Monday, April 6, 2009

Free Blueprint For Utility Trailer

4th Column (theme: "My life as a phone"), and anecdote Filmrenzesion

Hello and welcome to my somewhat belated fourth Column output

I know this entry last week I would have to make but somehow I managed to time it just does not get added in time. In addition, there was preparing a birthday gift that is only now completed and has taken a long time. (I hope it is still good to ^ ^)

As you may have noticed, I've actually managed the London mood-themes * insert confetti stuff kick *. Well at least something I've done it. The spiders mood-themes are still up and working and will probably take some time. Therefore, I am with my guest commentator remained the case that I give him the first decision, if banners and Mood Themes are set up so far.

And of course there is another background * * cough cough * ...* This is stolen. But no more talk ^ ^

What's this time to read with you?

I know this time I am a little behind schedule, but forgive me because my job makes it not just me lightly in the evening to sit still long, long time to write. And without the help of a drug called Darjeeling I could not even sit here. Where exactly am now to my latest issue brings: My work as telephone operators or "you are connected to the Germany-wide ministry, please speak after the beep."

Furthermore times have I ventured to write a Filmrenzesion, namely "A Fish Called Wanda." The film is indeed older, but definitely has charm and wit. All who like really REALLY funny things like watching on this film is just right. Everything else in my course Renzesion.

Last but not least a little anecdote from my life. Nothing earth shattering, just a little thing I want to get rid of.

by clicking Ok, have fun:

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4. Column Topic: My life as a phone

Subtitles: "If you want to order something, press 1 If you need a pastor, press 2 You will be immediately connected. If you are an idiot, please hang up. Thank you. "

of recent events, I once decided to rant a little about my work as a phone. Of course, I remembered another other topics, but I thought it would be very interesting to hear views how the person is at the other end of the line hangs in a telephone order acceptance point (nice word).

For general information: I work in a garden center that specializes in unusual plants and sent out accordingly, and also throughout Germany sent. I'm set for this season, which runs until the end of July. And as 2nd Phone energy, I'm definitely just as requested my colleague to the long years makes.

climb because right now the temperature is just before Easter in a whole new level, is now for us in April absolute economy and the season probably reached its peak in mid-April. All are fully occupied. The gardener, the seller, the packer and of course the small telephone operators sitting in the cubicle and take orders.

Although I wonder why people even still call constantly when they order anyway all over the internet. For it is strange that most people do not call to order something, no, they do more than let's say about 10% of the whole. There are more types are permanently not understand the shipping terms or any billing questions, complaints, nagging, fundamental questions, or simply only NEN therapy space need. And then there's the call to chat simply about. The trouble is, when alone on the phone is lock it exactly these people and I get the entire line of the next five callers said that the phone line would not be right, they'd to call for twenty thousand experiments but never reach anyone.

fact you could rename our order line quietly "helpline". Order, the lowest number. Now come on, of course, the joke about the whole thing, the work is of me and my colleague, not even designed to enter any specific matters. We can not even see inside the bills let alone see if anything has been paid or not. But then people would have to either turn back by mail to our colleagues and we take it on and send over the process.

Somehow this is all Killefitz because it would be better people to be able to put across the same, then the call at least 3 times and still not interfere with the 10% then the actual time you want to order what . But what I'm talking about, it will be set up anyway no "general phone", but we are back to a few and everything is again attached to our order line.

I'm sorry people but I have only one ear and a phone and even if I was I was nachsagt Multitaskinfähig (which is Quark anyway), n superman I am still a long way.

and I must say that I after 20 busy callers (ie exhausting that they can either be satisfied or they have a difficult holes with questions or they somehow do not insist on their existing rights), sometimes for at least 10 minutes, the phone pushing away. There is no other way, I smoke the skull and I just incomprehensible babble Stuff if I would take in a tour to the talks. And of course it will help no, neither the caller nor the called party.

evening I am therefore totally broken when I was so exhausting about 20 callers. There are also days when I can take about 50 duck caller and I feel like the evening dew personally. Then it was a good day and the people were nice and quick and easy to satisfy. Only when they begin rumzuzicken of blocks to be rude or do not understand what a certain word in the terms and conditions and we discuss a quarter of an hour with them about it, it must be exhausting.

The job is certainly not the most rewarding, and there are probably better jobs, but I do it anyway and he does, to some extent also fun. Fortunately, there are also grateful people, even the extra call to get rid of that they find it all very nice (catalog, shipping, packaging, shipment, etc.) and such people I am too. Make phone calls throughout the day more bearable, and that I would like to express my thanks.

If you at some point in the position comes with an order hotline to call, since poor nice to telephone operators, the need to have the whole day lang machen, 5 Tage die Woche, 8 Stunden am Tag. Sie freuen sich wenn man nett zu ihnen ist.

Für alle anderen die nicht nett in den Bestellhotlines sind, für euch wird schon an einer Fangschaltung gearbeitet.

Passen Sie auf wenn Sie ein Idiot sind, sonst könnten sie in einer solchen Fangschaltung landen.

Wenn Sie es sind, dann legen Sie bitte auf! ;)


Filmrenzesion : "A Fish Called Wanda" - John Cleese

Cover image:

name of the movie: A Fish Called Wanda
Director: John Cleese
Length: 108 minutes
Certificate: 16 years
Starring: John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, Michael Palin (guest star Stephen Fry)
language (if necessary . original language): German / o English
Price: 6.95 €
Direct Link / Source:

back text:

lawyer Archie (John Cleese) falls in love with the irresistibly attractive thief Wanda (Jamie Lee Curtis) and loses more than just his wig because if Wanda is flexing its charm, holds out the no pants button! A further complication is that Wanda has already angebändelt with their criminal accomplices Otto (Kevin Kline). Otto is just as intelligent as the shallow-brained psychopath "London Underground" for a terrorist group holds!

sets Meanwhile Otto with the animal-loving killer Ken (Michael Palin), who killed several dogs and immortalized in the name of a fish ... Wanda love. Got that?

What is it and what you have to know about costs?

You have to know that there is a fish called Wanda and a woman who also called Wanda, and it is all about a Wanda. The fish ... and the woman. I hear there cries for "parallels"? Well, I wish I have not heard you stareup * * The story so you read about above in the description. Unfortunately, they forgot to mention that the movie here by the veteran John Cleese (Monty Python) written regisseurt and was also carried out and accordingly the British pettiness is taken for a ride wonderfully - seasoned with a dash of British humor, if you narrow-minded because it would define as such.

It is a wonderful comedy, where all are actually being targeted (in particular idiocy, love of animals and the eternal Stichellei between Americans and British), is trading at certain clichés and characters really even about himself grow out, grab a golden opportunity to perceive them. I speak here particularly of Archie, the lawyer who truly leads a dreary life with his bitchy wife, and a very spoiled daughter who falls madly in love Wanda. You notice that he is serious about her and you with a fever, although the whole is actually more to create comedy.

Why must I see absolutely no other film and THIS? In other words, what makes it worth seeing?

Although the film is older, he's more worth seeing than some slapstick ala "Scary Movie" or similar scrap. Here it was great emphasis on wit, a consistent story that first appear confusing, because really all about making every (and I mean that literally \u0026lt;- probably why the movie is released only after 16 years) or at least pretends to carry on with him around tÄ to someone else ; twits. But in the end ... I tell you, not the end of the movie, that would be even more beautiful * * stareup

overall conclusion:

I had the movie, okay I admit it, two Grü be purchased. First, because John Cleese and directed plays along (and probably also wrote the screenplay) and also because Stephen Fry had a small supporting role. (Yes, what a basic stareup * *) And I must say, I have not looked back, and no work. It's just wonderful to look funny with an orgasm almost as Wanda and Otto get when Archie speak in their accents or Archie Otto chases after him and keeps the gun at his head to apologize to him. Or the love of animals Killer Ken from a dog provided by one kill even though he has it in for someone completely different, and each time shedding bitter tears of grief.

single "Must see" one, especially for fans of British humor. Anyone who likes Monty Python, you will love this film. ^ ^

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Unlike yesterday for me to feel really good again today. ^ ^ DC House comes on TV, my orders are almost all arrived. Except for one, but I expect tomorrow at the latest tomorrow. Right now I no one gets on my nerves, my tea is also right next to me to enjoy and I go to two of my favorite activities. Some writing and listening to music. ^ ^ That's all I need right now not to have to good mood.

listened To some this as it would be the least interesting around the world, for others it sounds like the most boring evening which you can imagine, for me it is pure relaxation combined with pause and shut down. Now that I have reported above, more or less everyday in my job, it needs but a balance, I think. No one wants when he has stood the whole day on the site and let's say has dragged mortar, raised walls, or else done any heavy work, has dinner or stand up and work on a house - unless he is beginning 20 and has no other choice.

But I fortunately. The phone is unplugged and I would now prefer to shoot rather than have to go somewhere where I must be talkin or ... * Horror * Late phone calls.

Oh, I forgot, by the way I still enjoy the latest Fanarts one of my favorite comic artists on deviantart.

Here is a taste of their comic art. You can kreeiren excellent house Fanarts bring me every time you smile. This is also equal to one of my LL-Arts of it, with Lucas, who is also one of my favorites from the recent fifth Season of House is. Awww, I love this guy ^ ^

more fanarts of House, and of course to others, on their @ Page deviantART

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preview to the next time:

Tach ... Post, I would say almost. The list is long and longer, much like the days are sunny and sunny. Hach, what a plate allegory ... well at least be at the Easter holidays, there will hopefully be working again a little more time to a few things. Before all the images urgent work would finally be addressed.

- "Dr. Slippery continue watching "
> Jaaaah ... an episode ... * Chuckles *
- "Boston Legal" on broadcast
> Waaaah ...* out of the window falls out of sheer frustration *
- My Fanfiction look twice ... "more correct and read
>; _; After Easter things will get better ...
- My other fanfics are still writing
> * * raises a hand trembling, I have the story at least half finished ...
- Finally my house - stop Crossover Fanart - Stuart Little!
> * crying * it count when I say that I was busy with Kiddos birthday gift?
- With the other three urgent Fanarts ! Start!
> Waaaah ...* see 2 *
- Make Caramel Dansen-Gif, with Jeeves & Wooster, of course!
> Ahahahaaa ....* Part 2 *
- My mood-arts for chibi_wolvie and spider_column! (Preferably, J & W / spiders)
> I ... looking for ...
- The banner for my column design!
> * even more * ducks
- Finally start with the Arts, you lazy sock> _>
> Jaja ...\u0026lt;_>
- Piano practice! (At least I'm now three weeks to catch up time!)
> Today .... Today I made it the first time again!
- The gift for Kiddo
> Ahahahaaa ... at least once a thing that I have abgeharkt ... would be even if not beautiful.

New additions:

- read the following books: "bullshit" (Waaaaaah hair up * *)
- Mangas read
times - ordinary conduct research for the next column, you lazy sock > _>

's see how next week looks like, until then, or see us on the road.

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I hope my "little" column you liked. ^ ^ ^ ^ Until next time
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