tramp" immortalized it. Then behind the wall that has, unfortunately, the small plum trees, almost all killed altogether. Has deprived them of food ... Therefore, this bare skeleton in between.

The large field behind it but is no longer with us, but a farmer. Every few years, it repelled times his cattle on it, but that's not happened for a long time. As far as I've heard that he had to abolish it. The farmers have found it extremely difficult in such times ...

So now I'll have a bit of an impression conveys how I live Sun Secluded, Country setting, but all beautiful to see, in my opinion.

pure nature, so to speak ^ ^

Maybe next time anymore?

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preview to the next time:

to the long list * * looks at a part has been processed, some are in progress, some are still not properly addressed and to some I already Tänzel around again as if it was contaminated with uranium. Well, we hope the best for next week.

- "Dr. Slippery continue watching "
> I think the series will remain here in the corner until I'm old and gray ...
- "Boston Legal" on broadcast
> Still, as last week ...
- My Fanfiction look twice ... "more correct and read
> * cries * blunt
- My other fanfics are still writing
> * * cries more blunt
- Begin with the other three urgent fanart!
> Fanart The one where I sat last week, and which, I said it was ready to 3 / 4 is still 3 / 4 finished ...
- Caramel Dansen-Gif, produced naturally by Jeeves & Wooster!
> When will I ever take in the attack ...
- my own mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> * gulp *
- The banner design for my column!
> * blub *
- Finally start with the Arts, 'You lazy sock> _>
The other three fanarts are still in progress ...
- practice piano! (! Least I now have three weeks to catch up time)
> I've practiced a bit today ^ ^ at least something
- read the following books: "bullshit" (Waaaaaah up * hair * )
> I always say otherwise: "Good things take time ..." but what I disconnect with this book is gradually ... Escape behavior
- Mangas times read
> I've read this week 15 manga, I think this is for someone else hardly reads manga, n ^ ^ So good average Abgeharkt

- neat research have R & D , r the next column, you lazy sock> _>
> Nja ... Recherhe that this time you can not call directly * nervously at the back of the head scratching * more like "Chance added Muse gespielt"
- Meine Mangas, die ich aussortierte, abfotographieren und bei Ebay reinstellen (!)
> Erledigt *Salutiert* Entsprechendes unter "Anekdoten" ^
- Mich mal um mein SMV kümmern ... *grins*
> Ich glaub, das wird noch ne Weile mitgeschleift...

Neu hinzugekommen:

- Externe Festplatte besorgen!
- Kontakt aufnehmen...

Mal sehen wie das nächste Woche aussieht, bis dahin sehen oder schreiben uns über den Weg.


I hope my "little" column you liked. ^ ^ ^ ^ Until next time

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