Friday, December 26, 2008

Herb And Bible And Quotes

07th rejoice, rejoice!

love her!

okay, the tests we have put behind us - now we look forward to good things in life.

a christmas wish list:

a fox fur hat of fendi, even if they remain most likely very soon be after a night of drinking in any taxi.
a small suede evening bag with fringes of coach, in the just-key, credit card and lipgloss fit - aer all you need not so.
- year subscription to the red door by elizabeth arden salon: facials, hair removal and eyebrow plucking the bikini line, seaweed wraps, new hair cuts and highlights.
three pair of boots: light brown / dark brown suede / black, below the knee. all of Stephane Kelian and ten-inch-heels. girl can not have enough boots.
a sheepskin coat from Fendi.
a extra large box of Godiva dark chocolate truffles - which are a sin, not just the value. (Kevin lord, it is also not only fits the tree under.)
a white cashmere dressing gown and matching cashmere socks from TSE.
- promise of all the universities where I applied.
- a life-changing New Year's Eve party!

you know exactly what you love me

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cervix Open For Long Time

06th Christmas new yorker.

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around Christmas, new york city has somehow what supernatural, especially the upper east side. the scent of falling snow, glowing logs and fresh baked Christmas cookies hangs in the air. from our penthouse apartment from overlooking Central Park, which like a shimmering silver wonderland lies beneath us, the illuminated festive park avenue reminiscent of a sparkling diamond necklace, and the height of the Christmas tree to judge at Rockefeller Center after is to us the most bombastic x mas party ever before - although most will probably have far too much champagne intus of us mitzukriegen to some of them. Tomorrow has come, little studied, ever your dress! the showcase of luxury shops along Fifth Avenue are decorated for Christmas, shoppenden the girls can finally dedicate the beautiful sky-blue cashmere coats, which they have stocked up in October by marc jacobs, and when it is evening, swarming all out and have fun, fun, fun. Christmas on the market for such gigantic coney Iceland. please-like you have to learn for the semi-annual inspections? forget it. you are not yet come to submit your unibewerbung? repressed it. you shall help mom, gifts for cooks, housekeepers, your, Washerwomen and chauffeurs pick? I know something better. envelops you in your shiny black satin wrap dresses prada, strapped the ten centimeter christian-louboutin-high stilettos, it's caught your orange birkin-bag under one and the sweetest among other types of your circle of the poor, and then always after me!

B and E way to Bendel's where they direct their clothes for tomorrow's Christmas ball of constance billard-and st. Jew picked up. Also still M plenty of calls in choosing the extravagant pair of skates at juicy couture . with whom they apparently ventured onto the ice?

you know exactly what you love me

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Home Made Boat Engine

05th with bacon catch mice - and what you guys start?

love her!

the early morning party report comes this time directly from my bedroom exquisite, where I lay in bed sky and me the ultimate post-party snack for hangover prevention leads to heart: chocolate croissants from Balthazar. mhmm. But even this pleasure comes not get to the absolutely exhilarating party starter by E . I can only say one thing - if you were not there, you do I'm really sorry. you have the party season starter party of the year - missed - if not the century. I certainly have enjoyed themselves immensely and I dance when removed determined on the seven kilo - not that I would need it. but I will not make jealous, at least not too much. there's always a next time. and as far as I can already promise - The motto of the upcoming events likely plenty of ... flighty fail. and this time are really invited all . is yes for a good cause.

family matters
I know hate is a strong word, but hey, we are in puberty. of us will really expected us to hate our parents occasionally times. the same goes for siblings - whether older or younger - especially for those who are not even related to us and which we have never wanted.

if such an unwanted brother is a rather handsome young man, however, which - as I happen to know personally - is extremely good surf und ungefähr so gut in badeshorts aussieht wie Matthew McConaughey, könnte man sich das mit dem hass noch mal überlegen. unschuldige flirts mt stiefbrüdern sind weder inzestuös noch illegal. man hat seinen spaß und wenn man dann praktischerweise auch noch zusammenwohnt ... na ja, ist nur so eine idee. allerdings sieht es nicht so aus, als würde B sie in betracht ziehen.

viele von euch haben sich gefragt was es mit dem kiffersnob auf sich hat, hier nun die erlösung.

total breit im central park
der kiffersnob - die edelausgabe des normalokiffers oder dauerbreitlings. im gegensatz zum landläufigen rauchfreund steht der kiffersnob nicht auf speed metal oder virtuelle players associations or skateboarding or vegan diet. he can tweak the hair stylists and vim has pores clear skin. he always smells delicious, with cashmere sweaters, which gives him his friend, write good notes and is nice to his mom. he sails and plays football. it can bind tie knots and handle all the standard dances. he is sexy! but the kiffersnob can never be quite a bit. to anything or anyone. he is not a daredevil, and he never says what he thinks. He shuns the risk, and that's what makes it so risky to fall in love with him.

you may have noticed that I'm the exact opposite - I always say what I think. oops! and I firmly believe that opposites attract. I admit, I am becoming langsanm to kiffersnob groupie. and since I do not seem to be the only one.

T last night when leaving the park . alone. again. How is it, girls? if it can convert one, but then one of our series, right? However E already looked charming, just as they later hour on the way home a homeless of nearby met, her black goodybag of kate spade presented. is the karma points sexkitten collect about working hardest? E that at the same time, the 10th avenue entlangtigerte probably in the hope, still a province-noodle from the depths of new jersey to be able to tear open. Wait a minute, he had been encouraged not yet seen (in all respects) chat at the bar of the park with B? interesting move by the queen bee, especially since I withdraw it proceed with a certain C . allowed to is not just the obscene trulla, that we bust advertising posters last spring to admire all the remi-brothers ? IRGs. Also spotted too late: J and J . had to stay two ago about the whole night? well for the subsequent Wednesday brunch in the park . the wise! shuffled and last but not our little English lord C , the street in the early rather indecisive on the opposite direction of the met on and off. It would not interest me, I would not know which little enthusiastic party girl filming right there in popcorn and old audrey hepburn, spent their Tuesday evening.

ye love me, I still mixes fast gray-goose-martini with a tiny splash vermouth going to plug my laptop in its black calf leather bag from Balenciaga and try until the fourth hour to create history. However, it is my right difficult to concentrate on the lesson, but when I look at my nails the whole time, that of black satin chanel - are painted (ätschebätsch I got it!). I'll see you on the school hallway, or maybe not.

keep an eye!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pirate Birthday Ideas

04th The morning after.

good morning upper east siders!

yesterday's sightings come right out and throw quite a few strange questions. well, but we at least now we can think about something, WHILE we meet tonight paint the nails, plucking the eyebrows and express the spotty. not that we would need only anything like this!

M to interpret a late hour at shakespeare and co on broadway bought a fat Advisor About the English culture. Who does she want to impress? A friend on the way J . I've heard that the Winston is your spa from France at that time have had redirected. whether A and J since last night probably sat in it together? a rather strange trio, consisting of brother I , C and their A was spotted on the way to the cinema. three are well known as one too many. wonders just who the three pretty not in a threesome, oops sorry, would two be involved. last but not last yesterday's tribeca star hotel gang, which was divided into quite a strange little group. first E went home, handsome and drunk. So as always. It was followed a few moments later T who made off on foot to the home. alone. I almost feel like your delicate little ears are pointed, ladies! Stay tuned to watch, who's next to him to train! sighted were also I and B that was like bringing his home. not even a little bit of making out in the lift? have their Parents watched, or what?

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now that your curiosity is satisfied, you go to you much better. you know, I try to inform you always top - that's my job. not let you be bored in school, her love. Today's evening is terrific, party atmosphere is in the air!

see you on the dance floor for the after show party in the park !

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Play Pokemon On Facebook

A day of celebration for Bavaria

The weekend was so beautiful (thanks for your kind visit, kind_im_o, next time we will also continue inside the cathedral :-), but the coronation was Sunday evening at 18:00 clock. The fact that the CSU lost its absolute majority in spite of all the polls I would have dared to hope before. When I saw the extrapolation with the 43%, I thought briefly that I'm dreaming. Although the direct competition has not benefited, it is nice that the CSU has to rely on coalition partners for a long time, even if this Martin Zeil, the term characterizes bourgeois-boring-behaved perfectly. Whether the completely unknown and his Bavarian FDP do not take the bold CSU Spitzbuam, I think for sure.

Well, but for now outweighs my joy: The two most disliked of the CSU and Huber Haderthauer are past. However, I would rather keep the pelvic stone as the Söder or that endure disgusting-schoolmasterish tone Thomas Goppel need ;-)

Backpack Cover Singapore

03 a social conscience is a soft pillow.

love her!

holla, this was a promising beginning. you have sent me tons of comments and observations that I have read with great pleasure. Thanks a million. hach is it not to be beautiful, have in common?

"3 guys and 6 girls
E and their supporters are problems getting to cram into the sweet little dresses, they meet at Bendel's for the after party of the Constance-Billard in Metropolitan Museum of have concerned art . if they make it a habit every lunch hour in the hot three guys sipping coffee shop chocolate and greasy fries to spend futternd. I'm loading times even in the to see if the hype is justified and - okay, that looked very easy to use from acceptable when looking at types of hair in the ears is, but the eating is worse than in jackson hole , and the average age of guests is around 100

aye, who makes himself there so popular? M first with our new männerduo T and I on the stairs of constance billard-sighted, then home strolling beside English that shaggy bear, but we would all like to brush the hair gently. Watch out C , not everything that glitters is gold, not even on the upper east side. I also unusually lonely feline friend leaning against a tree. possible as they would comfort another kitten. meow! seen not peacefully purring were sexkitten E and its annex, which made their vollgemampft and satisfied not even have the hassle returns for the last history lesson sweep, but the bracelets at barneys with silver from kenneth jay lane spending spree. also formally brilliant, just outside of constance billard-caught, B their austrahling her brother T just annoying hidden, WHILE I sunning himself with relish in it. it remains exciting!

see you at the first aftershow party this year people. -Parents and jungenlos. the latter can be discussed yet. which the boys of st. judes boys school year secretly steal from their own parents bleak event after party for the girls romeo and moderate climbing up the walls would be new for a few certain newcomers.

you know exactly what you love me

Friday, September 26, 2008

Barska Scopes Any Good

02 all good stories start with a party, so is this.

rejoice dear!

because the school has started again. Teachers & parents (the latter possibly slightly less) are ready to meet again on the bone-in homework, hard work and care to dive forward. and even if people like us are slowly maneuvered in the afternoon Lichen math cramming mode, there are some that are far more likely to have major problems. but read yourself!

hung with just the kate spade beutelbag after which we will meet burn out in a few panicked the delicate chopping B and her soul sister, our values E that again this year, with each fiber, the flair of a real upper-east-side-emitting sexkittens that it is not , on the way to school. their sugar-sweet brother K to put his golden brown hair every female in rapture on his motorcycle to school rushing. what would we give to one of the hands back to swallow it? Furthermore, our lonely, English Teddy C To my knowledge, far too late. Also spotted was still M , leaning pretty lost direction very early hour at home on the open window. hey sweet, do not jump - it starts but just to make fun at first!

who has deserted couch potatoes actually said that the night before starting a new school should not be celebrated? So unfortunately I am a bit in a hurry because I still like my la-mer-ice mask from the freezer to get in order to cool my weary eyelids. but you know all these are quikies sometimes just right. what? but not the art of quikies! Keep your perverted fantasies please be in check, people.

you know exactly what you love me.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Baseball Helmets Airbrushed

01 everything is new, makes of September.

love her!

Have you ever wondered how to live the truly chosen? I can tell you, because I belong to. I speak not of child prodigies models or movie stars, musical or mathematical genius brash. I am talking about people who are born into this life - from us, we have everything you could want to keep and for the total course.

welcome in new york city, more precisely on the upper east side, where my friends and I live, going to school, have fun and sleep - sometimes with each other. We live in huge apartments telephone with a private room, private bathroom and private. We have unlimited access to money, alcohol and anything else that we lust however, and because our parents are rarely at home, we usually do and have what we want. we are educated, have the classic good looks of our inherited producers, who are celebrating the hottest designers and understand what the. our shit stinks just like yours, but you do not smell, because home girl spraying on our hourly klos a refreshing fragrance, the perfume of your exclusive French was created for us.

it is a luxury living - but, hey, someone has to run it, yes.

we all live only a few minutes away from the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Fifth Avenue and have it not far exclusive to our boys and girls schools, as the constance-billard-school, where we are almost all. even in the state verkatertem looks terrific from the fifth avenue, the morning when the sunlight shines on the minds of the boys from St. schnuckligen Jew-school.

it is autumn. the most beautiful and my favorite season in this city. the guys hanging from the central park, kicking balls or romp around like a gang of rampaging kindergarten children - just what guys do in the fall Sun Glue scraps of fall foliage at its knitwear and hair in her tousled. her cheeks are suffused rosy. . . hmmm, who can can resist that? fishnet stockings

high time to unwrap the plastic money and boots at Bendel's and Barney's new with cool, sexy, stock up short wool skirt and cuddly soft cashmere sweaters. in this weeks new york always shines in a special gloss and, hey, we do not want too!

unfortunately it is becoming time to prepare for the new school year. our mark well before last. the pressure is enormous, but I do not see why I should let me stress. this is our last school year and guess what? we celebrate in a thorough and sustainable and still fly us to the top grades as hand-kissing. what I hear? We can not have it all? so please, pulsing in our veins bluest blood east coast. would be ridiculous if we did not manage. so far we have still got what we wanted.

I will watch very closely. watch us all. while you shall help me! comments sightings to new rumors, exciting our favorites and everything else you can pick up so here right with me. No false modesty, but I know you want it too. written as a comment anonymously, no one will care about your name. solely because the question who I am , you will drive the local vending months into madness.
it is a wild and desolate school year ahead. I can smell it.

you know exactly what you love me.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Eating Yeast Pregnant

My neighbor

My neighbor is a church, but not normal but the "cultural church", distinguished by the fact that several times a week Events ( therefore, concerts, readings, cabaret).

Nevertheless, I was just surprised to betray to the loud applause at a time "We are heroes" have begun to sing. But the church is really too small, but they appear to the concert with a to link reading from its own book on Tibet, and make it fit again. Have

Sunday, May 11, 2008

What Does First Period Look Like

old reviews, but why? ;-)

just in my old German-credit course documentation (born 99/00), laminated and came across a very interesting discussion paper from my pen.

I can not but recall exactly what has driven me to write this final word, but I think it was mainly influenced by my former German teacher, who I "really" very appreciated, but I was their political but then to the left. I think I simply wanted to provoke a little, which is probably also succeeded because it has such things written in the margin, such as "This is surely not your real ? Opinion "or" There is need for discussion "Still funny, especially the image of the lead ball is funny. Give

But you have to Loest with his pessimistic insight from today's perspective, right:
Building to the east is actually going very slow and sluggish. If the West the "Easterners" could not have, we might now be the country with the lowest taxes, the most efficient workers and the lowest unemployment rate in Europe.
But Ossi depends on us as the lead ball on the prisoner. This destruction is not only our economy, but our political landscape. Immediately they choose the squad SED / PDS in the Bundestag. "cashing in as Honnecker, live like cabbage, "is the motto of the idle Easterners that we will still prepare a lot of trouble.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Diffrence Molten Pro Touch And Super Touch

A bicycle makes trouble

Since there is hardly a bike, and it brings only trouble and expense.

equal in the first week, which in was used, one could hardly steer properly. Fortunately, on my route just a bike shop come so that I could leave it there to make immediately. New connection between the frame and handlebars are now off, but the 40 EUR price I got it place further by 35 EUR on it.

Yesterday I met with an old friend Viadrina (Eugene) met in Wuppertal. Of course I am using the bike to the Cologne train station. When I came back around 23:00, but was obviously the lock so damaged that I do not aufbekam it. When I had herumgeruckelt a little, I saw that was mounted on the handlebars a note: I should get in touch with the Federal Police in the station. There I was told by the friendly officer that someone was well observed, as he tried to break my lock (I wonder, why does the one who has the ugliest bike Olleste and within selected by 3 km). The police then nabbed him in time. As the castle was not open with the key, the policeman came with a bolt cutters out and cracked the whole thing quick. He said then that the guy I also for damage to property might indicate, but the 5 EUR, I was not then worth a further 20 minutes to spend at the station ...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reduce Infection In A One Month Old

Ackermann and liberalism.

Briefly, as background:
Banks around the world currently suffer from the fact that they have in the past often credit risks simply swept aside and have very quickly moved out money to anyone who wanted it. It turns out that many of these loans are lazy and can not be served. Therefore, the banks had already large depreciation (billions) make, which is not everything, but there are other credit, from which will result in depreciation, but which are difficult to assess so far. depends on the banks like a gear the whole economic system. If the banks so as massive as now come to a stuttering, it's just a matter of time before the rest of the economy as gets into it.

observed very interesting how in this context, convinced liberals, as the head of Deutsche Bank, demanding government action at a time when it comes to their own company-billion. Suddenly we hear nothing more from the absolute self-healing abilities, etc. You could call it almost brazenly, as it is self-inflicted.

"growth and jobs flourish there best where there is economic freedom, or, to put it to Ralf Dahrendorf." Freedom is the Guiding principle of all progress of human affairs "" Josef Ackermann, in a speech in 2007

. We have no time to wait until the U.S. housing market for years to dismantle the imbalance. It takes a concerted effort by banks, governments and central banks. I think here not only to the self-healing forces of the markets. "

Where are down at once the great liberal values? Probably fits somewhere well hidden Easter ...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bad Taste In Mouth After Wisdom Teeth

way to

Since Monday, 03/10/2008 I am free again.
After a night of poor sleep at exactly 8:00 I was standing in front of the copy Fritze, in his usual friendly manner within minutes of 20.'ve printed and bound, then the audit office, where I was the first point at 9:00 with Mrs. Märker submitted my thesis.

Now I am looking for a short let-rent accommodation in Cologne for my internship and then try again by regular exercise to lose some of the eroded diploma bacon. From tomorrow I will begin to apply my intensive.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Pre-pakistan India Map

Erich Fromm - To Have or his

am just woke up and wanted to get rid of nor unconditional.

the text below, I found yesterday at the psychoanalyst and philosopher Erich Fromm. He talks about the marketing character, and is characterized by an apparently very good observation. With a very pleasant, humanist way of thinking he stands in any case all of the "Live each day as if it were your last" by far.

Since 1977, probably not changed much, but it is perhaps even become a little stronger:

I have the term "market character" (marketing character) on the grounds that the individual self as a commodity and worth rather than " use-value "but as" exchange value "experienced. The human being is a commodity on the "personality market." [...]

Success depends largely on how well a person sold on the market if he "wins" (in competition ...), is how attractive its "packaging", whether he was "serene" "solid", "aggressive" "Reliable" and "ambitious" is, on whatever medium it is, which club he belongs, and whether he knows the "right" people. [...] The people of this type does not even have an ego (as people of the 19th century), could hold on to it, belongs to him, not that is changing. For he does his ego constantly on the principle: "I am the way you want me to."

people with such a character structure have no goal except to be constantly in motion and everything to do with the utmost efficiency, you ask her why everything must be done as quickly and efficiently, you get no real answer, only rationalizations such as: "To create more jobs," or: "This weiterexpandiert the company." Philosophical or religious questions about what you live and why you go to one and not the other way, they bring (at least consciously), little interest contrary. They have their big egos constantly changing, but none of them has a self, a core, a sense of identity.

more: Erich Fromm To Have or being. The psychological foundations of a new society, 1976, dtv, or just google for "Erich Fromm" "Have His or enter" ebook, then you will find it too.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Skeleton Adult Pajamas

Andy Warhol - strange understanding of equality

"What is great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy Essentially the same things as the poor. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke and, just think, you can drink Coke too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it. the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it "(Andy Warhol, 1975, p. 101)

Warhol, Andy (1975), The Philosophy of Andy Warhol. From A to B and Back Again, New York. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich

Sunday, February 17, 2008

5 Minute Intraday Stock Data

Frankfurt (Oder) - A dream Lebus

After I noticed yesterday morning that I have even less motivation than usual to put me in front of the thesis, I am in the firm Write to believe a single word, went into the big wide world, and have made me the first time in several months on a long trip in the direction of Lebus. Although
started yesterday legs hurting like it was amputated to the best of it, it was nice overall.
A few impressions from the vicinity of the Oder City:

A tree as a gateway

A bridge, which may only be entered at your own risk

trees, which are reflected in the Oder

The Fährübergang between Lebus and Polish nothing. Because this is a rather narrow place on the Oder, it was probably in particular 2. World War formed a highly competitive space

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Do Anti Yeast Diets Work

to dream:

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pain In Upper Legs From Sitting

brand name

'm just now since stumbled over it, and there are even a few other examples than the usual Pajero. Has certainly caused a cheerful minute with me,

Brand Names That Did not Work:

Crapsy Fruit French cereal
Fduhy Sheshan China Airlines snack food
Mukk Italian yogurt
Pschitt French
lemonade Atum Bom Portuguese tuna
Happy End German toilet paper
Pocari Sweat Japanese sports drink
Zit lemonade
Creap German Japanese coffee creamer
I'm Dripper Japanese instant coffee
polio Czech laundry detergent
Sit & Smile Thai toilet paper
Iranian Barf laundry detergent

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Wedding Reception Invitation Wording

nero_imperator @ 2008-02-03T23: 35:00

Have realized only on Friday that really soon is Carnival. The untrübliche signs was the fact that NKD (textile discounters) deleted from the Neuberesinchen costume prices in half. I mourn not really about nothing mitzubekommen thereof; in Munich you can at least on Carnival Monday and Carnival Tuesday are almost no free space carnival, even the radio stations play all the time the song of the red rubber boot.

What a blessing to live in Frankfurt (O). Morning I buy me some Berlin / Kreppel / pancake / donut (search the word that you like best!) and I hear a grumpy Rammstein-plate ;-)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Ap Biology Lab 1 Diffusion And Osmosis Answers

Short and sweet?

Google Nutshell, they gave me a cancellation of the decision removed ...

brand transfer experience success variables: What a word! :-) Is perhaps a bit too little short and has already been eliminated.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How Do You Congratulate A New Baby In Portuguese


Frankfurt (Oder) brought me back.

After relaxing holidays I have spent in spite of good intentions and entrained many books, almost without a written page in Munich at the family, I'm back again my body to conceive, so that I hope to finish writing in a few days and the part and then adjust everything so that it also fits ;-)

Otherwise I have to struggle with a job at Google and must participate in a Case Study Competition by AIESEC - aligned with Bertelsmann - in Berlin on Friday to prepare. Furthermore, as the free time to have some analysis work for the e-Strat competition from L'Oreal.

I think I'm back at full capacity very well.